ASHLAND BAJÜbt 'fiÖtSüä Friday, Febnuty S, lftH PAGI ftUUM ■9» I LOCAL AND PERSONAL Health Bread. i o oeste T w in e I1 A f l C K Z E , T H E PUNTEAS DEVJL By Charles Suglvoe W hat’s Fire Hundred at Atlantic City? 1 Wotan NaMptpa Union Pure Malted Milk 89tf F orm er R esid en t W rites— Mrs. Anna Miller, 591 Fairview street, has received a letter from Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Boslough, who , were formerly well-known residents of Ashland, but are now living in i Denver, Colo., stating that the wea-j ther there was 10 below zero, and th at all were enjoying good health.' Qet your corn flakes at 10 cents per package, regular size, at the White House Groceteria. S h ootin g M atch— Another shooting match Is held near Phoenix Sunday, and a number of Applegate and Grants Dance, Moose hall, Saturday night, Dew Drop Inn—for lunches. Pass sportsmen have promised to put February 4. Leedom’s Orchestra. In their appearance In order to make Has New P o sitio n - 129-3 It Interesting for the local marks­ Ray Clary, who was with the Un- m en. In our line for ’22, there’s a suit ; Ion Oil company at their service sta- for you—at Paulserud’s. 120tl | tion on East Main street last year, 11. We extend a cordial invitation but who was laid off since the first l o any one suffering with catarrh to .of the month, is driving a truck for W ill Move Soon— Walter Evans, who will be mana­ -call and see Hyomel. We will refund (the Carson-Fowler Lumber company ger of the Golden Rule store which th e money if Hyomei does ont re­ these days. opens here in the near future, has lieve. McNair Bros. rented the L. J. Orres property at Nice Dry Wood! also BIox. Ash­ 370 Hargadine street, and plans io G am e A ssociation to Meet— land Lumber Co., phone 20. 92tf move next Wednesday. The Jackson County Game Protec­ tive association will meet March 1 at H ealth Bread. P u re M alted Milk H ealth B read. Pure, M alted Milk the Hotel Medford in Medford. Twins— 10 cen ts 8 9 tf Tw ins— 10 cen ts 8 9 tf There will be a number of very in­ teresting features at the meelng, Called H om e — Record Library Circulation— among which will be a motion pic­ The month of January was the Mrs. D. M. Nenaugh, who has been ture of the wild life of game In our visiting with Mrs. H. H. Palmer for record month for the city library, forests. This film is furnished by a few months, started for her hbttl& ! 4842 books having been taken out the state for instructive purposes. in Washington, D. C., Thursday af- ; during the month. This is a gain of Some of the state officials will be I ternoon. Mrs. Menaugh had just re- ‘ 624 books over February of last year, present. ■ celved word that her daughter had which was the banner months pre­ vious to this year. ; fallen and suffered a broken leg. See Paulserud’s suits for 1922. l20tf For business opportunities in Spring woolens and styles are In 12Stf Southern Oregon, consult the Four- Health Bread. Pare Malted »Ulk at Orres’ Tailor Shop. Site Sales Agency, Beaver Block, Twins 19 cents 89tf phone 4. 108tf R eported Im proving— Tom Roberts, night policeman, D rug Store B ein g P ain ted — who has been In very poor health for H ere on B usiness— The East Side pharmacy is being Dr. Janes, of Seattle, was in town brightened up this week, all of the the past several weeks, is reported as Thursday on business in connection interior wood work getting a coat slightly improved. with the war risk insurance bureau. of white enamel. The balance of the Cliff Payne makes shelves. interior will receive a new coat of A few used cars for sale at a bar­ kalsomine. Purchases Buick Ca gain. 1919 Chevrolet, good Dodge. William Glenn, who lives just out See W. E. Snider at Schmidt Auto W e still have a large stock of of town, has purchased a Bnlck four Co. I28tf peaches, pears, apricots In regular automobile. 2% cans, four for 90 cents at White BATTLESHIP OREGON IS H ouse G roceteria. 128-2 SAVED FROM SCRAP PILE The Ashland Realty company have houses to rent unfurnished all over The old batleship Oregon will be town, and a few furnished. Have a CHERRO i few extremely good buys of residence ’ retained for noncombatant purposes, Hard W heat 1 property that one rarely hears of. because the state of Oregon wants to FLOUR Have cash buyers waiting and rent­ keep it for historical and sentimen­ G uaranteed ers waiting. Bargains in homes se­ tal reasons. According to Washing­ » 2 .3 0 at your Grocers cured on payments same as you ton dispatches, a ripple of applause would rent. 128-tf passed through the armament con­ ference when Secretary Hughes j made the announcement in the open session Wednesday. Ashland Realty Co. Houses to Rent Property for Sale 2 5 E a s t M a i n S t. Phone A s h la n d , O re g o n 181 Second Anniversary Sale FEBR U A R Y 3R D TO 12TH M ilk, per can— 11c. P er dozen— 8 1 .3 0 . P er c a s e ................$ 3 .2 5 S w eet Corn, 2 cans— 23c. 9 cans for ......................................$ 1 .0 0 N orthern S ta te s Corn, 3 cans for 33c. 6 cans f o r .................... $ 1 .0 0 T om atoes, per can— 15c. Dozen cans .......................................... $ 1 .7 5 iPeas, sw e e t sifted , 2 cans— 35c. Dozen c a n s ..............................$ 1 .9 0 A pricots i n Syrup, No. 2 )£ can— 2 5c. Dozen cans .......................$ 2 .0 5 P each es iu syrup, No. 2 )4 can— 25c. Dozen cans ....................... $ 2 .85 P ineapple, broken slices, 2 )4 can— 28c. 4 cans f o r ..................$ 1 .0 5 P ineapple, M onopole, sliced, 2 )4 can, 3 for $ 1 .0 0 . D o z e n ..$ 3 .7 0 Shrim p, per can— 17c. 3 for 50c. Dozen ...................................$ 1 .7 5 T una F ish , can— 15c. 7 cans for ................................................$ 1 .0 0 O ysters, per can— 20c. 2 for 3 5c. 6 f o r ..................................$ 1 .0 0 Salm on, pink, ta ll, 2 cans for 25c. 9 cans f o r ............................$ 1 .0 0 Salm on, red, flat, 2 cans for 2 5 c. 9 f o r ........................................$ 1 .0 0 T h ese are on ly a few o f our Sale prices. Conic, see what w e have in cereals and flour, C offee, C hocolate and Cocoa. PLAZA MARKET H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET TO TH E PU BLIC HOW TO DETECT DECAY IN TIRES Signs of Old Age Much Those in Men. L ik e Wrinkles and Cracks In the “Skin” Show Casing Is Getting Into “Senile” Stage—Care in Storing. Now Open for Business ♦ • * The Corner Book Store There are twice as many garages ip New York city as there were stables, and almost as many service stations and repair shops as there were blacksmith shops. Located with Palmer Piano House 234 E. MAIN PHONE 882=H MEDFORD, < ( S E R V I C E ” Our Motto OREGON C o p y rig h t. 1S21, W estern N e w sp a p e r U nion “Our day ts that of short cuts, labor-saving devices and greater effi­ ciency In all forms of labor. In steam and electricity has come Into • possession of w ell-nigh unlimited possibilities." DISHES OF CURRY. I------ J , . J . J ---------... — ■m i . i W A N ! ED. LEONARD C. PETTIT—Violinist- ¿ Social and Dance Engagements WANTED—A man to cut 50 cords of Teaching In Mu3ic History, Ele wood. Apply at 275 Scenic Drive, inentary Harmony; Violin. Set Ashland. 128 f* Lovelapd’s Orchestra or addresi Box 563, Ashland. 128-lmc WANTED BOARDERS—Room and board for two or three persons. PHYSICIANS. 725 Iowa St. 127-tf WANTED—Will pay highest cash OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice limited to eye. ear, nose and prices for furs—skunk, mink, throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, eto. Ed­ 2 to 5. Swedenborg Bldg., Ash­ gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, Med­ land, Ore. 73-tf ford, Ore. Phone 929. 124tf OR. J. J, EMMENS— Physician aud FOR SALE. Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glaseet FOR SALE— Morris chair, $10. Mrs. supplied. Oculist and aurlst tot Simons, 26 So. Pioneer Ave. 129-2 8. P. R. R. O ffices, H. and H FOR SALE— Household goods aud Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567 rugs, garden tools, hose, lawn: mower, bees and supplies, wire) DR. MATTIE B. SH A W ^-Speclal at- fence, 6 foot netting, and many j tention to m others and children other things. J. N. McCune, 1340 ; Internal secretions and endocrine glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio­ Ashland St. 129-3* When numerous small slits and1 Dishes of curry are like the little cracks appear In a tire it Is a sign girl with the curl, “when they are of the approach of old age. Auto g o o d th e y are casings In this respect are like men very, very good, and women. Although they don’t get (If you like cur­ gray haired, they do become wrinkled ry) a n d w h en and cracked, often chalky white In they are bad they appearance. are horrid.” The fabric In an old tire gradually One t h i n g Is becomes brittle and hard, so that It b e s t b o r n e in breaks easily. Like the bones of old mind when using people, It is difficult to knit. The tire curry and that is to cook it with the surgeon’s work increases in difficulty ingredients of the dish, when possible. neer avenue. T elephone 28. Of­ with the age of the casing. In the Orient there are forty or more i FOR SALE—Here is a splendid op­ fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 te • Those whose strength is conserved ways of preparing curry powder and portunity: Grocery store doing p. m. do not so readily show their age. The only there do we get the perfection nice business, invoice about $3000, rent $30. O. A. Manning, Talent J DR. SHAW—-Eye, ear, nose, throat best way to preserve their usefulness of the dish. specialist; glasses fitted. Office Oregon. 1 2 7 tf| Curry Is like mincemeat and fruit is to take care of them. To hide the - ...... I residence, Pioneer Ave., morn- effects of age and wear motorists fre­ cake—we like the kind we have been FOR SALE—Good milch cow. W. ■ at lng and by appotntment. Phone 28. accustomed to use. quently “doll them up,” painting the L. Moore, Belview 126-5 Curry of Succotash.—Take two cup­ side walls and washing with cleaning VOIt MALE— REAL ESTATE. solutions. Others pay no attention to fuls each of fresh lima beans and HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING— 1 HOME FOR SALE—Any one want­ their appearance and permit them to cooked corn, or two cans of each; heat Attachments fits all sewing ma­ ing a place with one acre of until hot and heap, after seasoning go shabby. chines. Price $2.00. Checks 10c ground, all kinds of fruit, good Ordinarily the small cracks appear­ with salt, pepper and butter on a flat extra. Lights Mail Order House, garden space, chicken lot, hen­ Box 127, Birmingham, Ala. 126-6 ing on the side walls do little harm dish; citver with curry sauce and serve house, garage, woodshed and store unless they penetrate through the rub­ with potato croquettes, or banked room, seven room house, all mod­ SALE— White Minorca hatch­ ern, with gas. Anyone interested ber covering to the fabric underneath. mashed potatoes and chutney sauce. FOR ing eggs, non-setters, large white Curry Sauce.—Simmer in two table­ can inquire of owners, at 710 It Is well worth the motorist’s atten­ eggs, $1.00 for 15. 922 Boule­ Penn. Ave. Phone 349-L. 128-6* tion to have his casings regularly In­ spoonfuls of butter, one large onion, vard. Phone 457-R. 124-lmo finely minced, then add oue tart apple, spected. FOR SALE—New six room bunga­ Tires age fastest when lying chopped; cook three minutes; then add FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown low, cheap if taken at once. Ad­ and Wlnesap apples, not culls, 50c around. They are kept in best condi­ one-half cupful of highly-seasoned veg­ dress 7 8 Sixth St. 128-6 box. Half mile west cannery. O. tion in actual service. If it is neces­ etable stock or water and cook gent­ A. Manning, Talent, Or. 114tf TRY R. D. SANFORD. 89» Beach sary to store them they will retain ly for five minutes; add another half St., for all classes of Real E state, cupful of stock and one cupful of milk, their life longest In an even and mod­ FO R R E N I. forenoons. 103-lmo* Into which one dessert spoonful of erate temperature and light. curry has been stirred; let all boll up FOR RENT— House of four rooms, TRANSFER AND EXPRR88. once, then press through a sieve, press­ B street, near Fourth. Also house- ZTT ”7* 7 ~ 777 FLASHLIGHT COMES IN HANDY ing well to get the juices; return to keeping rooms. Inquire 115 caref111 8ervl<#’ auto trucks or horse drays, CflJl the Are and thicken with a tablespoon­ 129tf Church St. W h ittle TranBfSr Ce. Phone 117 Device for Attaching It Where Need­ ful of butter and flour for every cup­ O ffice, 89 Oak street Bear H otel FOR RENT—Furnished room with ful of liquid. Stir until It thickens and ed When There le No Compan­ A shland. S6tf heat. 85 Second St. 129tf ion to Hold It. add salt before serving. This makes a mild curry sauce. r L. K A ELI,— G ENERAL TRANS LOST. For those who prefer the tubular -’Eh <;<» d team and motor Chicken Curry.—Cut up a plump ru«kt- Got d set vice at a reason flashlight to the trouble light connect­ young bird and fry brown In olive oil. LOST—Wool lined brown leather »» ni-pp ’hone 88 ed to the storage battery, for tire-re­ Remove from the frying pan and place glove, for right hand, marked D T. , «M 1 - » w - i - - Finder return to Tidings office. , i...— pair work, a handy device is a sheet- in the oven. Mix together two table­ 1‘LUMfflNG 128-3 1 metal clamp which holds the flash­ spoonfuls each of flour and curry pow­ light In such a position as to throw der, then add gradually one cupful of PHONE *'our next Job of plumbing CAR WASHING the light where it is needed. The idea stock. Fry two sliced onions In the ------------------------------------------------------- I to J e n y O’Neal, Beaver Building would be of little use to the driver who hot fat, add the prepared stock, cook FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and Phone 138. polishing, $2.50. Lithla Garage. ? five minutes, then turn In the chicken. 113tf Phone 114. Cover and allow to simmer fifteen minutes. Serve hot with boiled sea­ MUO OUATOi H o m e s A g a in ! FÇLT ÔLÜC0 TO C L A M » MUO-GUARD CLAM P soned rice. If the sauce seems too There’s no time like the present thick, add more of the stock. to be getting that home which you We invite you to look have wanted. You do not need over our stock of to wait until you have all the money to pay for it; make a pay­ ment down and then pay the rest of it In installments instead of L A M - BftACXEV paying rent. 0. B. L A M K I N We have a good five room dwelling, nicely located, fine con­ A Flashlight Clamp Is Handy for dition, partly furnished, for only Lone Night Driver. $2500. This is a good b Stationery, Office and School Supplies Oue cent the word each time. - Realizing the need in Ashland of a drugless physician who is free to respond to out-of-office calls at any hour of the day or night, I wish to announce that, instead of re-opening my office, I will hereafter treat my patients in their own homes. The home treatments will be similar to those formerly given in my office. Massage, hydrotherapy or vibrations will at all times be used preliminary to the chiropractic adjustments, in that way securing complete relaxa­ tion of the muscles and rendering the chiropractic work proper as painless as possible. I wish also to announce that in again taking up my work In Ash­ land, I shall specialize in neuritis cases and those troubles originating in the cervical and upper dorsal re­ gions of the spine. These include bronchial asthma, insomnia, severe pains in the back of the neck and head, loss of memory, certain ner­ vous disturbances of the eye, ear, nose and throat, certain arm and shoulder troubles, etc. The fee for calls between 10 p. *.n. and 9 a. m. will be double the fee charged for day calls. MAUD INGERSOLL HAWLEY Visiting Chiropractic Physician (Holder of chiropractic physic­ ian’s license No. 165, issued August 28, 1915. by the Oregon State Board As many as five different kinds of of Chiropractic Examiners.) taxes are Imposed on automobile own­ Residence, third house to the ers In many states. right on Walker avenue South. Tele­ • • • phone 367-J. 126-6 A bill recently Introduced In con­ gress by Representath» Sweet of Iowa provides for more reciprocal ex­ change of automobile courtesies with foreign countries. IVAN H. CORNER B U S IN E S S A N O P R O F E S S IO N A L Loose Connecting Rod Always Give: Plenty Warning and Careful Driver Notices IL Keep your ear attuned to any noises from the engine so that the slightest change will be noticed. A loose con­ necting rod always gives plenty of warning and the careful driver will notice It and stop In time. The other man wrecks his engine and piles up ^K eltic Paints Wall Paper Sanltas FO U R -SIT E S A L E S AGENCY Dickerson & Son Billings Agency TH E PAINT MAN (G rants Pass, M edford, Ash­ land, K lam ath F a lls.) Beaver Block, Ashland — Brokers in— Business Opportunities, Business Leases, B u sin ess Partnership. AU transactions strictly eonfldeutial. No eharge for listin g s RESULTS PRODUCED BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES REAL E8TATB A INSURANCE Established 1883 211 41 BT. »lain St. It Adds, Substrads, Multiplies Thrift ig like a calculating machine which adds rapidly to your capital, subtuaeta from your cares, and multiplies your pleasures. CARLOAD SH IPM ENT OF Fencing from Eastern mills ingt in. Con­ siderable drop In pncSs on sdme. GOOD CEDAR POSTS New prices on Im plem ents and re­ pairs. . New aad used sew in g m achines for sa le or to rent.......... Peil's Corner A thrift account with us opens up an unsus­ pected avenue of progress. The Citizens Bank A s h la n d , O regon