t Heia filo Ashland ¿sfUSD D itti TWiÄöfi Tidings E stablished 1876 Published Every Evening Except Sunday TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Monday, February e, " 'n ^ u ^ R ^ n ^ w ' Three M ost B e a u tifu l Women OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PA PER Subscription P rice D elivered in City: One m onth ...................................... $ .65 Mai] and Rural R ou tes j HOUSEWORK IS PUT ON BUSINESS BASIS New York Maids Given 44-Hour I Week and Eat Their Undersea Fighter Embodies Fea­ Meals Out. tures Developed Through War. TELEPHONE 39 Three m o n t h s .............................. 1.95 Six m onths .................................. 3.75 □ne year ..................................... 7.50 ! NEW SUBMARINE --------------- ; ’d New York Is employing business THE ¡KITCHEN CABINET! C o p y r ig h t . l»21, W e s te r n N e w s p a p e r u n io n W ho ia th e w isest w om an—sh e who sa y s th e rig h t th in g a t th e rig h t tim e? N o Indeed—but she w ho leav es unsaid th e w rong th in g s a t th e tem p tin g m o­ m ent. CAN GET QUICK GUN ACTION' “ '4X X “‘te ,ta prubl™ WHAT SHALL WE HAVE TO EAT7 The loug-vacuut place of the old- fasliioned servant is being taken by Those who have once tried ninn | Radio System Permits Boat to Send fhe “home assistant"—working a 41- flsii will always be a friend of It. It One year ........................................ 6 .5 f and Receive Message While Sub- week autl going and comiug to lacks the fishy taste of ADVERTISING RATES work each day as a stenographer or merged—New Submarine Is Double- the ordinary canned fish, D isplay A dvertising making it most accept Hulled and Is Regarded by Naval factory worker. She also buys her Y ou’ve done it y o u r­ Single insertion, each in c h ........... 30c own meals and expects her employers able for salads and vari Constructors as Embracing the Very to address her as “Mrs.” or "Miss.” YEARLY CONTRACTS self—som etim es. ous dishes. D isplay A d vertising 1 » Latest in Submarine Construction. he. reluctance of women since the Tuna Fish Salad.- One tim e a w eek........................27 *4c O v er the pond w ith Ti,« I’ni.nd a , ‘ . ! war to eugage ln housework and do- Take one cupful of Two times a week..............................25 c at/n f rw H 1 , taken another “ e*«c service at wages which families shredded tuna, three- y o u r iron, a n d to the Every other d a y ................................ 20 c H n SUb^ ariue «>«struc- | of moderate means can pay led a group Local R eaders fourths of a cupful o f g reen { A lucky strike Ion with the launching of the S 51, of New York women to investigate the Each line, each tim e .................... 10c boiled salad dressing, i tl.e uavys latest undersea lighter, at problem. They found that women re- for you. To run, eve»-y other dfey for one one-half of an envelope of gelatine. ! BUdgeport, Conn. The S-51 is the Just j volted from domestic service because one-fourth of a cupful of water, one- month, each line, each tim e. . 7c of the ships of her type to be built , of the long hours of labor, lack of deti- half cupful of chopped celery, one j To ran every issue for one month and she is a development in the direc j nitlon of their tasks, uncertainty of green pepper chopped, one-half lea 1 or more, each line, each tim e. . 5c B I tion of the great fleet submarine, with , their hours of recreation, and the feel- spoonful of salt and one-fourth tea ' C lassified Column One cent the word each time. lts wide radius of independent action lug that a certain social stigma was spoonful of paprika. Soak the gela­ To run every issue for one month and its heavy armament. The new attached to their positions, tine in the cold water, then add It, or more, *Ac the word each time. submarine embodies many of the feu- The result of the investigation was with all the other Ingredients, to the ‘Legal Rate W h e n w e d isco v e r e d th e tures developed through the experl- a determination to put housework on hot salad dressing. Turn Into Indi F irst time, per 8-point line ..* ... 10c G H æ r d t r v /? 1 to a stin g p r o c e ss s ix y e a r s ence gained in the World war. Some a business basis and make it as digui- vidual molds that have been dipped Each subsequent time, per 8* ; of the things that the S-51 can do and fled an ocupution as office or factory, ago, it w a s a L u c k y Strike In cold water. When uuolded turn point line ......................... , . . . . 5c < Q u é ’Sru the way they are done are naval se- The women who have been attracted out on crisp lettuce leaves. for u s. Card of t h a n k s ........................... g l.0 0 crets and to some extent her coil- to housework on the home assistant O bituaries, the line .................... 2 W hy? B ecau se now Sponge Pudding.—Take one and i struction and accomplishments have I basis receive $18 a week for a 44-hour F raternal Orders and S ocieties one-half cupfuls of milk, four table m illio n s o f sm o k er s prefer been shrouded In mystery. Advertising for fratern al orders week- They get Sundays and holidays spoonfuls of flour, a pinch of salt and (International News Service) th e sp ecia l flavor o f th e Pittsburgh th eater — a ro u n d ,1 Can Get Quick Action. o r societies charging a regular initi­ 1 or their equivalent time off und a vaca- cook together until thick. Add two NEW YORK, Jan. 31.— If L u c k y S trik e C igarette — „ . you beautiful face, kindly and shrew and One of the improvements aboard the tion of two weeks with pay at the end ation fee and dues, no discount. Re­ e acked to choose between the understanding with the dignity of S'51 Is the counting of her four-inch of a year’s work. They are paid over- tablespoonfuls of sugar and when b e c a u se ligious and benevolent orders will be cooled a little the yolks of three — *“ and '* * the ’ readiness with which it j time at a specifled rate, charged the regular rate for all ad three most beautiful women in the labor. gun well beaten. Fold in the henten vertislng when an admission or other world, whom would you select ; "The third is Mrs. H arding, a can be brought into action as the A weekly schedule of household whites and bake In a buttered bak charge is made. If D. W. G riffith, famous movie plain Ohio woman now the first la Sllbinar,ne ,eaves the depths of the ! tasks In the employer's home Is ar- ing dish until well puffed. Serve with ik — w h ich se a ls in the director, were to choose, wouldn’t dy of the land She has thn ' * *nd rtS6S tO the surface to strlk« ranged that wiu heep the worker busy the hard sauce above. W hai C onstitutes A dvertising d e lic io u s B u r le y S a v o r you begin to run over the names o f o f the nueen 'w h n l h 5 I ““ eneT * The “ ^ » b r e weapon is every hour she is scheduled to work, In order to allay a m isunderstand­ Baltimore Pudding.—Take one-half A n d a lso b e c a u se it’s resembels> ; mount*d forward of the conning tow- She quits at noon and goes out for ing among some as to what consti­ your favorite movie actresses’ How- and she has t’h cupful each of molasses, milk and ever you would be u £ nt, ‘ d b h that sturdy hum anity of er and is fully equipped for aclton ¡her lunch. When the day tutes news and what advertising, ong- j the charwom an— a union I think even when the submariue is sub- j ended she leaves for her own home, beef suet finely minced, a cupful of we print this very simple rule, which , r ," 'S 1118 “ '« Ilo n a b efo re: could only exist In America, la used by newspapers to differenti­ merged. Just behind the gun In the I The domestic servant has become a flour and a cupful of raisins, the ate between them : "ALL future the A rt D irectors’ club, Mr. G riffith: “ If I could show these three faces wall of the conning tower is a hatch- ( business woman with the same free­ juice and rind of a lemon, one half events, where an admission charge said: teaspoonful of soda, a teaspoonful of _. , on the screen as. they actually are way. Through this the gun crew can ! dom aud Independence us the rest of salt, a pinch of cloves, mace and cin­ Is made or a collection is taken ÎS The three most beautiful faces I ¡then the public would well declare leap to their firing posts as the ship her sisters in the business world, ADVERTISING.’’ This applies to have rises from tlte waves, jumping into j The success of the new venture led namon. Steam five hours and serve seen are faces of m ature motion pictures an a r t.’’ organizations and societies of every position while the deck is still awash. the Investigators to organize the bu- with an egg or hard sauce. Prepare W en. kind as well as to individuals. .. nno . a . ' In the ,ight of Mr. G riffith’s selec- Ammunition charges In the wall of reau of household occupations, which tlie hard sauce with two taidespoon- All reports of such activities after One is Alexandria, the dow ager, tions, it is interesting to note th at the conning tower can be thrown open acts as a clearing-house for the home fuls of butter creamed, one cupful of they have occurred is news. Queen of England, with th a t serene Mrs. H erbert Asquith, wife of the to supply charges for the gun up to I assistants and a place where both the powdered sugar added gradually and All coming social or organization ““ V ? ’ 8ym P «hy and form er British prem ier. In her auto- tlie time the vessel is riding free on ' workers und their employers can have two or three tahlespoonfuls of meetings of societies where ne I ’8 . T eenera- , biography, named tne dowager queen the surface, and the ammunition hoist difficulties adjusted as they may arise. whipped cream. Flavor with vanilla money contribution is solicited, in iti­ tio„ ation charged, or collecton taken IS tm ns of aristocratic environm ent. of England as her conception of the begins to work. A half dozen four- Mrs. Richard Boardman, Mrs. George Hermits.—One might well he will- ! NEWS. inch shells can be thrown from tlie D. Pratt, Mrs. Henry S. Patterson and ing to be a hermit if fed 011 such | The second is a scrubwoman in most beautiful woman. gun before the submarine has risen Mrs. Roberts M. Walker are among cakes. Take one and one-half cupfuls W e m ake all quotations on far enough from the sea to present a the women who are actively engaged of sugar, one cupful of shortening. I JOB WORK Interested citizens, and the winner possible target for any enemy vessel. In the work. using butter if possible; three well f 50111 aw arded the prize. beaten eggs, one teaspoonful of soda, In addition to the four-inch gun, the TH E FR ANK LIN PRICE LIST The points upon which the essays S-51 carries five 21-lnch torpedo tubes, one cupful of finely chopped raisins Same prices— reasonable price— SAWED OFF DEER PRONG and flour enough to roll. Roll and to all will be judged are thought, arran g e­ four forward and one in the stern. Undersea Wireless. ment, use of good English, and gen­ Game Warden Saw Fight Between Two cut as for any cooky. Bake In a Entered at the Ashland, Oregon quick oven. The S-51 is equipped with undersea Bucks. Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ W ILIJ AM D. NICHOLS, DECEASED eral appearance. The orations will ter. be ju d g ed .o n though^, delivery and wireless. Her radio system permits Game Warden Theodore Wegmann her to send and receive messages ■ had an interesting experience while . .. general appearance of the orator. (W idow ), R. d . 1, Lenoir City, Tenn. while submerged She maintains sight making his rounds on the north bor- j ^ umheb P layground ' Having a paid coach will debar a contact with the world above the der of Itasca park, Minnesota, one Silver medal to the widow and OFÁMERICA death benefits to her at the rate of contestant ftom the public meeting. «uves through three periscopes. One day recently, witnessing a battle be- ?55 a month, with $5 additional on The open m eeting will be held be­ n in ? eT has tS ®yeplec* in tbe con* tween two bucks and cheating a wolf account of each of five children__ tween the first and tw entieth of nlng tower, where the operator, of Its prey DIG UP TWÛ-T0N LIVE SHELL on a platform, rides up and j Wegmann noticed a wolf skulking Nichols, aged 35, car builder, died May in each year, and the w ritten Vomited dov saving Lee Huffm an, aged 40, black­ essays m ust be in the hands of the heights. to take observations at variomf along the trail he was following hut Dropped 6,000 Feet it Made Hole in vse C a lu m e t B a k in g “ The eye-pieces of the two before he could get a shot the ’wolf Earth 50 Feet Deep. Powder. T hat’s true of sm ith’s helper, from suffocation, Le­ superintendent of schools by April other periscopes are located in the con­ disappeared in the brush. A crash­ During the last year of the war a everything you m a k e - noir City, Tenn., September 29. 1 of each year. trol room. 4 ing nearby attracted Wegmann’s a t­ shell dropped from a height of 6,0<:0 one trial will convince 1921. Huffman was overcome by Two electric motors drive the S-51 WASHINGTON & tention and he found two bucks en­ you. Doughnuts, pies, when she Is submerged and on tlie gaged in combat, with horns locked. feet upon the village of Havay, be­ .BRITISH COLUMBIA gas in a well 45 feet deep. A fter cakes, biscuits, muffins, come surface she is propelled by two Busch- After watching the struggle until sat­ tween Mons and Maubeuge. It did , ÏRIGHT. COOL DAYS two men had attem pted to rescue from the oven light, tasty, not explode, but it made a hole In [A RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. Sulzer-Dlssel engines, rated at 950 isfied the deer could not break apart Huffman, Nichols, in a box tied to a sweet and wholesome because the earth about fifty feet deep. This brake horsepower each. for ex-? as- shell weighs two tons, and The charge rope, was lowered into the well. The rryi » ( of their own accord, * he ** went * * .the new submarine is double- ; sistance and returned with ISupt. C OREGON 1925— An OPPORTUNITY rope was not strong, and Nichols de­ hulled and she is regarded by naval M. Roberts, who brought a rope, a of explosive Is estimated to weigh from 1,600 pounds to a ton. Belgian tached it and put it around Huffm an constructors as embracing the last hatchet and a saw. authorities have succeeded in extract- j P ut Oregon In the path of prog­ who was drawn to the surface. Nich­ word In submarine construction. She The two men found tlie fighting ani­ ing the shell, after making a large ! never varies in its leav­ What Can Be Done in Case Fric­ ress by national advertising. In ols was then overcome. A fter he Is designed to withstand with safety mals almost exhausted by their strug­ ening strength—never excavation about It. The work de ' tion Band Burns Out. submergence to depth of 200 feet. ci ease population. Provide greater had been in the well an hour and a gles und soon had them under control. rnunded great precaution, as a shell fails to produce pure, taxable wealth. More farms. W ider half a man descended, wearing a gas They could not be pried apart, and It of a similar kind to tlie one buried appetizing, nourishing foods, was necessary to cut a prong off the at Havay made a crater more than and all This at an economical m arkets. Increase travel westward. mask and put a rope around Nich­ LEFT $5,000 IN OLD SHOE cost. horns of one deer to release them. 1,000 feet in diameter. Reduce rates on railroads and steam ­ ols. He was raised to the surface, Strips of Leather or Heavy Canvas Properly Inserted Will Hold for They were then turned loose. ship lines. Induce new investments. but could not be revived. Huffman M illio n s of w om en, And Cobbler Returned It to Polish Several Days or Until It Can Wegmann said the larger buck was Stim ulate ocean freight lines. Re­ recovered. hotels, railroads, Dom­ Woman, Getting $10. Blind Doctor Smells Diphtheria. a tine animal, weighing upward of 250 Be Fixed Permanently. store commerce of Columbia river. Dr. Gutschall, of Bluin, Pa., who Is estic Science Teachers, An elderly woman, described as be­ pounds. This buck lost the prong that Millions of free publicity. Place D. A. R. INSTITUTE have been relying on it When the low-gear friction band, ing Polish, left a pair of shoes to be was sawed off and tlie smaller deer blind, recently discovered the presence for over 30 years. Made in of diphtheria by smelling. As soon as repaired with Frank Sldelll, cobbler, highways to full use by increased had the tip of one prong broken in on a popular light automobile, burns PR IZ E CONTSST IN the world’s largest factories. he entered the home of the sick child Bayonne, N. J. the fight. travel. Develop Oregon’s 15,000,- out after a long pull, it will be found he exclaimed, ”1 can’t see\ hut I Sldelll found a paper wad In one of ASHLAND SCHOOLS practically impossible to get the 000 acres of idle lands. Provide smell clutch Into high gear. When such the shoes. He tossed it careh dy into DOG THEFT INSPIRES COURT correct. dlptheria.” His diagnosis was cheaper fuel for m anufacturing by a pile of litter and went on about his harnessing w ater power. Advance This year and each year following an emergency occurs, a temporary re- work. A little later he came Across Oregon’s growth 25 years over nor­ the D aughters of the American R evo-' the wad again, opened it and found Judge Delivers Dramatic Outburst in Killed by Exploding Bottle. Sentencing Thief. mal. Secure two taxpayers where lution are offering a prize of $10 in it comprised fifty $100 bills. He While a Warren, R. I„ man was When Beverly Clark pleaded guilty opening a catsup bottle at his dinner there is but one. Make Oregon a cash or $10 worth of books to the shouted and his wife and children zsrnn> of LCATMCA caine running In. They called the before Judge Otto A. Rosulsky in New table, the container exploded into a united state. Bring millions of new boy or girl in Ashland high school zL IATHIR police. York to having stolen Brag Schulum, hundred pieces. A triangular hit ot wealth for investment in labor and w riting the best 1200 word essay on ROLL a brindle bulldog belonging to Mrs. glass was driven Into his throat nud Search was made, but the Polish m aterial. Stim ulate building pro­ the topics presented below: f Homes Grips Rome. in the reach of all, $1.75 to gon’s equable climate. Dwell upon The essays will be delivered to the released from friction. A strip of was Instantly killed when he took hold Rolf W. Baulian, who was head of the sparkling mountain stream s and superintendent of schools, who will leather, from a heavy shoe, or a piece of an electric light bulb in the cellar of $4.50. Come in any time the Princeton architects who worked beautiful w aterfalls. Capitalize the deliver them to a committee of three of thick, tough canvas, is inserted his home. The usual force of the cur­ in devastated France, thus sums up d u rin g the day. CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF Columbia River highway from the in­ prom inent citizens who will, from between the. low-gear band and the rent Is not strong euough to kill a his observations on a tour of Ita ly ; land Em pire to the sea. Perpetuate the list, select the six best produc­ drum, as shown in the drawing. An­ man. “The housing shortage in the big other strip of leather, or heavy cloth, the glory of the oceanside as the tions. cities is Just as serious as In the 2 or 8 incites long, Is rolled up and Cat Wanted Meal of Snake. United States, and In Rome the situa playground of the west. Tell the The six selected contestants will Inserted between the coil spring and One of our readers In Nova Scotia tion is more severe than in either from E astern mills ju st in. Con- world that C rater Lake and the Mar­ then memorize the productions and the flat leather band, in the mattnei was looking out of her window und Parts or London. The cost of build­ siderable drop In prices on same. ble Caves are in Oregon. Remem­ deliver them a t an open m eeting of indicated. Tightening the adjusting ber Oregon’s great snow-capped the D aughters of the American Revo­ screw, until the low-gear friction bam Vas surprised to see a green snake ing has come down, but It has not GOOD CEDAR POSTS wound around the leg of her cat. The peaks are not Isolated. The acquisi­ lution during regular schools hours Is nearly tight, and replacing the trans cat was trying to do away with Ui* yet reached a point where extensive New prices on implements and re ­ programmes for housing have been tion of the Oregon country was a In the high school assembly. The mission cover completes the repaii snake by eating IL pairs. . New a j d used sewing undertaken.” machines for sale or to ren t......... —Leo C. Shinn, Portland, Ore., in Popu trium ph of pioneer adventure. orations will be judged by three dis- lar Mechanics Magazine. j Sea Paulsarud'a suits ‘to r 1922. Cliff Payne makes shelves. ine mouth .................................. $ .65 Three m onths .............................. 1.95 six months .................................. 3.50 __________ 1 LUCKY Z STRIKE 9 I It’s Toasted* Carnegie Heroes w e iß . FOR BETTER BAKINGS TEMPORARY REPAIRS FOR AUTO LOW GEAR OSAK 4. CALUMET BAKSNG POWOER Diamond can«. _ S p e c ta c le s W. A. SHELL Fencing 00K$ Pei/’s Corner r