r îkfcttâay Feferiuu-y 6, l&ad ASHLAND tiA h à HiMAOf See our spring suits at prices Do you want to own an automo­ back to normal. Paulserud’s. 133tf bile? I have a party who desires to ; purchase a home In Ashland and will B u sin ess V isitor— ¡trade an automobile as part pay- FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER— W ash in gton V isitor— W. Miller, a representative of the I ment, and balance on terms. Stev- ; Thos. H. Simpson, of Ashland, au­ Mrs. G. W. Schaffer, of Bremer* Ladd and Tilton bank of Portland, ! ens. Phone 181 thorizes his announcement as a 134-2 physicians . ton, Wash., Is visiting her daughter, I was in Ashland yesterday in the in­ candidate for the nomination for the office of county commissioner i Mrs. Alvian Schaffer Bullen, the terest of the bond department of the V isits H om e F olk s— COOK wants situation, experienced of Jackson county, subject to th e , in restaurant, club or institution OR. ER NEST A. WOODS— Practlcf popular proprietor of the Dew Drop institution. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Roberts came limited to eye, ear, nose and decision of the republican votey Phone 398. 134-3* Inn on the Plaza. Mrs. Schaffer will throat. Office houre, 10 to 12 and up from their ranch near Medford of said county, at the primary elec­ remain for several days with her 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Aeh* _____________ WAN I t D. tion, May 19th, 1922. H ealth Bread. P ure M alted Milk to visit home folks Tuesday. land. Ore. 73-tf daughter. WANTED—To hear from owner of T w ins— 10 cents 8 9 tf Dance Saturday night, Moose hall. White laundry soap, 6 bars for good ranch for sale. State price, OR. J. J. EMMENS—Physician and We have a few boxes of Newtown Practice limited to full particulars. D. F. Bush’ Surgeon. Leedom’§ Orchestra. 135-3 25 cents. Plaza Market. 134-2 R eturns from K lam ath F a lls— apples at 65 cent box. Plaza Mar­ eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses Minneapolis, Minn. 105-13« Roy Clary, who has been in Klam­ supplied. Oculist and aurlst for ket. 134.2 Whipping cream that WILL whip. WANTED— Will pay highest cash> 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. ath Falls for some time returned to V isiting R elatives— and H. 131-4 Mrs. Ed Baer, from the Dead In­ Enders Confectionery. prices for furs—skunk, mink.' Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 667 Ashland today. A tten d R eception a t M e d f o r d - fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, etc. Ed­ dian country, is visiting relatives in An automobile load of Knights of Sanitation a t O. A. C.— for Deep.Heavy Colds gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, Med- : UR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Special at- Special sale at Orres’ Tailor Shop. Ashland this week. Pythias and Pythian Sisters went f o i^ O re ^ P h o n e 929L 12 41 f : tention to mothers and children. The students at Oregon Agricul­ Internal secretlopa and endocrine W h e n • cold gets deep— to Medford Tuesday night to attend Suits tailored to order with extra tural college are being protected as FOR SALK. glands. Res. and office, lb 8 Pio­ Are you still paying the other fel­ 128-tf threatens to become bron­ a reception in honor of the Medford pants free. far as possible against colds and neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ low’s bad accounts, or are you fol­ chitis or pneum onia— rub FOR SALE— Eight pair pigeons; city recorder, Mrs. Mary Webber, nee fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to I grippe these days, the recitation lowing the crowds to Detrlck’s Groce­ also jbne dozen Plymouth Rock Vicks w ell in, cover w ith a p. m. Haswell, who was recently married. Considerably Improved— rooms and laboratories there having hens. $1.50 each, and 30 White 130tf hot flannel