A SHLAND climate, without the a id ' ^ o f medicine, cure« nine ease« 1 out of ten of asthma. Thia Is a| Hoven fact A shland D aily T idings (International News Wire Service) LUM E 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) 1 JLf ALARIA germs eiflM t lurvlre Il *T1 three months In the ritffc ssens H at Ashland. The pure domestic wa­ ter helps ASHLAND^ OREGON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1922 AMERICAN NAVY DUE FOR BIG SLASHING PUT SHIPPING One Killed, Many Injured in Riot Elk Horn Gun Store Robbed Allies Reject German Plan ■vista A ORKVILLE, Ohio, Feb. 8.— One The Elk Horn gun store on OakI man was killed and a num ber In­ BERLIN, Feb. 8.— The interallied street near Main, owned and operat-! jured In a riot at the plant of the reparations commission’s reply to W heeling Steel corporation this ed by Robert Middleton, was burglar-1 the German note received yesterday, morning. The plant, which has been is understood to set forth the asser­ ized early this morning by some un­ idle since last July due to a strike known parties. tion t h |t Germany's financial adjust-i of the steel workers, resumed opera­ ! m ent methods were not satisfactory Mr. Middleton locked the store tions yesterday. and went home at _ about 12:15 LONDON, Feb. 8.— The govern-' 'he allies. A mob appeared early this m o rn -j^ " 1 ' ou’” ' ,-‘,u 01,1 club officers m e t;a m and wag not awarg thaf the m ent’s official w arning th at it will! The keynote of the recent G erm an1 P R E SID E N T HARDING TO PR ESS ing when the night shift was com-1 ont ay ni®ht and completed a r-| store had n til h o, ................... ........ had been been robbed robbed u until he o came, adnnt adopt «tom stern er measures to put .'n an o te end' was ” th a t Germany desires a } CONGRESS FOR EARLY ACTION ing off duty, threatening the work- rangem ents for the banquet at the ‘. “ „ T " “ P ,tlllS ¡ " " " J " 8' Whe" h e i ‘° the unrest breathing spell” in the payment of ‘RIG NAVIES OF WORLD NOW I " dla '» “ »»'«I to ON SOME FORM OF SUBSIDY ers. A machine gun opened fire up- Medford hotel next Monday evening reparations. The German conten-j found the glass in the front door , LIMITED AND WE HAVE DE­ on the mob which was quickly dis ' FO R AM ERICAN SH IPPING . broken near the night lock. The! ° n* vario,,a parts of tions were said to have been sh a rp ly ’’ February 13. They have an unusu­ CLARED BUILDING HOLIDAY persed. thief or thieves had reached in tbe B ri,ish Possession that the grav- rejected. ally interesting program arranged, WITH CHIEF COMPETITORS.” through the broken glass and un- ity of the situation was Increasing, P rim ary O bject in View Is to Put and are desirous of having everyone locked the door, entering that way. | Lloyd George announced that A m erican Shipping un Equal P lane who expects to attend to purchase* Apparently it was some one famil-j there would be an increase in rates B efore C ongress G ets Through w ith W ith T hat o f G reat Britain, Our their tickets at once. lia r with the place who knew w h ere!on all klndo , P resent P lans A uthorized Strength i The following letter was received the various articles were located for insurance in India. C hief Com petitor. of Navy W ill Not Be More Than this week: they took three revolvers that could Renewed rioting in several parts I 6 0 ,0 0 0 Men and $ 3 0 0 0 O fficers. “ February 4: 1922. be carried in the pocket and left sev- of lndia> involving the killing of at By T. N. SANDIFER "Hon. William M. Colvig, eral much better guns th at were too least 17 police officials and four Copyright by International (I. N. S. Staff Correspondent) “ Medford, Oregon. large to carry except in a holster members of attacking parties in ad­ News Service WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 8.— “ My dear Judge: The guns taken were one .25 cali­ dition to wounding of a dozen per­ WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 8.— “ Southern Oregon is, indeed, for­ ber autom atic Colts, one .3^ caliber In the face of growing foreign oppo­ sons and some destruction of prop- The American navy is in for the tunate in securing the services of autom atic Colts, and one 32-20; erty, occured over the week-end. sition, President H arding is giong to greatest cutting it has ever experi­ ' Professor Bisset upon this occasion. Smith and Weston. Ammunition for On Saturday police officers at Cha- presB congress for early action ou enced at the hands of congress— a BELFAST, Feb. 8.- A violent Witb bim ? he Hfe of Lincoln has the two autom atics was taken, b u t'u r l, on the ’ Bengal N orthw estern One hundred and forty dispen- slashing that will carry it far below some form of subsidy which will wave of fighting, raiding and rioting been a study for many yeara- There a box of .38 long cartridges was ta k - : railroad, were storm ed by Indian na saries will be established by the the mark set by the arm am ent con­ guarantee to the American m erchant rolled through the U lster counties i 13 probably no b etter P°sted man in en. probably by mistake, for the 30-! tionalist volunteers. The mob of United States V eterans’ bureau in ference. m arine a fighting chance with its of Tyrone and Ferm anagh yesterday the country. or one b etter fitted to 20 gun. 2000 killed the staff and the watch- Republican leaders in congress, the various district and sub-district overseas com petitors, who have been and today- ! n u w °f ° f i l inCOln than 18 Be8MeS the gUnSl ° ne ° r two Pock-: man and eight arm ed policemen who those who handle the money bags. offices, if the recommendations of bolstered up by governm ent aid for Ten unionist leaders and e ig h t' Eacb year h,s services are et knives were taken, and probably were rushed to the scene. Then the the bureau are accepted. These dis- ¡»forms the International News Serv- years. constables are reported to have been eageily sought aftGr by the larg er I some other small trinkets which nationalists burned the officers and pensaries will be equipped with den- *ce that ,ke American navy is just Details of the plan which Presi­ seized and carried off. Joselyn clties’ and his addresses are not only j have not yet been missed. The cash I. stripped the bodies of those killed tai, physiotherapy, X-ray, examining I abouf ¡wire as big as is necessary dent H arding eventually will pro- Booth, father jf the Countess M ark-! 6 .at,ona1’ but tbey are InaPirlng. register with about $12 in it, was and burned them. room, laboratory and pharmacy f a c - |llnder existing conditions, and th a t po.e wui b . worked out ue tlmo 8„ee lewc2, wa8 kldnai)ped i He is considered as one of Seattle’s left untouched. On the same day, rioting occurred ilittes. This recommendation has before congress finishes its work this on, but they will be based on the , biggest men. and I know th a t you . Police are investigating the case at Bareilly, in the middle united been long contem plated as the dis- 8e8aion' the navy would be reduced recom m endations of Chairman Las­ LONDON, Feb. 8. Armed repub-1 wRl he Pleased with his visit to you.’’ and hope to be able to locate the privences, where several attem pts pensarles are a necessary adjunct of approximately one-half all along ker, of the shipping board, and lican forces invaded Ulster provinces “ Sincerely yours, ~ guilty parties. were made by a large crowd of vol­ these offices of the veterans’ b u -J h e Bne— appropriations, personnel, whose ideas, in turn, are founded on during the last 24 hours, and kid­ ’Clarence L. Ream es.” unteers to seize the town hall. In­ both enlisted and commissioned, and reau. The present personnel of the advice of experts who have stu ­ napped from 60 to 100 U lsterites, ac­ McMinnville college, at McMinn­ sufficient police- forces charged them these offices will be utilized as far ships, shore stations and other fac- died the question thoroughly. cording to advices received here lafe ville, Or., is now Linfield college, a w ithout success, and then were or­ as possible, and it is expected that tors tbat 80 to make up the navy of The prim ary object in view is to today. change of names due to a $250,000 dered to fire. The mob eventually in many instances no additional per- ¡today. put American shipping qn an equal Ulster farm ers are arm ing them ­ endowment. was put to rout a fte r two persons sonnel will he required to operate “ Ri8 » » 'les of the world are now plane with th a t of G reat Britain, our selves and mobilizing to give battle had been killed and five others in­ these dispensaries. In many in- limited, they say. “ We’ ve declared principal m aritim e competitor. to the raiders. jured. stances also no additional space will a building holiday with our chief In general, the main features of I _____________- ITe required Inasmuch as the present Icom petitora- w e have been told that the subsidy are understood to be: j e LOS ANGELES, Feb. 8.— No real property now being used by the o f-¡tbe peace ot ¡he world has been In­ F irst: That the proiits of the o p -*/ f I tP f* R lll* t1 C A f o rato r will be limited by law. V U lllb M l progress was made today in the fices of the veterans bureau through-18Ured for 15 years at least by the out the country will be taken advan- arm sm >nt conference. Then, why do search for the slayer of W illiam D. Second: Government aid will be we nerd a big navy? Besides we tage of. of an indirect character, except Taylor, movie director, according to The establishm ent of these dtspen- have aa economy program to put where a reasonable profit is not pos­ the concensus or opinion of all cn- saries with their dental equipment i throue'1 and we need the money.” sible, and where it is d esirab le’ to cerned. NEW .YORK, Feb. 8.— The for­ will to a great extent dispense with ^ be nresent authorized strength m aintain the flag regardless of low­ PORTLAND, Feb. 8.—-C rater rock A cordon of police was thrown mer United States liner N orthern . the services of private dentists w h o 'of the navy ,a approxim ately 106,000 ered profits. on Mount Hood began to emit steam Pacific, which sailed from Hoboken, I “ bOUt the residence Mary Miles have hitherto treated the claimants. men and officers. Before eon- C ustom s H elp C onsidered yesterday after the column which Previously practically all the X-ray gress gPta through with the present last night with a crew of 70 men, is t6 r’ fllm Star’ last nighL This T hird: The necessary aid will ex­ ¡burning 100 miles south of S an d y ' ?’aS d° ne t0 pro:ect Miaa M inter had first spouted forth on January laboratory and pharmacy services of- pban8, *be a »thorized strength will tend to the operators and to the Hook. The crqw has abandoned her. > curious pe°l)le- aaid officials. 29 had disappeared entirely for a fered to the disabled veterans has not be more than 60,000 men and personnel on the ships, the first be­ Latest reports from the flaming ves-! . ft Was be,ieved 11 foreshadowed, period of five days, and for the first been supplied by private institutions. 3000 officers, legislative leaders say. ing accomplished by means of al- sel indicated th at she had taken an lu r,h p r '¡ev elo p m en ts'in the case, time Portlanders were able to see W ith the laboratories owned and op- loting a share of the customs levied extreme list. which, however, were not expected it plainly. erated by the government, it is ex- | j T D L. on the goods brought over, and the All except four members of t h e ' ,o effect Miss M inter directly. pected th a t a considerable economy S3TOIFIQ 1 0 K U S l I second by m aking the crews a part When first noticed about 3:30 Police Captain David Adams he- of the naval reserve and thus giving crew bave been Plcked UP hy other D 4 T C t i in the afternoon, the new column will be effected. lieves th a t if he could find Sands i them increased pay ¡ 'e s s e s . The missing four are re- ¡had the appearance of smoke and The establishm ent of these dispen- f3C lS 10 the mystery of the crime would be It is usually those in a com­ i seined to be decidedly of an eruptive saries will result in immediate medi-' ~ munity afflicted with know-it-all- nature. One inform ant who noticed cal service to a large class of claim-! the phenomenon from a position of ants and beneficiaries of the bureau.) WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 8.— A1 Manning contends th at Taylor itis th at get things into a heluva the highest paid and best cared f o r j ^ ’ enn” for r epair8‘ District 13 provides dispensaries President H arding hopes to send the vantage on the outskirts of the city, mess. It takes high-spirited, for­ was killed because of jealousy over at the following cities in the north- six Inain treaties th at emerged from reported th a t the smoke came In afloat, it is stated. For this rea­ ward-looking problem workers to i a woman. In support of his jelaousy I JACKSON COUNTY west: Seattle, W ash.; Pocatello, Ida- tlie Peace conference to the senate son their m aintenance forms a hea­ get them out. Co-operation is gusts, ascending between 500 and theory. Manning has as evidence a IRRIGATION SCHOOL ho; Portland, Ore.; Spokane, W a sh .,'by the end of the week, it was stated vy item in the expenses of the shin the watchword. W ithout it com­ 1000 feet above the m ountain top, pink silk nightgown, found in a and Tacoma, Wash. operator. If part of this burden can ' STARTS TOMORROW ; by Senator Lodge, th® m ajority munity problems can never be suc­ then spreading out and blowing to draw er of Taylor's dresser the night ---------------------------leader, after a long conference with the north. He said the smoke was be lifted by increased pay from oth ­ cessfully solved. HAZ KIK. MEDFORD, Feb. 8.— Through the after tbe niu,'der NEGRO “ BEATS W H ITE ¡th e chief executive at the W hite black e r than the operator himself, it will A reatlv a « t« t »ho .co-operation of the irrigation depart- BOYS’ TIM E”— WAS I House. bh P rO g ra n ,,lt| men* ,h e OreB° " A gricultural LYNCHED IS CHARGE The members of the American del- _ ¡college, the local irrigation district ---- --- ■ egation are now busy form ulating Preceding the form ulation of this and the state engineer’s office an WASHINGTON, D. C., Feb. 8.— ¡heir report for the president. This fram ew ork, a full repert was made irrigation school has been a rra n g e d 1 A negro soldier was lynched at Is- report will contain the treaties non Z t8 1C° 7 n‘ittee In tbls the benefit of all persons inter-! Sur-Tille, France, for ‘‘beating out themselves and they hope to have port the following outstanding rec-Rested in irrigation in Jackson countv j T hai cute little evzzv pup white boys’ tim e with French girls,” , them in the president’s hands by to- om m endations were picked as ma-1 Lectures and fie]d denion" Phillip Bell, a negro of Memphis, morrow. teriai on which to d raft future poli­ will be given each day. Tenn., declared before the senate —---------------------- - cies: The program follows: committee Investigating Senator EX-SOLDIERS TRAINED 1. The sale of the rem aining fleet Thursday, February 9— 10 a. m. W atson’s charges th a t American sol- TO O PERATE VESSELS as soon as possible, a t reasonable fig­ State adm inistration of irrigation diers were illegally executed in -........... ures. districts. 11 a. m. Preparation of| Fra nee. 1 WASHINGTON. D. C., Feb. 8.— T h ese A re Recoinmen