Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, February 01, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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    U tti
J. Wesley Safford will begin his
course of lectures on Saturday even­
ing, February 4, instead of Sunday,
the 5 th, as announced in last Satur­
day’s Tidings. His subject w ill be,
“Practical psychology.” School teach­
ers and high school pupils are espec­
Ashland Lodge officers will not ially urged to attend these lectures,
m eet for practice this week.
which will continue for one week.
Malta Comraandery meets this
(Wednesday) evening.
Siskiyou Chapter meets Thursday
A few used cars for sale at a b ar­
evening for work in P ast M aster de­
gain. 1919 Chevrolet, good Dodge.
See W. E. Snider at Schmidt Auto
Shrine meets Friday evening in
stated session.
Get your corn flakes at 10 cent«
per package, regular size, a t th e
W hite House Groceteria.
Here on Business—
J. V. Dollahite, of Berkeley, Calif.,
who is connected with International
D istributing comc>any, is in town for
a few days taking care of the in ter­ C opyright, 1921, W estern N ew sp ap er Volon.
ests of th e company here. This com­
One went down to the ravine by a
pany is putting out a new class of path leading from the sunny roadway.
p o rtrait paintings th a t is hard to Melissa loved to follow this path,
though her aunt argued against it.
“The ravine is such an isolated spot,”
Aunt Melissa objected, “if anything
should happen to you no one could
hear your cries for help. And they
say, now, that an escaped convict is
Dollar Days— Wednesday, T hurs­ P arents o f Baby B oy—-
around down there.”
day and Friday. Hand work and
take the hill walk,” Melissa
stam ped goods. The Needle C raft Beach street, are the parents of a
evade, for her aunt's
Shop a t the Dew Drop Inn.
127-3 bouncing boy who arrived a t 4
was afraid of
o’clock Tuesday afternoon, January
was partly
Weed tire chains a t less than cost 31. Mother and baby are doing well. ©• 1(21, by McClure N ew sp ap er Syndicate. true. Melissa did take the hill walk,
ju st when you need them. Schmidt
“Congratulations, old boy. I hear but it was from there that the little
Auto Co., now’ in the Shook build­
Special sale a t Orres' Tailor Shop. you've sold another story 1"
adventurous path led down to the heart
“Yes, and darn lucky I did, too! I of the silently glowing ravine.
128tf Suits tailored to order with extra
Truthfully, It was Aunt Melissa
pants free.
128-tf was getting pretty hungry ! But how’s
yours coming on?”
W ill A ttend C onference—
who busied herself happily over the
“Not coming at all. I’m still hunt­ sewing, while Melissa, with her old
A num ber of the B. Y. P. U. of
D ollar Days— W ednesday, T hurs­ ing for the Big Idea I”
bent, roamed the countryside. Today
Baptist church will attend the con­
day and Friday. Hand work and
“Well, you can afford to take a the forbidden retreat seemed more
ference of the Rogue River associa­
stam ped goods. The Needle Craft rest—that last check of yours was fat than ever Inviting. She put aside her
tion of Baptist young people which
Shop a t the Dew Drop Inn.
127-3 enough! The ones I get are usually magazine for uninterrupted pleasure
will meet in Medford Sunday, Feb­
just about enough for a feed or two.” in the view. A bird near by perked Its
ruary 12.
“I know, Phil. T hat’s why I’ve been head curiously at Melissa and. imitat­
Called to C a lif o r n ia -
Mrs. Charles L. Hanson, 63 Pine trying to get you to put some time ing, Melissa turned to perk her head at
Our spring clothes pins are still street, was called to Lodi, Calif., Into your work. Mold It, build it. Hon­ the bird. Then she saw the man. He
Belling, three dozen for 19 cents. this m orning *on account of the se­ estly, now, how long since you’ve had was stretched upon the ground near
Why should you pay more? Also our vere illness of h er cousin, Mrs. R an acceptance—before this one, I by, Just around behind the tree.
mean Y'
This man’s face was white, with its
crackers a t wholesale. W hite House Hackle. Mrs. Hackle was form erly
“Oh, not since February, but—”
great burning eyes staring at her in
128-2 Miss Lou Velle of Medford.
“And this is May! Good heavens! hostility. His clothing was rumpled
But how many have you written?”
and shabby. After a moment of medi­
New Incubator House» ■
“Oh, one a day. Well, not on an av­ tative silence, Melissa smiled. “How
Standard makes of tires and tubes.
W. D. Booth recently completed a Weed chains, etc., on sale a t a very erage of that, of course. I do write do you do?’ she remarked. “Are you
new incubator house on his property | low prlce> Schmidt Auto Co.— Over- one in a day, but sometimes I do not the escaped convict?” The man
jumped to his feet and came towards
on W eightraan street, which he w ill, land cars— Shook building.
128tf write a thing for a week or more.”
use for hatching his W hite Leghorns (
• “Where did you hear that?” he de­
this year. Mr. Booth expects to
10. It’s the simplest thing in the plan, then construct, and reconstruct, manded.
hatch a goodly num ber of chicks world to use Hyomei and end and, finally, polish.
“Oh. one hears all sorts of things,”
this year and will be able to care catarrh. Breathe the medication
“Say, I’ll tell you! If you’ve noth­ Melissa calmly said. “Perhaps the re­
for about 1200 every ten days.
through the little inhaler in every ing much to do, just hop on this bus port is untrue. Some one told some
outfit and you will get relief at once. with me, and Til show you how to one else, I believe, that a man resem­
Health Bread. Pure Malted M ilk Money back if it falls. McNair Bros. harvest a whole crop of ideas !”
bling a former resident of the village,
who had been committed for a crime,
Tw in» 10 cents
«M l
ty-eighth street bus, and went via Riv­ was seen hiding around this ravine.
Social M eeting—
erside, and It also became crowded be­ When you appeared I thought that you
Orres cleans clothes. Phone 64.
The Sperro class of young people fore it reached Fifty-ninth street. might be that man.”
128tf meet at the Baptist church last ev- Ideal as were the conditions, however,
Hostility left the haggard face. The
ening and engaged in a social even- Phil seemed unable to make good his man settled himself abruptly at her
Weed Visitor»—
ing by playing various games. Re- promise.
Mrs. Phillip Mugler and daughter freshm ents were served and all ex-
“Wait, we’ll go back!” he reassured,
“I was that convict,” he quietly told
Melissa, “but I have not escaped; I
Lucile, of Weed, Calif., were in to w n ' pressed themselves as having had a optimistically.
At One Hundred and Sixty-eighth am discharged. The sentence was
the first of the week.
i delightful evening.
Those present
everyone but the two ladies found, after my second year of impris­
¡were, Mr. and Mrs. Southard, Mr.
off the bus. Phil and A1 onment, to have been a mistake.”
See us now if you are interested in i and Mrs. Travis, Mrs. Inm an, the
“Please tell me all about it,” she in­
seats. A woman and a
a new or used car. Schmidt Auto Misses Oslin, Moore, Barber, Angell,
Co., now in Shook building.
128tf Inm an, Kennedy, R uth and M arjorie an.
The man hesitated. “You live here?”
Fifield, Miss Claudia Klum of Med­
“Well, Phil, here we are at One Hun­
Moves of the Day—
ford, Messrs. Gear. Holmes, Crow- dred and Twenty-fifth. There are six
Melissa shook her head. “Just visit­
Victor Mason has moved into the son, G riffith, Gasaway, and Smith.
people on the top of this bus. Now, ing; tell your story.”
property at 515 Liberty street. Mr.
“I was convicted for embezzlement
where’s your story?”
J. C. Freem an has moved out of th e Schmidt Auto Co.—
“I defy anyone—” began Phil, when and given a long sentence,” the man
property a t 162 Alida street. Mr. C.
The Schmidt Auto company, also the bus stopped for a moment and a spoke slowly. “The proof of the theft
Roberts, who has been residing at known as the Overland company, has man and woman staggered down the was indisputable; it occurred in the
637 E ast Main street, has moved to moved th e ir stock of tires, tubes, aisle on the roof and- fell into the seat City Trust bank, where, at the time, I
was employed as assistant cashier. The
th e property he recently purchased new and used cars across the street just In front of them.
was supposed to have been
They could see the bit of her su­
a t 438 A street.
jfrom th eir form er location and will
away, though no evidence to
perbly tailored back not hidden by the
i continue to do a general garage bus- magnificent fur she wore.
that effect was found. I made no de­
Remember that our windows rep- iness, with good mechanics for quick
“Oh, boy, she’s a pippin 1” exclaimed fense of any kind, or no denial.” The
resent the price of other articles in service. We will, however, devote
the Impressionable Phil, but in a dis­ tense line fastened again about his
our stock. They are not specials but most of our tim e to the sale of Over­ creet whisper. “I say, there’s your lips. “Yet all the time,” he added,
regular prices. W hite House Groce­ land cars, and also expect to take story! Beautiful, cultured girl, forced earnestly, “I was as Innocent of crime
128-2 over other car sales agencies. We by family Into marriage with newly as you are today.”
“Then why,” asked Melissa, quickly,
kindly solicit your patronage in this rich but otherwise impossible, man,
“did you make no denial?’
Will Play U. of O. Freshmen—
line. We will give you reliable serv­
His answer came with difficulty.
“Another man, if you will!
The local high school basketball ice. In the Shook building. Gas,
my own father was the
team have scheduled a game with oils, storage service.
128-2 love for purity’s sake, If it suits you crim inal; also, he was the long-trusted
b e tte r! At last, rebellion, which
the freshm en team of the University
forth the man’s brutality! (Ob­ cashier of that bank. He had fancied
of Oregon, to be played here Friday, Called to Idaho —
serve the thick bull neck, cruel jaw.) urgent need of the money to pay an
February 17. The U. of O. team will
Mrs. E. W. Erickson, who is em­ Then, either spirit broken and resigna­ accumulated debt. He was, you see,
play Medford the next night, accord­ ployed a t th e Tidings office, received tion to a life of ugliness, slowly pin­ old and very weak, and not himself.
ing to their present schedule. Mr. a telegram yesterday from Caldwell, ing away from spiritual and mental He came to me, crying like a child. He
Durno, who refereed the Eugene- Ida., announcing the death of her starvation, or an uprising—creature spoke of my dead mother, and of his
Ashland game last Saturday Is the sister a t th a t place. Mrs. Edickson at bay, you know, and all that sort of inability to endure the hardship of a
coach of the fresmen team a t the left on train 54 yast evening for the rot—courageously effecting a release prison sentence, and he was cowardly,
willing that I should suffer that sen­
from bondage!
university, and it is said he has a Idaho city.
in his place.
So, I suffered.
“Or if you don’t want that line
strong and well organized team.
my father is
Prices always the lowest at Det­ of stuff—the beautiful daughter, reared dead, It seemed unnecessary to longer
H. R. Adams, plumbing, contract­ rick’s— not up today and down to­ among the highest culture in the continue the sacrifice of punishment.
ing and day work. 248 Fifth St., morrow. We buy for cash and sell land, at a fashionable finishing school,
spoke, and my release was found
say ; then forced to home life with
phone 166-J.
109tf for cash. That’s why we sell for uncouth, coarse, crude father, who be­ to be Justified. With freedom came
less. Detrick’s Groceteria.
124 lieves that his millions more than justi­ a home-sick longing for the old asso­
fy his manners—or lack of them ! ciations of my village home. But fight
Realizing the need in Ashland of
Dally humiliations! Private indeli­ seems to have gone from me, even
Jacksonville Woman Buried—
confidence, to set myself right in the
a drugless physician who is free to
Mrs. Martha W. Thompson, of cacies ! Public demonstrations! Friends eyes of my friends.”
respond to out-of-office calls a t any
Jacksonville, who died Saturday ev­ visibly amused, patronizing or disdain­
“So,” asked Melissa, softly, “What
ful! All attempts to humanize the
hour of the day or night, I wish to
ening at h er home in th e county seat, brute, civilize the savage, unavailing! are you going to d o ?’ Hopelessly, the
announce that, instead of re-opening
was buried Tuesday in the Jackson­ How’s that, Al? There are a hun­ man replied, “I do not know.” The
my office, I will hereafter tre a t my
ville cemetery. Mrs. Thompson was dred and one ways it might end. Say, eyes of Melissa took on their thought­
patients In th eir own homes. The
quite well known by many residents look at him now. Beauty and the ful light, reassuringly she smiled upon
home treatm ents will be sim ilar to
of Ashland.
Beast. Innocence, refinement, cul­
Walt,” she requested, and bent to
those form erly given in my office.
ture, sensitiveness—”
writing pad. With awakening in­
Massage, hydrotherapy or vibrations
The Ashland R ealty company has
Phil was Interrupted by a voice In terest he watched her flying pencil.
will at all times be used prelim inary house to rent unfurnished all over front. She had not spoken before, but
to the chiropractic adjustm ents, In town, and a few furnished. Have a now that the sudden lurching of the When she had finished she leaned back
in content.
th a t way securing complete relaxa­ few extremely good buys of residence bus had threatened to roll her burly
T here!” she exclaimed, “that’s a
tion of the muscles and rendering property th a t one rarely hears of. companion into the aisle and he had real story. One of the best I have
the chiropractic work proper as Have cash buyers w aiting and ren t­ moved closer to her side to prevent ever done. It’s for the City Herald,
such an indignity, she offered vocal ob­ and will be lined front page. Your
painless as possible.
ers waiting. Bargains in homes se­ jection and in no uncertain terms.
I wish also to announce th a t in cured on payments sam e as you
own story. No, don’t object, you owe
“Hey. shove over there, B ull! What it to yourself to be right in the eyes
again taking up my work in Ash­
would rent.
128-tf d’yer think I. am, anyw ay!”
of the world, and you shall be, when
land, I shall specialize In neuritis
“I ask your pardon, ma’am,” re­ these facts are proven correct. I am
cases and those troubles o rig in atin g ’Medford Service Station B o b b e d -
turned the big man quite politely. late of the Herald staff, and this ar­
in the cervical and upper dorsal re -| The W illard battery service sta- ‘T h at curve nearly set me off the seat.
ticle makes the announcement that
gions of the spine. These include ition a t Medford was entered Satur- ’Twa’n’t built for folks my size, any­ you are returning to service at once in
bronchial asthm a, insomnia, severe! day night and office fixatures and way. Well, I’ll sit across the aisle the City Trust bank. Grasp your
pains in the back of the neck and autom obile accessories were stolen there—reckon you’re safe enough. Not chance, my friend, and make good.”
head, loss of memory, certain n er­ to the am ount of $1000. Among the apt to jump off the top of this bus,
Stammering, the broken man stood
before her. “But,” he murmured, con­
vous disturbances of the eye, ear, things taken were an adding ma­ eh?” laughing.
“Huh! Better tie us together with fusedly. “It is all right,” explained
nose and throat, certain arm and chine. check protector, spot lights,
them bracelets, hadn’t yer? I’m some Melissa, “I am going to marry John
shoulder troubles, etc.
electric horns, magnetos, spark plugs little escaper, yer know!”
Frawllngs—John Frawlings of the City
The fee for calls between 10 p. m. and an assortm ent of switches and
“Til tell the world you are! But I Trust bank. He has confidence in my
and 9 a. m. will be double the fee four new W illard batteries. No clue guess you’re caught this time. P1I
judgment, and, he happens to be fond
charged for day calls.
has been found leading to th e guilty take a chance, anyhow.” And he moved of me.”
across to the seat that had Just been
“That girl, Melissa,” admiringly ex­
Visiting Chiropractic Physician
claimed the managing editor, as he
Al chuckled incessantly. Phil sat looked over the hastily typed pages,
(H older of chiropractic physic­
We still have a large stock of
flushed silence.
When he could “could find a ripping story In the lone­
ian’s license No. 165, issued August peaches, pears, apricots in regular
o u t: “Don’t liest spot on earth.”
28. 1915, by the Oregon State Board 2% cans, four for 90 cents at White
there, just
“That little girl, Melissa,” tenderly
of Chiropractic Exam iners.)
House Groceteria.
128-2 the same. Fiction’s fiction, isn’t it?— mused John Frawlings, as he read her
Residence, third house to the
not fact always. But I'll make this letter, “can find some human being to
rig h t on W alker avenue South. Tele­
Spring woolens and styles are In Very fact fiction, see ’f I don’t! I’ll help, wherever she goes.”
phone 3 6 7-J.
126-6 at Orres’ Tailor Shop.
I28tf make a story out of it just as it is I”
he did. This was i t
Wednesday, Êebnuuy Í, iMâ
calf to police Headquarters In surrond-
Ing towns.
“Arrest a crooked-nosed man travel­
ing fast and alone.”
Detective O’Connor of Brewster met
up between Brewster and Klatonah
with nn Impatient chap whose nose
rambled south by southwest. O’Con­
as Comrades and nor took the hiker in tow.
Treat Girls
Disdain Officialdom and Pro­
fessions, Says Writer.
Woman’s Long Hair,
j Norborne, Mo.—Mrs. Edna Dean
j Blackgord, who lives in South Missou-
. ri, was in town the other day to have
her hair photographed. It Is 82 inches
long from the crown of her head to the
end of her braid. Until recently It
at the rate of five inches a
Women Now Do the Courting— Princes
Become Plumbers or Raise Horses
and Pigs— Not Keen
on Literature.
TO RPEVD $300,ono
(Continued from Page 1)
tractors 9uch a handling of the work
as will in terru p t the travel, especi­
ally during the C rater Lake season,
to the sm allest extent possible. The
m atter of the federal co-operation
for the rocking of the road is left up
in the air tem porarily, but the high­
way commission has obligated itself
to see that the work is done.
Both the highway commission and
the forestry bureau evidence a dis­
position to go as far as they possibly
can to help us with this road, and I
feel certain the road will be com­
pleted promptly and in fine shape.”
Train Demolished Home
Paris.—A radical change has taken
Being Moved to New Site
place in the youth of France in the !
to thank our many
last decade, according to a writer in
sympathy and kind­
YVlllfam R. Smith, Jr., of Cor­
the Paris Temps, who sees them, made i
and d epart­
materialists by. the late war, inclined f nish, Utah, is without a home
ure of our beloved wife, m other and
as a result of an Oregon Short
to treat the opposite sex as comrades
Line train demolishing it. Smith
and caring little for matrimony or
sister. Also for the beautiful flow­
was moving his throe-room frame
courting, and much more interested
ers— Edwin McNeil, Mr. and Mrs.
house across the railroad tracks
in making money than in entering the
, James Doak, Frank Doak, Clarence
to a new location when the train
Doak, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus King, Mr.
came around a curve and crashed
“A very brief observation of our
and Mrs. Frank King, Mr. and Mrs.
>nto the structure.
young men,” he writes, “reveals how !
Charles A. King, Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
they have departed from the ways of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Nel­
their elders. The war and the moral
and material overturn that it brought
—abrupt changes In our mode of liv­ STEPS LEAD1N TO
ing that have come In the last 20
years, speed of communication by au­
WANTED— A man to cut 5 0 cords of
tomobile and airplane* the depreciation
wood. Apply at 275 Scenic Drive.
(Continued from Page 1)
of currency, calling for increased earn­
12 81 f *
ings—ail this is acting upon the young trem endous interest
in prohibition j FOR RENT— Furnished, four rooms
folk and is creating in them needs history.
and bath, close in. 29 South Pio­
and desires we never knew.
neer Ave.
“ Finally the women of our fair
Disdain Officialdom.
land went to work. In 1873 a con­
One of the most striking traits, and secrated group of women in Hills­ LOST— Wool lined brown leather
glove, for right hand, marked D T.
the most significant among them, is
Finder return to Tidings office'
their disdain for officialdom and the
liberal professions. The recruiting of
functionaries, officers, professors, and meetings in the saloons, or on the WANTED— To rent modern six room
unfurnished house,-two bedrooms,
in general all the careers with a fixed street in front of the saloons, if they
close in, three in family, will lease
salary, is becoming more and more dif­ were not perm itted to enter. One
for year, highest local references
ficult At St. Cyr (the French West barkeeper, waxing his big white ap­
Address “ R. W .” care of Tidings’
Point) the number of candidates is ron at the women, said, “ Shoo, shoo!
continually diminishing. It Is indus­ Get out of here and go home and
try, commerce, finance, agriculture, col­
HOME FOR SALE— Any one w ant­
onization which attract young people. take care of your children.” They
ing a place with one acre of
ground, all kinds of fruit, good
The love of risk and action is much decided to act upon that advice and
garden space, chicken lot, hen­
stronger In them than in their for­ did go home and did begin ta “ take
house, garage, woodshed and store
care of the children.’ They put on a
room, seven room house, all mod­
“Almost no one at present can live well-planned and most effective sys­
with gas. Anyone interested
within his income, and in the best fam­ tem of education concerning the ev­
can inquire of owners, at 710
ilies of the aristocracy and the bour­ ils of alcoholic beverages, in the day
Penn. Ave. Phone 349-L. 128-6*
geoisie the boys are going bravely to schools, in the Sunday schools, and
work. The young Prince M
is L?!in the home9- They despised not the | FOR SALE— New six room bunga-
• low, cheap if taken at once. Ad­
a large plumbing concern. Two of
dress 78 Sixth St.
his relatives live In Morocco, where I day of small things, but worked with
they are raising horses and pigs. In
FOR RENT— Large furnished sleep­
another large family the three sons their hands could find to do, and
ing room, close in. with heat and
they never forgot how to pray. And
are in banks and commercial firms.
bath. Phone 206-R.
11 Beach
thus was ushered into existence in
Not Keen on Literature
| -----—-------------------------------------------
“Literature, it is evident, attracts ‘ 1874> that mighty force for clean and i FOR SALE — Davenport, leather
living— the
W oman’s
youth little. Many never even open a righteous
cushioned arm chair, dining table,
book; serious works, history, memoirs, Christian Temperance Union. The
and five leather bottomed chairs,
book case, sewing machine, bed
etc., have more chance than novels, activities of this organization would
and springs, violin, four rugs and
but not much. Love stories hold a ! fin many pages of history. Suffice It
heating stove. Call 437-R or 63
lower Place in their affections than in to say th a t their work of education
Pine St.
1 28tf
those of their elders. What they talk
was so well done th at 21 years later,
about is the automobile, aviation, box­
CHILDREN’S SEWING done reason­
ing, mechanics. They marry young when the boys had time to grow up
ably at 657 C St.
and treat young women as comrades, and take a place in the affairs of the
as in England and the United States. nation, there was organized the An­ FOR SALE— Fresh young cow; also
full blooded Duroc Jersey gilt. 7
It is not rare at a bail to see one ti-Saloon league in 1893.
months old. Cad Ellis, Talent.
of them Invite a lady to dance with ' “The next 25 years witnessed a re­
Phone 373-J-3.
him by a gesture from a distance, and • lentless and tireless siege. __
to leave her when the dance is over, option campaigns were conducted in FOR SALE— One dozen full blooded
Plym outh Rock hens, $1.50 each.
without conducting her to her place. practicaiiy every section of the
Phone 357-Y.
and no one seems to be particularly
country. One small bit of territory
shocked 1
“The number of marriageable men after another was added to the
board for two or three persons.
being less than that of women, It Is “ dry” map. One county and then
725 Iowa St.
the latter who take the Initiative and another became ‘w hite.’ Finally,
conduct the lovemaking. Bernard there were great state-w ide cam­ LEONARD C. PETTIT— Violinist—
Social and Dance Engagements;
Shaw, In ‘Man and Superman,’ devel­ paigns conducted, with victory after
Teaching in Music History, Ele­
ops the thesis that men never marry victory for prohibition.
m entary Harmony; Violin. See
women, but are married by - them. We l , The
i n t tiucq
* i oc*
w the 18th
close ui
of x 1917
Loveland’s Orchestra or address
reproach the
j ent . subm
v i..
. the
.i. states
Box 563, Ashland.
128-lm o
. „ countries,
, ’ am endm
itted to
and yet see ourselves daily proving:
the thesis of Bernard Shaw.”
seven years in which to ratify, but
such a zeal was aroused to be among
CROOKED NOSE HIS UNDOING the first 3 6 states, th a t only one
year and one month passed till the
Ju st w ait, som e tim e in th is next
Convict Could Get Away From Sing necessary tw o-thirds was enrolled,
Sing, but Had to Take Hi«
Maybe, w e’ll have a little weather
Face W ith Him.
To warm th e g a s up ami thaw out
the constitution.
Of the first 36
th e pii»e,
Brewster, N. Y.—John Miller's nose states to ratify, 29 were wholly dry, So th at w e can go shirt sleeves
a ll th a t w e like.
rambles south by southeast by south­ and the other seven had only a lit-
west. It is the crookedest nose in '.le bit of wet territory.
Sing Sing,
“ The big victory was won. But
So when Miller took French leave t did not come in a single bound.
A Hard W heat F lou r o f Fam ous
from the Sing Sing “country club,” as
The big victory was the result of
Blend— G uaranteed
the prison farm Is known, the prison
officials sent out JL laconic, telephone
little victories along the way.
Continues until the end
of this week