4».H tUO LOCAL AM ASHLAND DAtLg T tDINCM PERSONAL W$6d tire chains at less than cost Jus. when you need them. Schmidt Auto Co., now in the Shook build­ ing. 128tf Thursday, February 2. 1922 IV/iisky Floods New York City JAPANESE G IS lT PRAISE INDIANS GIVEUPSMOKiNG IN WORLD WAR live. They are in little danger of devastation. MASONIC CALENDAR The privately-owned commercial timberlands which contain most of B irthday P a r t y - what timber we have left, are being Billy Fraley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Illegal Im ports A verage More Than devastated more rapidly and com- Siskiyou Chapter meets ThursdayI Milton Fraley, entertained a number 8 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 V alue in P ast , pletely than ever before, to the In­ evening for work in Past Master de- Of his young friends on his second Women’s Influence Slowly Ap­ F our M onths calculable injury of the whole na­ Dr. J. K. Dixon Gathers Tributes gre®‘ ! birthday Wednesday afternoon at the (International News Service) tion. proximating That of British Shrine meets Friday evening in home of his aunt, Mrs. Hal McNair, and Pictures of Scenes NEW YORK, Feb. 2.—Whiskey, “When a house Is on fire, the first stated session. Games were the amusement of the wine, alcohol and champagne valued and American Women. Where Red Men Fought. thing to do is to stop the fire. Re­ "— — — —— — J afternoon, after which dainty re- at bootleg prices at about $5,250,- planting, fire prevention and tfif'- Arm ory D ance Saturday n igh t. 129-3 freshments were served. Mrs. El­ 000 have been illegally imported In an address on “A National saving of what timberlands still re­ bert Farlow was awarded the first into New York during the four I orest Policy" before the agricul­ main on the public domain and the V isits P aren ts— prize in the games of the afternoon. months from last August 19 to the tural conference at Washington, D. Indian reservations are each of great Prof. Ercell Hedrick, of Central . Those present were, Mrs. R. L. Bur- middle of December, according to a C., on Thursday, January 26, Qjf. HniP°rtance, hut the first thing is to Point, was in town over Sunday vis-' die and son Bobby; Mrs. S. A. Pet- -report furnished officials in Wash­ City Population of Japan Increasing Many Crosses in Cemeteries in France ford Pinchot said: j PUt an end to forest devastation. iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ ers Jr. and daughter Millicent; Mrs. ington through the co-operation of Thirteen Times as Fast as That of Bear Odd Names Such as Good .... . , ‘‘Since the states which do not liam Hedrick on B street. Country— Million Men Engaged Edwin Dunn and daughter Helen; customs officials and General Pro­ x 0 woo on the farm, no food in have forests must depend on those Bear and Goes Forth— in Factory Work. Mrs. Gerald Wenner and daughters hibition Agent John D. Appleby. The the town. It takes more than half which do, this matter must be han- Clever as Scouts. A few used cars for sale at a bar- Gertie and Geraldine; Mrs. Ralph report also estimated that the illegal the wood consumed in America to dledjby the nation itself. A national T. H.—A unique feature gain. 1919 Chevrolet, good Dodge. Harris and daughter Marjorie; Mrs. liquor Imported into other ports of Of Honolulu, London.—More than 17,000 red In­ supply the farms that produce our !law would become effective every the gradual rise of w omen’s influ­ See W. E. Snider at Schmidt Auto, Elbert Farlow and son Bobby; Mrs. entry of the UnLed States totalled ence In Japan, until their position is dians served well In the American I where --------- at once, , ------ while If saving our Co. 128tf Everett Smith and son Mark; Mrs. half as much more than that import­ now slowly approximating • that of Army in France; tributes to their food. The farm industry is th commercial forests were left to the C. Norton and daughter Margaret; ed Into New York. American and British women, is that valor have been rendered by the gen­ greatest single user of wood. individual states, it would undoubt­ erals of Great Britain, France, Bel­ T eacher Sick— “The farmer finds it harder and Mrs. Gene Hastings and daughter “The failure to stop these impor­ they are giving up smoking, just at the gium and the United States. These harder to get building material at edly be years before those statesA Miss May Hedrick, who teaches in Jeanette; Mrs. D. L. Stevens and son tations,” the report says, ‘‘does not time when great comment has arisen ,, .which have large supplies of saw tributes, some Important facts reasonable the Hawthorne school, is on the sick Jack; )Mrs. C. W. Fraley, Master lie solely at the door of the customs over the Increase of smoking among about the and l T S° n;a , L The rea8onis clear j timber would take action By that Indian soldiers, have been list this week. Billy Fraley and Master Jamie Me officials whose duty it is to permit their sisters in America and England. collected by Dr. Joseph K. Dixon, who Five-sixths of our Virgin timber Is time it might well be too late. The subject was discussed by Dr. T. Nair. gone. Two-thirds of all the states, entry of all goods under certain reg­ H. Hadeu, dean of the theological de­ is now In London. Meanwhile, it is well to remember Special sale at Orres’ Tailor Shop. with 80,000,000 people and more that the forest is a crop to be grown Dr. Dixon has toured all the battle­ ulations or their rejection where im­ partments of Kwansei Gakuln, a mis­ Suits tailored to order with extra Our spring clothes pins are still portation is not permissible. In num­ sion college in Japan, who attended fields on the Continent where these i han four-fifths of the farm values from the soil, not a mine to be ex- pan;s free. ’ 128-tf selling, three dozen for 19 cents. erous instances a prohibition direc­ sessions here of the Pan-American edu­ red warriors served—twenty-eight of the country, depend for timber .. , hausted and abandoned, as the luin- tw rerna Why should you pay more? Also our tor of New York had o. k.’d the im­ cational conference as one of the em­ sectors of the Western front in all. on the ftw remaining states which bermen do> an„ that thp proportal (o For fifteen years he has been study­ still cut crackers at wholesale. White House portation of illegal entries and per­ pire’s representatives. Change of Officer— th6y Coll8Ume- 1 ta k e th e U nited S ta te s fo re st service ing the Indians and their habits and w hlCU m° re “Formerly all classes of women in 128-2 mitted the withdrawal of whiskey W hin ten years the entire country ! out of the department of agriculture At the meeting of the W. C. T. U. Groceteria. Japan smoked In public as well as in making historical records in behalf Tuesday, Mrs. Luella Stearns offered and wine and alcohol where the par­ their homes,” Doctor Haden said, “The of Rodman Wanamaker of New York. wil have to depend on two or three I ls ln fact a proposal t0 check the her resignation as president of the Leave for S o u t h - ty making the withdrawal had only influence of the West has almost Both gentlemen are sincerely Inter­ states tor nearly all of its softwood’ progress of forest preservation in local organization on account of Mrs. William Denton, of Laurel an importer’s permit. America.” stopped this custom, although it Is to ested In the perpetuation and advauce- uniber’ Moreover, what we can not sup- the Interest of the- government to fos­ ment of the tribes. pressing home duties, and Mrs. W. street, in company with her sister, Praised by Haig. ter It, as tobacco is a government mo­ Ply at home we can not secure R. Davis, of Allison street, was Mrs. Clara Borah, of North Main JOLLY SU PPE R IS FE A TU R E Negro Lynched nopoly.” The latest praise of the Indian sol­ abroad. Far more than half the na­ chosen to fill the vacancy for the street, will leave Friday morning for JACKSON, Miss., Feb. 2.— William diers In the American army is sounded tions of the world are dependent fo r: en su in g year. New Word for “Home” Coined. Red Bluffs, Calif., by train, where Presbyterian Church Inaugurates Six Doctor Haden said that a new word by Field Marshal Lord Hpig, who timber supplies upon forests beyond! Thraslier’ negro> was lynched near they will get the Denton machine, Weeks School of Missions their own boundaries. Even Mexico ^ rystal Spring last night. A note for home—“katel”—has been coined In writes to Dr. Dixon : Dollar Days—Wednesday, Thurs­ left there some time ago, and travel “American Indians fought under is an importer of timber, while the WHS attac,ied to >be tree from which Japan to express the meaning and idea The Presbyterian church began its day and Friday. Hand work and on south. They expect to be gone my command near Amiens, Arras ano stamped goods. The Needle Craft about a month and will probably six week school of missions last ev­ of home life in Western civilization as Ypres. I have much pleasure In ac­ Canadians, if they should give us all he Was hanged> announcing that the they have, could meet our needs for negr° attemPted to attack a school Shop at the Dew Drop Inn. 127-3 visit Long Beach and other southern ening with one of their jolly family Is being learned by the Japanese. “The changing conditions of Japa­ ceding to your request to give you less than one generation. j te a c h e r. ___________ suppers. The Christian Endeavorers California towns, the weather per­ nese women Is only begun, but it is pro­ m.v opinion of them. Their bravery, “ T he d e m a n d s we m ak e upon our,' celebrated their 41st anniversary by even under heavy shell fire, did not R eceives P rom otion— mitting. ceeding with a rapidity and intensity TOO i.A J E It» CLA3SIFY having a beautifully arranged table which are very significant and hope­ make them distinguishable ns indi­ forests are gigantic. More than half; Lynn D. Mowat, former city edi­ viduals from the troops of European tor of the Tidings, was recently elect­ See us now if you are interested in of their own, bearing a huge cake, ful,” he said. “The Japanese language blood amongst whom they fought— of all the lumber used in (he world FOR > E \ I— House of four rooms B street, near Fourth. Also house­ ed one of the seven directors in the a new or used car. Schmidt Auto with candles, placed to form the em­ has a word expressing house and and I can give them no higher praise. is consumed in the United States. keeping rooms. Inquire 115 household, but they had no conception blem, “C. E.” Dainty paper napkin Meantime, we are rej lacing by newly organized board of the Ameri­ Co., now in Shook building. 128tf They were also conspicuous as scouts Chui ’i St. 129tf rings were the favors, and footballs of home life in the Occident, where and snipers and for their skill In the growth only one-fourth of what we ____ _ can City bureau, western division, containing the toasts which were re­ women are on an equal footing with use of ground.” cut, and our remaining supplies arej SAI R_ Morris chair. $10. Mrs. with headquarters at San Francisco. A ppointed D e p u t y - men. This Is now expressed by sponded to by the different members. dwindling to an early end. It is Simons, 26 So. Pioneer Ave. 129-2 Marshal Foch wrote: Mr. Mowat is the con of Mr. and ‘katel,’ with the new appreciation of William Hedrick, of B street, has “I cannot forget the brilliant ser­ clear that we must grow what we Mrs. W. H. Mowat of this city, who received an appointment as deputy Fred Koehler, president of the so­ home as a thing to be shared by hus­ 1 0 3 SALE— Household roods and vices which the valiant Indian sol­ need, or go without. ciety, acted as toastmaster. band and wife and the gradual rise of reside on Beach avenue. ru g s, g a rd e n tools, hose, lawn assessor of his home county—Doug­ Miss Evelyn Hulet had composed the Japanese women to the position of diers of the American army rendered mower, bees and supplies, wire “ The 460,000,000 acres of tiin- las—where he formerly served as an appropriate chorus, which was their American and British sisters.” to the common cause, and the energy fence, li foot netting, and many berland which remain, if they pro­ Standard makes of tires and tubes, deputy assessor for 14 ygars before other things. J. N. McCune, 1340 Doctor Haden said that the city pop­ as well as courage which they have duced 50 cubic feet per acre per Weed chains, etc., on sale at a very moving to Ashland last year. Mr rendered, among other songs, with shown to achieve victory—decisive Ashland St. 129-3* ulation of Japan is increasing 13 times low price. Schmidt Auto Co.—Over­ Hedrick will go to Douglas county great gusto. year, could-almost niee- our present victory—by attack.” as fast as that of the country, due to While the business meeting was the change «f Industry from agricul­ land cars—Shook building. 128tf March 1 to see to his work there. Marshal Petaln and Gen. Gourand needs. But they have been so mis­ FOR RENT—Furnished room with heat. 85 Second St. being held, the men’s class gathered ture to manufacturing. More than 1.- have also home their testimony to handled that 15 cubic feet is all they 129tf R eturned from W eed— in the study to discuss the book, 000,000 are engaged In factory work the same qualities, and Gen. Pershing grow, while our population is in­ Remember that our windows rep­ “The Kingdom and the Nations,” Mrs. Clara Foster, of A street, re­ and more than one-half of these are to paying his tribute in the form of creasing and the uses of wood are resent the price of other articles in an Introduction to a book on the sub­ turned from Weed, Calif., last week, and the women listened to a splendid under twenty years of age, he said. multiplying. A higher standard of ject which Dr. Dixon Is writing. our stock. They are not specials but talk by Mrs. Joseph Angell of Phoen­ Women Discard Sandals for Shoes. where she has been visiting for some living always means a larger use of One hundred and fifty of the In­ regular prices. White House Groce- ix, on the Sheldon Jackson school, lo­ time. wood. I Just wait, Home tim e in this next “A significant and interesting inili* dians received decorations, and the terta. 128-2 year. cated at Sitka, Alaska, the work of cation of the change in progress in exploits of two of them who received “The public forests, national and L ad ies’ L isle Sum m er V ests, value Japan now,” said Doctor Haden, “Is the Croix de Guerre are specially state, are reasonably well handled, M aybe, w e’ll have a little weather which she is very familiar with. At To warm the gas up ami tliaw out to 25c. C losing o u t sa le price, 15c. M oves o f th e D a y - 8 o’clock a general assembly of all the fact that, while the Japanese worn mentioned by Dr. Dixon. but they furnish less than 3 per th e pipe, Daniel F. Kay and family are mov­ F erg u so n ’s. Private Joseph Oklahoinhl, a Choc­ cent of our lumber, and can never So that for song and prayer closed the even­ en retain the,klmono as their chief at we can go shirt sleeves ing from Liberty street to 178 Skid­ ing. tire, they have discarded the obi—the taw, on the Argonne-Meuse front, was all I lint w e like. supply more than 20. folded square of cloth worn on the cited In orders for dashing 200 yards more street. H om e from Santa A n a - back—and over their kimonos many under a violent barrage through en­ “Farm woodlots, scattered in small CHERRO FLOUR Amos Nininger and family have Snyder’s orchestra, Gold Hill, Sat­ of the women now wear a full, divided tanglements and on ^to machine gun tracts outside the lumber regions,' H. R. Adams, plumbing, contract­ returned home from Santa Ana, urday night. 129-3* skirt, which ties around the waist with nests. He turned a captured gun on will always help the farmers, but A Hard W heat Flour of Fam ous Calif., where they have been spend­ ing and day work. 248 Fifth St., a wide sash hanging at the side. the enemy and remained In the posl they can not grow the vast quanti­ Blend— Guaran t eed 109tf W ill C elebrate 9 0 th B irthday__ ing the past month or so with Mr. phone 166-J. Many of them also wear shoes Instead tlon for four days In spite of a con ties of saw timber we must have to Ninlnger’s relations. H. H. Smith, 166 East Main street, of their sandals. stant harrage of large projectiles and Reported as Improving— “Divorce laws also have been re­ gas shells; 171 prisoners surrendered will celebrate his 90th birthday Fri­ Dollar Days—Wednesday, Thurs­ James Beigle, who was quite ser day, February 3. Mr. Smitfi is a vised In accord with other transi­ to him. Corp. Revalla swam the Meuse car day and Friday. Hand work and iously injured a few days ago, while remarkable man and quite spry for tions. Formerly a man could send his wife back to her parents without ex­ rylng a cable for a pontoon under out in the mountains trapping, is re­ stamped goods. The Needle Craft his age. He came across the plains cuse or explanation. This act consti­ heavy machine gun fire. Later In the ported as slowly improving. Shop at the Dew Drop Inn. 127-3 in 1855 and settled in northern Cali­ tuted legal freedom for him. Now he day he carried another cable over the One lot o f L ad ies’ M uslin U nder­ fornia, where he lived until 12 years can only divorce her for infidelity or East Canal and crossed an open field Taken H o m o - by agreement with her. The woman raked by enemy fire, returning with a Mrs. C. B. Lamkin, who broke her w e a r - c o n s is t s o f gow ns, sk irts, e n ­ ago, when he came to Ashland. Mr. as yet has no recourse against the in­ message of critical importance. Smith is a living example that peo­ arm in a fall several days ago and velope chem ises, v a lu es to $ 2 .5 0 — fidelity of her husband, not even Among the Bravest. has been in a local hospital for the close o u t sa le price, now 98c a t F er­ ple live to be well towards a hundred though he bring a concubine Into the years old in Ashland without becom­ Gen. Pershing picked out what he past few days, was able to return to g u so n ’s. home, as frequently has been done. ing particularly feeble. regarded as the hundred bravest he­ at “The example of Americans, their her home on North Main street Tues­ roes in the American army, and one On Sick L ist—— day. homes and schools In Japan, gradually Meet jolly folks from all parts of has altered the hearts and feelings of of them was Sevalia. The Indians Mrs. Lulu Van Wegen, clerk at looked upon every yard behind them Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64. the Square Deal grocery, is unable the valley, Gold Hill, Saturday the Japanese until now they have been as American territory and every step night. 129-3* Induced to effect these changes.” 128tf to be at the store today on account in front as German. “I am going out of an attack of the grippe. to lick Germany," said one, as he NORTHW ESTERN GET HOT WATER FROM WELL started on a patrol. TO TH E PU BLIC STATES IN THROES Dr. Dixon took 1,100 photographs of Realizing the need in Ashland of Dance, Moose hall, Saturday night, the scenes of battles In which the In­ Flow« at the Rate of Forty Gallon* a O F SNOW STORM a drugless physician who Is free to February 4. Leedom’s Orchestra. dians took part and of the graves of Minute— 130 Degrees Tem­ respond to out-of-office calls at any 129-3 those who fell. The crosses over their perature. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Feb. 2.__ hour of the day or night, I wish to resting places bear such picturesque Four of the northwestern states are announce that, instead of re-opening P rice F am ily W ill M ove__ names as Takas the Shield, Good Sebring, Fla.—Hot water which be­ my office, I will hereafter treat my The Leslie Price family, living on now in the throes of a severe snow gan flowing some days ago from a Rear, Fights the Enemy and Goes patients in their own homes. The Mountain avenue, expect to move storm which la crippling the tele­ well being driven for a local concern Forth. Dr. Dixon has lived nmong home treatments will be similar to soon to a location near the Haw­ graph and telephone lines and caus­ still was coming to the surface re­ the Indians In the United Stntes and those formerly given in my office. thorne school, having rented their ing a delay In railroad transporta­ cently at a rate of 40 gallons a min­ Canada for months and expresses th e thcater BtAurru» ute. Throughout the period the flow himself strongly on the hardships and Massage, hydrotherapy or vibrations dairy ranch on Mountain avenue to tion. At Mitchell, So. Dak., one of the has maintained an even temperature repressions of their life In the reserva, will at all times be used preliminary other parties who will soon move tions. From 1.200.000 their numbers worst storms in history ¡a holding of 130 degrees. to the chiropractic adjustments, in there. have been reduced to 332.000, con­ It is said to be the second Instance that city in ita grip. The losa of live­ that way securing complete relaxa­ tained In 189 tribes, since they came of a hot flowing well observed In Flor­ tion of the muscles and rendering Radiators repaired. Fixit Shop. stock in the vicinty « said to be ida. one having been drilled at Pensa­ under rule of the white man. great. the chiropractic work proper as “The Indians fought for democracy," cola about 20 years ago. The flow of A train, with 75 passengers aboard says Dr. Dixon, “in the battles of the painless as possible. W . C. T. U. Meetings— the Pensacola well was lost when the Revolutionary war, In the battles of on the Soo line in North Dakota, is drill broke through the rock and di­ I wish also to announce that in The W. C. T. U. ladies at their Hie Civil war and In the battles for stuck in a snow bank. A rescue party verted the water Into a subterranean again taking up my work in Ash­ meeting Tuesday, voted for the coun­ the freedom of France and Belgium. lake. land, I shall specialize in neuritis tv institute of that organization to is at work trying to dig them out. They fought for a freedom which is Sebring is about 40 miles north­ Snow and cold weather are delay­ cases and those troubles originating be held in Ashland the last of Feb­ denied them in the land of their birth. in the cervical and upper dorsal re­ ruary. Mrs. Alice Jillson, county ing the trains in all sections of Wis­ west ol Lake Okechobee. and In that How will America now treat the part of the state where the formation gions of the spine. These Include President, has the institute plans in consin. indicates It once was the open sea, question? The savagery of the Red In­ bronchial asthma, insomnia. the land having been built upon coral dian has never been as the beginning Star ring _ .M f . - severe charge. The Francis Willard memor- of the alphabet compared with thp P s in the back of the neck and ial program will be rendered at the PO PULAR MOTION reefs. savagery of the Hun.” RUDOLPH VALENTINO PICTUR E MAN head, loss of memory, certain ner­ usual time February 17. The place vous disturbances of the eye. ear. of this meeting will be announced Lived in a Tree. ASSASSINATED and the most brilliant supporting cast Get» Many Blackfish. nose and throat, certain arm and later. San Francisco.—Samuel Kumkuft, ever assembled. Lewqs, Del.—Samuel Prettyman dis­ LOS ANGELES, Feb. 2.—Shot who was arrested several weeks ago shoulder troubles, etc. covered a school of blackfish off the down while writing at his desk by a when It was learned by the police The fee for calls between 10 p. m. People You Never Forget Big $1.10 dance. Gold Hill, Satur- mysterious assassin, William Des­ that he had been living in a tree in Delaware breakwater one day recently and 9 a. m. will be double the fee d^y, -F^obructry 4, 129-3* mond Taylor, well known motion pic­ Columbia square, was pulled out of and with a hook and line landed 297 charged for day calls. A Picture You Will Always Remember the same tree again a few days ago, fish ranging ln weight up to six pounds. ture promoter and director, was MAUD INGERSOLL HAWLEY He disposed of the fish at 12 cents a B asketbn11 F riday N ight- was taken before Police Judge pound. found dead in his bungalow this und Visiting Chiropractic Physician L. T. Jacks. A girls’ basketball team from Et- morning. (Holder of chiropractic physic- COMING—FRIDAYSATURDAY “I am told that you were warned 28° l O l T T ^ O65’ i88U6d AugU9ti t0 Play the 1°®al Wgh6 s X o V ’ giris College Men Drink. Death was caused by a bullet by Judge McAtee to move on,” said Boston.—Drinking Is on the increase BIG SUPER-SPECIAL wound in the back. Police are search­ Jacks. “What are you trying to do, or Chiropractic ExanU nenV ’* among students in colleges about ing for Edward Sands, Taylor’s for­ boycott the lodging houses? Why Boston. man This ls particularly true of ResUenee. , h M h01IM to th, ™ '> * ’ «>' mer secretary, whom Taylor recently didn’t you move?” members of fraternities at Harvard “I did,” said the defendant blandly. and Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ right on Walker avenue South. Tele- rangements have h 8 ’ ^ Ut D° *r’ accused of robbery. A warrant has phone 367-J ,9« « rangements have been made for any been Issued for Sands, but he cannot “I moved to another branch.” nology. 126’6 eame the boys Satnrday nigh t By Ralph Conner be located. DISCARD SANDALS FOR SHOES 150 RECEIVED DECCRÄTIONS CHERRO CHIMES Wc arc selling China Cups and Saucers $ 1 .2 5 per set Holmes Grocery LEAVING TONIGHT HORSEMEN of the Apocalypse Cameron of the Royal Mounted r s-