PAG« TWO áMtiLOD DAIM th at thfey db not intend to accept the situation as J n e tita b le ahd In Established 1876 Published Every Evening Except curable, and In thia attitu d e they tak e a position th a t is commend Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. able. “ The laborer is w orthy of his hire,” and th e farm er Is entitled to OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY a profit from his investm ent and PAPER his toll. * TELEPHONE 39 Ashland T idings Subscription P rice D elivered In City: One month. .................................. $ .65 Three m o n t h s ............................... 1.95 ♦ WASHINGTON COMMENT Six months ......................... 3.75 One year ...................................... 7.50 He did not have many friends. He .65 The last K nickerbocker victim seldom received any mail— occasion­ 1.95 buried, the last maimed body shlp- ally a letter from the old country, 3.60 O f ped away t0 aorrowinS relatives In the home town, official W ashington or a paper published in his native ADVERTISING RATES turns w hole-heartedly to the task of tongue. No one knew very much D isplay A dvertising holding investigations,” "fixing the about him or took the trouble to in­ Single insertion, each in ch ........... 30c blam e,” and of uttering portentous quire. Hie face was drawn and ser- YEARLY CONTRACTS D isplay A dvertising a^ dJ '° ? ? min0.US remarkB d68igned t 0 |i°u s, and I wondered if there was One tim e a w eek.......................2 7 % c|sh o w the folks a t home how much I DOt a tragedy in hia life- the 8ecret Two tim es a week.......................25 c io n the job the u tte re r is! Every other d a y ......................... 20 c ' A fter a b attle the buzzards gath- k0 had left lu the land of L ocal R eaders his birth. Each line, each tim e ................ . 1 0 c e r ’ a ^ 0r a halocaust the authorities To ru n every other cfay for one who did nothing to prevent it g ath er I He had an acquaintance in the month, each line, each tim e .. 7c I to discuss whose fau lt It was! j village named Hanley, an Engiish- Fo run every Issue for one month All very necessary, doubtless, but m an> who sometimes went out to see or more, each line, each tim e. . 5c ra th e r ineffectual. Regardless of the him. W ith the aid of John Barley- C lassified Column cause of the disaster, w hether It was corn they had hilarious tim es to- One cent the word each time. To run every issue for one month I weight of snow or weakness of steel ®0th0r- Chris had an old violin j r more, %c the word each time. or inefficiency of engineering or which he had brought w ith him from F irst time, p ^ T - l o i ^ l i n e ......... 1 0 c 'laxne83 of bulldin« inspection, or vi- the Fatherland, and which he valued Mail and R ural R ou tes One month .................................. $ Three m onths .............................. Six months .................................. Ons year Friday, February io, 1023 te f class. I did not see him often. “Lead kindly Light, amid th ’ encir- He had his mail box out on the main cling gloom: road, but he lived all alone in a l it- 1 “Lead Thou me on. tie shack back of the cemetery. He • “ The .night Is dark and I am far worked around w herever he could' from home.” g et anything to do, but seemed nev­ The music ceased. The bow slipped e r to be able to get anything ahead. from his fingers. T he violin lay up­ Perhaps he was not industrious, and possibly his appetite for strong drink cosumed some of his earnings, but for the most p a rt Chris seemed just unlucky. DOMESTIC on the bed. His lips moved. Hanley leaned forw ard to caltch his last whisper: “ The Lord is my Shepherd . . . through the valley . . . no evil . . . I shall dwell In the house of the Lord— forever.” (To ho continued) THIS COOKING RANGE HAS ALL CONVENIENCES— It is large enough to acCom- * A. modate the cooking "for 'a^Elg" family or boarding house. Has openings for pots, pans, etc., dish warmer, two bake ovens, etc. Burns either wood or coal. An economical, efficient range th at will give years of service. S C IE N C E A regular feature department edited by Í SIMPSON’S HARDWARE Mrs. Belle D eG raf Domestic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Growers Inc. B raised B eef Mix horseradish, breadcrum bs, salt, Three pounds beef from lower paprika and white sauce. When hot, p a rt of round, two thin slices fat add lemon juice and vinegar. salt pork, carrot, turnip, onion, cel­ B eef R agout ery, one-quarter cup each, cut In Hl-» o . Wipe three pounds of beef cut dice. Salt and pepper. Try out pork from the flank or round Cut intQ SDrinklTVith W1P6 m eat’ !8ma11 cubes; dredge with flour. 