S muót , t a b u a 4, I M il il MÜä. LOCAL AND li A shland — he* D A K i itä iä ä ä By Otarie* Sugfut» e Wrawn Nrt,tpjt*r Unico MICKIE, THE PRINTER’S DEVIL PER SO N A L Spring woolens and styles are In a t O rres’ Tailor Shop. I2 8 tf Paper Changes Hands— P. R. Soule has purchased the Ev­ ening H erald at K lam ath Falls from J. M urray, who has owned th e paper for several months. Mr. Soule was one tim e editor of the-H erald, but nas been connected with th e Sacra­ m ento Bee lately. The Ashland R ealty company have houses to rent unfurnished all over town, and a few furnished. Have a few extrem ely good buys of residence property th a t one rarely hears of. H ave cash buyers w aiting and rent­ ers w aiting. B argains in homes se­ cured on paym ents sam e as you would rent. 128-tf hotel .fiotti JfiflUtOAV tílcuw/ t&JL O& xódArtAivtAUUv Uofijt «dt Qo&wnme, ezvóaSiz &&£. >AlfiiWuow ÂftA*C - Ä äax L < vw c (/ X/ w H üJS riÜUsA «MWÍMMM« xa . ^^ ma AÄ aacü >tüuzLtÄoxV xiLv ßÄzuxA . I '-'UrK^ aí*d? JL ZLyJJvdUAa«»v /í-kvwúí^vAMz V (QvGL q Ä z MJV JJvCldL aax GÄ v w -firuX* XX- £) oaa ^ , JI ajovul ? o 4 G) OvÿV azv Z sAhaila/wl' wwxL ~&L /A ä ^ v »»^.,' -^4voî^ v ’• Jxkztx«A. ¿ 7 ? k.l' _ Í Azvw O/rudL J d t lAUX^'Wdl Ä. U/W a ÛJL O^ «fiwHk&riL Ä&oJt/ _Z€uXt^ zdo- J L oax L J^toT xRa We sell pure leaf lard In bulk, H ealth Bread. P u re M alted Milk Good tomatoes, 15c per can. Plaza D etrick's Groce- M arket. Tw ins— 10 cen ts 8 9 tf Bring your pall. At H&nitaritun— 130-2 130tf ----- i leria. Mrs. A ugusta Bagley Is now a pa­ 1 ----------- i M edford D octor in Los A n g e l e s - tie n t at a sanitarium near Lodi, Under the W eather— One cent the w ord each time. Fred Engle, emlpoye of the Clti-i 'hoppt«rs from Montague— J Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Emmens, of Calif. WANT ED. zens bank, is on the sick list for a Mr- and Mrs- Casll> of Montague, Medford, are spending a week In LEONARD O. PETTIT— V io lin is t- ON Social and Dance Engagem ents; few days. Rev. Charles A. Edwards were in Ashland on a shopping trip Los Angeles and other southern Cali- Special sale a t Orres* Tailor Shop. WANT TO HEAR FROM owner hav­ Teaching in Music History, Ele­ yesterday. fornia points. of the Methodist Episcopal church is Suits tailored to order with extra ing farm for sale; give particulars m entary Harmony; Violin. See pants free. and lowest price. John J. Black, Loveland's O rchestra or address 128-tf reported ill. Ju st received a large shipm ent of Are you still paying the other fel- Box 563, Ashland, 128-1 mo Oregon Street, Chippewa Falls, Wis­ dried fruits including cluster raisins, How’s bad accounts, or are you fol- consin. 125-3sat* R eported R em arried— Nlce Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash- PHYSICIANS. It is reported th a t Mrs. G ertrude land Lum ber Co., phone 20. 92tf seeded raisins, seedless raisins, cur-1 lowing the crowds to D etrick's Groce- WANTED— A man to cut 50 cords of! ________ ______ rants, white and black figs, Italian : terla. *130tf wood. Apply at 275 Scenic D riv e ,!0®’; ERNEST A. WOOD8— Practice 24 SHEETS AND McCalleu Mulit has rem arried and is and French prunes and peaches. Ashland. I28tf* ' limited to eye, ear, nose and 24 ENVELOPES now a resident of southern Califor­ Leaves for California— ------------ ------------------------------- ** | throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and D etrick’s Groceteria, We sell for V isitors from Nevada — nia. Andrew McCallan left Friday af­ 2 to 5. Swedenhurg Bldg., Ash­ WANTED BOARDERS— Room and less. 130tf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williamson ternoon for Berkeley, Calif., for an land, Ore. 73-tf (A ssorted T ints) board for two or three persons. and little son from Nevada are vis­ For business opportunities in indefinite visit with his m other who S ligh tly B etter— 725 Iowa St. 127-tf DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and iting Mr. and Mrs. William Lindsay, Southern Oregon, consult the Four- lives in the Bay city. R egular SO and 60c Values 8urgt»on. Practice limited to H arlan McWilliams, who has been on Church street. WANTED— Will pay highest cash I eye, Site Sales Agency, Beaver Block, ear, nose and throat. GlaBser ill with influenza, was reported bet­ prices for furs— skunk, mink, I supplied. Oculist and aurlst for phona 4. iO8tf Dance, Moose hall, Saturday night, te r Friday. fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, etc. Ed- i 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. fl*. and H ETNA MILLS GIRLS DEFEATED gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, Med-1 Bldg., Msdford, Ore. Phone 567 February 4. Leedom’s Orchestra. ford, Ore. Phone 92 9. 124tf N ow in C alifornia— 129-3 H. R. Adams, plumbing, contract­ Locals W in 2 9 to 3 7 — H. S Boys DR. MATTIE B. SHAW<—Speolul at- Jeff H eard, form erly of this vi­ ing and day work. 248 Fifth St., BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES B eat A lum ni 41 to 33 tentton to m others and children cinity, but more recently of New Visiting Relatives— — - - ________ • phone 166-J. 109tf Internal secretions and endocrine The local high school girls played O rleans Is now located at San Ysl- Mr. and Mrs. Clemer, of McCloud, glands. Res. and offioe, 108 Pio­ FOR SALE— We have the following the Etna Mills, Calif., girls’ team at dro, Calif. Calif., are visiting at the George Birthday D inner— neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ stores and businesses for sale in the Box the high school gymnasium last Southern Oregon: Ketchum home on Helman street. fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to I Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Saunders gave; WHILE THEY LAST p. m. Grocery with confectionery and Health Bread. Pore Malted Milk They were called here on account of a delightful dinner party a t their night, and while the score was tied fountain. Twine—10 cents the critical illness of Mrs. Ketchum. home on the Boulevard Thursday ev­ at the end of the first half, the locals i DR. SHAW— Eye, ear, nose, throat Grocery with dwelling house.v Mr. Clemer is a b ro th er of Mrs. ening in honor of the birthdays of did some good team work soon after specialist; glasses fitted. Office High class groceteria. G oes to D unsm uir— at residence, Pioneer Ave., m orn­ the beginning of the second half and Ketchum. Paying m anufacturing business. Mr. Saunders, and his granddaughter ing and by appointment. Phone 28. Rexall drug store. Mrs. H. C. Johnson and little sons, HJl.L > I 1 ■— J J— Miss Irwanda Bateman. Covers were ran the score to a safe place, never Small drugs and notions. Health Bread. Fare Malted Milk 2Ä Ö of 548 C * street, and Mrs. H. E. Jüan TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. laid for 12, and two well-decorated befng in any p articu lar danger Cafe and lunch counter. 89tf , . . . . W iltse, left for D unsm uir on train Twins— 10 cents , . . thereafter. They won bv J the score of Cafe and confectionery. birthday cakes were cut . and . formed FOR prompt and careful servlee, 13 this morning, to attend the an­ 37 to 29. Feed and grinding business. auto tracks or horse drays, call part of the excellent dinner. nual ball of the Brotherhood of R ail­ Slopped in A s h l a n d - The high school team and the al-! B attery and electric business. W hittle T ransfer Co. Phone 117 Renovating business. Mrs. Pool and daughter, of Rose­ way Trainm en a t th a t place. umni played what proved to be a fast ~ 1 Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel No goods bought at w ar prices i n ! Shoe repairing business. Ashland. 66tf burg, who have been spending some game, and one th at should prove of INTERU RBAN AUTOCAR CO. our store. Our stock was all p ur­ Half Interest paying business. In our line for *22, th ere’s a suit, time in the south .stopped off here value to the high school team. The (Effective Jan u ary 1, 1922) Dressmaking parlors. T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS 120tl today on their way home, to visit chased since the drop In price. This alum ni played a hard game, ¿ n d L v for you— at Paulserud’s. XOOpt l ^ ^ H L A N D FER — Good team and motor H ardw are and furniture, new and is one of the reasons why we sell for tecond hand. trucln. Good service at a reason- friends. with a little more practice would 7:00 a. ra. * less. D etrick’s Groceteria. 7:00 a. m. 130tf New Masonic Directory— 1 able price. Phone 83_____________ Garage and transfer. have carried away the large end of ! 8 00 a. ra. 8:00 a. m. Garage with equipm ent and The local Masonic bodies are hav­ 9 00 a. m. See P au lseru d ’s suits ‘for 1922. the score. The high school showed 9:00 a. m. PLUMBING building. R eturns from Visit— ing a ne wdirectory published, which 10:00 a. m. 120tf to much b etter advantage in practice 10 J ” 00 a. m. Fully equipped small laundry. Mrs. Laura V. Edwards, who has 00 a. m. will be out in a short time. The n e w , 11:00 a. m. ! PHONE your n e tt Job of plumbing Painting contractor’s business. than the alum ni, bu t seemed unable 12 00 noon been visiting with her sister, Mrs. 12:00 noon 1 to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. directory contains all the names of R e(unis to W ork__ Call or w rite . to get by the alum ni with advantage l 00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. Phone 188. N. F. W ight, of Seattle, for the past The FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY m em bers of the various orders with Mrs. Van Wegan is able to be a t t K with th eir plays. The final score was 2 00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. Medford Building, Medford, Ore. the exception of the Shrine, which her WQrk agaiu at tHg gquare DeaJ wo months, returned to her home 3:00 p. m. FOR SAIJB— REAL ESTATE. 41 to 33 in favor of the high school. •3 00 p. m. Beaver Building, Ashland, Ore. 4 00 p. m. publishes a directory of its own. gr af(er few dayg ftt hom e. here Friday m orning on train 13. 4:00 p. m. 131-1 5 00 p. m. 6:00 p. m. FOR SALE— Five room house, cor­ 6 00 p. m. Snyder’s orchestra, Gold Hill, Sat­ 6:00 p. m. ner lot 120x130— berries .lots of BABY CHICKS - TO THE PUBLIC „ ■ Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk urday night. 00 p. m. 7 7:00 p. m. CHERRO water, close in. Bargain for quick 129-3* Realizing the need in Ashland of g9tf 8 30 p. m. Sat. only 8:30 p. ra FOR SALE— The Redwing Hatchery sale. Phone 476-J. Easy terms. Hard W heat a drugless physician who Is free to ______ 9 80 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 130-6* incubates 250,000 eggs every FLOUR H otel A shland G uests— 1C 30 p. m. Sat. only 10:30 p. m. respond to out-of-offlce calls a t any three weeks, being the largest r.nd T H otel Colum bia Guesti G uaranteed The following parties have regis­ Sunday Schedule 1 DR SALE— Any one w ant­ hour of the day or night, I wish to finest equipped electric hatchery- IOME $ 2 .3 0 at your Grocers The following are laet arrivals at tered at the Hotel A shland: Mr. and Leave Medford for Ashland and ing a place with one acre of announce th at. Instead of re-openlng .. „ . .. T . . in the Southw est We are booking Ashland for Medford every hour on ground, all kinds of fruit, good my office, I will hereafter tre a t m y 'f ® ° G\ C° ,umbi®’ W* L* D oud-(Mr8. j. Ingle> Seattle; L. T. Larron, orders for immediate and future the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; gardei space, chicken lot, hen­ patients In th eir own homes. T h e , p ’ .P °J ’ J° h.n ,M‘"S’ ’’" f0.1, North Bake’’. Or-: F * J- Cox, F. T. delivery of all the popular breeds then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. house, garage, woodshed and store baby chicks, Pekin, Muscovy trad home treatm en ts will be sim ilar to V*'-! I '. Bradshaw ’ C- C’ Dole K ruger, V. P. Reimer, K. Mosudo, room, seven room house, all mod­ Ashland w aiting room— E ast Side of Indian R unner ducklings, and : and C. F. Riebel. ern. with gas. Anyone Interested San Francisco; Ed Coney, K lam ath Investigate Our Ideal i Pharmacy. those form erly given In my office. Mammoth Bronze baby turkeys; can inquire of owners, a t 710 JACKSONVILLE-M EDFORD Falls: Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Blackston, also our celebrated Btrain of Ore­ Massage, hydrotherapy or vibrations Cocoa, two pounds 25c. Plaza Penn. Ave. Phone 349-L. 128-6* D aily (E xcept Sunday) gon-Corvallis W hite Leghorns. We Denver, Colo.; Charles L. H atfield, will a t all tim es be used prelim inary Market. LV. MEDFORD LV. J’S’N V LB 130-2 can supply pullets of all kinds at FOR SALE— New six room bunga­ Z. C. Fidler, E. L. Guden, A. R. F ra ­ 7:40 a. m. to the chiropractic adjustm ents, in all tim es; also incubators and low, cheap if taken at once. Ad­ 7:20 a. m. 8:49 a. m. zier, Edwin Curtis, T. N. Rossich, th a t way securing complete relaxa- j}uys Ford Cat brooders. No order too large or dress 78 Sixth St. 128-6 8:15 a. ra. 9:90 a. m. John J. H oogstract, H. E. G riffith, lion of the muscles and rendering too small to receive our careful at­ Mr. Jordan, proprietor of the Ar­ 9:20 a. m. 11:16 a. m. Hot Water Heating System for Send for prices. RED-j-pRY R. D. SANFORD, 399 Beaeh th e chiropractic work proper as my Goods store, is the possessor of M. McGuire, I. A. Elrod,, W. W. 11:18 a. m. tention. 10:45 a. m. WING HATCHERY, 2030 E. Flor­ Small or Large Houses St., for all classes of Real Estate, W oodruff, F. B. Emmons, J. L. Gray, painless as possible. 18:80 p. m 12:00 noon a Ford car now. ence, Los Angeles. 131-4sat forenoons 103-lmo* P ortland; Mr. and Mrs. Ora D. Ba- Our New Line of Heating Stoves I wish also to announce th a t In 1:20 p. m. 1!50 p. m. 2:45 p. m. 3:20 p. m FOR SALK. again taking up my work In Ash­ Are Now In Meet jolly folks from all parts of ! 1 of Eugene. a for- 0. B. L A M K I N Sunday Only Ashland St. 129-3* Pearl hominy, 15c per can. Plaza palns in the back of the neck and ! mer res|dent of Ashland, is in town LV. J’S’NV’LB LV. MEDFORD 130-2 M arket. head, loss of memory, certain ner-i visitlng friends for a few days 8:00 a. m. 8:60 a. m FOR SALE— Here is a splendid op­ OARLOAD SHIPMENT OF vous disturbances of the eye, ear, 9:60 a. m. portunity: Grocery store doing 9:20 a m. 11:18 a. m. BARGAINS IN REAL fl^se and throat, certain arm and 10:46 a. m. nice business, Invoice about $3000, D etrick’s Groceteria sells b u tter i RURAL SCHOOLS USE ESTATE 12:15 p. m. rent $30. O. A. Manning, Talent, 12:46 p. m. shoulder troubles, etc. for less. 130tf STEREOPTICAN SLIDES Oregon. 127tf 1:60 p. in. 1:2 0 p. m. The fee for calls between 10 p. m. j ______ _ • 3:M p. ffl. 2:50 p. ra. IN CLASSROOM WORK from Eastern mills jus$ in. Con* and 9 a. m. will be double the fee Undergoes Nasal Operation— 4 :9 ) p. m. FOR SALE— Good milch cow. W. 3:45 p. ra. slderable drop In prices on same. charged for day calls. Mrs. B. D. Bigler, a resident of a 5:00 p. m. 6 :3 0 p. m L. Moore, Belview 126-5 City and Ranch Properties UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, E u­ H ouses to Rent 9 :8 0 p. m. 7:00 p. m. MAUD INGERSOLL HAWLEY ; neighboring California town,, under- GOOD CEDAR POSTS MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE gene, Feb. 3.— (Special) — That HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTINC— V isiting Chiropractic Physician went an operation on her nose F rh New prices on implements and re- Daily (Except Sunday) A ttachm ents fits all sewing m a­ (H older of chiropractic physic-jday. The passage of the nose was a l- ' “ »“ 7 ru ral schools of the state are! fialrs.. New a id used sewing LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG chines. Price $2.00. Checks 10c Ian’s license No. 165, Issued August most entirely closed, and the divid- now using stereoptican lantern slides! machines for sale or to rent......... CITIÄEN S BANK BUILDING 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. ra. extra. Lights Mail Order House, 28, 1915, by the Oregon State B oard! ing part of the nose was removed ior classroom instruction is the! Travel by atage; shortest route by Box 127, Birmingham, Ala. 126-6 20 miles; one of Oregon's most of Chiropractic Exam iners.) and a new part substitute. ¡statem ent of the extension division scenic trips; we save you time and FOR SALE— W hite Minorca h a tc h -' Residence, third house to the of the university, which supplies the ing eggs, non-setters, large white money. rig h t on W alker avenue South. Tele­ Shrimp, 3 cans 50c, $1.75 dozen public schools of Oregon with an ex- Fa,«— Medford-Rosebm-g, $4.00; aggs, $1.00 for 15. 932 B oule-. H o m e s A g a in ! phone 367-J. 126-6; Plaza m arket. 130-2 i tensive visual instruction service. vard. Phone 457-R. 124-lm o, Grants-Pass-Roseburg, $8.00. ■ - U - • - ----- - I - 1 I There’s no time like the present MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS The slides are used to illu strate FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown to be getting th at home which you Dally and Sunday and vitalize lessons in history, geog­ and Wlnesap apples, not culls, 50c have wanted. You do not need LV. MEDFORD LV. G’T’S PASS We invite you to look raphy, literatu re and science, and fo r' box. Half mile west cannery. 0 . ; to wait until you have all the 11:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. A. Manning, Talent, Or. 114tf' money to pay for It; make a pay­ over our stock of community showings, with a local 1.00 p. m. I ’OO P- m- ment down and then pay the rest 4:30 p. m. 4:46 p. m. person easily filling the position of FDR RENI. of it In Installm ents Instead of G rants Pass w aiting room—*Tbe lecturer. paying rent. Bonbonnlere, phone 160. In communities where no electric We have a good five room I Office and w aiting room— No. 5 FOR RENT— Furnished house, four , rooms and bath. Also an ap art­ dwelling, nicely located, fine con­ Thrift is like a calculating machine which adds current is available, illum ination is 8. Front 3t.. NaBh Hotel building. ment, three rooms and bath. 153 dition, partly furnished, for only secured by means of an acetylene G ranite St. Phone 4 ll-R . 131-1 I $2500. This is a good b fy for ___________ ______ f S » i? rapidly to your capital, subtracts from your burner fed from a Presto-lite tank. th a t money. Let ua show this to I FOR SALE— Ford touring car ini you. If you are thinking about Such equipm ent, it is declared, af­ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES good condition. 73 Pine St. 130-6* something of th a t kind and th a t fords satisfactory pictures and has cares, and multiplies your pleasures. Q C ¡GREAT BARGAIN— I have 84 can-! am ount of money, don’t w ait un­ the advantage of being within the F O U R -SIT E S A L E S B aries, singers and hens with til some one else gets it.. ! means of most d istrict schools. The F We also have a fine six room AGENCY breeding cages, seed, etc. Will and other Decorative A thrift aoeonnt with us opens up an unsus­ slides themselves are loaned free by dwelling, one floor, well furn­ !* take $200 cash for the lot; too ill (G rants Pass, Medford, Ash­ P the university, the only cost being ished, for $3600. Large lot, good Material. to attend to them. The Chair Doc-| land, K lam ath Falla.) location, house and fu rn itu re In th at of transportation by express or tor, 3d and A Sts. 130-lmo* Beaver Block. Ashland pected avenue of progress. excellent condition, some fruit, We willingly give prices 2 parcel post. In all 180 slide sets, — Brokers in— FOR SALE— One registered Togen- garden space, garage; w orth ev­ covering a wide range of subjects are and figure amounts Business Opportunities, burg buck and two 1917 Saxon ery cent of the asking price, and !© Business Leases, __ available for the use of schools, sixes. 635 Roca St. Phone 268-Y. more. needed. Business Partnership. ; churches, granges, community cen­ FOR RENT—.-House of four rooms, All transactions strictly ters ’and other organizations. B street, near F ourth Also house­ confidential. Educational films, rock and mine- keeping rooms. Inquire 115 A s h la n d , O r e g o n ral sets, and micrscope slides on bot­ No charge for listin g s RJKAL ESTATE & INSURANCE Church St. 129tf RESULTS PRODUCED THE PAINT MAN Established 1888 any and zoology are also included in FOR RENT— Furnished room w ith Phone 211 41 > Mntai Sv BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES the free visual instruction service. heat. 85 Second St. 129tf B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L Special Box Paper 25c SOtf M cNair Bros. Arcola. Provost Bros» Fencing Peil's Corner It Adds, Substracts, Multiplies The Citizens Paints Wall Paper Sanitas SB Dickerson & Son Billings Agency