Ù lH ì U t! AgfiLAJib BAIL? Monday, February 6, highest of atty of the Liberty bonds with strong demand for practically "Bill” Hayward, Oregon’! veteran HENRY FORD BUYS at that date. The same bonds are all kind of stocks. now quoted at >97.16, a gain of al­ LINCOLN MOTOR PLANT L o c a l an d P e rs o n a l The plans of several of the rail­ track coach, was one of the trainers most >7, with an approximately roads to build exteusions aud new at the last Olympic games, or how equal gain on the various other is­ lines have been noted with pleasure, comprehensive Is the work of the Side L ig h ts — DETROIT, Mich., Feb. 6.—Tho sues. Victory bonds at the earlier and Oregon will get her share, if University school of Journalism. The date were slightly under >98, and present prospects and plans are car­ committee endeavors to gfre facts Lincoln Motor plant opened Its doors MASONIC CALENDAR TH I9 Missionary Society to Meet— they are now selling at a premium ried through to completion. about the university to high school this morning under the manage­ The Baptist Missionary society of 24 cents. students so' that they may benefit ment of Henry Ford, who bought will meet at the home of Mrs. Ox A pound sterling before the war C. A. BILLINGS AND both themselves and the state by the property last Saturday at the Shrine patrol drills at Medford ford at her home, 665 Allison street, was worth >4.86% in our money, some day attending an Institution of auction sale conducted by United M EREDITH B E A V ER at 2:30 o’clock Wednesday after­ this (Monday) evening. higher learning. but when the ma.’ket-collapsed two Sta es Judge Arthur T. Tuttle, for ~A ON U. O F O COMMITTEE Eastern Star, regular session, noon. Mrs. Oxford will be the lead­ We hear on many sides that times years ago, Its value dropped to the With representatives in nearly >8,000,000, the lowest figure that er of the meeting. Tuesday evening. are not what they should be, and lowest ever known, the pound ster­ UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eu­ every city of Oregon the work will Judge Tuttle would accept. one is inclined to believe some of ling being worth only >3.19 on the Siskiyou Chapter, special convoca­ Edsel Ford, president of the Ford Candy! Candy! Candy! Watch this talk frofn varied sources. Our gene, Feb. 6.— (Special to the Tid­ reach thousands of high school stu­ tion, Wednesday evening for work fourth day of February, that year. dents. It is but one of the move­ Motor company, announced that Rose Bros, windows. 131-tf ings.)—C. A. Billings and Meredith In the M. E. M. degree. own ctiy is not doing the business On the same date this year, it was ments in progress today to enlist that it could do, but we are in so quoted at >4.30%, a gain of almost , Beaver of Ashland compose the Ash­ the young people of Oregon in the price reductions ranging from >800 Ashland Lodge No. 23, stated Im proved in H ealth— to >1200 would be made effective land unit of the Greater Oregon communication Thursday evening. The many friends of Mrs. M. S. much better condition than many of >1.12. While It is still far below committee of the University of Ore- ! cause of higher education. immediately. Supper at 6:30 o’clock sharp, fol­ Mulit will be pleased to learn that the larger cities throughout the the pre-war price. It is on the up­ ! gon. lowed by business session. she is recovering from her recent United States that we have no right ward course, with very little chance The greater Oregon committee is attack of neuritis, being very much to complain. Further than this, in-i of being set back. dications point to a prosperous year! Along this line may be noted the a university organizaiion of state- Toilet tops repaired. Pixit Shop. improved today. ahead of not only us, but the entire! gains made on some 18 of the larg­ wide scope for the purpose of inter­ esting high school students in the country. est and best known stocks on the Beans—red, brown, pink, white Tru Blu Highway Assortment of Means serious damage to your m o to r if you do not Among other things, Liberty and market of from one to four points. university, of disseminating inform­ 132-2 Fancy Cakes, 35 cents. Plaza Mar­ or Limas. .Plaza Market. ation concerning the courses and ac­ change your oil in time. Victory bonds are nearing par value, ket- 132-2 tivities of the institution. It was a fact that is by no means trivial, Let us drain your crankcase and fill it with quality H ave L eased Property— organizeed several years ago, and for it means that our government is oil. R en ts G unter P lace— Mrs. Lenora Gllkison and mother, many Ashland students have served O. T. Bloohmfield has rented the of Portland, have leaseed the prop­ again nearing a real stone founda­ upon it. as a result of its activities house and acreage belonging to S. C. erty at 333 B streeet and will move tion, one on which every individual! in Jackson county. H aiti W heat Gunter at 264 Grant street, and will into the property at once. The Ash­ may depend. As a comparison, the G uaranteed Many high school students do not occupy the same at once. land Realty company handled the third Liberty 4 % ’a were quoted on | $ 2 .3 0 at your Grocers 100 Main St. Phon© 44 know what the. University school of April 30 last year at >90.44, the deal. business administration teaches, that Sweet cream for sale, 35 cents a pine. Rose Bros. 131tf NOTICE Ashland News In Paragraphs Crankcase Dilution Cheero Flour Hereafter, I will list no property Have a can of those good peaches, for sale, except it be an exclusive only 25 cents. Plaza Market. 132-2 contract. This will allow yourself | and my office only the right ot sell. A n other P lead s G uilty— If you list with me, I will sell it. Lee Street, a young man who E. C. Phipps, Real Estate Broker. makes his home with his parents on 132-2 North Pioneer avenue, appeared in court at 2 o’clock this a’fternoon U. OF W. PR O FESSO R and plead guilty of having liquor on to give a d d r ess ! his person and of selling it. He was fined >20 and given a lecture by the court. The eighth annual banquet of the) Lincoln club of southern Oregon! Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. will be held at the Hotel Medford at Medford Monday evening, February Libby’.4 Corned Beef, 2 cans 35 13. The Hon. Clark F. Bisset, pro-i cents. Plaza Market. 132-2 fessor of law at the University of Washington, will deliver an address' on that occasion. His subject will Leaves for Hai-risburg— Mrs. M. F. Swigart left today for be, “Lincoln as a present power.’ Harrisburg, Or., to make her home Prof. Bisset enjoys a national repu­ with her daughter there, Mrs. Dr. tation as an orator and no man in! Leslie Kent. Mrs. Swigart’s chll the United States has given the life) dren all reside in the northern part and services of Abraham Lincoln aj of the state, and she is making this more careful study than he has giv­ move to be near them. en it. The professor is the owner of! one of the largest private libraries! Whipping cream that WILL whip. on the Pacific coast and a division! Enders Confectionery. 131-4 of this library is entitled ‘‘Lincolnia’ in which there are over 700 differ-! Self Service Coffee, guaranteed ent books written of and concern­ none better. Plaza Market. 132-2 ing this “man of the ages.’’ The address will not be along the; line \of partisan pol>tics|. and thte D ouble Birthday Celebrated — committee having the entertainment I A double birthday celebration was in charge confidently can promise) enjoyed at the Davis home, 872 Boulevard, in honor of Lucie and all who attend the banquet an hour { Daniel Davis, on Sunday, February of supreme enjoyment. A limited number of tickets have) 5. Those present enjoyed many de­ been allotted for Ashland and vicin­ lightful games, and dainty refresh­ ity and can be secured from Harry ments were served in the later after­ K. Tomlinson or Thomas H. Simp-1 noon, after which the participants son. proceeded in a body to Christian En­ deavor services at the Christian church. The iguests were. Misses OLD WOMAN WORKS IN GANG Geneva Crosslin, Katiee Buchanan, Irene McLean, Rachael Hurst, Ruby Help« Repair Trolley Tracks, 8o Ser­ vice May Be Resumed. Dollar, Marguirlte McDonough, and Mrs. Laura M. Sutherland, sixty- Messrs. Vernon Hooper, Ralph Dar- mody, John Crosslin, Fred Pennis- seven years of age, wife of a Grand Army veteran and mother of three ton and Eli Davis. children, all married, took a pick and shovel and Joined a gang of Italian Tamales of quality, served in the workmen the other day when they com­ husk, at Rose Bros. 13ltf menced repairs on a street railway track in North Saugus. Mass., so that Mrs. Hereafter the skating rink will service' may be resumed. only be open Saturday and Sunday Sutherlaud remained on the job un­ afternoons and Friday, Saturday til 5 o’clock In the afternoon, say­ and Sunday evenings. 132- ing she wished to do her bit so resi­ dents In the neighborhood may have trolley car service restored quicker. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY “I hope I will be able to put the FOR rent —Furnished house, four trolley on the wire and start the first rooms and bath. Also an apart­ cay when serves Is resumed and have ment, three rooms and bath. 153 all my neighbors as passengers,” Mrs. Granite St. Phone 411-R. 132-1 Sutherland said. The public trustees FOUND— String of rosary beads. of the railway suspended service be­ . Owner may have same by paying cause it was a portion ot their lines for this ad. Tidings. which did not produce revenue enough to pay for operating. FOR tALE— Modern seven room house, sleeping porch, built-in features, stationary trays, east SAVED BY CHICKENS • front, corner lot. fruit and ber­ ries. close in, fine location, im­ mediate possession. Inquire 271 Mortgages on Farms Are Paid Off by Tholr Efforts. Morton street, Ashland. 132-1* Hundreds of chickens—of the feath­ OST—On Main street, large brown ered variety—are not earning their fur. Finder return to Tidings of- “salt,” according to farm agents of Hce. Suitable reward* 132tf several counties who met In Emporia, Kan., recently. Lazy chickens should business opportunities WE CAN LOCATE you in most any bo culled, killed and eaten, the agents kind of paying business in South­ declared. ern Oregon. FOUR-SITE SALES While the stockyards corporations AGENCY, Business Brokers, Bea­ are shouting at the farmer to “hold” ver Block, Ashland; Medford his live stock and the farmer finding Bldg., Medford. 132tf a bearish market when he does ship FOR RENT—Good 7 room house on it in, the barnyard hen has come to paved street, aM modern, fclobe the rescue of the farmer. Chickens in, will be vacant February 8. See are the real “mortgage raisers” in E. E. Phipps, agent. 132-2 Kansas, the poultry men said. Statistics show that the egg produc­ FOR SALE—A real snap: 5 room tion in Kansas has increased fully one- house with bath, pantry and toilet, large lot, good garage and wood third in the last two years. But farmers who feed lazy hens are shed on paved street, all paid, working a hardship on their communi­ well located, good garden and some fruit. >1050 cash, for a few ties and will save hundreds of dollars days. See E. E. Phipps, real es­ by getting rid of them, the county tate brojter. 132-3 agents concluded. THREE BOYS WANTED to deliver The model state farm commission Oregon Daily Journal. Call 310- R. or call at 263 Oak. 132-1 has spent >65,335 fitting up three farms. FOR SALE— Black Minorca eggs for setting, also one young Black Lincoln county, Or., is suing fo r, Minorca rooster. 56 Strawberry La««. 132-1 >90,000 taxes due on spruce timber, j ^AUTO M O TIVE SHOP Do Your Spring Sewing Early y " cjfiaf (Smac/c o J f ««ny «lays se w in g . —A w o n d e r f u l range of satin fin­ ished Silks, includ­ ing Skinner’s 404, S a t i n Messaline, Messaline, Duchess Satin, Charmeuse ■■.'.C t ' ì B e le a d y for th e first Spring — One of the most popular Silks now is Crepe Knit. We are showing two qualities in several of the best, shades 8 1 .0 9 to 8 2 .4 9 P riced at 8 3 .3 5 and 8 4 .0 0 —A truly stylish silk for spring and truly dependable if you select Skin- »er’s Taffeta at $"•49. ( hangeable Taffetas are shown in several shades at 82.49 — A big Crepe sea­ son is predicted for silks, with Canton Crepe leading for dresses and Crepe de Chine for waists, blouses and dresses. Canton C re p e .................. 8 2 .9 5 and 8.3.00 Crepe Satin ..................................... 8 3 .4 9 Crepe de Chine ................................. 81.95 8 2 INCH GINGHAMS— 2 9 c 30 pieces of fine quality Dress Ginghams in checks, small plaids and plain colors, such as sold last year at 35s per yard ’S "Now at 2 9 c Yard ¡ w r ti DEVO NSH IRE CLOTH— 33c —There Is no worthy substitute for Devonshire Cloth, though there are many others put out to imitate it. When you can buy Devonshire at 35 cents you cannot afford to buy any substitute. JA P A N E SE C R EPE— S 5c and 40c Embossed Crepes Japanese Crepe is one of the most popular wash fabrics and the best shades are always hard to get. Just now we have a good assortment of shades in plain colors and are dally expecting arrival of a wonderful as­ sortment of beautiful checks. ed. 45 waists. INCH IM PO R TED ORGANDIE 79 CENTS In several good shades, and an­ other finer quality In a few shades at 98 cents We^also have a few colors in fine hairline check Organdies. — Nice, beautiful shades in a new embossed Crepe de Chine, a figured crepe but not print- — f o r underwear are an item of im­ portance now, and carry several qual­ ities—Wash Satins at 81.69 and 8195, Jerseyette ____4 at 81 .9 5 , Plain Foulard at 82 .2 5 , anïïeveV al’ q i ^ ities in Habutai. Lingerie Silks —Always service­ able and always u s e d . New pat­ terns just received in pretty shades of blue Sell hi« at 8 2 .75 Selling at 8 2 .4 5 per yard — In a Jerseyette weave, a very serv­ iceable and beauti­ ful silk for men’s shirts or ladies’ Per yard—81*95. Silk Shirtings Luscious describes the new Sport Silks for skirts and the values are almiot rprising. A good value is shown in plain or fancy Baron- ette Satin at >2.25 per yard —A very beautiful silk 40 inches wide, a jersey weave with satin finish, good range of colors and 9old until recently at >4.00 a yard. Now Selling at 82.98 Fairyspun Silk White Goods at Good Prices Should Stimutate Early Buying kA BRIDAL W HITE GOODS SHOULD BE YOUR CHOICE FO R F IN E ZE PH Y R GINGHAMS 9 3 c and 79c —very neat check patterns in splen­ did quality Zephyr Ginghams. P a r c a l e s ................................. 19c to 2 5 c Apron G ingham s .............................. 15c 2 7 in ch D ress G in gh am s, ,1 9 c to 25c P lain C olored V o iles. . . ,4 9 c to 85c F igu red V oiles .................. 4 5 c up Colored P op lin s .............2 5 c and 5 0 c UNDERGARM ENTS Bridal N ainsook and Cambric ............................................. 19c to 37% c Bridal Long C loth ......................................................................... 2 0 c to 29c Bridal Sh eer T issu e N ainsook ................................................8 5 c ,o 48c Bridal heavy , but fine, B leached M uslin ............................................. 25c Good Values in Spring Wool, Dress Goods Bleached and Unbleached Muslins in other orands and all widths of Indian Head muslin. WOOL JER SEY Spring quarterlies and p atterns in both P ictorial R eview and L adies H om e Journal are in. TRICOTINES -In fine quality, 56 Inehes wide. of the most popular wool- Jade> China, en -One materials for dresses,' suits blue and Mandarin and skirts, 50 inch width in Priced at 8 2 .7 5 black, navy and beaver— 84.45 Another good qualitv in rose and purple at 82.49 SERGES 54 inch heavy mannish — 42 inch Ottoman in navy, black — in and navy, yard. . . green and brown, a very pretty 50 black inch Navy yard. . and serviceable cloth for spring 44 inch French Serge, Serge, yard dresses 40 inch French Serge, yard At 82.25 a Yard 56 Inch Polret Twill, yard igv Goons Serge 82.95 82.59 .82.25 8 2 .1 9 83 95 READY MADE DRESS LININGS —These will save you some trouble. They come Cambric, White Net, or Pink Wash Silk. 1 in White •y