^lofi itaues February d, iwöi ROMttSRG Ashlaad News in Paragraphs INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. RECITAL TOMORROW V isitin g Soprano to Sing n t P resby­ terian Church a t 8 O’clock THE NEW COAT. (E ffe c tiv e January 1, 1022) D ally (E xcep t Sunday) LV. MED FORD LV ASHI j AND B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L One cent the word each time. a. m. a. m. Local and [Personal W A N ! ED. LEONARD C. PETTIT— V io lin is t- The following program will be a. m. Social and Dance Engagem ents: By MARIE T. BONNER. given a t th e Presbyterian chdrch to­ a. m. WANTED— man to cut 50 cords of „ t Side Lights " ------- Teaching ln Music History, Ele­ a. m. morrow evening a t 8 o’clock, by Mrs. wood. Apply at 275 Scenic Drive, m entary Harmony; Violin. See noon Ashland. I28tf* M attie Romberg, soprano. Miss Mae ©, 1#J1, by M cC lur. N ew spaper Syndicate. Loveland’s Orchestra or address •Wednesday, Thurs-i In our line for ’22, th e re ’s a suit Dollar Days— P. m. Box 563, Ashland, 12 8-lm o Hand work and for you— at Paulserud’s. l2 0 tl.K a e g i will act as accompanist. m. WANTED— To ren t modern six room P- Being a woman, Samantha Haskins day and Friday GROUP I unfurnished house, two bedrooms, P. m. PHYSICIANS. possessed a goodly portion of that •tam ped goods. The Needle Craft close in, three in family, will lease m. P- Det Forste Mode ..................... Grieg leaven of human affairs—the dramatic Shop at the Dew Drop Inn. • 127-3 L'nable to W ork— for year, highest local references. DR. ER N E ST A. WOODS— Practice P. m Hazel Smith, who works a t the N ightengale’s Trill .................. Gauz sense. Living as she did ln the Iso­ m. Address “ R. W .,” care of Tidings. P. lim ited to eye, ear, nose and J. H. McGee dry goods store, was un­ Come Unto M e ....................... Handel lation of a northern Maine farm, her P a u l Mars R eturns to H om e— 128-2* I throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and P. m. Sat. only Paul Mars, who underw ent an op able to fill her position today on ac- Ungeduld .............................. Schubert husband and few neighbors afforded P- m 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ small opportunity to use that sense. P. m. WANTED BOARDERS— Room and GROUP II land, Ore. 73-tf eratlon a t a local hospital a week i count of illness, board for two or three persons. But, given the chance, she made the m Sat. only P- Aft in Staum lng .................. K orling ago yesterday, is on his feet again 726 Iowa St. 127-tf OR. J. J. EMMRNS— Physician and most of it. Sunday Schedule For business opportunities ln i Might Lak a R o s e ....................... Nevin and was seen on the streets Wednes- Surgeon. Practice limited to Leave Medford for Ashland and CHILDREN’S SEWING done reason­ It was one October evening when she day afternoon. The physician states Southern Oregon, consult the Four-1 piano Solo— Sonata in A F lat eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses and Ephraim—her husband—sat to­ Ashland for Medford every hour on ably at 657 C St. 128-2 ’ .................................. Beethoven gether in their kitchen. supplied. Oculist and aurist for the hour from 9 a, m. to 5 p. m.; th a t Paul has made as rapid ,m*i Site Sales Agency, Beaver “ Block, 8. P. R. R. Offices, M. f . and‘ H. 108tf WANTED— To hear from owner of Miss Laura Prescott Finally she spoke, casually enough, then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. provem ent as he has ever seen and it phone 4. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phono 6 67 Ashland w aiting room— Bast Side good ranch for sale. State p ric e ,1 “Winter’s mo’ here!” Je Suis Titania— from Mignon Is hoped by all of his friends th at •-------- Pharm acy. Minneapolis, Minn. 105-13* “Means I’ll have to build a new cow MATTIE B. SHAW— Special a t­ The last number, ano operatic se- P au l will now regain his form er Vl8ju>r R eturns Hom JACKSONVILLE-M EDFORD full particulars. D. F. Bush, DR. shed directly, I reckon,” he growled. tention to m others and children D pally ally (M (E xcept Bunday) Miss A rdath Loslier, who has been lection, will be sung w ithout accom­ health. Internal secretions and endocrine Her husband sighed again, *T11 fetch WANTED— Will pay highest cash LV. MEDFORD visiting with the Emer.vs for the past paniment. No admission charge will me home a new pair of rubber boots LV. J •B’NV’LH glands. Rea. and office, 108 Pio­ prices for furs— skunk, mink, 7:40 a. m neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ H ealth Bread. p u re M alted Milk several days, returned home Tues- be made. next time I’m ln the city,” lie said. fisher, coyote, lynx, cat, etc. Ed­ 8:4ft a. m. 7:26 a. m. SOtt | day evening. fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 Twfpa— 10 rente gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, Med- Samantha's eyes brightened and she 8:15 a. m. 9:60 a. m p. m. ford. Ore. Pbone_929;_____ 124tf 11:16 a. m. REVIVAL MAINTAINS INTEREST rocked her chair with short, nervous 9:16 a. m. 11:16 a. m jerks. “That’ll be cap’tal, Eph—Jes’ 10:45 a. m. DR. SHAW— Eye, ear, nose, throat T aken Home— H ealth Bread. P ure » la lted Milk FO B SALE. 12:30 p. m 12:00 noon what you need! An’ fetch me some specialist; glasses fitted. Office SOtf Miss Agnes Hedburg, who was op- — i o cen ts (C ontributed by Frank P atterson) - 1:50 p.m . FOR SALE— Fresh young cow; also J,:20 p. m. bluck goods for • new ' co at!” she at residence, Pioneer Ave., m orn­ crated on last week for appendicitis The large audience who heard 3:20 p. m 2:45 p. m. ing and by appointment. Phone 2 8. full blooded Duroc Jersey gilt, 7 cried. w a s removed to her home Wednes- sh erard 111— Mrs. Champie last night on the sub­ ♦ f36 p. m months old. Cad Ellis, Talent. Eph sat erect. “Now, Sam antha! 3:4ft p. m. ft:30 p. m FOR MALE— REAL ESTATE. day. She Is doing exceedingly well. Mrs. Albert Sherard is quite Ill ject of “ Why N ot?” heard her at You know I ain’t able to fetch you a 5:00 p. ra. Phone 373-J-3. 128-2* > 5:5ft p. m. her best, and incidentally heard an new c o at! That cow shed’ll cost at her home on East Main street. 9:80 p. m FOR SALE— Here is a splendid op- HOME FOR SALE— Any one. want- 7:00 p. m. Dew Drop Inn— for lanche«. me nigh on sixty dollars an’ that unusually impressive message. portunity: Grocery store doing lng a place with one acre of oaly 7:36 p.m . 8:10 p. m. ground, all kinds of fruit, good Ferguson’s Big Closing Out Sale The sermon was followed by the storm door! I’ll have to pay Abe 9:60 p. m. nice business, Invoice about $3000, only 10:30 p.m garden 9pace, chicken lot, hen­ ■Magazine A gen t H ere— Cotts fifteen dollars to the cent to rent $30. O. A. Manning, Talent. will last only a few days longer— ordinance of baptism. Sunday Only house, garage, woodshed and store Miss Tlllle Anderson, of Rogue better hurry! Oregon. 127tf LV. MEDFORD The subject tonight is “The King s tlx it—un’— 1” he spluttered into si­ LV. J’S’NV’EH room, seven room house, all mod­ lence. 8:60 a. m. River, who Is agent for several high 8:00 a. in. R eturn.” The return of Christ is a ern, w 'th gas. Anyone Interested FOR SALE— Single comb White 9:80 a. m. In the shadow of the lamp light Sa­ 9:80 a m. class periodicals, spent a few I ioutb can inquire of owners, at 710 Leghorn eggs, for hatching, trap- them e which has fascinated the 11:1ft a. ra mantha’s eyes narrowed—and though 10:46 a. m. C ollege F riend V isits— Penn. Ave. Phone 349-L. 128-6* •In the city yesterday. nested. Also Barred Plymouth minds of His followers since th a t mo­ 12:48 p. m she said not another word ubout the 12:16 p. m. John Frederick Mason, a reader, Rocks extra large birds. Phone 1:50 p. m. 1:20 p. m. mentous day when He ascended, coat the thought of it never left her 340-Y 127-lm o FOR SALE— New b ! x room bunga 3:M> p. m. Nloe Dry Wood! also BIox. Ash Im personator and hum orist, has leaving His disciples standing on the mind and remained there even until 2:60 p. m. low, cheap if taken at once. Ad­ 4:8b p. m FOR SALE— Four cows and two 92tf been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. W. J 3:45 p. m. dress 78 Sixth St. 128-6 land Lum ber Co., phone 20. the next day when she went over to 6:30 p. m 5:00 p. m. Crandall for the past few days. Mr Mount of Olives. Is Christ coming a neighbor’s for a chat. heifers, two of the cows are fresh. 9:80 p. a p. m. Mason and Dr. Crandall are old col­ again? When? And how do we A. H. W ard, Talent. 121-2* TRY R. D. SANFORD, 899 Beach Mrs. Carter was a crisp tongued old 7:00 M rs. M ills A rrives H om o — St., for all classes of Real Estate, M EDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE know? W hat are the signs of the Mrs. V. V. Mills, who has been lege friends. Aside from being an times? These are the questions an ­ lady w’ho lived alone on the. farm near­ forenoons. 108-lmo* D aily (B xeep t Sunday) FOR SALE— Good milch cow. W. est the Haskins house. '•p e n d in g a few weeks visiting in and entertainer, Mr. Mason is also a LV. M EDFORD LV. ROSEBURG L. Moore, Belview 126-5 swered tonight at the Christian ATTENTION — Have aereage on Samantha laid the matter before her, 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m _________________________ around San Francisco, returned w riter of verse, one of his latest ly- we «¡ould take town prop­ church. Services begin at 7:30 “I reckon I’ll need a new coat this Travel by stage; shortest route ^¡H E M STIT C H IN G AND PICOTING— ! whleh home W ednesday evening on train lies being “The M ountains of Ore- erty, part payment. Also some winter, Mrs. Carter!" 20 mllea; one of Oregon’s mostj A ttachm ents fits all sewing ma-j 54 gon,” which has been set to music o’clock. large acreage tracts, Eugene, “My shed needs pnintin’—” observed scenic trips; we save you time and chines. Price $2.00. Checks 10c i K lam ath county, RoBebnrg, Cali­ and is now being published. The money. extra. Lights Mail Order H ouse,1 fornia, for Ashlaud real estate. Spring woolens and styles are In Mrs. Carter pointedly. F are— M edford-R oeeburg, 84.00; T urk ish to w e ls at w h olesale prices beauties of Ashland have made Box 127, Birmingham, Ala. 126-6; Samuntha stared at her ln amaze­ Yockay, Realtors, phone 146; , 128« ment. “Why Mis’ C arter!” she gasped. G rants-Pasa-R oseburg, $ 3 .0 0 . at F erg u so n ’« B ig C losing Ont Sale, deep impression on Mr. Mason, and at Or res’ Tailor Shop. M EDFORD-GRANTS PA SS transfer and express . FOR SALE— W hite Minorca hatcli- ______. he was especially impressed with a “1 can’t climb ladders anyway, ’cause lng eggs, non-setters, large w h ite : _____________ D ally and Sunday Met W ith Accident— my skirts will catch and trip me!" F ou r Cars Sold— trip io the summit of the Siskiyous, eggs $1.00 for 15. 922 Boule- for prompt and oareful service, LV. G’T’S PASS Mrs. K atie Shook had the m isfor­ “Put on overalls!” Mrs. Carter sug­ LV. MEDFORD vard’. Phone 467-R. 124-lm o, &uto trueks or horse drays, can 10:00 a. m The Class A garage sold four cars which he and Dr. Crandall took. He 11:00 a. m tune to severely Injure her arm one gested. -------- ------------------------ -----— ——-----I WW«i® Transfer Go. Phone X17. 1:66 p. m during the past week. John Wag- returned north yesterday to give a 1:00 p. m FOR SALE— Good sounu Newtown 89 Oak street near Hotel “In Pop-over Junction?” cried Sa­ 4:48 p. m day last week. 4:80 p. m ner of D unsm uir purchased a Reo aeries of entertainm ents, where he and W lnesap apples, not culls, 60c Ashfand. B8tl mantha, aghast. Then she laughed. Orants Pass welting room— touring; Miss Pearl McHenry of 'w ill bear witness to the beautiful box Half mile west eannery. O ., ------------- — --------------------- • — “They’d put me outa church! Reverend Bonbonniere, phone 186. Schmidt Alito Co.— A. Manning, Talent, Or. 114tf poW ELD—GENERAL TRAN8- H ornbrook, a Ford: A lbert Cantinl features of Aslhand. O ffice and w aitin g room — No. 5 The Schmidt Auto company, also Simpton jes’ preached agin them New FER — Good te»10 m otor­ 3. F ront St.. Nash H otel building. of H ilt, a baby grand Chevrolet; and! ---------- York women wearing knickers las’ Sun­ known as the Overland company, has trucks. Goad Sfttvwe at a reason­ FO R R E N T . R obert Pinson of Ashland, a Lexlng-; j stom ach misery, gas and ludl- moved tlieir stock of tires, tubes, day !’’ able price. PhoPe 8 3 - -_ _ _ _ _ _ But Mrs. Carter persisted. "Come i gestlon are promptly relieved with new and used cars across the street ¡FOR RENT— barge furnished sleep- ton. NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION over Thursday noon! ’Mos’ every- ----- I Ml-O-Na stomach tablets. At Me- ing room, close In. with heat and ; plumbing from their form er location and will body’ll be down to Saco to the Meth’- bath. Phone 206-R. 11 B each, Health Bread. P u re M alted M llk!Nald Bros, on money-back plan. continue to do a general garage bus­ dlst conference!” Ave. PHONE your Uixt Job of plumbing 80« Twine— 10 rents NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that iness, with good mechanics for quick to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. By noon Thursday practically every­ sealed bids will be received by the FOR RENT— Furnished, four rooms; service. We will, however, devote one had gone to the conference. Eph­ Phone 188. A rrested in Portland— Board until Tuesday, February 14, and bath, close in. 29 South Pio- Mrs. G illette C onvalescent— BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Word was received here this m orn­ most of our time to the sale of Over­ raim was to leave by the half-past one 1922, at 10 o’clock a. m., at th e | peer Ave. 128-2 Mrs. H. H. Gillette, who has been train. Finally he was off. office of the Board of Directors of ing from Portland to the effect th at land cars, and also expect to take In- quite ill a t her home on Gresham “Q’by, Sam antha!” he called as he The Eagle Point Irrigation D istrict, FOR RENT— Furnished house. a man giving the name of Alfred over other car sales agencies. We oulre 568 East Main. Phone 332-J. x street, Is able to be up and around within the boundaries of said dis­ FOUR-SITE SALES q 12C-2 0 Burke had been arrested there and kindly solicit your patronage in this rolled out of the yard into the road. trict in Jackson county, Oregon, for again. Samuntha waited until he was out line. We will give you reliable, serv­ AGENCY had on his person, a check for three LOST. of sight, then struck out across lots to the purchase of bonds in the sum of ice. In the Shook building. G h b , For t h . finest In ham and b aco n .! thonnsand dollars on th e Citizens (G rants Pass. Medford, Ash­ Mrs. Carter’s. She arrived breath­ $200,000.00 voted July 9, 1921, of land, Klam ath Falls.) oils, storage service. 128-2 Eagle Point Irrigation District, of laagie ro in i irrig an u ii uiairiv«.. V ] __Wn„i linpfi brown leathei . w Detrick. The kind th at makes! B*»* » ' Ashland and signed h_y a less. Mrs. Carter was waiting for her Jackson county, Oregon. (9aid bonds E0 “ Beaver Block. Ashland glove, for right hand, marked D T. g unknown here and therefore at the gate. you come back for more. D etrick's i party being in addition to the sum of Finder return to Tidings ««lce^ j g Hotel Ashland Guests— — Brokers in — "I got ’em ready for you,” she an­ $200,000.00 in bonds voted January 124 is presumed to be a forgery. It is 1 i o’1 ' S m Bualuees O pportunities, — the Pioneer Groceteria. The following parties are register­ nounced. thought th a t this man may be Baker, 17, 1920); said bonds are numbered B usiness Iieasea, Now that she actually saw the consecutively, CAR WASHING commencing with ¡with whom the Class A Garage had ed at the Hotel Ashland: W. H. Ed­ 3D B usiness P artnership. wards, Ben Mitchell, Alonzo M orri­ things, Samantha hesitated and drew num ber one and following in num er-i ---------- — n*n"wABHTNG and 2 some trouble some time since. All transactions strictly leal order, m ature serially, in annual ] FIRST CLASS^ CAR WASHING^aba 4 son, J. C. Myers, Portland; E. E. back; but Mrs. Carter urged her on. confidential. polishing. $2.50. Rorapaugh, Eugene; H. G. Nissen, C. She rushed the reluctant Samantha am ounts so as to be approximately No charge for listings Phone 114- Prices always the lowest at Det- A. Rodman, Mrs. K. G. Byron Brink- into the overalls. Just as she was with principal and interest, and RESULTS PRODUCBD shall be payable in gold coin of the i rick’s— not up today and down to­ man, Ran Francisco; D. M. Lowe, H. gingerly trying the first step of the Day by Day. United sta te s; said bonds will be morrow. We buy for cash and sell E. Wood. Medford; P. M. Prosses, ladder there was a sound of wheels BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES dated January 1, 1922, and bear in Every dn.v is a Utile life, and out ! for cash. T h at’s why we sell for Boston, Mass; F. W. Smith, Glad­ in the road. terest at 6 per cent payable semi­ whole life Is but a day repeated. "It's Eph, Sam anthy!” whispered annually. 124 less. D etrick’s Groceteria. Those, therefore, that dare lose a day stone, Or.; J. S. McKeown, Aloha, Mrs. Carter. “Now, when he gits op­ For fu rth er detailed inform ation H o m e s A g a in ! Or.; F. G. Ostland, Minneapolis, posite, you turn ’round, careless like, There s no time like the present Roads Reported Good— Minn'., and F. M. Rowley, Eugene. and holler. ‘Have a good time at the to be getting that home which you Ed High has ju st returned from son. 1 «»"• conference T ” have wanted. You do not need The right is reserved to reject any j a trip over the m ountains and re­ "Here he is Samanthy,” prompted See P aulserud’s sultB tor 1922. to wait until you have all the and all bids. ports the roads good as they have the woman on the ground. money to pay for It; make a pay­ 120tf Samuntha clung to the ladder with EAGLE POINT IRRIGATION ment down and then pay the rest been for several months past. of it in installm ents instead of one hand and half turned toward the DISTRICT. ~ t b a r b e r Ou Sick L ist— By W. E. Hammel, President-1 Better treated without dosng paying rent. road. “Eph! Eph!” she called. The The Ashland Realty company have John Riggs has been confined to driver hauled up the horse until his Director. We have a good five room e»»,.. i C hildren’s W ork A Wm. Perry, Director. 10B-5thu| dwelling, nicely located, fine con­ houses to rent unfurnished all over Ills home on Glenn avenue for sev­ fore feet left the ground. A pply V icks to throat and dition, partly furnished, for only Specialty town, and a few furnished. Have a eral days with a sprained back, the chest. A warm glow follows. “Sam antha!” he roared, and his eye» $2600. This is a good bubira«U from your ing to say. “Cmon home, Sam antha!’’ is to come before the unit at this P eas, sw eet sifted , 2 cans— 35c. Dozen cans ............................ .$ 1 .0 0 he growled. A pricots In Syrup, No. 2 )4 can— 25c. Dozen c a n s ................... $ 2 .0 5 meeting. In silence she peeled off the over- P each es lu syrup, No. 2 )4 can— 25c. Dozen cans ...................$2.H5 oares, and multiplies your pleasure. 1#1alls and started for the road. "G’by, P ineapple, broken slices, 2 )4 can— 28c. 4 cans f o r ..................$ 1 .0 5 All W arner's Corsets, now hair Mrs. Carter,” she called as she reached P ineapple, M onopole, sliced, 2 )4 can, 3 for $ 1 .0 0 . D ozen. .$ 3 .7 0 price at the closing o u t sale at F e r­ the gate. Shrim p, per can— 17c. 3 for 50c. Dozen ................................... $ 1 .7 5 A thrift account with us opens up an rusub - and other Decorative Tuna F ish, can— 15c. 7 cans for ................................................... $1 .0 0 “Be sure an’ get broadcloth, ’cause guson’s. Material. O ysters, per can— 2 0c. 2 for 35c. O f o r ..................................... $ 1 .0 0 it’s durable and stylish,” answered Salm on, pink, ta ll, 2 cans for 25c. 9 cans / o r ......................... .$ 1 .0 0 peotttd avauu« of progress. Mrs. Carter. Out of School— Salm on, red, flat, 2 cans for 2 5c. 9 f o r ........................................ $ 1 .0 0 We willingly give prices Though his face was still crimson Florence Wilson, daughter of Mr. T h ese are only a few o f our S a le prices. Come, see what we have and figure amounts and his Ups pressed hard, Eph did not in cereals and flour, C offee, C hocolate and Cocoa. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, of the Ideal draw away his arm as Samantha needed. grocery, is among those who are on grasped it to pass through the gate. the sick list and is unable to attend And all the way home she leaned back school. peacefully, admiring the autumn foli­ O regon A shland, age and cutting and fitting her new H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET Get your corn flakes at 10 cents winter coat. the paint man I er package, regular size, a t th e C liff Payne m akes shelves. W nite House Groceteria. 7:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. 12:00 no on 1:00 P- m. 2:00 P- m. 3:00 P- m. 4:00 P- m. 5:00 P- m. 6:00 P. m. 7:00 P- m. 8:30 p. m. 9:30 P- m. 1G:3O P- m. 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 4:00 5:00 6:00 7:00 8:80 9:30 10:30 W. A. SHELL Children’s Colds Billings Agency V apo R ub Second Anniversary Sale Paints Wall Paper Sanitas PLAZA MARKET Dickerson & Son It Adds, Substracts, Multiplies The Citizens Bank