cloth, and fix the Margaret Vestal, daughter of Mr. teria. Mrs. Weber is quite a popular young been given a thorough course of dis­ Leghorn pullets, $1.25 each; and DR. SHAW—Eye, ear, nose, throat bedding loosely about the woman, and the party opened In the and Mrs. Vestal, of North Main four does and one buck rabbit,, specialist; glasses fitted. Office infectant during the past week end. neck so that the medicated Black Flemish Giants. Inquire 357 order of a chiavaree, but turned out street, who has been suffering from Adds Another Clerk— at residence, Pioneer Ave., morn­ vapors w ill be inhaled all Edward Gattis has joined the cler­ spinal meningitis, is considerably im­ Liberty St. Owner leaving town. ing and by . j appointment. Phone 28. as a recption and banquet at the Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk ? -■ ; ----------------- night. You should be better ical force at the Square Deal ___________________ 13 4-4* proved. Knights of Pythias hall, which was Twins— 10 cents 80tf PLUMBING in the morning. grocery. followed by dancing. A ‘general FOR SALE—Good milk cow. W. L. Detrick’s Groceteria sells butter Moore, Belleview. 133-6 H. R. ADAMS— Plumbing, Contract­ good time was had by all. C attle Snow ed In— Dew Drop Inn— for lonches. for less. 130tf ing and day work. 248 Fifth St., Reports have reached Ashland FOR SALE— Single comb White, phone 166-J. lOOtf P u re M alted Milk Leghorn eggs, for hatching, trap- that about 40 head of cattle are Nine Pound Roy— Sign Blown Down— nested. Also Barred Plymou.hi PHONE your next Job of plumbing 1 0 cesta m tf Mr. and Mrs. John Folk, of 432 snowed in at Johnson’s Prairie, a apo ub L. J. Orres’ sign in front of his Rocks, extra large birds. Phone to Jerry O'Neal, Beaver Building. Oaar 1 7 Millian Jara UaaJ Yoarfr B street, are the proud parents of point about 35 miles from Ashland 340-Y. 127-lmo place of business on First street, Phone 138. E lectric M older A rrives — on the Green Springs road. It Is a nine pound boy, born a few days was blown down Tuesday night, but FOR SALE—Ford touring car in The electric molding machine, not known whose cattle they are, ago. CAR WASHING good condition. 73 Pine St. 130-6* which Mr. Kitstler of the Bon Ton I fortunately no windows were broken. but it is hoped the owned will be CLASS CAR WASHING and bakery ordered some time ago, has ' Cliff Payns makes shelves. able to locate them before It is too DOES IT PAY TO W’ORRY FOR SALE—Here is a splendid op­ SIRST polishing, $2.50. Lithla Garage. Spring woolens and styles are In portunity: Grocery store doing — arrived, and will be put to work at late. ABOUT A PPEN D IC ITIS? Phone 114. 113tf We sell pure leaT lard in bulk. 128tf nice business, Invoice about $3000, : once. This machine will mold 80 at Orres’ Tailor Shop. QCTC,a\ o aPPendîcltis ne guarded rent $30. O. A. Manning, Talent/ Bring your pail. Detrlck’s Qroce- TR AN SFER AND EX PRESS. Just received a large shipment of against? Yes, by preventing lntesti- loaves of bread per minute, accord-' Oregon. 127tf W ill A ttend D unsm uir F un eral— ■ teria. ISOtf mf?StIon; . Tho intestinal anti dried fruits Including cluster raisins, lng to the manufacturer’s statement. prompt and careful service Adler-i-ka, acts on BOTH up­ FOR SALE—White Minorca hatch-i FOR Mr. and Mrs. Foltz and family, seeded raisins, seedless raisins, cur­ septic, aqto trucks or horse drays, cat per and lower bowels, removing ALL S u ffering from In flu en za— ing eggs, non-setters, large white Whittle Transfer Co. Phone 111 rants, white and black figs, Italian foub decaying matter which might Nioe Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash­ living on B 3treet, left this evening eggs, $1.00 for 15. 922 Boule­ Floyd Darling, who works at the and French prunes and peaches. O ffice, 89 Oak street near Hotel for Dunsmuir to attend the funeral «tart Infection. EXCELLENT for land Lamber Co., phone 20. 