3a an pePPe r> dredge Brown m eat in hot frying pan, be- with Hour, and brown entire surface ing careful to avoid burning. Re­ in pork fat. When turning meat, move m eat to kettle with close-fit­ avoid piercing with fork or skewer, ting cover. Brown four tuolespoons Each subsequent’ time, per 8- I bration caused by street cars on a V01*y highly. The strains from the point line .................................... 5c crossing, the undoubted fact rem ains violln> the shuffling feet, and loud which allows the Inner juices to es­ b u tter; add four tablespoons flour, Place In deep heavy pan or and contlnue tjrowning; add one- Card of t h a n k s ............................ >1.00 th a t it is not nearly so im portant to singing kept joy unconfined until cape earthen pudding dish and surround half cups stock or water, one half « d S o d e u i * * " “ I th e b la m e " “ ■> the the hoar grew late. with vegetables and three cups of cup each of carrot and onion, pour Advertising for fratern al orders I ®>u*ity as It is vitally im portant to It was during the early days of boiling w ater; cover closely and bake over meat, season with salt and pep­ o r societies charging a regular inlti- know w hether other such accidents, the w ar when Hanley was out one *tion fee and dues, no discount. Re- both in the national capital and In I evening. A fter a few glasses had four hours in very slow oven, bast­ per and sim m er one an a half hours. ing every half hour and tu rn in g a f­ c £ r g“ da u 6b'° g " a r “rla?edtor‘ Z li’.d ’ t ' T h " ° W T ‘>r° Ce” H " . ' " ’I " “ ’’ ,i“ ’ C° nten,S ° ' Cannelon of Reef ter second hour. Throughout the vertising when an admission or other getting ready to happen. had sunk w ithout a trace,” they be- Two pounds of any cut of lean cooking the liquid should be kept charge Is made. The nation will look with fa r more gan to dicsuss the war. The argu- beef, one tablespoon of fine-chopped —— ---- — —---- , . . ----- favor on the congressman or senator m ent soon became heated. Chris below the boiling point. Serve with parsley, two teaspoons of salt, one In onler uTallay a m isunderstand-i wh° inltlates som ething concrete and crifed “ Gott strafe E n g lan d !” and at horseradish sauce or with sauce teaspoon of onion juice, one-quarter made from liquor in pan. lng among some as to w hat co n stl-; tar-"ible, looking to the prevention the same time smashed his much- teaspoon of pepper, one-fourth cup R ound Steak en C asserole tutes news and what a d v ertisin g ,! of such dreadful calam ities in the Prized violin over H anley’s head, and of soft breadcrum bs, one-fourth Cut round steak in pieces about teaspoon mace, one egg, beaten; one- we print this very simple rule, which ■ future, than on those who seek an the lost chord trem bled away in si- a te^ b etw e e n ’ ^uiTii’H 18 '^ A L L ^ ’ d ^ db i aF'ianlera' . ' ocal no' o r' e' y propos* 'anae‘ neTer H a-ley two inches square; roll in flour and th ird cup of milk. Pass the meat events, where an admission charge I or to decorate heroic rescuers, yelled “ Down with the k a ise r!” and pings; remove to a casserole and add — add the other ingredients, the ADVERTISING.” ThiB applies to j or to hang, draw and q u arter the around the house they ran, dodging broth or hot w ater to covert add egg, beaten, and the breadcrum bs, organizations and societies of every committee of stockholders of the in at one door and out a t another more fat to the pan and in it brown moistened with the m ilk; miv th o r­ kind as well as to individuals. v. j ... L - ... auuiucr, All reports of such activities after 3teel mlU which hired the m anager both yelling in the wildest fashion, a small onion for each service; add oughly and shape in a roll. Bake they have occurred is news. who employed th e superintendent Chris leading and Hanley following these to the casserole; cover and let between 30 and 40 m inutes in a All coming social or organization who paid the workman who rolled in hot pursuit. Chris grabbed an cook about two hours or until n ear­ medium oven; baste frequently with m eetings of societies where n* i tho steel which went into the truss old empty shot gun and pointed it at ly tender; for each service add two fat from salt pork and hot water. money contribution is solicited, inlti- whlch aavo aw av, H»niev’a hOQ,i . .. »«on charged, or collecton taken IS I 1 h ga 6 aw ay' Hanley s head ju st as the la tte r came small strips of carrot and half a doz­ Serve with tom ato or mushroom NEWS. I ------ ------- ’ down with his chair, which, owing en cubes of potato, parboiled and sauce of with m acaroni Italienne. bad m arksm anship, did little to browned in a frying pan; also salt Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon, PUBLIC FORUM weaken the enemy forces, but left and pepper as needed, and let cook 0= Postoffice as Second-class Mall Mat­ ❖ ♦ | th a t piece of fu rn itu re beyond re­ until the vegetables are tender. ter, One Look at Jury pair, Serve in large dish or in individual Enough for Him HOW COME? I Finally Hanley secured the gun and casseroles. rôUîlME P layground ’ E ditor Tidings: “ ’it ’im over the ’ead,” and poor, Braising is steam ing m eat in its San Francisco.—Mose Hawk­ Last Tuesday afternoon while unlucky Chris threw up his hands own juices in the oven— a method ins sat quietly in court before w aiting in front of the Ju n io r high and cried “ Mercie K am erad!” or suitable for solid pieces of m eat not Superior Judge Michael Roche. I school I watched an incident which words to th at effect. And thus the tender enough for roasting, bu t of He was on trial for passing a worthless check. A Jury of surely should interest everyone. Great W ar was fought and won in b etter quality than those utilized in eight men and four women were Three young lads about 13 or 14 m iniature. W hat a pity the great soups and stews. The retention of selected. ¡years old. came out of the building nations could not have accepted the steam under a cover, together with “Well, we are ready,” said and stopped on Xhe walk. From decision of these single com batants basting with the broth, keeps the William Hagerty, assistant dis­ I various pockets came “ the m akings” as the custom was in olden tim e' It m eat moist enough to perm it the trict attorney. | and they calmly and expertly “ rolled would have saved much blood and juices to flow, while the oven heat Hawkins seemed to awaken their own.” The cigarettes were treasure, and rendered all this dis- is intense enough to develiop a rich from a dream. [ soon lighted and youthful shoulders cussion about a league of nations flavor in both m eat and broth. “Is that the jury?” he asked, looking them over. thrown back proudly, and w ith unnecessary. H orseradish Sauce FA R M ER ’S DEFLATION H e was told th a t It w’as. hands in th eir pockets they stru tted O ne-quarter cup freshly grated down Main street tow ard the bust- [ a ®° h ‘ a tt6 r a 8potle<1 Hawkins hesitated, and then horseradish, one-quarter cup soft j ___ ____. - . | fawn became separated from its said; A definite m easure of the defla- ness p art of town. mother, and wandered down from breadcrum bs, one-half teaspoon salt, “Your honor, I have decided to tlon in farm prices is provided in a They were not behind a barn or two tablespoons lemon juice, one ta ­ plead guilty.” the hills. It was a beautiful creature statem ent issued by the departm ent fence taking a smoke on th e sly, but blespoon vinegar, one cup white The Jury was discharged. of agriculture showing th at the aver­ they knew I was an interested spec­ with eyes larg e and trustful. It had sauce, one-quarter teaspoon paprika. | age value per acre of ten crops con­ ta to r and there was no effort a t not learned to be wary of man, and =0 stituting nine-tenths of all crop pro­ concealing th eir act. These boys gave little heed to the evidences of civilization around. It wandered at duction, dropped frqpi $35.75 to were still in short trousers. last in back of the cemetery, and $14.48, or 60 per cent, during the Is there no law in our city pro­ some of the neighbors heard the re­ period of 1919-1921. The fu rth er hibiting the sale of tobacco to min­ port of a gun. rem ark th at the decline is unparal­ ors? If so, is it being enforced? You cannot expect to get the The m atter was reported a t once leled In the records of the depart­ If they do not get th eir tobacco from by telephone to th e game warden, m ent dating from 1866, adds to the the dealers directly, who buys It for mileage that is built into your force of the figures. In the years them ? Isn ’t such a person, even of who soon arrived on the scene. He tire if you neglect tread cuts following the civil w ar the general a lawful age, liable under our laws? went directly to the cabin where or stone bruises. trend was downward, but there was It is a well known fact among Chris lived and inquired if he had no such precipitous descent as In the school children th a t the boys smoke. heard of anybody around killing a Let us tell you if your tires instanced cited. The low point was Look a t your son’s fingers, and see deer. Chris denied any knowledge need repairing. We will be glad reached in 1896', when the produc­ if they are brown with cigarette of such a m atter. W hereupon the to look them over. Now is the tion per acre was less than $8. From stains. It is a tell-tale sign on them warden said he would look around. time. Do not put it off until “All rig h t,” said Chris, “th e re ’s th a t time on there was an apprecia­ and many of them have It. next week. the b arn.” The w arden said he would tion in prices until 1913. The world Whose business is it, the school look first in the “smoke house.” w ar had its great effect in 1916, board’s, the Parents-Teachers asso­ We are always at your service. though prices continued to rise until ciation, police departm ent, or th e Chris threw up his hands and cried, “ Mine Gott, I ’m unlucky!” 1919. parents? Again, I say, “How come?” Poor Chris is gone now, a victim That agriculture has not collapsed of the great w hite plague. It was A MOTHER. under the strain is evidence of the one dark and storm y night in De­ stability of the farm ers. Possibly cember th at he lay dying. W ithin no other industry could have su r­ GUARANTEED VULCANIZ I N C the little cabin there was stillness. vived under like conditions. Had The room was dimly lighted by an prices of m anufactures declined in TEL.125 ASHLAND.ORECON 91 OAK ST. old oil lamp. A few friends and like proportion the situation would neighbors had gathered, and Hanley have been relieved m easurably, but had walked out from the village. no such condition has prevailed. JOHN HERBERT DORAN The heavy breathing of Chris indi­ W hile there has been reduction in CHRIS some things the farm er buys, in few Some people tell you th a t there is cated th a t the end was near. The lines, if any, has the recession been no such thing as luck; th a t th e whole noise of sleigbells could be distinctly equal to th at the tiller of the soil universe is under inexorable law; heard, and singing and laughter as has had to bear. In many he is still and th a t not even a drop of w ater a party of young people passed on paying war prices, if he buys at all can be formed except under rules their way home from the Christm as FE BR U A R Y 3R D TO 19TH Not a difficult problem in arithm etic th a t determ ine its weight, shape and festivities a t the village church. is Involved in arriving a t the conclu­ density.. All the beautiful ciouds, C rystal W hite Soap, 17 b a r s.................................................................. $ 1 .0 0 Aroused by this unusual noise L ennox Soap, 8 0 b a r e .............................................................. $1 OO sion th at it is impossible for the fa r­ w hether woven or folded, w hether Chris asked to be propped up in bed, Jew ell Soap, 3 0 b a r s ................................................................ ’$LOO mer. now getting less than half for light and fleecy or dark and angry, surprising all by his strength and S w ift’s W hite Laundry Soap, 2 3 bars .............................................$ 1 .0 0 his crops th a t he received three are formed according to laws from alertness. Then he called for his R h it e W onder Soap, 3 3 b a r s................................................................$ 1 .0 0 years ago. to purchase with the same which there can be no deviation or violin, which had been partially re­ P . & G. W hite Naptha, 13 b a r s................................................................$ 1 .0 0 liberality when displayed goods at escape. It was Leibnitz who taught paired. He grasped the bow tightly Citrus Pow der, 4 p a c k a g e s........................................................................ $ 1 .0 0 Star Naptha Pow der, 21 packages ..................................................... $ 1 .0 0 prices deflated in less degree than th a t there existed a pre-established in his emaciated fingers and drew P earline, 15 packages ................................................................................$ 1 .0 0 he has suffered. The situation pre­ harmony throughout the universe it trem blingly across the strings. It Ivory Soap Chips, 17 p a c k a g e s.................................................................