ÁgfíUMD flA ttt H tifi fWtí ftifflttìS 1¡-| Ashland News in Paragraphs ■ n«— »imi M M Both of these num bers were much i Snyddr’s orchèstra, Gold Hill, Sat­ BIBLE LECTURES ARE NEARING COMPLETION appreciated by the entire audience. ! urday night. 129-3* The perplexing and sadly neglect-! Tonight the subject of the sermon ed question of C hrist’s retru n was is, “The C hurch.’’ W hat is the true Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Welch, of Lau­ cleared of the many difficulties th a t church? Who was its founder? Who rel street, left this morning by auto would-be prohpets have throw n is it now? expecting to m ake th e trip through around it, in Mrs. Champie’s serm on, ---------- to Portland. - j at the C hristian church last night, i The following parties are recent — ■ ■ (She presented it in a straightforw ard arrivals at the Columbia hotel: H. V. j Good tomatoes, 15c per can. Plaza scriptural m anner. Of the two hun-! Smith, W. F. Em m ett, J. H. Garvin, I M arket. 130-2 dred or more people who heard the Portland; T. M. H arrington, Mr. and sermon a large percentage expressed Mrs. Jam es W atkins and children,, G rants P ass V jsitors— gratification for a new and satisfy- ' K lam ath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. H obart, of Jng revelation in regard to this sub- Carter, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Newby,! G rants Pass, were dinner guests of jp(.t Qn wh,ch there hag been gQ m u c h ! Salida, Colo.; IL A. Culp, D unsm uir; ' McNair, of Oak c o n fu sio n ¡V. G - D olllh lto , C. E. M iller, G. R ich- and street, Thursday evening. Mr. and] Mrg W einberger rendered One of wood, E. L. Coburn. San Francisco; | | Mrs. H obart returned to G rants Pass her exce)lent vocal e lec tio n s, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Schmidt this morning. | y e ra Chample and Elizabeth W ilmot G rants Pass, and Mr. and Mrs. B. D. played “The Palm s,’’ a piano duet. Bigler, Hornbrook, Calif. No goods bought at w ar prices in our store. Our stock was all p u r­ chased since the drop in price. This is one of the reasons why we sell for RALPH CONNER’S less. D etrick’s Groceteria. 130tf STIRRING STORY Start for Portland— Local and ¡Personal ------ -----------— Side Lights----------------— MASONIC CALENDAR ■MB fa-id«?« Februar? », l»aá Phonographs repaired. Fixit Shop. V isitors R eturn Home— Mrs. R uth Stevens and little in daughter, of Seattle, W ash., who have been visiting Mrs. Stevens’ sis­ ter, Mrs. E. M. W allen, of Church A rm ory D ance Saturday n igh t. 129-3 street, left for their home in Seat­ tle this morning. Shrine meets Friday evening stated session. Rand P ractice— The Ashland band held their reg­ Meet Jolly folks from all parts of ular band practice on Monday night, ¡the valley, Gold Hill, Saturday which was attended by about 25 night. 129-3* members, the largest attendance that has turned out for several weeks. A tto m e y ’s H ealth I m p r o v e d - The boys are getting along in fine| A ttorney W. J. Moore, who has shape, and are now able to take hold been confined to his home with a of pieces th ^t Ipo am ateur would sprained back for the pa9t week, is look at. considerably improved today, being B irthday Surprise P arty— able to answ er the phone at his Miss Alice Craig celebrated Standard makes of tires and tubes, home. birthday Monday and received a Weed chains, etc., on sale a t a very handkerchief shower in the after-!I low price. Schmidt Auto Co.— Over- D etrick’s Groceteria sells butter land cars— Shook building. 128t^ ! for less. 130tf noon at the local telephone exchange; where she is employed. In th e even­ ing, a num ber of the telephone girls W ells C hildren 111— ; R u fus T rusty B uys H om e— surprised her by appearing at her The two daughters of Spratt Wells) R ufus Trusty has purchased the of Laurel street have been confined fjve acre tra c t Just outside the c ity ! apartm ent in the Allen building, pre-1 to their home for the past few days, lim its belonging to 'Allen Denton. Pared to spend a pleasant evening. suffering from tonsilitis. Mr. Trusty will tak e possession of It was really a double celebration, as| Miss Norma W illiams is to celebrate j his new holdings March 1. Big $1.10 dance. Gold Hill, S atu r­ a birthday in a few days, and one of day, February 4. 129-3* We sell pure leaf lard In bulk. the two birthday cakes was in her honor. The evening was spent with I Or res cleans clothes. Phone 64. Bring your pail. D etrick’s Groce­ cards and music, light refreshm ents teria. 130tf being served and an enjoyable even-] E igh t Pond Girl— ing was reported. Those present Social E v en in g a t T alent— Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Tavener The Odd Fellow lodge of Talent were Mrs. Dora H ubbard, chaperone, ' have received word from their son gave a dance W ednesday evening, and th e Misses Alice Craig, N o rm a; Jeff to the effect that an eight pound and the ladies of the Rebekahs re­ ■Williams, Lola Couey, Bertha Smith, girl arrived at his home January 30. taliated by furnishing many good Mildred Carlton and Gladys Inlow. Jeff is in the coast defense service at Are you still paying the other fel­ things to eat. The members were en­ F ort Stephens, Or., and has a host titled to bring a guest each, and the low’s bad accounts, or are you fol­ of friends in Ashland. result was th a t both old and young lowing the crowds to D etrick’s Groce­ 130tf Weed tire chains a t less than cost In g reat nurabers were Present, and teria. ju st when you need them. Schmidt sb«nt the moat enJ°yable evening in H. R. Adams, plumbing, contract­ Auto Co., now in the Shook build- montb8- leavlng in the sma11 hour9 lng 128tf of tbe m ornln& wUh hope« th a t many ing and day work. 248 F ifth St., i 1 0 9 tf, more such events could be arranged phone 166-J. in the n ear future. Leedom’s or­ On His F eet A gain— Joseph Miller, of Iowa street, Is chestra furnished the music. able to be about again after a week’s Shrimp. 3 cans 50c, $1.75 dozen. illness. Plaza m arket. 130-2 Milk 11c per can, $1.30 dozen, $5.25 case. Plaza Market. 130-2 "CAMERON of the -SP! A Week’s Series oi Lectures on — Constructive Psychology By G. WESLEY SAFFORD, Psychologist Clear, Forceful Talks Adapted to All Problems -Mental. Physical, Financial R o y a l M ou n ted ” NEW THOUGHT TEMPLE •-----Sta r ri n g------ Beginning February 4th—Continuing all week Boulevard Gaston Glass and Irving Cummings Towering mountains and snow-capped peaks water falls that rival the splendor of Niagara Regular Admission Adi tits—35 cents Children—10 cents Sunday—Monday— RICHARD BARTHELMESS in “ TOL’ABLE DAVID ” E. R. I SAAC & Co Successors to C. H- Vaupel. THE QUALITY STO R E A S h o w in g c i New Spring Goods Visit this Store Saturday and see the new Spring Mer­ chandise now on display. New Dress Goods, New Silks New Wash Goods, New Dresses and Aprons. See Our Windows H ere from R ogu e R i v e r - Miss Tillie Anderson, of Rogue River, is visiting w ith friends In LOST— Oregon auto license plate No. Ashland this week. 63856. Finder return to Tidings office. 130-1* Cocoa. two pounds 25c. Plaza FOR SALE— Five room house, cor­ M arket. 130-2 ner lot 120x130— berries .lots of water, close in. Bargain for quick sale. Phone 476-J. Easy terms. Error In Baby C linis N otice — 130-6* The baby clinis, which was an­ nounced for Saturday afternoon a t FOR SALE— Ford touring car In 2 o’clock at the Presbyterian church good condition. 73 Pine St. 130-6* should have been announced for the GREAT BARGAIN— I have 84 can­ aries, singers and hens with Methodist church a t the same hour. breeding cages, seed, etc. Will Ju st received a large shipm ent of take $200 cash for the lot; too ill to attend to them. The Chair Doc­ dried fru its including cluster raisins, tor, 3d and A Sts. 130-lmo* seeded raisins, seedless raisins, cur­ FOR SALE— 16 inch oak or manza- rants, white and black figs, Italian nita, $4.75 per tier; 12 inch oak and French prunes and peaches. or laurel or 16 inch fir, $4.25 per D etrick’s Groceteria. We sell for tier; 12 inch fir, $3.75 and 12 less. 130tf inch pine, $3.50 per tier. Excel­ lent 7 foot dry cedar posts, 25c. Also have pitch kindling a t 25c Left for T illam ook— per sack and a few chopping J. M. Baker and family, who have blocks at 25 and 50 cents each, been visiting friends here for the A. G. Adams— “Always on the Job”— Yard and office, 240 Third past few days, left for Tillamook St. Phone 460. 130-1 Thursday evening on train 16. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY New Dress Goods and SilKs 54 inch All Wool Shepard Cheeks in black and white. Jieavy quality— Yard, $3.98 40 inch Cheeks in a fine qual­ ity suitable for Spring wear, in black and white, brown and white, blue and white Yard, $2.48 FOR SALE— One registered Togen- Pearl hominy, 15c per can. Plaza burg buck and two 1917 Saxon M arket. 130-2 sixes. 635 Roca St. Phone 268-Y. CHECK SILKS TUSSORA SILKS 36 inches wide in several different color combina­ tions,* fine quality, with a Taffeta finish 36 inches wide. This is a lieavv silk, suitable for jumper dresses, comes in several new spring colors Yard, $1.98 PONGEE SILK SO EASY TO K E E P CLEAN W hite enamel bathroom and bedroom sanitary plumbing fixtures, such as we install, are the easiest to keep clean and sweet smelling. No foul odors, no disease germs can lurk in any p art of our plumbing. Let us figure with you ou your new bathroom equipm ent— or perhaps for your kitchen or laundry. SIMPSON’S HARDWARE Hurry! at You’ll have to hurry if you w ant B E S T QUALITY 4 ft. Black Oak per coi cord, and dry 4 ft. YELLOW PINE at $8.60 per cord, delivered dir­ ect from car. Car now on track must he releared by Tues. /V $10.75 A. G. AD AM S The Wood Man 240 Third Street CANTON CREPE 33 inches wide, fine qual­ ity for making waists, d resses, undergamients— 40 inches wide in a good quality, for waists and dresses; comes in navy blue and black— Saturday, yard, $1.39 Saturday, yard, $3.48 New Ginghams and Percales Investments in Economy Opportunities for economical clothes-buying have not been so favorable in many seasons. The man who needs a new suit or overcoat can come here now confident that his puchase will rep­ resent a satisfying investment in style, quality, good appearance and long" service. KUPPENHEIMER GOOD CLOTHES OFFER ALL THE GOOD THINGS YOU WANT IN YOUR NEW CLOTHES $35 $40 $45 $50 Other All Wool Suits $20 to $30 • z F . K . D eu el & S o n s MEDFORD, OREGON —the house of Kuppenheimer good clothes Phone 460 Yard, $1.25 Valmore Dress Gingham, 27 inches wide in new pat­ terns, checks and plaids. Buy your new dress now! Belmont Percales, 40 new pices to select from in light and dark patterns, clicks, dots ami stripes— Saturday, yard, 19c Saturday, yard, 19c New Dresses and Aprons New Crepe Dresses, made with organdie sash and fancy trimming in several jew colors— Each, $4.98 New Check Crepe Aprons, made with organdie sash. Dome in brown, orange and pink checks — ¡fil’d Each, $4.39 New Gingham Aprons ■ — made with tie back, trim ­ med with crepe— . New Aprons made of fine Zephyr Gingham, trim ­ med with plain colors, with ties on sides— Each, $2.25 Each, $2.69 Have Your Hemstitching and Picoting Done Here The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated r