pàg JS ÎWO AëRLAffft BAUT «OW3S M M ill'T ÏM M M REMEDY FOR NERVES NEW DISCOVERY MADE IN RUINS OF THEBES PALACE Concentration Is Recommended Ashlaad N ew s ia Paragraphs Local and Personal .......... Side Lights-— ■ bv Eminent Music Director. ■ Cultivate an Interest in Work, an In­ terest That Becomes Absorbing-— IS CLOSE AT HAND MASONIC CAUENDAR T H IS W E E K LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY A This Absorption Prevents At­ tention From Wandering. Siskiyou Chapter, special convoca­ tion, Wednesday evening for work in the M. E. M. degree. Ashland Lodge No. 23, stated communication Thursday evening. Supper at 6:30 o’clock sharp, fol­ lowed by business session. E n tertain s D irectors— Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fuller de- ii6u uuy entertained the directors oi tne chamber of Commerce and their wives, at their home on North Main street Tuesday evening. The time was spent at cards, refresh­ ments being served during the ev­ ening. Automobile insurance rates. Yeo of course. at right 134tf M oves R eported— Victor Knott has moved from 375 East Main street, in the Detrick building to 637 East Main street. Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. Mrs. Mattie Romberg, who has been the guest of Madame Tracy- Young for the past few weeks, left Tuesday. Why pay more for insurance? Ask Yeo first. 134tf Get one of those 16 oz. jars of strawberry preserves for 25 cents. Plaza Market. 134-2 Wanted: To buy a home located within two blocks of public library. Call Ashland Realty, opposite city hall. 134-2 On the Sick L ist— Mrs. Minnie Lane, circulation manager of the Tidings, has been unable to be at work this week, ow­ ing to a bad cold which has bordered on pneumonia. She is slightly bet­ ter, but may not be able to resume her duties for a few days. Do you want to own an automo­ bile? I have a party who desires to purchase a home in Ashland and will trade an automobile as part pay­ ment, and balance on terms. Stev­ ens. Phone 181. 134-2 12. At the first symptom of a cough or cold, breathe Hyorael. The best people always have it in the house and dnd a cold before It gets deep seated Sold by McNair Bros. The anniversary of Lincoln’s birth is near at hand and should receive London.—What are we to do about the honor due to such a great event, our “nerves’’? It is the question which an event so important to the Union bothers half the worid today. Every­ and the people of our great repub­ body who has to work under the eye lic. Lincoln had all the attributes of a critic, from the orator who won­ of greatness, and the massive scenes ders how his speech is going to the of the last few years have not ob-, shop girl who is aware of the shop­ walker’s eye while she is selling a yard scured his great personality. The of ribbon, is liable to an attack of what Armory should be crowded to the we call “nerves.” doors with young and old American I To all such sufferers, says the Daily citizens, who would hear the songs Mail, Sir Hugh Allen spoke when, as and listen to the stories of the fam­ director of the Royal College of Music, ous man and deeds of the great war he addressed the students of the col­ lege at the opening of the new term. which threatened the nation’s life. He was speaking mainly to those who are or will become public performers ASHLAND STUDY CLUB of music—but his words apply to HAVE SOCIAL SESSION everybody. “It is not much to say,” he de­ The ladies of the Ashland Study clared, “that nerves are the most club held their annual mid-year so­ needed ingredient in the performer's cial session ^Monday evening at the outfit, and that nervousness has brought Episcopal parish house, the affair distress if not disaster to countless taking the form of a 7 o’clock com­ musicians. ‘Nerve’ and ‘nervous’ are words which have the most diverse munity dinner, at which the hus­ meaning in our language. We speak bands of the members were the- of nerve as of something strong, vigor­ guests. Covers were laid for 40, ous, as courage and boldness and and the gathering at the festal board assurance, aud of nerves as a dis­ was a merry one which greatly en­ ordered state of the nervous system. “By ‘nerves’ we mean that miserable joyed the menu. A program of toasts appropriate to the occasion followed. state which attacks us at all turns of Mrs. A. G. Adams presided ao. toast- the road, when we have to play or mistress and cleverly introduced the sing, when we don’t know our work, when we are late, when we have to several speakers. do things in front of others. Personally “Man’s place in a woman’s club” I know of no greater discomfort. was declared by Victor Mills to be “I have known a man called upon to at the “eats.” H. E. Badger told a speak suddenly among friends to be al- well arranged story about this par­ solutely dumb, and another to have ticular club. Mrs. H. C. Galey talked uttered a string of unintelligible non­ about “Slang,” exemplifying some of sense. I have known conductors who the popular form?, Mrs. Mahlgram confessed to a feeling of complete of Phoenix told of “Blunders— good blankness at the beginning of a con­ cert. and bad,” with a personal applica­ “Now the paradox of the whole af­ tion which highly entertained the fair is that you cannot be a really company. Mrs. F. S. Engle discussed good performer or conductor unless “Men and manners,” and quoted an you are nervous (in a sense and iu apt verse, “Which Fork.” A live the right degree), and you cannot be The case Is topic—"The woman juror”—was as­ If you are nervous! really this: It is only those who have signed to E. V. Carter, who gave a nervous susceptibility and a delicate­ personal glimpse of the author of ly balanced and well controlled the Oregon woman juror law, the vous system who will ever muke ner­ an Hon. Mrs. Kinney of Astoria. Mr. appeal by their performance." Carter advised the ladies, if they Beyond the need for obtaining their wished to make a success of the suf­ full knowledge of the matter in hand frage, to do their part cheerfully in Sir Hugh advises the nervous “to culti­ sharing its burdens and responsibil­ vate an interest in work, an interest which becomes absorbing, which means ities with the men. that our minds are taken up with what The program concluded with a we are doing—not with why we are do­ humorous auction sale of alleged ing it. This absorption prevents our Russian and other bric-a-brac, con­ attention from wandering. The power ducted by the Rev. P. K. Hammond, of attention which enables us to con­ as auctioneer. centrate upon what we are doing, and to become unsusceptible to outside in­ fluences. but it is also the best way to build up character." Fresh fish, oysters, crabs, dressed chickens, rabbits— visit the Ashland Poultry and Fish Market. Free de­ livery to any part of the city. Phone 10b. 134-lmo To clean a dirty file, dip it in benzol and scrub with a stiff brush. • • • . Twenty-seven states in the Union now have over 100,000 motor vehicles each. • • • Germany exported 20,000 automo­ biles of various kinds, and 4,000 motor­ cycles in-1920. • * • The merits of some of these new vul- canlzers on the market should be in­ vestigated by the person who lives far from a repair station. • • • During 1920 1,745 automobiles, valued at >2,425,518, and automobile parts to the value of >2,798,141 were TOO LATE TO CLA3SIFY INTERNAL REVENUE AGENT TO BE HERE ? BLO yourself for. WANTED—A small gentle horse to work single, weight about 700 Announcement has been sent out pounds. Phone 310-R or call 263 ? Oak. 134-1 that agents of the department of Proof Found, as Believed, That ? internal revenue will be in Ashland Cadmus First Brought Alpha­ FOR SALE OR TRADE— 80 acres of at the city hall from February 11 to ? bet to Greece. land with improvements in Sur­ ? prise Valley, Cedarville, Calif. 16, inclusive, to assist taxpayers iu ? Will sell or exchange for ranch making out their Income tax reports. Doctor Karamopouios, one of the property near Ashland. Write I. S. All who have not already made o u t! Greek inspectors of antiquities, has ac­ Brown, Cedarville, Calif. 134-3 their reports and desire any help ? complished some most interesting work 9 in the ruins of the palace at Thebes. should call on these agents on one' According to legend, this palace was FOR SALE— Pure bred Jersey cow, , of these days. perfect every way and heavy milk- | founded by Cadmus, who is said to er; also two heifer calves—pure! have first brought the alphabet to bred Jersey and a Durham; also Greece. Buff Leghorn eggs. 153 Granite In previous campaigns the remains atreet. Phone 411-R. 134-1' of the fresco decorations of the earlier palace, 1600 to 1400 B. C., were FOR SALE— Eight pair pigeons; brought to light. This consisted large­ also Jhne dozen Plymouth Rock ly of a frieze of elaborately dressed hens, >1.50 each, and 30 White! and coiffured women carrying flowers, Leghorn pullets, >1.25 each; andi painted jugs or ivory boxes. four does and one buck rabbit, Black Flemish Giants. Inquire 357 This year the excavator ha9 found Liberty St. Owner leaving town. some of the storerooms of the later 134-4* palace, 1400 to 1100 B. O. From thes£ there have been extracted a hundred 25 E a st M ain St. SITUATION W ANTED or more big stirrup jars. They are un­ fortunately broken, but they can be P hone COOK wants situation, experienced ' put together again. in restaurant, club or institution. ' A considerable number of these jars Phone 398. 134-3* 1 have painted on them Inscriptions in the still undecipherable Mycenean al­ phabet. The letters, or rather signs, are of a hieroglyphic character and are derived, but differ, from the well- known and equally undecipherable Cretan prehistoric alphabet. Scientists believe it possible that the difference of alphabet means a differ­ ence of language. However much professors may dis­ pute about the meaning and character of these alphabets, Athens archeolog­ ical circles attach Special Interest to the fact that ancient tradition has once more been proved right by the discov­ ery of what might he called Cadmean letters In the ruins of Cadmus’ cit H igh E lectric R ate N oted — The Telluride Power company, which serves a large portion of southern Utah, has been granted an increase in rates by the public utili­ ties commission of Utah, which will increase its revenues by about 16 per cent, or about half the sum asked for. The new rate for residential kilowatt-hour for the first 30 kilo­ watts of monthly consumption down to 9 cents per kilowatt-hour for all consumption per month in excess of 60 kilo-watts. Wedñéída?, Fehrtiâî? à, láüíi M M Cheero Flour Hat'd W heat (ilia ran teed $ 2 .3 0 at your Grocers Clean” V’ote Andy, a negro porter at a theater, belongs to a lodge. We met him on Broadway, and he said the organiza­ tion was to have new quarters. “Did you vote for a change?” .we asked. “Ah wasn’t at de meetin,’ replied Andy, “but Ah voted by peroxide.”— New York Globe. some new and. Beautiful Wall Paper I t 'ivon't b e a b a d blow -------S E E M E T O D A Y -------- Swenson & McRae Co. East Main S tr ee t Ashland Realty Co. Houses to Rent Property for Sale A shland, Oregon 181 Just 9 Days More and the Big Closing Out Sale w ill be over We Musi Vacate Saturday, Feb. 18 Thousands of dollars worth of merchandise now on our shelves must be sold in the few remaining days, and sold they are going to be regardless of price. It’s not a question of profit or loss with us now, it’s sell the goods and this w e are determined to do You remember Ben Franklin and his key. The lightning helped him invent electricity! A lucky strike for him! Prices are in many cases rediculous, just a fraction of their manufactured cost. We are taking our loss with a smile Don’t delay, come and see the values your money will buy LUCKY 1 STRIKE.' When we discovered the toasting process six years ago, it was a Lucky Strike for us. W h y ? B e c a u se n ow millions of smokers prefer the special flavor of the Lucky Strike Cigarette — because It’s Toasted* ★ — in the deliciou a B u rle y flavor And also because it’s N O T IC E ! Our entire stock of All Women’s Corsets Close Out Sale Half Price Munsing W ear has been sold to ail out-of-town patty to be delivered .next Thursday. In the mean­ time it will be on sale at less than the wholesale price. This will be perhaps the last chance the people here will have to buy the best underwear on earth at these very special Sale Prices. So we advise our costumers who prefer Munsingwear to get busy and buy their supply for the coming season at once. Big Line ot Towels at Close Out Prices D Lucky Lie Judge — “Rastus, you’ve been shooting craps again.” Rastus—“No, suh, Jedge. Ah wuz walkin’ along pas’ where a crap game wuz goin’ on, when mah dice fell out of mah pocket an’ rolled a seben.”—Zit's Weekly Newspaper. Having sold my entire Interest in the business formerly conducted by L. A. Nesler and myself, known as the Artlsto Stone Co., I will not be responsible for any bills from this date. J. Q. Adams. 134-2* Notice to Members of the Farm Bureau—This is to notify you that we are agents for the Kelly-Spring­ field tire9 for southern Jackson county. We are fully prepared to take care of all members of the as­ sociation. Dix & Son, 399 East Main St. Phone 116. it CITY COUNCIL MEETS; BUYS $30,000 BONDS The city council met last night, with Mayor Lamkin and Councilman Shinn absent, and Councilman Frost acting as chairman of the meeting. Among other business transacted was the authorization of the pur­ chase of >15.000 of the city’s own bonds, and >15,000 of the Tillamook school bonds. A report on the purity of samples of the city water recently sent for examination to the state chemist, showed the water to be in better condition than it ha9 been for quite a while. What Save the bird in hand— The others may be hard to catch W ith enough money, enough time and enough luck, a man may get back the health he has lost—or part of it. It takes patience, too. And then there may be no success, or only a little. It’s better to save what you have than hunt for what you’ve lost—as the most successful health-restorers will tell you. Much of the loss of health is due to faulty, careless diet. Wrong meals at all times and right meals at wrong times load the long-suffering digestive organs with elements of destruction, or starve the tissues and glands of needed elements. Grape-Nuts is a delicious cereal food which has the qualities of scientific nutrition. It supplies the full richness of those splendid food grains, wheat and malted barley, together with the vital mineral elements, so often lacking from foods. Served with cream or good milk, Grape-Nuts gives full nourishment without over-loading the stomach. A splendid thought for breakfast or lunch, for those who would keep health — Grape Nuts—the Body Builder “There’s a Reason” Made by Poetam Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Michigan 9 What w ill buy 98 will buy Chemises, values ;to............................ $1.50 Ladies’ All Silk Hose, values to ........$2 50 Corset Covers, values t o ......................... 98 , Heavy Fleece Union Suits, values to. . 2 00 Silk Gloves, values to ........................ 1.40 W arner’s Satin and Brocaded Corsets 2. 50 Corsets, values to ............................... 2.00 Four good size Bath T ow els, values to 1 40 Boudoir Caps, values to .................... 1.00 Ladies’ Envelop» Chemises, values to 2 45 Children’s Dresses, values to 2.00 Ladies’ White Dress Skirts, values to 3 00 Lisle Union Suits, values t o .............. 1.00 Baby Dresses of Pique and Nainsook 2 50 Ladies’ Tea Aprons, values to <........ 1.00 Ladies’ Fine Nainsook Gowns, values 2 00 Children’s Kilted Skirts, values t o . .. 1.29 Ladies’ Silk and Satin Camisoles, val. 1 98 Ladies’ Lace and Embroidrv trimmed Infants’ Petticoats, values t o ............ 1.00 petticoats, values to ....................... 2 75 Fancy Ribbons, values t o ....................... 75 Seven yards of good quality Cotton Ladies’ Silk and Lisle Hose, values to 1.00 Toweling, values t o ......................... 1 40 Velgrip Shoulder Supporters, value to .90 1 1-2 yards of all linen Toweling, val. 1. 45 Extra large Bath Towels, values to .75 6 1-2 yards good Curtain Scrim, val. 1. 50 Children’s Sleeping Garments, values 1.25 Three W arner Brassieres or Ban­ deaus, values t o ............................... 2. 25 Fancy Dresser Scarfs, values to ........ LOO FERGUSON’S BIG CLOSING OUT SALE