$ 1 .0 0 sents no abtruse problem in econ­ and th a t all -events take place ac­ seemed at first a strange jum ble of Duck Soap— it flo a ts— 40 cakes .................................................... $1 0 0 Im perial P eroxid e T oilet Soap, 13 b a r e ..................................... .. ‘$ i.o o omics in accounting for present con­ cording to this plan, and th a t the sounds, and was distressingly pain­ Cream Oil (O live O il) Soap, 13 bare ............................................... $ 1 .0 0 ditions. If the chief industry, the whole is unfolding somewhat as a ful to all present. P alm O live, 13 b a r e ...................................................................................$ 1 .0 0 basic one, is not prosperous, others cinem atograph reels off "its scenes. Then there began to be evolved Sw iss R o se (G lycerin e), 13 bare ............................................... * * .$ 1 .0 0 cannot be for long. There m ust be All this may be tru e, and yet in fragm ents of old fam iliar tunes. It ’ar Soap, 13 bare ........................................................................................$ 1 .0 0 • leveling up of farm prices or a lev­ practical life, things seem to happen was a strange and weird melody. DON’T FORGET OUR MEAT A N D CANNED GOODS SPECIALS eling down of other prices before in a more haphazard way. Some One could catch snatches of “Ave prosperity returns. Efforts to cir­ people appear to be lucky, and every­ M aria,” “ Deutschland uber A iles,” cum vent such a course will be un­ thing they touch tu rn s to gold, while “The W atch on the R hine.” There availing. others appear to have been born un- was a m om ent’s confusion, then a H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET The m anner in which farm inter- der an unlucky star, strain from L u th er’s great hymn, ests have been organizing is proof Chris Gauckel belonged to this lat- “ E in’ Feste B urg,” and finally, IMPROVED SERVICE and IMPORTANT CHANGES < ill PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULES Sunday, February 12th MAIN LINE: “ The S hasta” schedules shortened one hour. “ San Francisco Express,” No. 13, arrives San Fran­ cisco 8:10 A. M. (Note: More convenient arrival tim e at Ran Francisco.) Important Changes at Ashland NORTHBOUND: No. 14 for Portland Lv. Ashland 5:30 A. M. Ar. Portland 8:15 P. M. No. 12 for Portland Lv. Ashland 8:15 A. M. Ar. Portland 8:30 P. M. No. 16 for Portland Lv. Ashland 7:00 P. M. Ar. Portland 9:15 A. M. SOUTHBOUND: No. 11 for San Francisco leaves Ashland 4:45 A. M. No. 13 for San Francisco leaves Ashland 10:15 A. M. No im portant change in schedules of trains no: mentioned. F oi f u it h e r p a rtic u la rs a sk A gents, o r secu re copy of tim e t a ­ bles covering all changes. Southern P acific Lines JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent DOLLAR DAYS at Detrick’s Groceteria 10 Large Cans M ilk.................................................... 7 Cans Tomatoes.................................................... 7 Cans Clams.......................................................... 4 Sacks Yellow or White Corn Meal..................... 3 Sacks Pure Kiln Dried Buckwheat................... 13 lbs. Small White Beans........................................... 13 lbs. Bayo Beans...................................................... 13 lbs. Red Mix Beans.............................................. 14 Bars Crystal White Soap..................................... 26 Bars Sw ift’s White Soap................................... 24 Bars White Wonder Soap................................... 14 Bars P. and G. Naptha Soap................................. 14 Bars Palm Olive Soap......................................... 14 Bars Cream Oil Soap............................................. 10 Pkgs. L ux................................................................ 11 Pkgs. Arog Cora S tarch..................................... $1.00- $1 00 $100 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $].00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00' $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Defrick's Groceteria WE DELIVER WE SELL FOR L E S ^ KRUGGEL brothers TIRES ACCESSORIES Second Anniversary Soap Sale PLAZA M ARKET 0200000902230002000 TWO BIG DAYS Friday and Saturday February 10-11 T Bone, Rib and Loin Steak, pound • 20c Chuck and Bony Steak, pound - 16c Roasts, pound - - - 14c to 16c Boiling, pound - - . ioc to 12c Pure Lard, pound . . . . iqc 4th St. Meat Market 0000024848232348010000010001000201000200022348535323482353480101020248485353484848020001000