U.h i tt i ) iatìÀtAftii • ijá M Ashland ;iy > Tidings Established 1876 uoiUbtxl Every Evening Sunday Except TH E ASHLAND PRINTING ÇO. SIR TOAD ^C\v^^í*fo‘X\'*íóí*bv.v.v.v.*.v.'.. Thursday, February p, j M curacy of this prediction, but Aunt Pony was very sure. Had she not always noticed it, and had not her Before killing a toad, stop a min­ MET, COURTED ANO WERE ute and give him a hearing. He .may MARRIED IN FOUR DAYS iather aiways sald the 9ame thlng be better than he looks. and, If further proof were necessary, DOMESTIC S C IE N C E Our ancestors condemned him as a had not the Indians, who inhabited poisonous reptile. Shakespeare’s these regions, revealed it to the witches stewed him in a pot as a TELEPHONE 39 white man? -for- component part of hell broth. He A regular feature department edited by •ubscription P rice D elivered in City: Aunt Pony does not hesitate to FEBRUARY 14TH Jne m onth ......................................> .65 was publicly accused and condemned say what she thinks. If one did not Three m o n th s ........................... 1.95 for making cow’s milk bloody; for Mrs. Belle DeGraf know her, he would be shocked some W e have the kind the kid­ Mx months ............................... 3.75 putting warts on children’s hands; times at her language. She does not Domestic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Grovers Inc. •he year ................................. 7.50 and for poisoning infant’s breath; dies take to — B right and I spare even her friends and relatives. M a il a n d R u r a t R o u t e s though some people believed he Clever. >ne month .. ......................... $ .65 On one occasion, she said to me: “I brought luck to the house in the cel­ hree m o n th s........................... 1.95 ! have five son-in-laws, and there Isn’t COOKING PROCESSES •ix mouths ............................... 3.60 lar of which he lived, and that some­ top round steak, one-half inch thick; Lace Valentines, lc to 25c ) but one of them that’s worth a darn. R aking »ns year ................................. 6.5i times he carried a jewel called a suet, two or three small slices; car­ Mechanical and Cut-Out The devil owed me and Andy a debt Baking is accomplished in the rot, cubed, one-quarter cupful; on­ toadstone in his head. A D V E R T IS IN G R A T E S and he paid it off in son-in-laws.” Novelty Cards, 5c to 15c As a matter of fact, science has oven with various degrees of heat. D isp la y A d v e r t is in g ion, one small one, sliced; boiling She is a good story-teller, and her dngle insertion, each inch.......... 30c acquitted him of all these charges, The difference between baking and Red Hearts, All Sizes YEARLY CONTRACTS language is picturesque and vivid, broiling food is that one is cooked water or stock, one cupful. Stuffing and stripped him of these honors. He 10c Pkg. D isplay A dvertising but uuiortunately many of her ex­ in a dry heat and the other is cooked made from: Soft breadcrumbs, one me time a week...................... 27 %c is nothing but a good, homely fel­ pressions are unprintable, and the in moist heat. Party Favors, 10c Two times a week......................25 c low that goes about the garden and cupful; celery, cut fine, two table­ censorship would have to be em­ iv e r y other d a y ............................. 20 c farm nights, eating worms, bugs, F rying Valentine Paper Napkins spoons; salt, one-half teaspoon; pa­ ployed to such an extent that her Local R eaders beetles, snails, flies, caterpillars and There are three methods for fry­ lc each prika, one-eighth teaspoon; onion ¡2ach line, each tim e...................10c other small fry that inhabit the farm stories would look worse in print ing foods; immersing in. deep, hot To run every other dby for one than a doughboy’s letter from fat; sauteing or cooking in a small juice, teaspoon. Trim the edges of i Valentine Postals, 3 for 5c month, each line, each time. . 7c to its harm. By day he mostly hides France. the steak, spread over it the stu ff- j in damp shady places for comfort To ran every issue for one month amount of fat in a frying pan; or Make your selections while But while Aunt Pony uses very or more, each line, each tim e .. 