Ashland Friday, February 8. iv23 A38LAÑ® BALLI IHUAtíf □ PAOII TWö Tidings Established 1876 z'ubUsbed Every Evening Except Sunday THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO, LATEST IN ENGLISH MOTORCYCLES OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 m enea' e.dio Yeast Vitamon Tablets Bring Real Beauty Banishes Skin Eruptions. Puts On Firm Flesh, Strengthens The Nerves and Increases Energy. Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon Poatofflce as Second-class Mail Mat- ter. _______ _ _ _ and organization, we expect to be and hope to be a great service to our C om m unity rguMMEa P layground Our national commander has been city and community. o f A merica ------ A. L.------ insisting upon the Legion posts The Legion basketball team came throughout the country taking a out before the public last week for j more active p a rt in the social and the first time, in th eir game with civil activities of the community in the F irst Company N ational Guard which it lives and from which it team. They bid fair to be a team of considerable promise before the s e a -! * OREGON< draws its support. In veiw of these son is over. W hile Ebe Dunn gets WASHINGTON ft demands it seems only fair to survey most of his practice pitching hay in­ BRITISH COLUMBIA^ 5RK3HT. COOL DAYS what has been accomplished and to the feed racks and other stuff in­ IA RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. what may be accomplished in the fu­ to the spreader, he still shows great ture by Ashland post along these promise as a basket shooter. Hank Poincare has taken a firm stand Pace has driven the Standard Oil i nes. on the “ rig n t” of France to repara­ The very makeup and n atu re of truck so long he can’t tu rn around tions fioai Germany. But can she the American Legion m akes Ltt a w ithout going about a block, but a f­ collect? more nearly representative American ter a tew more practices we hope he I • • organization than any other lodge or 1 will be able to stay on the floor. China’s doubt about , the “ open order in the world, except, perhaps, Milt Fraley is proving to the the door” is caused by recollection of lie re u . t very la te s t tiling in m otorcycles in use in England, it is called same silent wonder lie used to be In how many have got in through the a runabout and has a new bucket seat on back which Is guaranteed to hold the the G. A. R. This is true, because there is no clique or faction, no p ar­ his high school days. Lynn Slack back window or in some other way. rider firmly in olace. * • ticular type of citizen or group of and Gerald W enner also show their citizens who are not represented by old high school speed and pep. Take A w riter complains th a t the far­ Anything aP around, we have a good team. members of the Legion mer has toiled 12 months and has -A. L.- WO American elms have been th a t may be of Interest to any nothing to show for it but a living. Somebody rem arked th a t the Le- I planted by the American Forestry group of citizens is, therefore, of Huh! We know a paragrapher who association on the grounds of the gion and the National Guard are th e ' interest to a part, If not all, of the did the same and had to eat ham Lincoln memorial. The elms, one for same thing. Nope, they are not. The members of the Legion. sandwiches for three weeks to get the allied armies and one for the al­ When, some three" years ago, A sh -! N ational Guard Is an organization of lied navies, were dedicated by land post was organized, some citi- y °unS men who beli®ve tbey sbould Charles Lathrop Pack of Lakewood, H E L P TH E AUTOMOBILE zens took th e view th a t any organi­ prepare themselves for one of the N*. J., president of the association. TR AV ELER TO LINGER After Mr. Pack’s short address, Mrs. zation of ex-service men was ill-ad­ greatest services th a t their govern­ Warren G. Harding presented her tree­ A LITTLE LONGER vised. Their contention was th a t m ent can ask of them , and are sub­ planting trowel to members of the the people were tired of war, and ject to call at any time for such serv­ American Legion who placed the trees all th a t pertained thereto, and they ice. The American Legion is an or­ So reads the heading of a letter at tlie Twenty-third street entrance tree planting at the tomb of William ganization of young men who have » w ritten by Gus Holms, managing to the grounds. The trees are to McKinley and along the Lincoln high­ believed an organization which tend­ given this service to their country, | secretary of the N ational Park-to- stand at the head of what will be an way. Immediately after the ceremony ed to recall any phase of the war are proud of it, and desire to per-I Park Highway association, ‘to the International avenue of memorial the trowel was sent to Chicago for the should be abandoned. They, unwit- local commercial organization, in trees to be planted by various world American Legion. In dedicating the tingly gave the greatest reason why Petu ate through all eternity the won- s u c h a n organization was necessary. derful Principles of peace and hap- which he asks for reliable advice on governments, according to the plans trees, Mr. Pack sa id : of Lieut. Col. C. O. Sherrill of the No one in all the land was op- Piness for which th eir services were “The elm is inseparably connected points of scenic attraction, fishing department of public buildings and with the past and present of America. posed to rehabilitation of wounded given. They are not a m ilitary or­ and recreative places, and places of grounds, who co-operated with the ganization, in the lea>t sense, but For such an avenue this is a fitting historical interest. American Forestry association in spot—the memorial to Abraham Lin­ and sick victims of the war. No one dares to say those who came j Pu reh a social and sym pathetic fel- This inform ation is to be concen­ plans for the tree planting.' coln. Look about you and you see home crippled and diseased should | lowshiP of comrades. trated and compiled into a brief, re­ Mrs. Harding brought with her in him. He and the United States are A- L - He and you men who not receive all the care and support liable story th a t will occupy the its walnut box the trowel with which Identical. th a t the nation is able to bestow. I Ashland post has been presented slie planted the Ohio tree on the as­ fought are Identical. He and the space allotted to Ashland in the of­ sociation’s grounds last spring. The But, owing to this same feeling of [with a sma11 colonoization proposi- cause of the plain people for which ficial publication of the National famous trowel has just returned from you fought are identical. He, Eternal ‘le t’s forget it all,” no demands f o r ( tlon- The tra c t is reported to be Park-to-P ark Highway association, Canton, O., and South Bend, Ind., Truth, and the cause we mark today prom pt and efficient aid were forth- ’wel1 located and about 40’000 acres to be distributed by the thousands where it had been used for memorial are all Identical.” . „ in extent. It has been offered in the coming. throughout the regions from whence Officials of the governm ent were h°Pe o£ a ttractin g about eight or comes the westward bound autom o­ handicapped by lack of funds, la c k jten ex-service men who are subm it- bile travel. It is noticeable th a t the of organization, and lack of co-oper- I tin S applications for the state loan word " to u rist” is not used, and ation, and found themselves In a and wbo are interested in farm ing justly so, since a great m ajority of hopeless muddle from which there (,n a la r^ scale. You m ight see Ad­ the present day auto travel is com­ seemed no release, i t was this con-!->u tan t P eters- if y °u are deeb’y in­ bining pleasure with business, and dition th a t the American Legion na­ terested. while touring for pleasure are also -A. L.- tionally served to remedy, and it looking for a chance for investm ent Comrade Rigg slipped one over on was only possible 'by constant work and business opportunities. us and has apparently been eating A regular feature department edited by of local posts th a t the veterans’ bu­ Since the west, especially th a t por­ large quantities of O. D. pills. How­ reau was inaugurated, hospitals tion covered by the National Park- Mrs. Belle D eG raf built, and the condition of thousands ever, John is able to be on the street to-Park highway, is so rich in a t­ of un fo rtu n ate ex-soldiers relieved. again and we are relieved. Domestic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Grovers Inc. tractions other than the national The Legion locally has been c riti­ parks and monuments. Mr. Holms cized sharply by men in general and Notice is hereby given th a t I thinks th a t the association is ju sti­ by members also, for not doing more will on the fourth day of Feb­ fied in devoting as much space as E nt ire Wheat Bread for th eir own members in each lo­ ruary, 1922, at 2 o’clock p. m., required for exploiting the many Bran Bread a t the city pound on W ater street, One cup w ater or milk, scalded, One cup boiling w ater, one tea- places of attraction in or -as side cality. This failure is due to two sell a t public auction to the highest trips from each community center. spoon salt, one tablespoon molasses one tablespoon m etled shortening, causes. O ther organizations and in­ bidder for cash in hand: One bay In other words, the association or brown sugar, one tablespoon cue tablespoon sugar, one teaspoon dividuals who otherw ise would have m are branded JP (connected), on seeks to invite the automobile tra ­ melted shortening, half cake yeast of salt, half compressed yeast cake assisted, have w ithdraw n th eir sup­ the left shoulder, has small Btar In forehead, weight about 1200 pounds vel to stop awhile In our hotels and dissolved in q u arter cup of luke­ dissolved in q u arter cup lukew arm port, expecting the Legion to take Also one bay horse, branded O on camp ground, rath er than hurry warm w ater, one cupful bran or water, about three cups of entire this duty off th eir shoulders. This, left shoulder, small white spot on wheat flour. through; and unlike many other or­ flour to knead. the Legion was largely unable to do J left stifle, w eight 1200 pounds, Add shortening, sugar and salt to owing to the fact th a t nearly all, If Add salt, shortening and molasses Dated at Ashland, Oregon, this ganizations, is striving to make the 1922. to u r over the National Park-to-Park to hot w ater; cool to lukew arm , then scalded liquid; when lukew arm add not all, of Its members found them ­ 24th day of January, J. W. HATCHER, highway an education for the young add dissolved yeast. Add bran and dissolved yeast and entire w heat selves in no position to assist th eir Chief of Police. enough flour to m ake a stiff b atter flour gradually, beating until stiff. com rades w ith money or time. Those as well as the older. There can be no more fitting fin­ so th a t the m ixture may be kneaded Knead In flour u n til m ixture Is who came home to jobs they had left, Place in a greased smooth, does not stick to hands or found themselves m ore or less out ish to a college education than a until elas ic. W . A. S H E L L to u r over the National P ark-to-Park bowl, brush over w ith m elted fa t board. Place in greased bowl, brush of tune w ith th eir positions, and It and let rise until double In Bize.' with melted f a t.' Allow to rise in highway. took tim e to ad ju st themselves, and B A R B E R Shape Into loaves, let rise again, then warm place until double in size. all th eir energy was devoted to re ­ Shape into loaves or rolls. Place in gaining the lost ground. Most of bake in a m oderately hot oven. Children’s Work A greased pans, brush with melted fat, them were penniless,, or nearly so, Graham Flour Bread Specialty One cup w ater or milk, scalded; let rise again, and bake in a hot oven and could not readily assist their one tablespoon melted shortening, for about 40 m inutes for loaves or more un fo rtu n ate comrades financi­ Safety blades resharpened one tablespoon brown sugar or mo­ 20 to 30 m inutes for rolls. ally. O thers were in worse shape, like new. Single bit, 30c Rye Bread CLARENCE HENRY, DECEASED lasses, one teaspoon salt, half cake having no jobs th a t were at all per­ doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. (W idow ), 213 Eighteenth Street, compressed yeast dissolved In quar-> One cup hot w ater, one tablespoon m anent. All were more or less de­ Toledo, Ohio ter cup lukewarm water, one and a melted shortening, two tablespoons pendent upon outside help which, Silver medal to the widow— Henry half cups graham flour and enough brown sugar, one teaspoon salt, half not being organized, was not as ef­ yeast cake dissolved in q u arter cup fective as m ight have been. Even a t j aged 42, m achinist, died saving Rus­ flour to knead. sel W. Anthony and Stanley M. Add shortening, sugar and salt to lukewarm water, one and a half cups this date, perhaps one th ird of those Leach, aged 11 and 13, respectively, scalded liquid. W hen lukew arm add j rye flour, enough white flour to eligible to membership in the Legion; find themselves financially unable to : school ,boys. from drowning, Port dissolved yeast, graham flour and knead. spare the few dollars necessary to ' Clinton, Ohio, July 4, 1921. While enough w hite flour to knead. Turn To lukew arm w ater add shorten­ swimming in Lake Erie, 600 feet on molding board and knead mlx- ing, salt and sugar; when lukewarm pay th eir annual dues, and so are STICKERS from shore, Russle and Stanley be­ tu re until smooth and does not stick add dissolved yeast cake and rye not active members of the Legion, al­ CUT-OUTS came weakened, being unable to to the hands or board. Place in a flour; beat well, the nadd enough though we feel we have th eir sup­ m ake progress on account of cur well-greased bowl, brush dough w ith white flour to knead; when knead- port and sympathy. (Hearts, Cupids, Arrows) It has only been during the past rents. Henry swam about 40 feet melted fat: set to rise in a warm ed thoroughly place in well-greased LAMP SHADES toward the boys from a submersed place till double In size. Shape into bowl, let rise again, then shape into few months th at we have secured j CAPS, NUT CUPS bar, and threw pieces of driftwood loaves or rolls. Place in well-greased loaves. Set in a warm place until enough encouragem ent to believe we could keep enough men a t work to to them, on which they supporter pans. Brush w ith melted fat, let j light, bake in a hot oven. Brush ov- PLACE CARDS themselves. Henry then attem pted rise again and bake in a hot oven er with melted shortening before and earn dues to keep the post alive. NAPKINS Our field of endeavor naturally to swim hack to the bar, but made 45 m inutes for loaves and 20 to 30 after baking. This will make one leads us to work for the betterm ent no progress against the current, and m inutes for rolls. ‘ large loaf of bread or pan of rolls. GIBSON QUALITY .. ( of conditions of the ex-service men, although two young men swam to VALENTINE CARDS him and tried to support him, he efforts to swim w ith him but he ford university next September, re­ in securing employment for our own AND BOOKLETS sank and was drowned. Russel and became exhausted and lost his h o ld .! signed from the faculty of Oregon members, to encourage patriotism , Stanley were picked up by persons in Hawk was supported briefly by two A gricultural college, where he has in every way to prom ote good gov­ See the Complete other young men, bu t he became ! been in stru cto r in English, in order ernm ent both at home, in the state a boat. Assortment at helpless, sank and was drowned, i to continue his study of history un- and in the nation. To commemorate der President R. F. Scholz a t Reed. the history and th e great deeds of HOWARD E. HAWK, DECEASED (See case of Clarence H enry.) Brockway graduated from Reed in our country, to rem em ber our fallen (F a th e r), 1012 Rawson Place, comrades, and to furnish somewhat 1921. Frem ont, Ohio RHODES SCHOLAR RE-ENTERS of social life and enjoym ent for our Silver medal to the father— Hawk REED FOR MORE STUDY ■ * j See us now if you are In terested in j members and th eir friends. aged 19, electrician, died attem pting If th e Legion doesn’t always act to save Clarence Henry from drown* PORTLAND, Or., Feb. 3.— Thomas a new or used car. Schmidt Auto 1 2 8 tf;as you think it should do, don’t con­ ing, P ort Clinton, Ohio, July 4, 1921. J. Brockway, recently selected Co., now in Shook building. demn us w ithout q hearing, but dis­ Hawk was one of the young men Rhodes scholar from Oraegon, regis­ Special sale at Orres* Tailor Shop. cuss it with us th a t we may know who swam to Henry. He reached tered as a special stu d en t for the Henry a fte r swimming 350 feet. He second sem ester a t Reed college yes­ Suits tailored to order with extra w hat you think of the Legion. As 128-tf we gain in membership, experience ^ o o k hold of Henry and made futile terday. Brockway, who enters Ox- pants free. The Am erican L egion and the American Elms for Lincoln Memorial T DOMESTIC Concentrated Tableta Easy and Eco­ nomical to Take. Results Quick. LUSTROUS HAIR /If you want to quickly clear your skin and complexion, put some firm, healthy flesh on your bones, increase your nerve force and EYES power, and look and feel 100 per cent. better, HEALTHY- simply try taking two of Mastin’s tiny yeast GLOW OF VITAMON Tablets with each meal and PERFECT watch results. Mastin’s VITAMON contains DIGESTION» highly concentrated yeast vitamines, as well as the other two still more important vita- FIRM FLESH mines (Fat Soluble A and Water Soluble C). UNDER SKIN n a q q . m c c c Pitn.l)!e8'. bo*1® and ekin eruptions seem to rLAotJiNtoo vanish like magic under its puiifying influ- NO HOLLOWS ence. the complexion becomes fresh and beautiful, the cheeks rosy instead of pale. b e a u t i f u l f e a tu r e s the lips red instead of colorless, the eyes u g ly -i.x- a k in , e.uv_ fla b b y fright instead of dull. The whole system BRIGHT O f w h a t use a re i » f y . ou h t ave a n nVck? hMiO aHnC'h.eVn AMONCir.7on.- new &r® unaer-weight begin to get some firm, tlesh. So rapid and amazing fa c e a n d fig u re . are the results that success is absolutely guaranteed. Be sure to remember the name— Mastin’s VI-TA-MON—the original and genuine yeast-vitamine tablet. There is nothing else like it, so do not accept imitations or substitutes. You can get Mastin’s VITAMON Tablets a t all good druggists. it iv e l y g u a ra n te e d to give y o u h ealth, beauty end a well-rounded " stay-there TPS ORIGINAI AMP GENUINE YEAST V IT A M IN E TABLET Are Positively Guaranteed to Put On Firm Flesh, Clear the Skin and Increase Energy When Taken With Every Meal or Money Back A GREAT MANY PEOPLE th ii.k a good pie is the h a rd e st of al: d e s se rts to m ake. They a re to e people who have never trie d Io m ak e one w ith ou r special b ra n d of sh o rte n in g . in v a ria b ly spells “ l ’ie It Suc­ c e ss.” O rd er som e today. 153EAST MAIN ST. QUALITY PHONE 59 GROCERY GENERAL DELIVERY S Y S T E M SERVICE S C IE N C E We are selling China Cups and Saucers at $ 1 .2 5 per set Holmes Grocery Carnegie Heroes Valentines The Most Vital Part ol a House Thinking about huikliug a home I Then you should realize fully how important a part the plumbing will play in the enjoyment of your property. The difference between good and bad plumbing is the difference between satisfaction ami constant ag gravation, inconvenience and expense. “ Expert service at minimum cost” is the motto that has built up our business. Jerry O’Neal PLUMBING & HEATING 207 East Main *