92tt vard. Phone 457-R. 124-lmo Ashland. 56tf of a former neighbor, Mrs. Kelso. Southern Pacific roundhouse, and Detrlck’s Groceteria. We sell for gas on stomach or chronic consti­ FOR SALE—Good sound Newtown ! lives with his uncle, C. C. Darling on less. Mrs. Kelso was past 84 years old at r L. PO YELL— GENERAL TRANS i30tf pation. it removes matter which V isitor from T alent— and Winesap apples, not culls, 50c you never thought was in your sys­ North Main street, was taken ill with the time of her death. PER - - Good team and motor Mrs. D. E. Florey of near Talent box. Half mile west cannery. O. | trucks Goo>. service at a reason tem and which nothing else can dis ¡influenza today. Mrs. C. C. Darling, Colum bia H otel G uests— was In our city Wednesday. A. Manning, Talent. Or. 114tf wtlle nr ce odge One man reports It is unbe- P one 93 Have that old suit renovated at who has t 'en suffering from the Late arrivals at the Columbia ho­ lievable the awful impurities Adler- Paulserud’s. 133tf same malady, is holding her own at tel include: J. H. Garvin, Zren H i-ika brought out. T. K. Bolton FOR RENI BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES No goods bought at war prices in 2’ the present time, but she is very lit­ Kruel and family, H. V. Smith, Mr. Druggist. our store. Our stock was all pur­ Sj>ent Tuesday Her«* — FOR RENT—Furnished house. In­ WE CAN LOCATE you In most any tle improved. and Mrs. Jacob Miller, C. C. Dole, kind of paying business in Sou h- chased since the drop in price. This quire 568 East Main. Phone 332- IM'ERURRAN AUTOCAR CO. Mrs. A. L. Gall, of Medford, spent ern O:egon. FOUR-SITE SALES Carl Abraham, W. F. Parry, Port­ J. 133-2 (E ffe c tiv e January 1, 1 8 2 2 ) Is one of the reasons why we sell for Tuesday with friends and relatives 3. Strengthen your stomach and land; O. F. Fiebel, R. G. Staub, M. AGENCY, Business Brokers, Bea­ D aily (E xcept Sunday) less. Detrick’s Groceteria. 130tf in Ashland. ver Block, Ashland; Medford GREAT BARGAIN—I have 84 can­ banish indigestion; Mi-0-Na is guar­ D. Bryant, Roseburg; E| V. Griffith, LV. MEDFORD LV. ASHLAND 132tf aries, singers and hens w ith! Bldg., Medford. anteed by McNair Bros, to do it or Copco, Calif., and Samuel H. Me 7:00 a. m. 7:00 a. m. breeding cages, seed, etc. Will 8:00 a. m. money back. 8:00 a. m. take $200 cash for the lot; too ill Call, Hilt, Calif. 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. to attend to them. The Chair Doc­ 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m Sunday School M eeting— tor, 3d and A Sts. 1'30-lmo* W . A. SH ELL 11:00 a. m. For Sale: Brand new Holton C 11:00 a. m. The union meeting of the Sunday 12:00 noon 12:00 noon FOR RENT—Furnished room with B A R B E R schools of the city met at the Bap- Melody saxophone, 15 per cent off 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. heat. 85 Second St. 129tf list price if taken this week. See 2:00 p. m. FE BR U A R Y 3R D TO 19TH i tist church Tuesday evening. Var- 2:00 p. m. C hildren’s W ork A 3:00 p. m. , ious matters of interest in the Sun­ Carl Loveland over McGee's store. 3:00 p. m. Crystal White Soap, 18 bars....................................................... $ 1 .0 0 4:00 p. m. Specialty 135-2 4:00 p. m. day school were discussed. A good Lennox Soap, 30 bars................................................................... $ 1 .0 0 5:00 p. m. 6:00 p, m. attendance was reported. Jewell Soap, 30 b a r s .................................................................................... $ 1 .0 0 6:00 p. m. Safety blades resharpened 6:06 p. m. M oves Today— Swift’s White Laundry Soap, 25 bars ..................................... $ 1 .0 0 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m like new. Single bit, 36c $5.00 REWARD—For return black W. E. Leer and family have moved 8:30 p. m. Sat. only White Wonder Soap, 23 bars...................................................... $ 1 .0 0 Wanted: To buy a home located 8:30 p. m. doz. Dohule bit, 60c doi. P . A G. White Naptha, 13 b a r s ................................................................$ 1 .0 0 Australan shepherd, scar under 9:80 p. m within two blocks of public library. from 156 Third street to the Taylor 9:30 p. m C itrus P ow der, 4 p a c k a g e s........................................................................ $ 1 .0 0 10:30 p. m. Sat. only 10:30 p. m Call Ashland Realty, opposite city property at 860 Ashland street. left eye, missing since December Star Naptha Powder, 21 packages ............................................ $ 1 .0 0 Sunday Schedule hall. 134-2 P earlin e, 15 packages .................................................................. $ 1 .0 0 Leave Medford for Ashland and 0. B. L A M K I N 15, answers to name “Teddy.’’ Milk, 11c can; $1.30 dozen; $5.25 Ivory Soap Chips, 17 p a c k a g e s.................................................................$ 1 .0 0 Ashland for Medford every hour on 135tf the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m • D uck Soap— it floats— 40 cakes ......................................................... $ 1 .0 0 Attends Banquet nt Rouge Riven— case. Plaza Market. James M. Watkins Jr., Columbia Imperial Peroxide Toilet Soap, 13 h a r s ................................... $ 1 .0 0 then 6:30 p. m. and 9:80 p. m. Rev. C. C. Hulet attended the ban­ Cream Oil (O live O il) Soap, 13 Lars ............................................... $ 1 .0 0 Hotel. 133-4* Ashland waiting room—Hast Side quet and formal opening of the social R eturns from E tn a M ills— Palm Olive, 13 b a r s ...................................................................... $ 1 .0 0 BARGAINS IN REAL Pharmacy. H. C. Stock, who took the body of comm unity hall at Rogue River last B8TATE Swiss Rose (Glycerine), 13 bars .............................................. $1 .0 0 JAOKSONVTLLE-MEDFORD ’ar Soap, 13 bars .......................................................................... $ 1 .0 0 evening. The building was recently Miss Margaret Fay to Etna Mills D aily (E xcep t Sunday) DON’T FORGET OUR MEAT AND CANNED GOODS SPECIALS LV. MEDFORD erected by the Presbyterian church Tuesday, returned Wednesday, ar­ LV. J ’S’NV’LB riving in Ashland at about 7 o’clock 7:40 a. m. of that to^n. FOR MALE— REAL ESTATE. City and R oach Properties 8:45 a. m in the evening. While considerable 7 :20 a. m. H ouses to R ent 8:15 a. m. 9:50 a. m. FOR SALE—Five room house, cor­ Fresh fish, oysters, crabs, dressed snow has fallen on the top of the 9:20 a. m. 11:16 a. m. ner lot 120x130—berries .lots of , chickens, rabbits—visit the Ashland Slsklyous, the roads are In very good 10:45 a. m. 11:15 a. m. water, close in. Bargain for quick H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET shape. 12:00 noon Poultry and Fish Market. Free de- 12:30 p. m sale. Phone 476-J. Easy terms, CITIZEN’S BANK BUILDING 1:20 p. m. 1:60 p. m. ! livery to any part of the city. Phone 130-6* p. m. 3:20 p. m Candy! Candy! Candy! Watch 2:46 10b. 134-lmo 3:45 p. m. 4:30 p. m FOR SALE— Building lot, 142x50 Rose Bros, windows. 131-tf 5:00 p. m. feet. Call at 128 Laurel St. 5:80 p. m. 133-eod-3 5:55 p. m. One Route Again— 7:00 p. m. 9:30 p. m Jo Neil, agent for the Portland 8:00 p.m. Sat. only 7;80 p. m. FOR SALE OR TRADE— 80 acres of land with improvements in Sur­ Sat. only 10:30 p. m. Journal, who has been unable to at­ 9:50 p.m. prise Valley, Cedarville, Calif. Sunday Only tend to his paper route for some Will sell or exchange for ranch LV, J ’S’NV’LB LV. MEDFORD time. Is again able to take up his 8:00 a. m. property near Ashland. Write I. S. —about a Fire Insurance Policy: 8:50 a. m. Brown, Cedarville. CaliL__13_4-3 1 work. 9:20 am . 