u ü u m u & j í «Mam F A ttl TM&ftS Special sals at Orres’ Tailor Shop. Health Iirrad. Fere Malted Milk' See our spring suits at prices AU wishing to Join the Smith« Suits tailored to order with extra Twins— 10 cents 8 9 « ! back to normal. Paulserud’B. 133tf Hughes sewing or millinery classes, pants free. 128-tf i should enroll. Sewing will be under " ..1 ■ ■ ■ am Private Car Goes Through — B uys Car»— Cashier Reported Hl_ direction of Mrs. Huntsberry of One cent the word «ach tim«, Returns to Her Home— An official car belonging to some Mr. Horr, who-formerly-operated V..O. N. Smith, cashier of the Cltt- Mrs. Wade. Applicants have choice Friends of Miss Jewel Morrin will of the officials of the Western U»r the EikhOrn-gun store on Oak street, of either teacher-until data Is-fitted/ tens bank, is repoflted ill at his W AN ! FD. PHYSICIANS, be pleased to learn that she has re ion Telegraph company, passed has purchased a seven passenger For further Information, apply to home on North Main street. He is WANTED b o a r d e r s —Room and covered sufficiently to retuarn 'to through here Monday evening on Buick-slx from the Class A Garage. Mrs. Louis Dodge. 133-3 suffering an attack of influenza. board for two or three persons I OR- ER NEST A. WOODS—PractlcS her home Tuesday after an Illness train 53. limited to era, ear, nose and 725 Iowa St. 127-tf throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and of several months at the Granite We have a few boxes of Newtown E n tertains in Talent— Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash- city hospital. 2 to f Swedenborg Bldg., Ash- WANTED—Will pay highest cash Cliff Payn8 makes Bhelves. apples at 65 cent box. Plaza Mar­ I«.- Mrs. C. C. Wolters entertained at Xland Lumber Co., phone 20. prices for furs—skunk, mink, 92« 73-« ket. 134.2 her home in Talent Saturday after­ fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, etc. Ed­ Travel Increasing— Sweet cream for sale, 35 cents a ENS—Physician aad gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, Med-! noon in honor of the birthrday of C onfined to Hom« — Sourhern Pacific employes about G oes to P ortland— •racOce limited tc ¡pine. Rose Bros. 131tf fonL-Ore. Phone 929.____ 124:f Mrs. J. H. Thatcher, of High and throat. Glaaser the depot report that travel on the: Robert Warner left for Portland Miss Jacqualine Pellett. The after- non was spent in games and music ulist and aurist fo» BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES street, is confined to her home with Lady Elks Meet__ northbound trains is picking up quite Monday evening on business in con- Offices. M. Í* and H af.er which refreshments were serv­ an attack of asthma. Mrs. Louis Dodge and Mrs. Wilson materially, but the southbound tra- nection with the new store that he WE CAN LOCATE you in most any arord, Ore. Phone C97 kind of paying business in South-1 will be the hostesses Thursday af­ vel is much less than for several and A. C. Nininger will open in the ed on a daintly decorated table. The guests were the Misses Jacqualine ern Oregon. FOUR-SITE SALES DR. MATTIE B. SHAW—Special at­ We sell pure leaf lard In hulk. ternoon at the club room in the Elks’ months past. near future. Mr. Nininger expected Pellett, Ollie Pellett. Alice Sheets, AGENCY, Business Brokers, Bea-' tention to mothers and children Bring your pail. Detrick’s Groce­ temple for the lady Elks. to go with Mr. Warner but was un­ Ruth Newbry, Bertha Edmonson^ Internal secretions aad endocrine ver Block, Ashland; Medford teria. 130« Are you still paying the other fel­ able to go at that time but expects Bldg., Medford. 132«! glands. Res. and office, i08 Pio­ neer^ avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ Whipping cream that WILL whip. low’s bad accounts, or are you fol­ to leave for Portland some time thiB Gladys Crosby, Alice Gliems, Cather­ FOB 8ALR. L ea v es for C alifornia— ine Orthuys, Hazel Stites, Ester fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to I lowing the crowds to Detrick’s Groce­ Enders Confectionery. 131-4 week. p. m. Charles Hansen left Tuesday for Cochran, Iris Long, Edna Newbry, FOR SALE—At Lake o’ Woods, the teria. 130« Lodi, Calif., where he expects to lo- Visiting Parents__ Irwanda Bateman, Charlotte Wol­ Ralph W. Elden cottage complete­ DR. SHAW—Eye, ear, nose, throat H ealth Bread. P ure M alted Milk .cate. ters,, Vera Withrow, Mrs. I. R. Bate­ ly furnished. See Louis Dodge. specialist; glasses fitted. Office Mrs. R. A. Peterson, of Seattle, Lnion Pacific Official Visits— T w in s— 10 cen ts 89« _________ 133-2 at residence, Pioneer Ave., morn- man, Mrs. J. J. Pellett and Mrs. C. Wash., is visiting with her parents, w- McMurray, general passen- _ j ng and by appointment. Phone 28. C. Wolters. Candy! Candy! Candy! Watch Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Oxford, 565 Alii- ^er agent of the Union Pacific and Leaves for P ortland__ FOR SALE—Used” piano. Rose Bros. Rose Bros, windows. 131-tf son street the Salt Lake & Los Angeles rail 133-4 PLUMBING H. H. Gillett will leave this eve­ . JUST FOLKS roads, was a passenger on train 53 ning for a few days stay at Portland. FOR SALE—Good milk cow. W. L. V isito rs from T a l e n t - H ealth Bread. P ure Malted Milk Monday, and visited with the local Moore, Belleview. 133-6 H. R. ADAMS—Plumbing, Contract­ (Continued from Page Two) Miss Eleanor Powers and E. St Twins—-1 0 cen ts ing and day work. 248 Fifth St., 8 9 « agent while the train was at the Spring woolens and styles are in FOR SALE— Single comb White phone 166-J. lOOtf Keith of Talent were visitors in our station. scanned the heavens again. This j at Orres’ Tailor Shop. Leghorn eggs, for hatching, trap-! ------- - 128« city yesterday. R. R. Business Picking Up— time he noticed some white, fleecy nested. Also Barred Plymouth PHONE your next job of plumbing Business on the Southern Pacific Rocks, extra large birds. Phone to JerrY O’Neal, Beaver Building clouds floating lazily around a dis­ Dew Drop Inn—for lunches. Large Cat P asses Through— No goods bought at war prices in is picking up, as indicated by * the 340-Y. 127-lmo Phone 138. tant mountain peak. They looked --------- A huge lioness enroute from San our store. Our stock was all pur- taking on of ten engineers and 15 ¡Changes Residence— : Francisco to the zoo at Seattle pas- like phantom ships at rest about FOR SALE—Ford touring car in CAR W ASHING chased since the drop in price. This firemen, who were laid off some James Watkins and ____ , ofised through here Monday on train some fairy isle. It was a vision of good condition. 73 Pine St. 130-6* family CLASS CAR WASHING and is one of the reasons why we sell for time ago. This is in reference to the Klamath Falls, - but have - - who -- -- - -W been 54 in 'charge^of"the Arnerican " ex - peace and rest that would have en­ FOR SALE— Here is a splendid op­ FIRST polishing, 22.60. Lithia Garage. less. Detrick’s Groceteria. 130tf Shasta division, and while there are living in the Nininger property for press company. chanted the soul of Shelley. Phone 114. 113« portunity: Grocery store doing quite a number of men still idle, the past month or so, have moved Andy’s eye caught the scene, and nice business. Invoice about $3000, n w SALE— REAL ESTATE. E p w orth L eague M eeting— business seems to be gaining all of to Mrs. G. H. Way’s apartments on rent $30. O. A. Manning, Talent, I believe he, too, for a moment was Hard Wheat Flour, $2.10 per sack. Oregon. 127« FOR SALE— Five room house, cor­ The regular monthly business the time, and it is thought that all North Main street. Soft wheat, $1.50. Plaza Market. touched, for, although he has lived meeting of the Epworth League was will be back at work within a month ner lot 120x130— berries .lots of 134-2 a life of hardship in the mountains, FOR SALE—White Minorca hatch­ water, close In. Bargain for quick held last evening at the Methodist or six weeks. ing eggs, non-setters, large white there is still a gleam of poetry in H ealth Bread. P u re M alted M ilk sale. Phone 476-J. Easy terms. church, and the regular business con­ •ggs, $1.00 for 15. 922 Boule­ his soul. But after a moment’s Twins— 10 cen ts 8 9 tf Seriou sly I l l - 130-6* vard. Phone 457-R. 124-lmo ducted, after which supper was Just received a large shipment of Miss Celia Rhinehart, 13 year old pause, he said, “Yes, but those ----- !------------- " L I ------ - J U . I -------------- M _! . J2_L_L_B ST served. Eighteen members were dried fruits including cluster raisins, M oves to Ranch— FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. clouds indicate a storm.” TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. present, and four new members were seeded raisins, seedless raisins, cur- and Winesap apples, not culls, BOe That night it grew cold for this , ,, . | Dr- C. A, Buehler, who has been Rhinehart is very seriously ill with box. Half mile west cannery. O. FOR prompt and careful service, received Into membership. rgpts, white and black figs, Italian residing at Mrs. G. H. Way’s apart- what is feared is the influenza. section, but the sun rose in splen­ A. Manning, Talent, Or. 114« auto trucks or horse drays, call , vre'7 h P.r u" es and peaches' Iments »» N»«» “ am «reel, ha, dor again the next morning, and by Whittle Transfer Co. Phone l i t . Tamales of quality, served in the Detricks Groceteria. We sell (or moved to a ranch on Rogue river Have that old suit renovated at the time I had reached the upper FOR RENT. Office, 89 Oak street sear Hotel Paulserud’s. 133« part of the valley, it was quite warm. Ashland. 