ïuèedâf. íaAHÁtf &î, ï»âi A h RL ä SD DAILÏ ÎTÔWÔS PAGA 1 W(i LOCAL AND PERSO NAL i MICKIE, THE PRINTERS DEVIL In Which Our Hero Utters no Word By Charles Sughroe ® Western Newspaper Union Malta Commandery No. 4 Knight« Templar Masonic Hal] Stated conclave, Malta Command- ery, Wednesday evening, February 1. New uniforms have arrived, which members should call and inspect. W. H. McNAIR, B. C. W. H. DAY, Recorder. S iskiyou Chapter No. 21 R . A. M. M asonic H all, A shland. N otice of M eeting. Special convocation, Tuesday even­ ing, Jan. 31. Past Master degree on a bunch of canuidates. All com­ panions invited. Meet 7:30 sharp. V. V. MILLS, H. P. W. H. DAY, Bec’y._______ S ells Hom o LACE TRIMMING VEILS CAST THEIR MAGIC SPELL ■■ Clyde Gammon has sold his place on Second street and has stored his household goods for the present, as he had to give immediate possession. BLACK STILL SUPREME Paris Says It Alone Lends Itself to Striking Effects. Style Experts Retain Conventional Black as Dominant Motif of Ail Fall and Winter Modes— Corset Comes Back. B u sin ess V isito r— R. E. Banks, who is connected with the Masonic Mutual Life asso­ ciation, is in town for a few days in interest of his association. It can were broken,today when 13 republi-' vitamines— A. cans joined 26 democrats in forcing readily seen from this that a cor­ the adoption of an amendment ma­ rect balance of all three vitamines terially altering the eleven billion in our food is necessary for our health and well-being. foreign debt funding bill. The amendment, which was adopt- ] For the benefit of people who can­ ed by a vote of 39 to 35, eliminated not easily get sufficient vitamines in the provision which opponents of the their food, scientists have found bill charged would have given the ways to concentrate atid condense' funding commission created by the the three vitamines so that they may j act, authority to adjust all claims ¡be taken in addition to regular; -f. which this country has agaiqst Ger^nieals. many and other countries, in addi-j Im p e r tin e n t P e titio n s . tion to the eleven billion debt. When we are invited to u banquet Another victory was scored by the we take what is set before u s; and bill’s opponents when an amendment were one to call upon his host to set was adopted providing that when the fish upon the table or sweet things, proposed commission shall conclude he would be deemed absurd. Yet, in any agreements for refunding or a word, we ask the gods for what they conversion of foreign debts, it shall do not give; and that, although they be submitted immmediately to the have given us so many’ things!—From "The Golden Sayings of Epictetus." senate. Special ON Box Paper 24 SHEETS AND Paris.—Black remains supreme in 21 ENVELOPES the fashion world of Paris. Despite a severe onslaught by advocates of (Assorted Tints) color, the supreme council of style has Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash- been forced to retain the conventional 92tf land Lumber Co., phone 20. black as the dominant motif of all fall Regular 50 anil OOc Values and winter modes, and there is every indication that colors, except in minor V isitin g M in is t e r - trimming effects, will not be able to Rev. E. E. Shelhammer and wife challenge black until late spring. of Atlanta, Ga., will be here on their French women say black is alone in way to California today, and Rev. lending Itself to striking effects. TOO IiATE TO CLASSIFY Shelhammer will preach at the Free The French women’s demand this VISION GIVEN BACK Methodist church tonight at 7:30 FOR SALE— Single coinb White fall was for black, and the big dress­ TO BLIND CHILDREN o’clock, according to C. E. Glazier, Leghorn eggs, for hatching, trap- makers bowed to the inevitable. Crepe the Box nested. Also Barred Plymouth of tho church. He is an able preach­ Morrocun, velveteen and perllane are WHILE THEY LAST Rocks, extra large birds. Phone er, it is said, and all are invited to the most popular materials. A m azing and M agic-Like R esu lts 340-Y. 127-lmo The corset makers, however, have hear him. from P reciou s Food E lem en ts AGIC lurks In the "laces and cover the face at all but is frankly been slightly more successful In their FOR SALE—Four cows and two — th e V itam ines graces" of the new trimming decorative, Imparting a certain at­ efforts to bring the corset back Dollar Days—Wednesday, Thurs- heifers, two of the cows are fresh. Vitamines are mysterious. No one veils. Even the most demur», tractiveness to the entire costume. into its own. Dressmakers are in­ A. H. Ward, Talent. 121-2* day and Friday. Hand work and j The chantilly drape in the oval is of has ever seen one. Yet science knows pair of eyes sparkles in flirtatious sisting that corsets are now necessary stamped goods. The Needle Craft FOR SALE— Here is a splendid op­ n e 127-3 mood- when veiled in silken mesh of exquisite texture and demonstrates to give the “uncorseted look." This definitely what they will do. S fori Shop at the Dew Drop Inn. portunity: Grocery store doing the alluring charm of the eyebrow alluring pattern. The knowledge of vitamines has propaganda has succeeded in some in­ nice business, invoice about $3000, The scarf ends are stances, but most French women, hav- been a godsend to countless suffer­ “With every hat a veil’’ seems to be curtain drop. rent $30. O. A. Manning, Talent, Badly Injured W hile Trapping— the spirit of the day. By no means, weighted with huge hollow jet rings. ing fought and won their freedom, are !erg of certain diseases which are Oregon. 12 7 tf James Beigle was badly injured a however, is it an ordinary veil. The The black lace veiled hat is the loath, in the language of a famous few days ago while out in the Dead vogue is for elaborate lace trimming leading vogue for dress occasions. At i French actress, "to Jail their bodies caused by a lack of one or more of the three vitamines, A, B, and C, in Indian section of the country trap­ veils and they are draped and ar­ all times these drapes are adjusted again.” for esthetic effect rather than for ping in company with Benton Bow­ ranged with fascinating grace. There are four definite features of the regular diet. utility purposes. While experimenting on small ani­ Inspiration for veil arrangement has the fall and winter modes—a very ers. It would appear that Beigle was Fur hats have eyebrow curtains of long waistline, longer circular skirts mals, learned doctors found that been drawn from the picturesque peo­ walking on a crust of snow which ples of the world. The Spanish in­ gold or silver lace. In these the brims gave way, and he fell through, badly fluence, perhaps, is reflected most of all, are of the upturned cuff shape. Some­ with full sides, eccentric sleeves of omitting vitamine A in their food bruising one of his legs, but he was for style creators have selected sunny times gold flowers are bordered at the gay colors and the famous Bateau caused an eye disease that as bad as the legth of its name—xerophthal­ able to proceed on his way at that Spain this season for the well-spring top rim of the hat, apparently holding neck line. Brick red has been used extensive­ mia. Giving back vitamine A to the time. Since that time, blood poiosn of ideas. The Egyptian vogue which the metal lace in place. ly as trimming, and some green steel tiny sufferers cured them of the eye The newest black and white inter­ has set in, and it is now feared that features over-the-ear ornamentation is ornaments for hats, purses, dresses it will be necessary to remove the reflected in the lace drape as is also pretation, is for a brim of ermine, and even shoes are the newest thing disease. the Oriental half veiling of the eyes. over which is thrown a black luce in novelties. . Not long afterwards a Danish doc- ,, le** fA Just now, cire black lace, heavily veil, caught with Jet pins. In the case of shoes the usual or- | tor foiind the Bame kind of eye di9' The dinner hat, with transparent patterned, is very popular. Brown and ease in children, whose war diets H ealth Im proving— metal lace, wide brim, has a cob-web der of things has been reversed, and ' gave them little or no A vitamines. ( taupe colored laces are exceedingly Mrs. Ada W. Jones, who has been mesh of gold thread, half veiling it, the smartest shoes in Paris are threatened with pneumonia is con­ smart on black hats. Milliners rely the same falling over the edge, knlckerbocker’’ shoes, with large steel He fed these children cod-liver oil, on the transforming power of a drape buckles. The short, stubby toe has which is rich in vitamine A, and they siderably improved at this time. of lace, for under its transparent mesh weighted with metal bugles. were cured. • Brown lace veils, or brown felt hats, disappeared. the simplest hat Is converted into a Black again dominates in bats, felt During the war Dr. H. Gideon are u popular vogue. Very effective Dollar