Éebnury ifr, ASflLAíW &À&S x föd täl PAus riiKfia MAKE STRIDES | n J wliiic 1 l «5 me » e » ts | CANCER RESEARCH We sell pure leaf lard In bulk. Extra effort has been made in Bring your pail. Detrick’s Groce­ preparing our New Display. We are B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L teria. 130tf confident that our wide variety of Trimmed and Tailored Hats will pos­ See our spring suits at prices Hotel Ashland Guests — FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— One cent the word each tima. sess a particular appeal. Miss Tay­ ~~ , —H1" I ------- ILL Thos. H. Simpson, of Ashland, au­ back to normal. Paulserud’s. 133tf The following guests are register­ lor at Deuel’s store, Medford. 135-3 thorizes his announcement aa a SITUATION WASTED PHYSICIAN«, ed at the Hotel Ashland: Mr. and candidate for the nomination for C(5oK wants situation, exp«rlsnc«d ; Club Meeting— Mrs. Robert P. Payne, R. Rudberg, New Cow Tester— the office of county commissioner There will be a meeting of the St. Paul, Minn.; M. A. Price, P. W. of Jackson county, subject to the In restaurant, club or Institution. ! DR ERNEST A. WOODS—Practlc« Artificial Tumors Produced in John Rican, tester for the Rogue Phone 398. 134-3* 1 Lmited to «ye, ear. no«« and decision of the republican voters College Women’s club Saturday Price, L. D. Price, W. W. Price, J. River cow testing association, has throat. Office hour«, 10 to 12 a c t White Rats by Infesting of said county, at the primary elec­ afternoon at the home of Elizabeth Jardahl, Robert McKee, Portland; resigned and has taken a similar pos­ WANi ED. • to 5. Sweden burg Bldg., Ash­ tion, May 19th, 1922. land, Or«. 7>-tf Ferguson at 314 South Holly street, H. A. Lorenz, Milwaukee, Wis.; Geo. ition in southern California. Mr. Them With Parasites. WANTED— Will pay highest cash Medford. Mrs. Fred Wagner has A. Webben, Los Angeles; H. J. Mc­ prices for furs—skunk, mink, OR. / . J. EMMKNS— Phyekdan .ad Throne, a young man from Corval­ charge of the program for the after- Cracken, Dave Smith, George Smith, lis, has arrived to take up the work Surgeon. Practice Whited to fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, etc. Ed­ non. All college women are invited. Sacramento; H. B. Jordan, Talent; where Mr. Rican left It. Mr. Rican eye, ear, noae and throat. Glasses gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, 11 ed- supplied. Oculist and aprist for ^ f O r ^ O r e ^ P h o n e 9 2 9 ^ ^ ^ 1 2 4 tf A. L. Dillon, Dunsmuir; Mrs. L. M. S P R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Are you still paying the other fel­ Bounds, Frank V. Bounds, C. A. has been with the association for FOR RAWS.. Bldg , Medford, Ore. Phime 5«T low’s bad accounts, or are you fol­ Smith, Eugene, Or.; GeorgeW . Le- about two years and was well liked Raya of Unusual Power Developed by FOR SALE—A Monarch malleable DR. MATTIE II. RH.-IW—Special at­ lowing the crowds to Detrick’s Groce- cord, Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. F. by the members. He goes south to Recently Perfected Apparatus take up work under R. D'. Flaherty, range, with coils, very cheap, in tention to mothers and children terla. 130tf C. Craig, Hornbrook, Calif.; F. W. Will Greatly Aid in Cures— good condition. 156 Mechanic t»t. I Internal secretions and who was formerly manager of the Is Notable Advance. or phono 233-J. 135-3 i glands. Res. and offl©b, I os Pio­ Huber, San Francisco; Jacob Fowler, farm bureau of Jackson county. Will Preach Sunday— neer avenue. Telephone 2S. ftf. Chico, Calif., and Ira Branch, Metz­ New York.—What is called “a most FOR SALE— Light pa r pigeons: j fice hours, 11 io 12 a. m.; 2 to « Rev. Dr. Marvin A. Rader will ger, Or. also jbne do-.en Plymouth Rock | p m. Commencing Saturday morning, important and far-reaching contribu­ preach Sunday morning and evening tion to cancer research” is made hens, $1.50 each, and 30 White | February 11, we will give absolutely at the Methodist Episcopal church, 1. Hyomei’s germ-killing medica­ Leghorn pullets, $1.25 each; and DR. FT I VV—Eye, ear. nose, throat Easy and Economical — Results Qaick known by Dr. Francis Carter Wood, di­ on North Main street. Rev. Rader tion is the only sensible and safe way free with the first ten $5.00 pur­ rector of the Columbia University In­ four does and one buck rabbit. specialist; gl-sses fitted. Office was a classmate of Rev. Edwards at of treating catarrh. Goes right to chases, one 1-lb. fruit cake, valued i stitute of Cancer Research, endowed Black Flemish Giants. Inquire 357 ! a‘ .esidonoe, Pioneer Ave., morn- Liberty St. Owner leaving town. 15 •-./ a; pointment. Phone 28. Denver university and has spent 18 the spot Breathed through the nose at 55c. With the first ten $10.00 by George Crocker, in a report to Pres­ ............... ■ ■. 134-4*1 purchases, one 2-lb. fruit cake. I ident Nicholas Murray Butler. years as a missionary in the Philip­ and mouth. Guaranteed satisfaction PLUMBING Doctor Wood states that two of the pine Islands, and will undoubtedly or money refunded Sold by McNair i These cakes are products of Tru FOR SALE—Good milk cow. W. L. Blue Biscuit Co., at White House I workers in the Columbia laboratories. Moore, Belleview. 133-6 deliver talks worth your time to Bros. -Plumbing, Contract* Dr. Frederick D. Bullock and Miss M. 1 vork. 248 Fifth St., Grocery. hear. R. Curtis, Ph. D., both ranking as asso­ FOR SALE—Single comb White S8-J lOOtf Goes to Portland— Leghorn eggs, for hatching, trap- ciate In cancer research, have discov­ Returned Missionary Talks— Fresh fish, oysters, crabs, dressed ceeied. Also Barred Plymouth *' nqxt Job of plum blag ered a means of producing cancer arti- ' E. V. Carter left for Portland Mrs. Gribble, a returned mission- I fieially in rats, large numbers of which to Je­ chickens, rabbits—visit the Ashland Thursday evening on a business trip Rocks, extra large birds. Phone _>’Noal, Deaver Building a n n e ¿8,_______________ 340-Y. 127-lmo Poultry and Fish Market. Free de­ that will take him out of town for ary of the Brethren church, who has are constantly used in Columbia's VWi I ■ !!■» .W B K I been in the western Africa work for work of cancer research. Of arhat CaJ livery to any part of the city. Phone two or three days. ' J R WASHING FOR SALE— Ford touring car In are fine fea­ “After five years of hard work,” a number of years, gave an interest­ 10b. 13 4-1 mo tures w i t h good condition. 73 Pine St. 130-6* FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and says Doctor Wood, “Doctors Bullock an ugly, mottled elcin, flab­ ing talk at the Congregational : No goods bought at war prices in by flesh, sunken cheek-, polishing, $2.60. Lithla Sarage. and Curtis have finally shown that if FOR SALE—Here is a splendid op­ Piano Recital Saturday— pouches under the eyes, or our store. Our stock was all pur­ church Thursday afternoon to the la­ white rats be infested with the eggs 114. llS tf • careworn, sickly-looking face? portunity: Grocery store doing1 w " Phon« 'xxw g T y j i mau. ---- l - jl j __ , A piano recital will be given Sat­ chased since the drop in price. This dies of the various churches. The of a certain parasite and kept for a nice business, invoice about $3000, TRANSFER AND BZPR8M8. urday evening at the Presbyterian j is one of the reasons why we sell for most striking point of her talk was period of not less than eight months, Few men there ore now who can­ rent $30. O. A. Manning, Talent, not astonishingly add to their energy church at 7:30 o’clock by the pupils less. Detrick’s Groceteria. Oregon. 127.tf FOR prompt and careful service, 130tf the fact that a part of Africa that tumors will develop about the areas in and vigor, clear the akin of erup­ auto trucks or horse drays, cab of Mrs. J. R. Robertson.] All friends was controlled by the Germans prev­ which the parasites are present, and tions and enjoy that splendid firm Whitt]« Treusfwr Go. Phene 127 FOR SALS—White Minorca hatch­ flesh “pep!” of a well-built body. of the pupils and others interested in Club Meeting— ious to the war was a forbidden field that these tumors are virulent cancers Sines i Science wrested from Nature ing eggs, non-eetters, large white Office, 89 Oak street near Hole' which rapidly kill the animals In music are invited to attend. those mysterious life-giving, health- The Come When You Can club met for missionaries. Ashlaud. 