66« 130«, just above the Rogue Elk hotel. FOR RENT— Furnished house. In­ Andy was sitting on the fence as I quire 568 East Main. Phone 332- T. L. POWELL—GENERAL TRANS­ L eave for th e South— approached. He had finished his _L__________________ FER — Good team and motor­ 133-2 B u tterick Spring Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Enders, sr., trucks. Good service at a reason­ work, and I felt sure had succumbed TH E DELTOR GREAT BARGAIN—I have 84 can­ able price. Phone 83. Q uarterly n o w left last evening on train 53, their to the glory of the day and the vision aries, singers and hens with Saves 50c to $10 on sale at 25c, destination being Los Angeles. They of the hills. breeding cages, seed, etc. Will on m aterial w ish certificate expect to be gone for a few months. “Good morning, Andy,” said I, as take $200 cash for the lot; too ill alone W . A. S H E L L good for 10c in to attend to them. The Chair Doc­ I drew near. “How is this for a day Successors to C. H- Vaupel. Makes the mak­ tor, 3d and A Sts. 130-lmo* th e purchase of White laundry soap, 6 bars for in February?” T H E Q U A L IT Y S T O R E ing simple; now B A R B E R any B u tterick 25 cents. Plaza Market. 134-2 Andy held up his cheek to catch FOR RENT—House of four rooms, with each new p a tte r n . B street, near Fourth. Also house­ any wandering breeze that migh> Children's W ork A Butterick pattern ■iJEfotel A shland G uests— keeping rooms. Inquire 115 indicate an approaching storm. But Church St. 129« Specialty Make this Store your chief source for Merchandise of the Better Quality. We already The following parties are guests; the winds were in their caves, He at thme Hotel Ashland: W. M. Kos- surveyed the heavens for clouds. Not FOR RENT—Furnished room with have prepared our advance displays of Spring Merchandise. Fresh shipments are Safety blades resharpened heat. 85 Second St. 129« j hamer, New \ ork City; E. O. Wood- even a cloudlet floated above the being received daily. p «o like new. Single bit, 30c ¡ruff, Los Angeles; A. W. Peck, mountains. Then he remembered LOST. doz. Dobule bit, 60c dot. Grants Pass, D. C. Henry, Mr. and how the cold had crept in through Mrs. Theo. Lindl9, J. C. Myers, Mr. the cracks in the walls of his cabin LOST—On Main street Friday night, ki brown cape leather glove, size 6. j and Mis. A. Gleblsch, Waldo S. the night before, and he began to C. B. L A M K I N Finder please leave at Tidings of­ 1 Millis, B. R. Fisher, J. P. Henring, shiver, and his teeth seemed to chat- fice. 133-2* i Frank W. Stolt, J. G. Frost, E. L. ter as he said: “Ye9, but it was ¡Gordon, A. R. Frazier, Edwin C. mighty cold last night.” € Curtis, E. R. Spencer, Portland; In a few days the storm that Aady BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE Vern Agnew, Charles W. Jones, Dana had predicted came, and I saw no Roberts, Edward Olson, A. W. Sch- more of him for a week. Meanwhile $5.00 REWARD—For return black It would be difficult to find Ginghams more at­ midt, Tacoma; L. E. Carter, W. H. as I followed the winding road tractive in patterns than those which bear the Austraian shepherd, scar under Hammel, San Francisco; Richard through the hills, thoughts of Andy Cit) and Ranch Properties “ M. F. C. ” label. These ginghams come in rich left eye, missing since December Daldons, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Atckin- and Aunt Pony with her pipe, in House« to R ent colors and are pre-shrunk. son, Seattle, Wash. ¡their cabin by their huge fireplace, 15, answers to name “Teddy.” --------- relieved the monotony of many an Now 35c, yard James M. Watkins Jr., Columbia Detrick’s Groceteria sells butter otherwise dull day. S BANK BUILDING for less. 130« (To be continued) Hotel. 133-4* LOCAL AND PERSONAL B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L ■ 1 a E. R. I saac &. Co. New Ginghams for Spring UTOPIA Ginghams, 40 new patterns to choose from. All th a t’s new in gingham you will find here Remember This Now 25c, yard FC iGin ams §h \ ELMORE Gingham in a wonderful lot of pat­ terns. Every piece new this season. 1300 yards to choose from DOMESTIC S C IE N C E A regular feature department edited by Now 19c, yard Mrs. Belle D eG raf Domestic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Grovers Inc. A Big Value Day O So many good values are featured in this disposal of yard & goods that detailed description is impossible. See every tx- 1 r. one for yourself and judge the savings. Among the most ' t «*f» M im portant offerings are BELMONT PERCALES of de­ fett# pendable quality, in a number of pretty patterns, suitable for a wide variety of uses. Do not miss this Sale, now, yard ................»