5c and for refuge from hawks, snakes pan broiling, which is done in a i ing, roll and tie and lay In a pan C lassified Column plain language, her heart is full of very hot pan without fat, but turn­ | on the onion and carrot with the su e t: our assortm ent is complete. and small boys. One cent the word each time. kinduess. She will walk many miles ing frequently to avoid burning. on top. Pour the water or stock Some English gardeners who have To run every issue for one month to minister to the sick, and if any­ into the pan; cook closely covered learned a thing or two about toads er more, the word each time. SOME MEAT RECIPES one is in need, she is ready to lend for 20 minutes or more in a hot oven Legal Rate say that the reason’s work of the Lamb Stew a helping hand. Though poor in | and then uncover and cook 30 min-1 First time, per 8-polnt line........ 10c average toad in a garden is worth Bach subsequent time, per 8- this world’s goods, Aunt Pony re Breast of lamb, two pounds; boil utes ionger. Serve with brown gravy Storl point line ............................... Sc no less than >5. If this toad were sponded to every worthy cause dur­ ing water, two cups; potatoes, fo u r!made from the drippings in the pan. Card of th a n k s ............., ..........>1.00 given a cent for each cutworm he ing the war, and bought war savings medium sized, quartered and par-) Obituaries, the line ............ l^ c destroyed, he could earn more than boiled; onion, one, sliced; rice, two Fraternal Orders and S ocieties A few days ago this beautiful young stamps beyond her means. $20 in one season on this pest alone Advertising for fraternal orders After long and wide experimentation woman was Miss Charlotte Rich. tablespoons; tomato, strained, one Not long ago a creadful fire oc­ er societies charging a regular initi­ Then she met Albert E. DuBrin, a cupful, or tomato ketchup, one table-! ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ with toad9, entomogolists venture to New York broker, in San Francisco, curred at Klamath, a neighboring spoon; salt and pepper. Brown the) ligious and benevolent orders will "be state that in 90 days one adult toad and now she’s no longer Miss Rich. town across the mountains. An old charged the regular rate for all ad will eat 2160 cutworms, 1800 thous­ The courtship lasted only four days, wooden hotel had caught fire in the onions in a little of the fat in a sauce ▼ertlstng when an admission or other and-legged worms, 2160 sow bugs, pan; put them in the meat, cut but that wars three days too long for dead of night, and burned so rapidly charge is made. that many people were caught in the roughly into cube-shaped pieces, 3240 ants, 360 weevils and 360 Mr. DuBrin. W hat C onstitutes A dvertising ground beetles. All these except the flames with no means of escape, and about one and a half inches thick, In order to allay a misunderstand­ beetles are rank enemies of man­ third is warm and bright, then I were burned beyond recognition. I and sprinkled with salt and pepper. ing among some as to what consti­ kind. know what kind of weather we will was surprised and shocked when I Cover them with boiling water; heat FEATURING tutes news and what advertising, Beside this list of insects, the toad have two months before the ground noticed in the long list of victims, this to the boiling point again, then wo print this very simple rule, Which is used by newspapers to differenti­ is pleased to eat all kinds and condi­ hog has a chance to see his shadow. two names that were familiar. They let it simmer directly over the heat ate between them: “ALL future tions of caterpillars, grasshoppers, After dinner, Aunt Pony took) were the daughter and grand-daugh- for two hours; or cook it over hot events, where an admission charge white grubworms, and, in short, ev­ her pipe from the mantle over the ter of Aunt Pony. Their lives had water for three hours, or until the) Is made or a collection Is taken IS meat is tender. After one hour of ADVERTISING.“ This applies to ery sucking and biting plant pest great fireplace, crushed a bit of h e ribeen snuffed out in that awful holo- simmering add the rice; half an hour organizations and societies of every that moves. Dead and motionless favorite brand of tobacco in the hoi-. caust without warning. I wondered The G re a te st P ic tu re of H er C areer kind as well as to Individuals. game have no attraction for him. low of her hand, placed it in the bow Andy and Aunt Pony would before dishing the stew, add the po­ All reports of Buch activities after Ninety-eight per cent of the toad’s her pipe, and sat down iu • stand this sudden shock. A few tatoes; when they are done, remove they have occurred is news. the bones and pieces of fat, stir in All coming social or organization food is made up of small animal her rocker. Some things grow mel- days passed by when I saw them sit- the tomato or ketchup, add salt and Friday—Saturday— meetings of societies where no matter. A toad has been known to low with age, but not so with Aunt ting under a large tree near their pepper, if needed, and serve. money contribution IS soli el ted, Initi­ eat at one sitting, 77 thousand-leg­ Pony’s pipe. It has waxed strong cabin door. I ventured to stop Breast of lamb, while rather ation charged, or collecton taken IS ged worms; at another 37 tent cat­ with the passing years. It can eas­ moment and extend my sympathy. NEWS. wasteful in appearance, is one of erpillars; at a third, 65 gipsy moths, ily be found in the dark without the They were remarkably composed, the most economical parts of the Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, and at a fourth 55 army worms. A aid of a radium button. Even should and there was alook of satisfaction Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ toad can eat 100 house flies consecu­ it be misplaced, its penetrating odorjin Aunt Pony’s eyes as she told me animal. It is always less in price Super Production ter. tively without dulling his appetite. reveals its location. It is a friend! tbat i®he (had assurance th at her than the loin or leg, and can be Ninety-eight rose bugs will not stall that has never forsaken her, and h as1 daughter and grand-daughter were used in many different ways. The ^SüMriE^pLAYGROUMÍf small, soft bones add flavor to this him. He will eat food to four times solaced her in many a disappointed not in the fire. Sunday—Monday— Some seek comfort from “How’s that?” I inquired quickly, particular cut, which is not the case the capacity of his stomach In 24 hour. OF AMERICA friends in times of sorrow; others Then she told me of how an Indian in any other cut of lamb. It may summer hours. Now, If one were looking for a give way to grief, or maybe resort brave had been desperately in love be stuffed and baked or breaded and —in “ DOUBLING FOR ROMEO J > good friend, need one go farther to prayer. But Aunt Pony draws with the beautiful girl, and in the baked, serving with a tomato sauce. Boiled Flank of Reef than the toad? When next you feel peace and abiding comfort from her silent hours of the night he had One flank steak, or one pound of that you must kill a toad, withdraw pipe. slipped into the hotel, kidnapped the "Are there many acorns this fall” your hand and kill a mole instead. mother and daughter, and set fire asked. I knew that Aunt Pony to the hotel, and in the confusion had a number of pigs running in the that followed, made good his escape. Sick F o lk s Im proving— woods, and that she depended on the It is comforting to believe that G. W. Benedict, of Mountain ave­ crop of acorns to furnish the feed they escaped death,” I said. “But nue, who has been quite 111, is re­ | what evidence do you have that they ported as improving. Mrs. Anna for the winter’s supply of pork. THOS. H. SIMPSON FOR “Not many,” she said. “You know were kidnapped?” Grubb was able to set up today after it rained on the twenty-second day, “Andy can not shed a tear,” she COUNTY COMMISSIONER several days in bed. Vernon Phipps, of June.” ;said, “so we know that they were son of E. E. Phipps, of Pine street, “Well, what has rain on the twen­ not in the fire.” And besides she In another column today will be has been quite sick with grippe, but ty-second day of last June to do with had been to the village and had con­ read the announcement of Thos. H. is now much improved. the crop of acorns this fall?” I sulted a medium who told her that Keep d ry OLYMPIC BUTTERMILK EGG Simpson as a candidate for the re­ asked. She paused to take one long they were carried away swiftly in a MASH or OLYMPIC EGG BUILDER in publican nomination for the office of draught from her pipe before ans­ large black car. county commissioner. Mr. Simpson self-feeding hoppers before the birds con­ wering. Then as the smoke cleared Aunt Pony’s form is bent, but she is a broad guaged man, big enough away, she said: “Why, if it rains on is the very soul of wit and optimism, stantly. See th a t the hens eat a t least as to represent the whole county of the twenty-second day of June there and it would pay anyone to go a long ------By------ much d ry m ash by w eight each day as Jackson. He has had experience in will be no acorns that fall.” Andy distance out of his way to study a JOHN HERBERT DORAN the place, having filled acceptably expressed some doubt as to the ac- character so unusual. scratch grain. The m ash is very largely AUNT PONY the unexpired term of the late the egg builder, and hens m ay eat 55 to 65- It is remarkable how many curious George Owen. His candidacy will facts about this world and the world be highly acceptable to the voters of p er cent of OLYMPIC BUTTERMILK to come you can learn from a real this section. EGG MASH or OLYMPIC EGG BUILD­ native of the hills. These facts I have never read in any encyclopaedia ER. D o n ’t mix an y th in g else w ith Olym­ SU FFRA G E FOR CAPITAL or heard discussed in science halls. pic laying m ashes. F eed only enough I wonder sometimes if we had not CHICKEN FEED Most Americans take' pride in their better close our institutions of OLYMPIC SCRATCH in deep