56tf •gge, $1.00 for 15. 922 Boule­ building elements—the vitamines— which they start and can easily be vard. Phon« 457-R. 124-lmo at the home of Miss Ninabel Emery thousands upon thousands can tell transplanted to others. Dew Drop Inn—for lunche«. f L. POWELL—GENERAL TR 'NS yon of the amazing and almost For Sale: Brand new Holton C “This is not the first time that can­ Wednesday evening and spent a de­ magic-like results from their use. FEE — Good it&jo and moior- FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown MASTIN’S VITAMON TABLETS lightful evening with fancy work, re­ Melody saxophone, 15 per cent off cer has been produced artificially. It trucks. Good service it a reason Traffic Manager Here— and Wluesap apples, not culls, iOe contain not only yeast vitamines, but oil three of the precious vitamines— box. Half mile w«st cannery. O. able price Phone 8 3 S. T. Sparks, traveling traffic freshments being served during the list price if taken this week. See is Just 146 years since the London sur­ A, B and C—specially concentrated geon Pott showed that certain types of evening. A. Manning, Talent, Or. 114tf Carl Loveland over McGee’s store. manager for the Southern Pacific and combined with true organio iron BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES cancer follow certuin occupations in and the necessary lime salts which 135-2 company, was in the city yesterday TUENI. your system needs to keep you which irritating substances come in WE CAN LOCATE you in most any Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk strong and well. in the interest of his company, and kind of paying business in South­ contact with the body. The best known , Surprise Party — If yon want to quickly clear your 80tf was being piloted about by local Twins— 10 cents ern Oregon. FOUR-SITE SALES GREAT BARGAIN—I have 84 can­ of these types of cancer is the chim­ skin and complexion, put some firm Mrs. A. C. Spencer was responsible healthy flesh on your bones, Increase AGENCY, Business Brokers, Bea­ aries, singers and hens with Agent Kramer. ney-sweeps’ cancer, which developed to ycur nerve force and power and look ver Block, Ashland; Medford Nice Dry Wood! also BIox. Ash­ for the gentle surprise on Miss Mary such an extent in England that laws Will and feel far better, make this simple , breeding cages, seed, etc. Bldg., Medford. 132tf take $200 cash for the lot: too ill Spencer last evening at her home on test : First weigh yourself and meas­ land Lumber Co., phone 20. 92tf Cliff Payns makes shelves. were passed regulating tlie conditions ure yourself. Next, take MASTIN’S to attend to them. The Chair Doc­ East Main street, having arranged under which chimney sweeping could VITAMON TABLETS — two tablets tor, 3d and A Sts. 130-lmo* for the affair by inviting In a few be done. with every meal. Then weigh ««H measure yourself again each week Names Forms of Cancers. FOR RENT—Furnished room with relatives and intimate friends to and continue taking MASTIN'S heat. 85 Second St. 129tf “Other forms of irritation cancer are VITAMON TABLETS regularly until spend the evening. A delicious sup­ BA R BER you are satisfied with your gain in the well-known Kangri basket cancer per was served and a general good IT WILL RISE weight, “pep,” energy and Improved the Kashmir native, the betel-nut appearance. Children’« Work A time was had by the guests as well of Insist upon the Original find cancer on the Inner surface of the Genuine Vitamott—• as Miss Spencer. BperluJ ty cheek among Malays and Filipinos, and the cancers following chronic X- to success and all your fam­ $5.00 REWARD—For return black Safety blades resharpened -Alaska Nugget Chocolate Dipped ray dermatitis. It has also been known ily and friends will praise your like new. Single bit, 39c lee Cream—the new delicious frozen that it is possible to obtain a consider­ Austraittn shepherd, scar under cake and pie baking to the dee. Debule bit, IS« doe. able number of cancers in animals by dainty— 10 cents at Plaza Confec­ left eye, missing since December skies, when you use our bak­ inbreeding cancerous strains, but some T H E O R IG IN A L ÍPABTET í S YEAST < tionery. 135-6 AND 7ITAMINI ing powder. It is pure, health­ years are required to get enough stock, tfNUINE __ 15, answers to name “Teddy." tabuli the number of tumors so obtained is ful and unfailing In baking. Folly guaranteed in every respaflV L A M K IN James M. Watkins Jr., Columbia not always large, and the time of their Order a can or two today. At «11 good druggies, appearance cannot be determined, so Hotel. that experiments requiring many tu­ mors cannot be planned. BARGAINS IN REAL “Another means of inducing cancer ESTATE has been by painting the skin of an —about a Fire Inauranee Polley: animal with tar. This experiment is It never goes out of style; never based upon the observation that work­ FOR SALE— P./1AI ESTATE. ers In briquette factories, where the 153 EAST MAIN ST. P HONE 59 depreciate« in value; there la but City and Ranch Properties skin of the hands is constantly in con­ C o p y rig h t, 19J1, W a a t.r n N e w sp a p e r U n ion FOR SALE— Five room house, cor­ Houses to Rent QUALITY GROCERY « ? / tact with tar, not infrequently develop ner lot 120x130—berries .lots of ose premium to pay during the Softly the evening came. The eun water, close in. Bargain for quick cancer. Professor Fibiger of Copen­ GENERAL DELIVERY SYSTEM SERVICE from the western horizon life of the Policy. It stands be­ sale. Phone 476-J. Easy terms Like a magician extended hie golden hagen has shown also that cancers can 130-6* wand o'er the landscape. be produced in the stomachs of rats tween you and LOSS in case of CITIZEN’S BANK BUILDING Tw inkling vapore arose, and eky and by feeding the animals on a certain water and forest FIRE! parasite, but here also the actual per­ Seemed all on fire a t the touch, and melted and mingled together. centage of production Is small. CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF When you want good Insurance —Evangeline. “In the method devised in this lab­ of any kind, talk to Billings. A oratory, however, the yield is very con WORTH WHILE DISHE8. slderable, over half the animals of a few dollars today may save you certain strain developing cancer. After you have enjoyed Hubbard from Eastern mills just in. Cor\- i thousand tonight. Doctor Wood quotes Dr. J. A. Mur­ squash, baked and steamed and siderable drop hi prices on «Mine. ray, director of the Imperial Cancer mashed, the fol­ Research Fund, London, a noted inves­ GOOD CEDAR POSTS lowing dish will tigator of cancer, as saying recently be worth while New prices on implements and re­ that "one of the great disadvantages pair«... New a id used sewing trying: which retards progress In the study of S o u f f I e d machines for sal« or to rent........ cancer is the absence of a means of Squash.—Take a REAL ESTATI! A INSURANCE producing the diseases at will in exper­ Established 1RS3 Peil's Corner m e d iu m sized imental animals.” Phon© 211 41 E. Main St. Hubbard squusli, “With the discovery made in this remove the seeds laboratory,” Doctor Wood adds, “this and the stringy portion and remove disadvantage no longer exists.” the rind. Place in a steamer and cook Doctor Wood reports the construc­ over boiling water until tender, then tion of a new machine through which, mash and season to taste with salt, during the coming winter, will be add­ pepper and butter. To two cupfuls ed “new and important facts to the of the mashed squash add gradually very vital question of the treatment of one cupful of cream and when well cancer by X-ray.” mixed, the yolks of two well-beaten Seek High-Power X-Rays. eggs. Mix well, then fold In the whites “There has been under considera­ of the eggs beaten stiff. Pour into a tion for some time,” he continues, dis­ buttered baking dish and bake in a cussing experimental work, “the erec­ moderate oven until firm. Serve at T his new B ean outfit meets the dem and for a light-weight rig w ith plenty tion of an apparatus for ’the produc­ once. o f power, high pressure, and big capacity. It delivers 12 gallons o f liquid tion of a direct current at high volt­ 25 East Main St. Bread 8ponge Cake.—Take one and Ashland, Oregon ages in order to produce X-rays of un­ one-half cupfuls of sugar, three- per m inute at 3 0 0 pounds pressure. I f that capacity is about right for usual power, as the limitations of the fourths of a cupful of lard or any you, then the sprayer you ought to have is a Phone 181 commercial machine in certain modes sweet fat, two well-beaten eggs, one of treatment are obvious. fourth of a cupful of sweet milk, two "The matter had been discussed in cupfuls of bread sponge, three cupfuls ■ l l . l l . - J U ! ! . J an Informal way during the last two of flour and one teaspoonful of soda. or three years with a number of ex­ Add spices, raisins and a few nuts if perts, among them Professor Duane liked. Mix well and when risen bake. and Professor Davis, and at the last Stuffed Quinoea.—Peel and core six annual meeting of the Crocker board quinces and place them in a baking it was proposed that the accrued in­ dish with one cupful each of sugar and come of the Bondy fund be devoted water: Fill the cavities with chopped It has B ean porcelain-lined cylinders, the m ost satisfactory cylinders ever to the construction of a more power­ nuts and raisins, cover and bake until developed for a sprayer pump; threadless bail valves, w hich cannot cor­ knows that his method of paying bills is busi­ ful constant current X-ray apparatus tender; set away to cool. Serve with rode or stick tight and w hich can be opened up entirely in less than two than had yet been attempted, with the cream. ness-like. He realizes that his cancelled necessary equipment to permit of ac­ m inutes; B ean patented pressure regulator, w hich holds the pressure to Golden Fleece.—Break in bits and curate determinations in physical melt in a frying pan one-half pound the exact point desired, and saves m uch wear and tear o n engine and checks will be receipt« about which there can units of the exact quantity of radia­ of cheese, adding one cupful of cream pump; long-wearing eccentrics instead o f cranks; and m any other advan­ tion given off by the X-ray tubes. and a dash of cayenne. When smooth be no argument. “Many unforeseen difficulties in the break over this mixture five fresh eggs, tages, including the absence o f stuffing boxes and stuffing box troubles, obtaining of equipment and materials cover for two minutes; when the white bign and send the coupon, w hich describes entire B ean line for 1922 It is not necessary for him to carry large sums have, of course, arisen, as is usual in is set, remove the cover, add salt and the construction of research apparatus; beat the mass briskly with a large of money and his check stubs provide an ac­ but the machine has already been run spoon for a few minutes. It will rise for considerable periods, delivering a In a yellow foam. Serve on buttered curate record of expenditures. continuous current at high voltages, crackers or toast. Corner M ain and Riverside, Medford and gives promise that it will shortly Peanut Butter Fudge.—Take two be capable of furnishing not less than cupfuls of confectioner’s sugar, one- 200,000 volts with considerable amper half cupful of sweet milk, four table­ The Bean Giant Triplex is equipped age, and do this for such long periods spoonfuls of peanut butter; boll five with the new 6 H.P. Bean engine, which of hours or even days as may be nec­ minutes, stir until it thickens, pour can easily and quickly be made available essary In the experimental work.” into buttered pan and ont in squares. for all kinds of power jobs. Ask about it. Ashland, Oregon LOCAL AND PERSONAL X-RAY MACHINE IS IMPROVED Pimply Take MASTIN’! VITAMON TABLHS U W. A. SHELL ^EMASTINSW* V IT A M O N Remember This 7/.?d\TK7O CABIAC PLUM M ER'S Fencing Hillings Agency Ashland Really Co. Houses to Bent Property for Sale A Sprayer Many Growers Have Long Wanted TRIPLEX The Man Who Pays By Check HUBBARD BROTHERS The Citizens Bank Armory Dance Saturday ulglit. A uam . " h lé - íiw iC