A sh land D ai iat T idings SHLAND climate, without the aid of medicine, cure« nine cages out of ten of asthma. Thia la a proven fa c t - i b>. j^ a V O L U M E 3 ’ (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) (International News Wire Service) ASHLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1922 MARKE JL* ALARIA germa cafltct aurrive three montha in the rich oaone at Ashland. The pure domestic wa­ ter helps. No. 135 SES SENAT Borah Planning Fighi On Bonus Irish Revolution Becoming Serious WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 9.— The republican party ’s soldier bonus plan will be denounced in the senate today by Senator Borah of Idaho, as! i an attem pt of the party to buy con-j — — ---------- trol of congress in much the same WASHINGTON, D. C-, Feb. 9 __ way as It was alleged a single seat The treasury departm ent building was bought in the Newberry case. caught fire late yesterday afternoon, Borah will shortly begin a fight on, causjng a general alarm to be the bonus plan which he intends to SOunded carry on in characteristic fashion. j The ¿lre was extinguished after In the speech with which he will cauaing a loss of approximately open his campaign, Borah intends to tell the senate th a t poltical expedi­ H undreds of girl clerks rushed out ency, and not love for the ex-service in a panic. Some were slightly in­ man, is behind the vociferous sup­ jured in their frantic efforts to es­ port accorded the bonus plan by cape. many members of congress. The fire broke out in the roof, BELFAST, Feb. 9. — Fighting which accompanied wholesale raids and kidnapping in the southern counties of the Ulster province, spread to Belfast last night, where one man was killed. There was fir­ ing in the streets of the city through­ out the night. Nine Perish In Coal Mine Blast BY PASSAGE OF WILLIAMSON, W. Va., Feb. 9.— Nine miners were killed and' three believed fatally injured in an ex­ plosion of the workings of the Mari­ etta Coal company, on Hinson creek, Kentucky, according to word re­ According to A. C. M arsters, pres­ ceived here last night. ident of the Roseburg and Douglas ONE OP FILMDOxM’S BIGGEST IN­ Eight bodies have been removed County M erchants’ association, Rose­ from the wrecked operations at DEPENDENT DIRECTORS NOW BELFAST, Feb. 9.— Armed repub­ burg will entertain the annual con- dawn today, and workers were slowly MEASURE WAS PA SSED P R E ­ UNDER SURVEILLANCE; NAME lican raiders who swept across the VIOUSLY BY THE HOUSE AND TT1 . , .. , , j i ventions of the Retail M erchants and Ulster frontier again today, seized •>. «^x, digging their way into the debris WITHHELD FROM PRESS. NOW GOES TO THE PR ESIDENT ... , . , ,, Shoe Dealers associations the 20th, where other bodies were expected to nine soldiers and special policemen FOR HIS APPROVAL. 21st and 22d of this month. be found. At least one w orker was in Ferm anagh county. This Man, Recently Divorced, Was The business men of Roseburg known to be missing. Fire broke out in Enniskilen, the I t Provides* That OiganJzttfions of Said to be Madly in Love with have perfected plans to take care of The explosion occurred when the largest city in Ferm anagh county. Farm ers May Be Form ed to Sell these conventions. Sufficient funds night shift went on duty last night. Actress Who Apparently Held O o p s C ollectively and G rants Im ­ have been raised to defray the ex­ Fire from the explosion ignited coal Taylor in Higher Esteem. m unity from A nti-T rust A ct. NAVY ORDANACE PLANT CLOSES penses. Interesting speakers have dust and gas and a bigger blast fol­ been secured on live business topics lowed. WASHINGTON, D. C.. Feb. 9.— LOS ANGELES, Peb. 9.— The re­ where an extra floor is being con­ Orders from Washington Close $18,. In which m erchants are vitally in­ The “a jric u lt irai bloc” scored an­ volver, which may have been used by structed. Clouds of smoke poured terested. 000,000 Charleston Yards other s gnal ’ ictory when the Cap- forth, the wind sweeping them to­ the slayer of W illiam Desmond Tay­ The banquet is going to be held wards the W hite House. per-Volt.tead bill to legalize the co­ lor, film director, was found in the CHARLESTON, S. C., Feb. 9. — Tuesday night, the 21st, and is go­ operati’ e m aiketing of farm prod­ The treasury, the vaults of which alley leading to Taylor’s home the ing to be a first class banquet from ucts wa* passed in the senate yester­ are packed with millions of currency The United States navy ordnance day a fte r the m urder. soup to nuts. A rrangem ents have plant near here, m anufacturing guns, day by an overwhelming vote. and gold and silver bullion, is in the W ith the revolver, which may have been made for taking care of the la­ shells and arm or plate, closed today The vote was 58 for, 1 against. heart of the nation’s capital, and all been used by the m urderer, in their dies in attendance upon the con­ Senator Gerry, democrat, of Rhode the fire apparatus in the city was on orders from W ashington. possession, investigators may have Only enough w orkers are retained vention. Island, cast the only vote against the summoned to the scene. th e most im portant clue th a t has yet The Retail Shoe Dealers will hold measure. Em bers from the burning roof be­ to look after the equipmej^. been discovered since Tayfldr was separate business m eetings; all so­ The plant was built during the The m easure was passed previous­ gan to drop in the interior court of killed. cial affairs and entertainm ents will war a t the cost of $16,000,000. the building. ly by the house and now goes to the Beginning the quizzing of all w it­ be held together, and the committee president for approval. It provides The first firemen had considerable nesses involved in the case, including By WARREN W. WHEATON having the banquet in charge are difficulty in getting w ater to the th a t organizations of farm ers may movie actresses who knew the slain WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 9.— (I. N. S. Staff Correspondent) determ ined th a t it will be one of the roof. The ta r paper used to covers be formed ‘^o sell their own crops col­ man, District A ttorney Woolwine and As a result of the W ashington con­ best ever served. WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 9.— the roof seemed to m ake the fire ! his deputies questioned Henry Pea- ference reducing naval arm am ent, lectively and grants such organiza­ vey, negro valet, and Howard Fel­ Aloof Alaska faces another rush for burn more rapidly. the navy departm ent ordered a 20 tions immunity from the Sherman WILLIAM H. HAYS TO A huge crowd soon collected, and lows, chauffeur, in th eir sweeping wealth as picturesque as the famous per cent reduction in the personnel an ti-trust act. It is stipulated, how­ LOOK INTO THINGS IN police were obliged to throw a cor­ of the navy yards throughout the ever, th a t in the event of such or­ investigation of Taylor’s m urder. dash for gold, it was declared today don about the bui'd'ng. ganizations being accused of monop­ HOLLYWOOD COLONY country. A new figure was drawn within by interior departm ent officials. President H arding noticed the The principal points affected are: olizing farm products in restraint of the scope of Investigation in the Tay­ The barren wastes of the F a r flames from the W hite House office WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 9.— Boston, New York, Philadelphia, trade or for the purpose of extorting lor m urder case yesterday, when op­ North country hold unlim ited quan-!and he weht out into the back yard One of the first official acts of W il­ Norfolk and Charleston-. It was exorbitant prices, th at the secretary eratives of the district attorn ey ’s of­ titles of oil and coal th a t will add of the executive grounds to wutcu liam H. Hays, czar of the American thought th at more than 10,000 men of agriculture shall make an investi­ fice questioned on the biggest inde­ motion picture industry, will be a would be thrown out of employment. gation and that if he finds there Is the firefighters pendent figures in the motion pic­ untold millions to the country’s nat- any foundation for such charges ho trip to Hollywood, Calif., according tu re business. ural resources, and the federal gov­ STANFORD LOSES TO shall request the attorney general to to a close associate. This man, recently divorced, was ernm ent proposes to take early steps SALE OF OIL LANDS DID WASH. STATE, 21-16 proceed against those accused. His present Intention is to go to said to be madly in love with an act­ NOT INCREASE EXPENSE to develop the Alaskan area. Prior to the passage of the bill the Pacific coast about April 1 for a ress who apparently held Taylor in Im m ediate action to secure joint STANFORD UNIVERSITY, Palo SAYS S. P. BULLETIN the substitute of Senator Walsh, m onth’s stay. During th a t time, un­ higher esteem than she did the man and reduced freight rates from the ¡Alto, Calif., Feb. 9.— Playing a democrat, of Montana, which would less the plans are changed, he will now being questioned. coast to the interior was taken un­ steady and consistent game, the have placed severe restrictions in co­ inspect every phase of life in the The man under surveillance was Regarding a newspaper report der consideration by Secretary of the W ashington State college Cougars operative m arketing, and would have Hollywood motion picture colony, to that some Southern Pacific company the only one of the half dozen biggest Interior Fall today, following the! won from the Stanford university ! rendered co-operative m arketing or- men in the picture game in Holly­ Ashland now faces the greatest acquaint himself first hand ’ with employes believed the sale of the exposition of the find to President basketball team here Tuesday night, . . . , „ , J x . ! sanizations directly liable to the wood, who didn’t attend Taylor’s Harding and cabinet officials. immediate fu tu re opportunity in conditions there. railroad company s oil lands to the , 121 to 16. Only once during the x-xs. - _ ___ - . . . . Sherman an ti-trust law, was reject- Courtland Smith, form erly presi­ funeral yesterday, investigators said. her history. If her business men Pacific Oil company has resulted in ed by a vote of 56 to 4. Goaded to action by reports fro m m a tc h did the locals appear in their dent of the American Press associa­ He is reported to have proposed and citizens will wake up, think an increase in expenses of the rail­ Governor Scott C. Bone, of Alaska, tie form and th a t was short lived, tion, and “ dollar a year m an” in the road. the Southern Pacific Bulletin, m arriage on num erous occasions to up and truck up, she can acomplish and a prospector named Smith, both'i The Cougars led, 12 to 9 at the end th e actress whose silken nightgown the greatest constructive develop­ j post office departm ent, who will be ju st off the press, gives the follow­ of whom are now in W ashington, the ; of the first half and by some speedy detectives assert they found in Tay­ m ent this summer th at she has ; Hays’ chief aide in his work, will ing facts: j adm inistration, it was learned today, work Stanford managed to tie it up lo r’s home shortly after he was shot. enjoyed in all her history. The accompany his chief to the coast. “ The operating expenses of the j has promised to take the necessary soon after the second period opened, Since the Arbuckle case there has Southern Pacific company have not Mrs. Douglas McLean, wife of one opportunity is at hand. This is ¡steps to open up the Alaskan co u n -! However, W ashington State was not of the most widely known film act­ her hour of fate. Big things are been much talk of the movie indus­ been increased one dollar through try. ! >n danger, for the Pullm an delega- CHICAGO, Feb. 9.— A gigantic ors, who saw a man fleeing from knocking a t her door. Will Ash­ try leaving California and of the es­ the sale of its oil lands; instead they Announcement was made th a t Dr. ti° n pulled away im m ediately and tablishm ent of a new “ Hollywood” boycott of professional baseball plan­ Taylor’s home on the night of the land embrace and take full advan­ probably have been decreased Alfred Brooks, geologist connected remained on top. The two quintets on Long Island. It was learned au­ m urder, was called to the district J tage of these opportunities, or through some employes being paid ned for the coming season became with the interior departm ent, who Pl*y again tonight. thoritatively th a t no such plans are by the oil company who were for- knOWU todaJ? _The boycott will be in a tto rn ey ’s office this afternoon to spend her time and energy in I has made a thorougn study of the far ---- -----------------------— being considered. m ake a signed statem ent. spiteful bickering? This is the merly paid by the railroad. Away protest of Judge Landis’ action in j northern possession of the United LONDON, Feb. 9.— The British Hays is at Miami, Fla. It is expected th a t the inquiry now hour of fate. Co-operation m ust back in 1903 the rule was established the Chicago building trades council States, will soon leave W ashington treasury informed President Hard- being conducted by the district a t­ be th e watchword henceforth. th a t the m arket price of oil used for wage award. ‘ for Alaska to complete his survey in& *s considering calling an al- MONTREAL, Can., Feb. 9.— A fire More than a million men will par­ torney’s office will result in new and Petty jealousies m ust be replaced j fuel should always be charged in of resources of the country. conference to discuss war debt which gutted the Standard Life ticipate in the boycott, it was said. interesting disclosures concerning with confidence, enthusiasm and ! the operating expenses of the com- “We place all possible reliance on ' refunding after the international building and threatened other build­ “ Oust Landis as baseball chief or T aylor’s past and Hollywood’s uight a . long, strong pull all together. i pany. The company has not at any > the statem ents th a t unlim ited bil economic conference a t Genoa is ings in the financial district, did oust baseball,*’ is declared to be the life. This is the hour of fate. time paid more th an the m arket and coal deposits are as yet un- over> was learned from a reliable damage estim ated between half and price and it is at th a t price th at l t j unlon 8logan’ ^ c o rd in g to high un­ HAZ KIK. touched irf the interior of A laska.” aot|rce t o d a y . _____________ three-quarters of a million dollars. is now purchasing oil and charges ion ° fiicials. declared departm ent officials to d ay .! are being made. I The Landla award cut the waees “A prospector named Smith, who is “ The practice of the company was ° f thousan(rs of men- "Union men now in W ashington, and who has adopted by the United States rail- everywhere feel th a ‘ Landis did not traveled 22,000 miles by dog team way adm inistration. Threevfourths g,ve the workingman a square deal,” under the Arctic skies, in places that of the oil produced was, and is, light °fUciaI said, are yet unmapped, tells us of vast oil not suitable for fuel and it had NBW YORK, Peb 9 — » j udge UNIONTOWN, Penn., .Feb. 9 — quantities of oil and cannel coal to j to be sold for refining purposes at Landia gave h ,g decision ,n thg Ten thousand persons, about half the be found in the barren wastes about! m arket prices, and fuel oil pur­ population of Uniontown, are ill 600 or 700 miles north of Fairbanks cago building trades wage aw ard, chased or. exchanged for It on the w ith influenza, according to the re­ and In the interior of the country. ; acting .is a public servant of the basis of m arket prices. ports of city health officers. t t people,’ said President Heydler, of ‘We feel th at everything possible / The am ___ ount of money received by the - Na XT„ onal • „ , league. , ÍHAINT N O O S E WU The situation is said to be alarm - to extend transportation routes in - _______„ “ That - award the Southern Pacific company for lug, and It is declared that drastic Alaska to open up this territo ry ' POüTlNfe- JO sr had n o 'h ’ng to do with his position these oil lands was $43,750,000. It m easures m ust be taken to stop th e ;ghould be undertaken, and the in­ a3 base >all chief." MAKEUP W RM INP has had this much more money to spread of the disease, or the whole terior departm ent believes that the THAI YOU'RE 60IN6 invest to provide additional railroad INTERESTING MEETING OF city will be stricken with the malady. northern term inus of the Alaskan facilities, which means offering a r v ' KiWtiiTTv ÍÓSPPoUT POfATOf railroad, now at Fairbanks, should more opportunity for employment.! Tbe RapUst ^ S e ty NEW YORK, Feb. 9.— Influenza be fu rth er extended. UNTIL PARK In other words, this am ount of capl-!held an interesting meeting a t the cases a t the rate of over 500 per “ We are not inclined to feel that tai has been released from oil lands bome of Mrs Oxford on Allison day are being reported to health of- this find is a pipe dream. It Is still where it was tied up, and put into atreet Wednesday afternoon. “ Ex- fleers. As there are very few deaths In the exploration state, and it may active railway service. It was not pandlng our foreign mission hori- occurring from the disease, it goes to j take some years to develop it, but given to the bond holders or stock-, zon” was t be topic under discussion, show th at the attacks are much the departm ent is confident it is holders or anybody else, but has and Mrs. Oxford was the leader. Pa- m ilder than in previous epidemics. th ere.” been put to work. The rate of divi- j pers were read by Mrs. Beswick, Mrs. Governor Bone is here to press dend to stockholders of the Southern ( Hewett, Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Wilson KLAMATH FALLS MAN IS j favorable consideration by congress Pacific remains as it has been for and Mrs Peterson. Mrs. Hale read KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE of legislation designed to liberalize many years, 6 per cent. Interest tbe 3Crlpture lesson and Mrs. Peters laws for Alaska and make more sol­ charges remain unchanged by this played a piano 8olo L lttle Luella KLAMATH FALLS, Feb. 9 — id its now characterized “chaotic transaction, except th a t as the com -;Gale W ordham delighted those pres- Struck by an autom obile as he a t­ system ” of government, which the pany has had this liquid capital on ent with a reading. Mr. W eir gave tem pted to cross Main street a t 6 governor declares has “ repelled cap­ hand, its need for borrowing money a talk aboijt the library for the o’clock Tuesday night, S. W. Turner, ital and retarded growth and popu­ has been lessened. church, and the society donated $5 62, proprietor of the Turner ap art­ lation.” 1 “The lands th a t were sold to the to help purchaae booka. At tbe close m ents here, died in a hospital two oil company were not a part of the of the program> Mra. oxford served hours later. Visiting from I d a h o - Southern Pacific’s property devoted delicious refreshm ents. F rank B. W alker, of Pocatello, to railw ay operation. The value of Moved to Gold Hill— Idaho, is here visiting with his sis­ the land Itself was not included in j independent thereof. The company’s H. H. Russell and family, who ter, Mrs. Ada W. Jones, and Mrs. the valuation of th e property on i fuel oil supply has been protected In % have been residing on Laurel street Dr. Carrie M. Norball. Mr. W alker which a return is to earned under connection with the sales whereby for the past few months, moved to expects to go to Red Bluffs, Calif., the railw ay transportation act, a n d , the company pays only the ruling