straw litte r national capital. During the war learning, and send the students Into to keep the fowls active and supply the the boast that Washington had be­ the wilds and let them get first­ come “the capital of the world” was hand information. necessary body m aintenance. The am ount often heard, and every time a patriot Sometime ago, I saw Aunt Pony of scratch will vary w ith kind of hens, heard it his chest expanded a trifle. and she discoursed to me about sun­ w eather, season and production. O rd in ar­ As the capital of the world’s great­ dry matters of interest, telling me est nation, Washington will never many things of which no scientist ily, 8 to 12 pounds of grain p er d ay to 100 again take second place to any capi­ had ever dreamed. Now, Aunt Pony hens will be required. F eed by judgm ent, tal, European or otherwise. always has dinner ready at 11 Yet how many know that a man o’clock, and I have a standing invi­ not by w eight or m easure. F eed about or woman who resides in Washing­ tation to dine with them. It was a one th ird of the daily grain ratio n in the ton, or the District of Columbia, is real dinner, too, not “lunch” such as deprived of the ordinary rights of a the unfortunate city folk have, but m orning, and two th ird s a t afternoon feed­ citizen of the United States? Elec­ spare-ribs, venison, sweet potatoes, ing. W atch the hens and feed according tions come so frequently that many hot rolls, wild hopey. Baking to dem ands. Old hens and retarded pul­ of us, even the newly-enfranchised One day as we sat at dinner, Aunt more pie& women, often do not regard them as Pony was telling me to be sure and lets can often be boosted along by an a d ­ - ---------, ...tiffins, e tc much of a duty; certainly no one note the kind of weather we had the th en a can of most othu ditional m oist m ash feed once a day. Mix thiuks of the opportunity of helping first three days of December. “For,” brands. the stra ig h t egg m ash ju s t crum bly w ith to name local or national govern­ she said, “these three days rule the It lasts lo n g er- goes farther be­ ment officials as a privilege. months of December, January and w ater and feed in troughs about noon cause it contains more than the or­ HOG FEED But every man and woman, gov­ February. The first day shows the MADE BY A THUS? F eed only w hat will becleaned up in about dinary leavening s tre n g th - there­ ernment employe or otherwise, who kind of weather for December, the fore you use less. resides in the District of Columbia second day indicates the kind of 30 m inutes. T here should alw ays be an unlim ited supply of green feed, grit, shell. is denied a voice in anything affect­ weather for January, and the third When a recipe calls for two tea­ charcoal and pu re w ater. ing the district or the city of Wash­ is an exact copy of the weather in spoons of baking powder, use two ington, and has no vote in selecting February.” Now, is not this a bit level teaspoons of Calumet, the re­ We are confident th a t Olympic F eeds are “ FOREMOST IN THE FIELD .” any public official, even a president of information worth knowing? How We sults will always be the same — know th a t they are scientifically m ade and are serving satisfactorily all users, of the United States. The affairs of had I lived all these years without perfectly raised bakings—remem­ B uy the District of Columbia are admin­ observing these facts, and why had ber this when you buy baking pow­ them from your dealer. istered by commissioners named by the weather bureau at Washington der and don’t forget that Calumet the president and by committees ap­ failed to enlighten us on so import­ is the economic buy because it goes farther. pointed by the senate and house of ant a matter? I will have no more congress. It has ever been so. of their bulletins! A pound can of Calumet contains full A bill for a constitutional amend­ At last I know how to plan my 16oz. Some baking powders com em ment, granting suffrage at national work for these three months. If the 12 oz. instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure elections to the district, is now be­ afternoon of December first is E. W. FLACKUS — ALDEN POWELL you get a pound wEen you want it. fore the senate district committee. stormy, then I know that the last Proprietors Its adoption would be a forward step. half of December will be cold, and I To deny a vote to half a million peo­ can prepare for such an emergency, 383 E ast Main St. ple is un-American and autocratic. ASHLAND and if the forenoon of December Phone 37 O FFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PA PER McNair Last Time Tonight ro s. ‘Madame X’ Pauline Frederick HARRY CAREY I" “The Fox" ING THE LAYERS Just Folks ! H ^IÍ gpi Í 1 1 SQUARE DEAL GROCERY