........... I M/* BEI percales /' ■ j Attractive House Dresses We are offering at these sperhal prices, a very limited assort­ ment of good looking, practical .House D resses-dresses that 1 ! I] everyone likes to wear at home. The materials are excellent I II 1 j 111 ¡(l’í, m quality, neat in design, and the workmanship is of the very Imi highest grade. Selling at these prices it is well worth your while to buy two or three. Priced at, each..................... $1.75, $2.48 .in d $ 2 6 9 NEW SILKS AND DRESS GOODS NOW ON DISPLAY New Spring Styles in Bon Tön and Royal Worcester C orseti New Spring Styles in Kid and Fabric Gloves Have Your Hemstitching and Picoting Done Here The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated COOKING PROCESSES Roasting Roasting really means cooking over hot coals or in hot ashes. Oven Roasting is the more modern method of cooking meats although the open fire and hot coals are still preferred by many cooks. The oven should be hot when the meat is put into it and kept hot for about 15 minutes. By that time the surface of the meat should be seared to prevent the es­ cape of the juices. The heat should : then be reduced and cooking con- j tinned. Frequent basting is essen­ tial as it prevents the meat becom­ ing dry. parts a pleasing flavor and the plank itself offers an opportuntlny for at­ tractive garnishes. CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF Fencing from E astern m ills Just In. Con­ sid erab le drop In prices on sam e. GOOD CEDAR POSTS New prices on implements and re­ pairs.. New aad used sewing machines for sale or to rent........ Peil's Corner Stew in g Stewing is cooking food in a small amount of liquid at the simmering point, closely covered, until It be­ comes tender. Stewed meat or chick­ en is a sort of combination meat and soup, for the gravy is always served as part of the dish. Food is cut in small pieces for stewing, and the cooking takes less time than for one large piece of meat or a whole fowl. Stewing Is an economical method of cooking because the cheaper tough cuts o< meat may be used. All the nutriment is retained B roiling or G rilling and the slow cooking renders the Broiling is one of the quickest food entirely digestible. methods of cooking tloods. It is Braining really a method of roasting, but is Braising is a combination of stew­ used for meats with a greater sur­ ing and roasting, and is used for face, but 'seldom more than twoi meats, usually the less tender roasts. inches in thickness, often less. The meat is cooked with less liquid Red hot coals or w.ell-heated than for boiling, and is cooked in broiler on a gas or electric range are one solid piece. required. The object is to sear over Braising may be accomplished on both sides as quickly as possible top of the fire, using a heavy ket­ without burning, in order to retain tle closely covered; or in the oven the rich juices. After searing, the in a covered pan. The meat is first heat should be reduced and the cook­ browned in drippings or other fat, ing continued as long as desired, then a sir all quantity ot liquid is turning once or twice if meat, chops added, which is slowly reduced to a or chicken are being broiled. rich gravy. Occasional basting is P lan k in g required if the meat is to be juicy Planking meat or fish is practic­ ! and fine in flavor. The toughest cut ally a form of broiling. The food Is of meat will become tender by this first seared on both sides in the I method. When meat is braised in an broiler, then finished in the heated ¡iron kettle over the fire tt Is fre­ plank In a hot oven. The wood im­ quently called a pot roast. I Ever Meet Anyone Like Her? A man who lives in a West side boarding house describes his land­ lady: “She Is a kind of parallelo­ gram ; that Is, an oblong, angular fig­ ure which cannot be described and which Is equal to anything: and any two meals In her house are together less than a square meal.”—New Tort Times. —about a Fire Insurance Policy: It never goes out of style; never depreciates in value; there is but one premium to pay during the life of the Policy. It stands be­ tween you and LOSS in case of FIRE! When you want good insurance of any kind, talk to Billings. A few dollars today may save you i thousand tonight. Billings Agency REAL E8TATR A INSURANCE E stablished 1883 Phone 211 41 E . Main St. The Man Who Pays By Check knows that his method o f paying bills is busi­ ness-like. He realizes th at his cancelled checks will be receipts about which there can be no argument. It is not necessary for him to carry large sums o f money and his check stubs provide an ac­ curate record of expenditures. The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon