****Uy, January SI, IMI AÄKLAAii Ü A lvt ttlMSbft Ashland News in Paragraphs THE RIGHT THING a t the Local and personal ■ —■■.' 1 Side L ights----------------------- Returns from Alameda— ' Mra. Selma Gray, who went to Alameda, Calif., about Christm as tim e to visit her parents, returned to Ashland Monday. Mrs. Gray re­ ports a very enjoyable visit, but is glad to get back to Ashland, and will be located a t her old position a t Mc­ Gee’s dry goods store. See P aulserud’s salts ‘Dor 1922. l2 0 tf Confined to Her Home— Mrs. C. C. D arling, of North Main street, has been confined to her home for the past several days, but is ■lightly improved a t this time Candy! Candy! Candy! R om Broa.’ windows for prices. RIGHT TIME Watch special 121-6 Visits from Hilt— C. A. Brown, of H ilt, Calif., was In Ashland visiting friends over Sun­ day. By M ARY MARSHALL DUFFEE Back to old prices! Rose Bros. will have a special sale Thursday, O CEAN E T IQ U E T T E . Friday and Saturday on high grade Good breathing Is the result of much chocolate creams a t the prew ar price good sense.—Chesterfield. of 40 cents the pound. T IS so many months since Ameri­ cans have taken trips for pleasure Hotel Ashland* Guests— that we must brush up a little ou Recent arrivals at the Hotel Ash­ the question of the etiquette of ocean land include, L. C. Fallanhagen, travel. War workers and the men in G rants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. the expeditionary forces were trans­ Lewitz, Duluth, Minn.; A. C. Chaney, ported under such very different cir­ San Francisco; J. M. Baker and fam ­ cumstances from those of pleasure ily, B.- L. Cook, N. J. Cowden, H. B. travel that as far as the small points Wood, K lam ath Falls; Mr. and Mrs. of manners go it was an entirely H. H arter, Pearl H arter, Mr. and different proposition. Under ordinary circumstances the Mrs. R. C. Gustafson, J. E. Garrison, woman ocean voyager has a good many Victoria Morrison, A. W. Desen, Se­ letters to write during the. first few’ attle; W. W. Dodson, W. H. Ballin­ hours of her voyage because it is ger, George M. Read, P ortland; C. L. considered only courteous for her to Hinson, Oak Grove, Or., and Ray send off little notes of thanks to those who have sent flowers, books or other Hammer, Los Angeles. presents, by the mail that is taken off with the ship’s pilot. However, Cliff Payne makes shelves. these letters need not be long, as Dollar Days-^-Wednesday, T hurs­ surely no one would expect you to day and Friday. Hand work and miss all the pleasure of being on deck stamped goods. The Needle Craft during the first of your voyage in order that you might dwell at great Shop at the Dew Drop Inn. 127-3 length on your appreciation of their I riua t Han Vapors reach deep colds When the cold “ goes down” get after it by the rubbing and vapor method. Obstinate colds that go down into the chest can be reached by the combination mbbing and vapor-inhaling method with Vicks VapoRub. Apply Vicks over throat and chest. Rub well in, spread on thickly and cover with two thick­ nesses of flannel. At night ar­ range bedclothes loosely, like a funnel, so the arising vapors will be breathed all night, right into the lungs. Quick relief should be had « Ju st rub it on and b reath e in th e vapors One cent the word each time. ’ from the tightness, soreness and cough with rapid loosening of the phlegm, abating danger of pneumonia or influenza. Vicks contains the antiseptic, healing vapors of Camphor, Menthol, Eucalyptus, Thyme and Oil of Turpentine and is the standby in millions of homes for congestions of nose, throat, and chest; skin hurts and itch- ings, and various bodily pains. Once tried, Vicks becomes a stand-by in the medicine cabinet. V JC k s ▼ B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L V a p o R ub O ~ r l 7 D O B a iJ a n U -4 Yaarfy WAN! ED. I PHYSICIANS. -a* WANTED— Will pay highest ¿ash prices for furs— skunk, mink, OR ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice Umlted to eys, ear, cose and fisher, coyote, lygx, cat, etc. Ed­ throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and gar Johnson, Farm Bureau, Med-! ford. Qre. Phone 929. 1 2 4 tf! • to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ land, Ore. 7g.t? FO R S A L E . FOR SALE— Buick touring car. Ow­ ing to leaving town will sacrifice at $150 cash. 63 Pine St. 122-4 OR. J. J. EMMENS— physician and Burgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasses supplied. Oculist and aurlst for 8. P R. R. Offices, M. F. and H Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567 FOR SALE— Dining table, 5 chairs, piano, 5 rockers, w riting desk and liB. MATTIE B. 8HA\V—IpaeU rit^ chair, davenport, dressing table, tention to mothers and children. bureau, sewing machine, electric Internal seeretions and endocrine washer, porch table and 3 chairs, glands. Res. aqd office, 1©« Pio- 1 small table, 1 bed and springs, neer avenue. Telephone 21 Of­ 3 m atresses, ice box, heating fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 stovQ, oil stove, sanitary 'couch p. m. and garden tools. Call 437-R or 63 Pine St. 126-tf DR. KHAW—-Eye, eat, nose, throat specialist; glasses fitted. Office FOR SALE— Good milch cow. W. At resldenoe, Pioneer Ave., morn- L. Moore, Belview 126-5 __l?g a nd by appointment, Phone 2 8, UOK KALB— REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR CAT­ TLE— One mile of New Page wov­ TRY R. D. SANFORD, 399 Beach en wire 7-42 range.fence. W. Bee- St., for all classes of Real Estate, eon, 268 B etreet. 125-3* forenoons. 108-lmo* HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING— ATTENTION — Have acreage on which we aould taka town prop­ A ttachm ents fits all sewing m a-' chines. Price $2.00. Checks 1 0 c ’ erty, part payment. Also some large acreage tracts, Bngene, generosity. extra. Lights Mail Order H ouse,' Whipping eroani, 39c pint. Klam ath county, Roseburg, Cali­ Parent-Teachers Association— Box 127, Birmingham, Ala. 126-6 The question is sometimes asked Brothers. fornia, for Ashland real estate.— There will be a m eeting of the whether it Is in good form to use the A regular feature department edited by Yockey, Realtors, phone 14 8. FOR SALE— W hite Minorca hatch­ Parent-T eachers’ association at the stationery such as is provided by the 1 - - W" - -IL J ing eggs, non-setters, large white Returns from Los Angeles— Mrs. Belle D eGraf TRANSFER AND EXPKHSS. high school building, Thursday a fte r­ ocean lines, or whether it is not better •gge, $1.00 for 15. 922 Boule­ W. D. Jackson, who lives on his noon at 3:15 o’clock. Quite a good to use one’s own stationery. Good vard. Phone 457-R. 124-lm o FOR prompt and sarefal service, Domestic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Growers Inc. ran ch some two miles east of town, program is being prepared for the form seems to sanction the use of the auto trucks or horse drays, call FOR SALE— Good cow giving good h as ju s t returned from Los Angeles afternoon, and it is desired th a t all ship’s stationery, and it is surely more W hittle Trenafer Co. Phone l i t milk. Also good single harness and vicinity, and reports the wea­ interesting to those who received let­ « f le e , 89 Oak street near Hole) who can possibly do so be present. and buggy. O. H. Cole, 115014 Oak, ters to have them on this paper. th e r there as being anything but Bread Ashland. 66tf melted shortening or the unbeaten St. Phone 292-J. I24tf 1 Suppose you know no one on ship­ agreeable. One cup w ater or milk, scalded; white of egg. The white of egg gives FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown ’Frisco Man Visits— board. Must you therefore keep to TRANS one tablespoon melted shortening; a high gloss. FER — Good team and motor A. J. Mitchell, who is now m ak­ yourself because there is no way for and W inesap apples, not culls, 50c In our line for *22, there’s a suit one tablespoon sugar, one teaspoon trucks. Good service at a reason box. Half mile west cannery. O. for you— at Paulserud’s. HOtl ing his home at the Hotel Summer- you to have introductions to the salt; one half compressed yeast cake able price. Phone 83. A. Manning, Talent, Or. 114tf ton in San Francisco, was in our city other passengers? Certainly not. It RESULTS TELL yesterday. Mr. Mitchell form erly re­ is quite good form for you to begin dissolved in one-quarter cup luke­ Business Picking Up— FOR RENT. warm w ater; between three and four There Can Be No Doubt About the The business of the Eastern Sup­ sided in Medford and was quite well with a courteous good morning ad­ dressed to those whom you meet at cups of flour. Result« In Ashland FOR RENT— Furnished house. In ­ In v wMgate Our Id ea l ply company, ou E ast Main street, known here. table or whom you pass every day Method of P reparation— P u t the quire 568 East Main. Phone 332-J. bag increased to such an extent that on deck. At least by the second or Results tell the tale. 126-2 shortening, sugar and salt In the Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk It became necessary to obtain more All doubt is removed. third day out you w’ould naturally scalded liquid; let It stand until Twin»— 10 cents 89tf The testim ony of an Ashland cit­ FOR RENT— Heated sleeping room, help. Mr. Woods was very fortunate start a conversation with the person gentlem an only. 344 E ast Main St. seated next to you on deck and to lukewarm , then add dissolved yeast izen can be easily investigated. In securing a man w ith some experi­ W hat better «proof can be had? 133tf and flour gradually, beating we(ll Property Soldi— resent any such friendliness on the ence along this line of work. The Hot V ater Heating System for W. Hardy, retired, 586 E ast Main until too stiff to stir. Turn on mold­ part of others would indeed be un­ The property owned by Mrs. Liz­ new clerk is Vernon Pankey, and he FOR RENT— 2 and 3 room fu rn ­ street, Ashland, says: “ I have used Sm di or Largo Houses zie Hendrix, 438 A street, and occu­ kind. If for any reason you wdsh to ing board and knead in rem aining Doan’s Kidney Pills and wouldn’t be ished apartm ents, adults only, h ails from C entral Point. close in. Inquire 168 Hargndlne Oar New Line of Heating Stoves pied by Mrs. Callia W inters, was be left entirely to yourself you should flour until m ixture is smooth, does w ithout them. I had attacks of kid­ make a special request that your — ¿hone 122. 109tfj not stick to the hands or board, and ney complaint and lumbago and suf­ Are Now In Genuine Mexican chlcxen tamales, sold to Cauley Roberts by the Ash­ steamer chair be placed in an isolated fered w ith-dull backaches and pains bubbles may be seen under the sur TO RENT—To reepeotable people, a 29 cents. Bndters Confectionery.82tf land Realty company, January 28. part of the deck. through my kidneys. Mr. kidneys few rooms with steam heat, hot It will then become apparent that face. R eturn to well-greasea bowl, w eren’t acting right when I began and cold running w ater and use brush dough over with melted short­ 11. Get a box of Ml-O-Na stomach using Doan’s Kidney Pills. They soon Bad Weather at Frisco— you do not wish to mingle with the of bath. One person, $6.00 per ening, cover and allow to rise in a tablets- at McNair Bros and stop all relieved these ailm ents and eased others and you will have no trouble The w eather in San Francisco and weefy two persona, $8.00 per Relieves indigestion, or in keeping by yourself. But by far the warm place to twice its origi­ the aches and pains. I heartily en­ week. Hotel Ashland 88tf th e other bay towns is the worst ex­ distress. dorse Doan’s for they are a remedy nal size, then knead down in bowl most agreeable thing is to accept the money back. perienced there for some time, as in­ of m erit.” CAR WASHING friendly advances of persons whom you and let rise again. This second dicated by a wire from Mrs. Mary Price 60 cents at all dealers. Don’t BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES meet and If they appear congenial kneading, after the dough has risen simply ask for a kidney remedy— FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and M iekle, who resides in Berkeley, to Baby Boy Arrive«— there is no reason why you should once, gives a much finer grain to get Doan’s Kidney Pills— the same polishing, $2.50. L ithla Garage. ! X Mr. and Mrs. M erritt Randles, of h e r agent here, to be sure and have not let the friendship progress quitf bread and should always be used. th at Mr. H ardy had. Foster-M ilburn Phone 114. 113tf FOUR-SITE SALES th e snow shoveled from the roofs 390 Liberty strefet, are the parents as if you had had a formal intnalm* Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. When dough has again risen to dou­ AGENCY PLUMBING of her houses here in Ashland, ap­ of a ten pound boy, which arrived tion. (Copyright) V, ble Its size, it will be ready to shape Friday, Jan u ary 27. Both m other (Grants Pass, Medford, Ash­ p aren tly being afraid th a t a large Notice is hereby given th a t I will PHONE your next job of plumbing land, Klamath Falls.) into loaves or rolls. Place loaves in and baby are doing nicely. am ount bad fallen here. on the 4th day of February, 1922 to Jerry O'Neal, Beaver Building Beaver Block, Ashland well-greased pans, having them IMPROPER CLEANING at the city pound on W ater street, Phone 138. — Brokers In— Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. about half full. Brush both bread sell at public auction to the highest For business opportunities In Business Opportunità«*, land Lumber Co., phone 20. WILL SPOIL FINISH and rolls with melted shortening, bidder for cash in hand: One bay Southern Oregon, consult the Four- Bu sin ewe Lease*, let them rise again to double th e ir| mare branded dP (connected), on Business Partnership. Bite Sales Agency, Beaver Block, size and bake in a hot oven about • I?® 8taiJ “ Bible School Meeting— phone 4. 198tf All traasaotlons strictly .. . , , i forehead, weight about 1200 pounds. BA R BER The Ashland Bible School union Easy Matter to Ruin Appearance 4 j m inutes for medium sizel loaves Also one bay horse, branded O on eonfidentlal. will meet tonight a t the Baptist and from 20 to 30 minues for rolls, I left shoulder, small white spot on No charge for listings Hotel Colombia Guest«— of New Automobile. Children’s Work A /F i according to size. left stifle, weight 1200 pounds. RESULTS PRODUCED The following a re late arrivals at church at 7:30. A full program has Specialty This quantity of dough is for one Dated at A shland- Oregon, this been arranged. th e Columbia hotel: Mr. and Mrs. 4 L BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Lack of Washing or Not Knowing How large loaf of bread or pan of rolls. 24th day of January, 1922. G. W. H ollister, C. L. McCaslin, J. W. HATCHER. Safety blades resharpened Will Go Further Toward Marring Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk W ith one-half yeast cake used to 121-2tu Chief of Police. .C harles E. Thompson, A. B. Brown, Twins— W cent« like new. Single bit, 19c Finish Than Any Other Thing 5 ® 80tf liquod, bread can be made an com­ J . H. Garvin, F. S. K ram er, P ort­ doe. Dobnle bit, 80c dot. — Get Mud Off. pleted, if kept in a warm room, in C. B. L A M K I N lan d ; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Baker. Will Attend Meeting— • H om es A gain ! D unsm uir; O. F. Riebel, G. S. Dear- You may mistreat the engine fre­ about five hours. If a longer period The Presbyterian C hristian En­ be given to the rising process, less There s no time like the present doff, Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. deavor members will attend the re­ quently before it begins to complain) BARGAINS IN REAL to be getting th a t home which you yeast will be required. One-fourth! L^ne, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Jones, vival m eeting at the Christian but the finish can be mistreated once BSTA9B We invite you to look have wanted. You do not need yeast cake to each cup of liquid w ill1 Seattle; H ubert Sparling and Mr. church tonight In a body. Tomor­ or twice—then there is little left to to wait until you have all the damage, says William H. Stewart, Jr., be sufficient if dough is set over over our stock of and Mrs. Berger, Eugene. money to pay for it; make a pay- row night will be th e annual Chris­ president of the Stewart Automobile night. In either case the same m eth­ City and lt)neli Properties 'm ent down and then pay the rest tian Endeavor birthday party sup­ school of New York. The lack of od of preparation is used. of it In installm ents Instead of Houses to Rent Dew Drop Inn— for lunches. per at 6 o’clock. Every Endeavorer, washing or not knowing how to wash paying rent. If milk Is used, scalding, while bring one contribution to the feast, : a car W*U go further toward ruining not essential, is an absolute test o f , We have a good five room Pupils Will Appear In Concert — dwelling, nicely located, fine con­ is the plan. There will be a business the appearance than any other thing. ©ITIZEN’S BANK BUILDING its freshness. If scalded, cool to Two of Madame Tracv-Young’s dition, partly furnished, for only meeting after the supper. The church The varnish of a new car is benefited lukewarm, otherw ise it wlil kill the, $2500. This is a good b /y for pupils will appear a t Mrs. Romberg’s and hardened by washing with clear, school of missions will open a six th at money. Let us show this to recital Friday night a t the Presby­ cold water, but rnnd tliat is allowed to yeast plant. weeks campaign also w ith a 6 o’clock dry upon the body takes the oil from you. If you are thinking about CARLOAD SHXPMEINT OF te ria n church. Miss L aura Prescott Parker Hohse Rolls something of that kind and that supper the same evening. the varnish and leaves the finish mot­ w ill give a piano solo and Miss Mae am ount of money, don’t wait un­ Use bread foundation recipe. A f-; tled and streaky. Dirt is not the only ftaegi will play Mrs. Rom berg’s ac­ til some one else gets it. For the finest in ham and bacon, enemy, for gases from the garage and ter dough has risen to double in size We also have a fine six room com panim ents. Music lovers will en­ and other Decorative see Detrick. The kind th a t makes ' even the atmosphere of some districts the second time, roll in * a shqet i dwelling, one floor, well furn­ joy this program . you come back for more. D etrick’s attack the finish of the car that is not about one inch thick. Cut with bis-| from Eastern mills Jna$ in. , Material. ished, for $3500. Large lot, good sftterable drop In prices on same. — the Pioneer Groceteria. 124 I frequently washed. location, house and furniture in cuit cutter, then with the handle of We m ass oar own candies. Ice excellent condition, some fruit, Begin by cleaning the top,” says a knife dipped in flour, press lightly We willingly give prices GOOD CHDAB POSTS cream and tamales. Enders Con­ garden epace, garage; worth ev­ Mr. Stewart. “Take a stiff brush and H. R. Adams, plumbing, contract­ through the center of each roll, New prices on Implements end re- and figure amounts ery cent of the asking price, end fectionery. 82tf ing and day work. 248 F ifth St., remove the dust, then either sponge it brush with melted shortening, fold Saire.. New aud «sod s«#tag more. needed. 1 r t o t f i ° r USe a S°ft c^°th with warm water machines for sate er to rent.. . . . phone 166-J. 1 0 9 tf uud pure soap A cham ois kept eg. over and place close together in a Baby Clinic Saturday— Miss Florence Pool, home demon- peclally for the purpose will hasten well-greased pan. Set in a warm the drying aud the top must not be place until light, then bake in a hot staratlo n agent, and Miss Marie Fall- A ttorney Confined to His B e d - A ttorney W. J. Moore, who fell folded until it is thoroughly dry. The oven. When baked, brush over with REAL ESTATE « INSURANCE dine, county nurse, will hold a child THE PAINT MAN and injured his back at his home on upholstery, if of cloth, is best cleaned Established 1883 w eighing and m easuring m eeting (a PbttBg a i l 41 E. Mein St. by sponging with water containing a North Main street, is still confined followup to the previous clinics held) little salt and alcohol. a t th e Presbyterian church, Satur­ to his bed. He seems to be w ithout “In cleaning the body, be sure to pain as long as he lays still, hut is day, F ebruary 4, during the after­ remove the nozzle of the hose and unable to be out of bed. noon from 2 to 4 o’clock. Any m oth­ How the water over every part of the e r wishing to bring her baby and On Our Streets— body. This will serve to wash off most of the dust and also loosen the mud. get advice on diet or care i9 Invited Genuine Chloken Hot Tamales In cases where the car is very dirty to come to this meeting. The Fountain. R. R. Porter, Prop. it is best to do this and then let it / stand for a few minutes, before going 96tf Malted Milk over it again with the hose. Then I Ford Coupe, ’21..................................................... $550.00 M tf Thrift it like a calculating maehing which add« E. V. Thompson, a prominent take a soft spvnge and follow the hose 1 Buick B u g ............................... 75.00 Rogue River man, was seen on our over the body. If certain portions are Boy Scout M e e tin g - A dandy Ford .......................................................... 225.00 grease spotted these should be washed rapidly to yoar capital, subtraafcg froxa y o u Boy scouts of troop two will hold streets yesterday. separately with pure water and castile th e ir next m eeting Monday evening, soap, but except in this one instance Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk soap of any kind should be avoided on One 1918 Chalmers Touring, excellent condition, at a F e b ru a ry 6, announces C. F. Koehler, oares, aad multiplies yoar pleasure». T w in » -1 0 cants 80tf the body. scoutmaster. bargain. “The road oil and grease that col­ A thrift aeoount with as opens ap an ubkub - Always hot! Hot chocolate, hot On Sick List— lects on the running gear require dif­ And several others including a Dort, a Reo Touring and Mexican chili and hot tamales served Mrs. A. Bullen, who operates the ferent methods of removal and also two Ford Touring cars. In the husk at Rose Bros. 121-5 Dew Drop Inn, is quite ill and was other tools. Special brushes and soup pe«ted avauae of suds will get at the grease in inac­ ---------- unable to be at her usual post yes­ cessible coiners. In the case of the Returning Home— terday. wheels hubs, care should be used to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yancey, of prevent water and grit working into Klamath Falls, passed through Ash­ Prices always the lowest at Det­ the bearings.” r land Sunday evening, en route home rick's— not up today and down to­ A. C. CROSSMAN by Hornbrook from Cottage Grove, morrow. We buy for cash and sell MEDFORD Phone 606 22 S. F ir S t Not cash today and credit toinor- where they spent several days visit- for cash. T h at’s why we sell for A shland, O regon ... _ . , . , _ t row. Always cash and always the OPEN ALL NIGHT lag friends. lees- D etricks Groceteria. 124 lowest. De trick s. D O M E S T IC S C IE N C E Arcola Provost Bros. g W. A. SHELL Paints Wall Paper Fencing Pell's Corner S O M E S N A P S IN U SED C AR S Sanitas Dickerson & Son Billings Agency It Adds, Substracts, Multiplies S E R V IC E G A R A G E The Citizens Bank