Days—Wednesday, Thurs­ "creation” of highest achievement. being the best-liked material. Crowns day and Friday. Hand work and The illustrations above present three are the black lace veils, bordered with are much higher, and the fall hats are Wells, an eminent Chicago patholo­ chemille dots. gist, who wFas in Rumania for the stamped goods. The Needle Craft distinct fashions. Egyptian headdress so big that they interfere with danc­ THE WORLDS GREATEST PICTURE American Red Cross, saw hundreds is suggested in the drape of the ex­ Shop at the Dew Drop Inn. 127-3 ing. Smaller hats will be worn with quisite cire lace veil covering a silver of Rumanian children going blind. fur coats later in the season. -------------------- S T A R T S --------------------- cloth turban, us shown in the circle. M issionary Society to Meet— Their food had been only cornmeal Circular earrings, usually a circle of TODAY The center veil is u novelty, which, j The Foreign Missionary society of and a soup made from bran and jet or ebony within a larger circle, are Starts Music Special Show the Methodist Episcopal church will as you see, is not intended to i worn by the best-dressed women this vegetables. This diet was lacking in Matinee ........ 1:30 Music score arrang­ TUESDAY fall. meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. vitamine A. ___ 8:00 ‘Evenings ed by Miss Henson WEDNESDAY Gay color has its only opportunity A shipload of cod liver oil wras Miriam Way and Miss Harriet Day- be seated Try and on the big Robert in evening gowns for young girls. commandeered by Dr. Wells, who THURSDAY ton at their home on North Main WEEPING recommendations de­ when performance These are made in the brightest of had learned of the valuable vitamine Morton organ. street. It is hoped that there will signed to increase the efficiency of colors. The empire period has given content of that substance. He fed It begins. be a good attendance at this meet­ the veterans’ bureau have been 3 - D A Y S -3 the Inspiration for the youthful eve­ made in a report by the special senate to the suffering children, and is ing. ning dresses this year. The skirts committee investigating government ac­ credited with performing more mir­ are large, full with hips extended. PRICES— Floor 85c; Balcony tivities for the relief of former serv­ M oves to D unsm uir— Ä Ä 7 aculous cures of blindness than are 55c; Children 25c; including J. E. Cantrall, who has been liv­ ice men. The report was the commit­ recorded in the Scriptures. war tax. Matinee, all seats 55c. ing at 2 Beach avenue for sometime, tee’s second. The bureau should Similar cures of other diseases CHILOQUIN MILLS TO "broaden its Interpretation and widen is moving to Dunsmuir, where he the scope of application of existing have been made in many other parts RESUME OPERATIONS; has been transferred. He is in the laws," the report said, adding that ad­ TO EXTENR RAILROAD of the world by supplying missing employ of the Southern Pacific. ditional legislation would be sought to meet deficiencies shown. Among KLAMATH FALLS, Jan. 31.—Im­ ough Inspection of hospitals and train recommendations Were: TO THE PUBLIC Appropriation of $16,400,000 for ho»- Ing centers, elimination of politics mediate resumption of the Modoc Realizing the need in Ashland of pitals; transfer of all government from appointments, establishment of Lumber company sawmills at Chilo­ a drugless physician who is free to hospitals, Including soldiers’ homes additional vocational centers at Insti quin, with a 14 mile extension of the respond to out-of-office calls at any not needed by the army and navy, to tutions where mental and tubercular logging road to tap a new body of hour of the day or night, I wish to the bureau, creation of a chaplain patients are treated. timber, was announced here by J. O. announce that, instead of re-opening corps for service in hospitals and To July 1 there had been 388,000 ap­ Goldwaithe, president o fthe com­ my office, I will hereafter treat my tralningj centers; provision of ceme- plications for vocational training, the patients in their own homes. The ; terjes at soldiers’ hospitals; standard- committee found, adding that "al pany. The sawmill suspended early home treatments will be similar to izatlon of training, permitting the ap­ though we are approaching the third last year. Dry kilns and a planer those formerly given in my office. plicant to select as far as possible his anniversary of the armistice,” only 5,- will be added to the mill, increasing the capacnty to 135.000 feet a shift. Massage, hydrotherapy or vibrations own vocation ; extension of Insurance 050 have been rehabilitated. Only 12,000 men have accepted Two shifts will be worked and 400 will at all times be used preliminary to $10,000 to each policyholder If he training without pay, out of 96,913 desires, and extension of insurance men will be employed in the mill and to the chiropractic adjustments, in Have taken over the and compensation privileges to Amer­ eliglbles, and only 96,000 with pay camps, not including a large rail­ that way securing complete relaxa­ icans who served in allied forces. out of 159,309 eliglbles, the report road construction force. tion of the muscles and rendering Cancellation of contracts with state, said. Goldwaithe predicts a heavy de­ the chiropractic work proper as municipal and private hospitals not The committee said that the gov­ painless as possible. In existence April 1, 1917, and with ernment had failed to obtain “results mand for lumber this year at fair I wish also to announce that in all similar Institutions which are commensurate with the large ex prices, and that all mills in this re­ again taking up my work in Ash­ found unsuitable, was recommended pendltures,” In rehabilitation work gion will operate to capacity. land, I shall specialize in neuritis as one administrative reform, others and expressed belief that knowledge this head including; Issuance of the government’s failure pre­ AM ENDM ENTS TO cases and those troubles originating under of rules and regulations for the main­ vented men “from seeking hospital D E B T BILL PA SSED in the cervical and upper dorsal re­ tenance of order and discipline; thor­ treatment until too late.” BY SENATE, 39-35; Our work will all be done by contract.. In gions of the spine. These include _________________ Luncheon a t H otel A shland— bronchial asthma, insomnia, severe J VV omen’s Relief Corps Meets— other words we tell you to the cent the amount WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 31.— ¡ pains in the back of the neck and W. D. Dodson, manager of the The social circle of the W. R. C Administration lines in the senatei of labor your job will cost. We will be equip­ head, loss of memory, certain ner­ which meets twice each month, was j Portland Chamber of ' Commerce, 7 vous disturbances of the eye, ear, held yesterday at the residence of j SpOke at a ped to do any kind of work on automobiles or luncheon at the Hotel nose and throat, certain arm and Mrs. Howard on Gresham street. Ashland today. Mr. Dodson dwelt ■trunks at reduced cost to owners, from greas­ shoulder troubles, etc. There were about 60 members pres­ The fee for calls between 10 p. m. ent. The afternoon was spent in on the vast water power of the state, ing and oiling to completely rebuilding.. Our T hese th ou gh ts w ere w ritten and 9 a. m. will be double the fee together with the possibilities of ir­ much jollity, and an Impromptu pro­ about th e tim e •absolute guarantee accompanies every job. charged for day calls. gram was rendered, including recita­ rigating the various sections of the MAUD INGERSOLL HAWLEY That M ercury started dow n the tions of “The Little Fly,” “We state. One particular point made line. Visiting Chiropractic Physician Killed a Bear,” and “The Donkey, a during his talk was that we must (Holder of chiropractic physic­ < ( SPECIALTY WORK OUR SPECIALTY” W e froze before it go t h alf way. ian’s license No. 165. issued August Boy and a Pin in the End of a help the farmer along and give him W e ju st got thaw ed o u t yesterday. 28, 1915, by the Oregon State Board Stick.” Delicious refreshments were encouragement, instead of discour­ CHERRO FLOUR served, and all went to their homes aging him, for the fanner is the one of Chiropractic Examiners.) Phone 57 MEDFORD voting Mrs. Howard a jolly good hos- 36-40 S. Fir St. who must develop the great state A Hard W heat F lou r of Fam ous Residence, third house to the right on Walker avenue South. Tele­ tess. The next meeting will be held Qf Oregon. Eleven high school boys B lend— G uaranteed with Mrs. Lulu Wilson, who lives on were eQt at the luncheon. phone 267-J. 126-6 Liberty street. ‘ 25c M Bros* Vicente Blasco Ibanez’ HORSEMEN of the Apocalypse More Efficiency in S Veterans’ Bureau ÊL ANNOUNCEM ENT J. P. R. Automotive Service Co. Service Department and Repair Shop of Hittson Motors CHERRO CHIMES