9:60 a. m. It never goes out of style; never 10:45 a. m. 11:18 a. m. 12:15 p. m. 12: Ì5 p. m. Recovering from Illness— Tamales of quality, served in the depreciates in value; there is but 1:20 p. m. 1:60 p. tt. Mrs. C. A. Cotter who has been husk, at Rose Bros. 181tf 2:50 p. m. 8:20 p. m. confined to her bed for several days one premium to pay during the 3:45 p. m. 4:80 p. m M a k e frequent sowings 5:00 p. m. L oses H o r s e - 6 :30 p. a with an attack of influenza, is now I life of the Policy. It stands be­ 9:80 d . m. convalescent. Frank Bechtel, who resides on 7:00 p. m. f o r su ccessive crops MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE “ ! tween you and LOSS In case of Chestnut street, had the misfortune D aily (E xcept Sunday) FIRE! to have a horse die yesterday on Oak LV. MEDFORD S e le c t y o u r seeds LV. ROSEBURG street. It is said that the horse had 11:00 a. m. 0ARLOAD SHIPMENT OF When you want good Insuranc-t 1:00 p. m. e a r ly fr o m Travel by stage; shortest route by not been exercises for several days, TfceSierling Seed Case of any kind, talk to Billings. A and the trip from Chestnut street 20 miles; one of Oregon’s most trips; we save you time and few dollars today may save you down town retsulted In the horse scenic money. taking asthenia and dying In a few i thousand tonight. Fare— Medford-Roseburg, $4.00; from E astern m ills jn st la . Con­ siderable drop in prices on sam e. mlndtes. Grants-Paes-Roeeburg, $8.00. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS LOCAL AND PERSONAL B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Rub The Chest VICKS w V R Second Anniversary Soap Sale PLAZA MARKET Remember This N orthrur K ing &C c ’ s AU Standard Si^e Vegetable Packets Fencing At'Your Dealers M EDFORD-GRANTS PA SS D aily and Sunday LV. M EDFORD LV. G T S PASS Chinook Kippered Salmon just ar­ rived—it's fine. Plaza Market. 135tf 1,1:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. 4:30 p. m. 4 :4 5 p. m. Stopping in T o w n - Grants Pass waiting room—Tht Rev. W. L» Van Nuys is In town phone 160. today between trains consulting Bonbonniere, Office and waiting room— No. 5 with Rev. Koehler about Sunday S. Front St.. Nash Ho’el building. = = = = school work in the Presbyterian church. All wishing to join the Smith- Hughes sewing or millinery classes, should enroll. Sewing will be under direction of Mrs. Huntsberry of Mrs. Wade. Applicants have choice of either teacher until class is filled. For further information, apply to Mre. Louis Dodge. 133-3 Dinner Gaaafr" Grow Vour Own Mrs. Mattie Romberg was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Ross Tuesday and was^he dinner guest of Dr. and Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg Wednesday evening. Mrs. Romberg left last night for Los Angeles, where she will give a few recitals. Extra effort has been made in preparing our New Display. We are confident that our wide variety of Trimmed and Tailored Hats will pos­ sess a particular appeal. Miss Tay­ lor at Deuel’s store, Medford. 135-3 We invite you to look over our stock of Paints Wall Paper Sanitas and other Decorative Material. We willingly give prices and figure amounts needed. Dickerson & Son THE PAINT MAN GOOD CEDAR POSTS New prices on implements and re­ pairs. . New & id used sewing machines for sale or to r e n t . . . . . Peil’s Corner Billings Agency REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE E stablished 1883 Phone 211 41 E. Main St. The Man Who Pays By Cheek knows that his method of paying bills is busi­ ness-like. He realizes that his cancelled checks will be receipts about which there can be no argument. It is not necessary for him to carry large sums of money and his check stubs provide an ac­ curate record of expenditures. The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon j