AátíLAÑD DALLI ii o i í v U f l’AGH TWO Tuesday, January di, iM< atta*. Klamath Falls road , 482.00 road expense .................... 123.04 court h o u s e ...................... I 44.64 W. H. Gore, treas., fair Sarah Wakeman, widow’s W. C. DeCarlow, supplies Ash­ F. S. Carter, labor general grounds appropriation from pension ................................ 22.50 S. F. Combes, work on court lì land-Klamath Falls road. 28.47 roads ................................. 42.00 State .................................... 1572.66 house ........... .. , . . . . . . 60.75 K-l .1 hushed 1X7 6 Dickerson 4c Son, expense Cal-Ore. Power Co., lights, J. A. Westerlund, county fair fuhusned Every Evening Except | • on Total >442.50 Arthur L. Fitch, work Ashland-Klamath Fails - - - - - P. & E. C ro ssin g .............. 1.00 expense ........................... — 77.98 Sunday __ . court house ....... 43.75 Care of Poort Not at poor Farm road ..................................; 48.80 THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. C. E. Collins, general road Victor Johnson, work on court LEON HASSEL BREWER J. R. Anderson, regular in­ H. G. Enders & Co., expense expense . . . . . . . . ................ 7.25 | Total >2030.84 house .................................. 116.25 OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY (Deceased) ’ < digent ...............................-> 6.00 Ashland-Klamath Falls Central Point Feed Store, Library Fund PAPER Wm. Maltby, work on court (W idow), 1612 La Branch Street, Nellie Boardman, regular i n ­ 7,17 road .................................... general road expense . . . . 6.75 TELEPHONE 39 house ................................ 30.00 Clara Van Sant, librarian’s Houston, Texas digent ........................... .. 25.00 salary ................ ............... > 62.50 Henry Dooms, labor general B. L. Moses, janitor’s salary 56.25 Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Bronze medal to the widow and • Total >566.44 Mrs. G. R. Brobeck, regular roads .................................... 27.60 Mildren Bliton, assistant li­ Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ death benefits to her at the rate of J. Rock, work on court BOUNTY REPORT indigent .............................. 8.00 brarian’s salary ................ 70.00 DeLux Autotop Co., general ter. . |7 6 a month, with >5 a month addi­ house .................................. 11.25 John H. Heckner ................... >37.00 A. D. Beardsley, regular in­ road expense .................... 3.75 E. Fay Woolsey, assistant tional on account of her daughter— C. Smith, work on court Bert Rippey ............................. £¿00 .................................. 10.00 digent Electric Shop, services gen­ librarian’3 salary .............. 58.33 ¿ ummeb P layground ^ Brewer aged 24, student, died at­ house .................................. 22.76 Ed Rowhen ................................ 7.00 eral roads ........................... 20.70 E. Fay Woolsey, current tempting to save C. Alfred Rose, Mrs. Kate Copple, regular R. I. Childers, work on court of A merica ' Bert Rippey ............................. 8.00 Indigent .............................. 8.00 Fred J Fick, general road library expense ................ 25.00 aged 20, farmer, from drowning, Wa­ house .................................. 63.10 O. R. Tresaam ......................... 3.00 J. M. and Rebecca Childers, expense ................................... 16.60 The J. K. Gill Co., library co, Texas, September 6, 1920. While Samuel Bateman, court house Harry H a y s ................................ 2.50 regular Indigent .............. 10.00 books .................................. 13.82 Freeman Wiley & Co., gen­ swimming across the Brazos river, expense ........................ . . . 18.60 S. M. Hays ................................ 14.50 Mrs. G. W. Dodson, care of eral road e x p e n s e .............. 20.00 Willie Howard, assistant Rose encountered a strong current, Crater Lake Hdw. Co., court Frank P. Silva ......................... 3.00 -j j Dodge family ..................... 20.00 librarian’s salary .............. 25.00 Haskins Drug Store, general and could make no progress, 35 feet V.. f' . house supplies .................. 1.82 4.00 road* e x p e n s e ....................... 2.25 Jessie Taylor ........................... Medford Book Store, library from the bank. Brewer waded ten Dave Daniels, regular in­ Cal-Ore. Power Co., lights for 8.00 Walter M a rsh a ll....................... 6.00 Howard Cooper Corporation, digent .................................. books .................................. 358.53 feet and swam 20 feet toward Rose, court house . ..................... 16.92 WASHINGTON & 3.00 general road expense . . . . 138.70 Calvin McClelland .................. *^.\SSITiSH COLUMBIAN but he was then carried by the cur­ Mrs. M. F. Davis, regular in­ Fred J. Fick, court house C. R. Fry ................................ 4.00 W. O. Hampson, labor general digent .................................. 5.00 Total >613.18 rent away from Rose. He swam hard supplies ................................ 33.85 6.00 44.50 D. P. Dugan .............................. 4.00 roads ........................... but was carried 125 feet from the A. M. Ford, regular indigent ROAD FUND People’s Electric Store, court SRIGrtT. COOL DAYS road Joseph Swaner ......................... 2.00 Hubbard Bros., general Goldie Gates, regular in­ bank and about 50 feet from Rose. A RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. | Road Diet. No, 1 house supplies .................. 15.15 9.66 Jerome Smith ......................... 7.00 expense ....................... .................................. 15.00 digent Brewer then sank and was drowned. HOARDING IS NOT THRIFT Provost Bros., supplies mar­ W. H. Smith, court house 10.00 Geo. Gribsby . . . .................... 7.00 Flyd McKee, labor general Rose was rescued by his father, who Mrs. Hatch, regular indigent ket No. 1 ......................... > 113.25 expense ................................ 17.20 2.50 roads .................................... 23.00 T. J. Hoc^ft ............................. Mrs. Hudson, regular in­ Emil Peil, supplies market The Erie (Pa.) Times rightly says swam to him from the bank. Truscon Steel Co., court Donald Anderson .................... 7.00 Elmer Morse, labor general 8.00 digent . . . . " . ....................... No. 1 .................................... 3.00 house e x p e n s e ......................... 29.66 that it is harly necessary to say that roads .................................. 120.00 Joe ghults ........................... „ 8.00 J. W. Ingram, regular in­ C. E. Quinn, labor market Wallace Woods, court house the thrift movement as it is now be­ GIRL’S HAIR TURNS GREEN Medford Harness Co., supplies C. C. Davidson ......................... 5.00 digent .................................. 8.00 No. 1 .................................... 35.00 expense .............................. 39.24 3.00 general roads .................... Dick Lousignant .................... 4.00 ing taught has no relation to miser­ Thos. H. Simpson, supplies Baltimore Jury Asked to Put a Price Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kane, R. I. Childers, work on Medford Sheet Metal Works, R. R. Guches ........................... 6.00 regular indigent .............. 20.00 liness or to the mere hoarding of Upon Her Tresses in district No. 1 ................... 2.63 • court house ....................... 234.00 1.10 supplies general roads . . Geo. Hargadine ....................... 13.00 Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Kelsoe, Suit. money. Those who save in the right Thos. H. Simpson, supplies Carl Björklund, work on Medford Furn. & Hwde. Co., Ben Thurston ............................. 2.00 8.00 regular indigent ................ 35.55 market No. 1 . spirit are the ones who always have court house ....................... 43.50 8.20 R. H. S e a r s ................................ 8.00 Balltmore, Md.—A Jury before Mrs. Lena Lee, regular in­ supplies general roads . . Carson Fowler Lumber Co., money to go out and buy what they Judge Bond in the Court of Common James Roseberry, labor gen- . Janies McCallister .................. 1C.50 digent .................................. 8.00 Total >189.43 court house expense . . . . 36.91 need. They are the ones who are Pleas was asked the other day to put eral roads ........................... 22.00 Antone Ring ............................. 21.00 8.00 J. Meece, regular Indigent . Alex T. Lundgren, work on Road Dist. No. 2 welcomed by the merchants and the a price upon the tresses of a fair Rolley Rlnabarger, labor gen­ Geo. Herriott ......................... 10.00 Mrs. J. A. Myers, regular in court house ....................... 48.00 Wm Bruin, payroll Dist. No storekeepers, because they know young woman of West Baltimore, eral roads ........................... 110.40 Elmer Rowden ......................... 3.00 dlgent .................................. 8.00 2 ......................................... > 67.35 Thos. Roseberry, iabor gen­ what they want and have the money which are said to have turned from Homer H artm an ....................... 3.00 brown to green and then gray within Carrie F. Miller, regular in­ , Total >973.49 Road District No. 8 to pay for it. eral roads ......................... 160.00 Connie C la r k e ........................... 4.00 a few hours at a local massage estab­ digent .................................. 10.00 Jan H L. Gregory, payroll dist. It is the duty of every person to lishment early in the spring of 1920. Arthur Shaffer, labor general Lemuel H. H u g h e s .................. 3.00 Mrs. I. A. Montgomery, regu­ No. 3 . ..............................> 138.0*0 B. L. Moses, jailor’s salary > 56.26 acquire enough property so that he The plaintiff, Miss Gertrude Mur­ roads .................................. 1161.00 O. T. Wilson ........................... 4.00 8.00 lar indigent ....................... Cal-Ore. Power Co., lights for Wm. Perry, payroll dist. No. may not at any time become a pub­ ray, asked the court to award her >15,- Southern Pacific Co., freight J. G. Clary ................................ 6.00 Margaret Noble, regular In­ 7.92 3 ........................................... 1572.07 jail ....................................... lic charge. If every person had that 000 for the alleged transformation of general roads .................... 19.64 Guy Waddell ........................... 12.00 digent .................................. 10.00 Mrs. Jane Johnston, laundry in mind in youth, and when first en­ her hair, and she directed her action Union Oil Co., general road j Guy Waddell ........................... 7.Of James Pough, regular In 8.20 Total >1710.07 gaging in business, and from child­ against Mme. C. N. Barrett, a mas­ for jail ................................ expense ............................... 17.10 , Harry Hawk ........................... 2.00 seuse. On the witness stand Miss dlgent .................................. hood was taught the importance of Effie May Terrill, meals for Mike Van Houten, labor gen­ Road Dist. No. 4 ’ Harold Growl ........................... 3.00 8.00 Murray recited that she was detained Mary Price, regular indigent prisoners ......................... • • 169.05 W. M. Tetherow, payroll dist. self-reliance, and the necessity of at the ma&age parlor from 8 :30 eral roads ........................... 23.00 Thos. Anderson ...................... 3.00 8.00 learning business principles, there o’clock until 2:30 o’clock one day in Doc Parsons, regular indigent Jno. M. Williams, jail sup­ W. T. Van Emon, labor gen­ No. 4 .................................. >193.20 W. A. Cook ............................. 3.00 12.25 would be little need for almshouses May, 1920, all of which time she was Mrs. L. Schieffelin, regular plies ................ + . . . . . . . . eral roads ......................... 39.50 E. Buck .................................... 16.00 Road Dist. No. 5 indigent .............................. 6i00 Young’s Garage, jail expense 15.00 today. Too many people do not know under treatment, although she was not Walter Wilson, labor gen­ Walter Dennis ......................... 2.00 F. J. Watson, payroll dist. Nancy Sisemore, regular in­ the first principles of business. Too permitted to look into a mirror until Lewis Ulrich, jail supplies.. 35.17 eral roads ........................... 23.00 Albert Nelson ........................... 6-00 No. 5 .................................... >551.48 10.00 digent .................................. many look upon economy as niggard­ late in the day. Willamette Equipment Co., A. C. W ils o p ............................. 2.00 Road Dist. No. 6 Then, according to her story, she Jean Ross Smith, regular in­ Total >303.84 John Walch, payroll road liness. Too many never think of 105.00 general road expense Earl Kendall ........................... 2.00 digent .................................. 8-°® laying away even a small part of discovered that her hair had changed on W. O. Hampson, work Archie Rock ............................. 3.00 Advertising and County Printing dist. No. 6 ........................... >651.75 from brown to green. She related their income, even though they are that a maid was directed to accom­ W. H. Smith, regular indigent 10.00 Asland Tidings, publishing 7.73 B. J. Oswald ............................. 4.00 bridge, general roads Road Dist. No. 7 earning many times over what a pany her to her home, and upon her T. D. Stafford, regular in­ road notices .......................> 58.05 J. M. Allen, payroll dist. No. ^-®® digent ................................... fairly good living costs. “Come easy, arrival at the house she complained Total >308.00 Total >1857.77 Gold Hill News, publishing 7 ......................................... > 764.43 go easy,” is an old saying. And piti­ that her scalp and neck were badly Annie Watkins, regular in­ CHAUNCEY FLOREY, Ashland-Klamath Falls Road road notices .....................*. • 15.45 Associated Oil Co., Oil Dist. digent .................................. 8-°® ful to say, too many people are fear- burned. A physician was consulted, County Clerk Jacksonville Post, publishing No. 7 ..................... , . . . 35.37 Jack True, payroll Ashland- ,fu l of public opinion. They buy according to the testimony, and later Alex Wilson, regular in­ road notices ....................... 6.90 H. H. Taylor, work market digent .................................. 8.00 things they do not need, fearing the young woman’s tresses were Medford Printing Co., county No. 7 ............................... 12.00 Z. Wolgamott, regular in­ that they may be called stingy. They shaved from her head. printing .............................. 79.40 C. H. Natwick, balance on When the witness removed her hat digent .................................. 15.00 eat sirloins when they should serve labor market No. 7 . . . . 203.76 she revealed hair that has become as Casebeer & Hubbard, indigent themselves rump steaks. >159.80 gray as that possessed by any aged Total supplies .............................. 8.09 Some people possess physical cour­ woman. Total >1015.56 Election Expense Fouts Grocery Co., indigent age to a superlative degree, and yet Road Dist. No. 8 supplies .............................. 11.91 Chauncey Florey, stamps for they are as weak as babies when Sewing machines repaired, Fixit Mrs. M. F. Middlebusher, in­ 5.00 W. L. Van Houten, payroll election ................................ > they are brought face to face with Shop. Ashland Tidings, printing for dist. No. 8 .................. ...> 6 6 8 .5 0 digent supplies .................. 8.00 the stern questions that make for Road Dist. No. 9 election ................................ 174.75 success or failure. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS H. B. Plummer, indigent ex­ R. B. Vincent, payroll dist. j Jackson County Abstract Co., pense .................................. 15.06 9 .................................... >354.85 maps for election ........... 4.50 No. Sacred Heart Hospital, care (Continued From Yesterday.) Road Dist. No. 10 of Indigents ....................... 32.00 8 Total >184.25 A. L. Goodman, payroll dist. Salem Woolen Mills Co., in­ •K Uncommon Sense W. P. Morgan, tax refu n d .. 3.87 No. 10 ................................> 224.77 Roads and Highways S digent s u p p lie s .................. 18.85 R. S. Murray, tax refund . 7.92 Medford Concrete Construc­ J. T. Zlmmerlee, ferryman’s Talent Mercantile Co., in­ Lind Nelson, tax refund . . .47 tion Co., supplies market salary .................................... >76.00 digent supplies .................. 16.76 By JOHN BLAKE F. J. Newman, tax refund . . 7.49 B. P. Theiss & Co., Indigent No. 10 ................................ 49.95 County Nurse C. W. Palm, tax refund . . 1.10 supplies ......................... 25.00 Marie F. Falldine, county V.V.VaV.V.V. Lottie V. Peile, tax refund 6.60 C. S. Butterfield, Indigent Total >274.72 nurse’s salary ................> 125.00 NEVER BORROW TIME Pickel & Klum, tax refund . 3.30 supplies ................................ 18.66 American Red Cross, rent for Road Dist. No. 12 O. J. Tarbell, tax refund . . .58 Heath’s Drug Store, indigent 8.00 W. L. Van Houten, payroll county n u r s e ....................... t t OU can replace a borrowed ten Edmunds Land Co., tax re­ No. 12 ___ '. . . . . . > 458.85 dist. .............................. 7.75 Marie F. Falldine, county Y dollars, little the worse for the fund ..................................... 1.00 J. supplies 9.95 J. L. Rowe, payroll dist. No. J. Hawks, indigent sup­ nurse’s expense ................ borrowing. Adam Emig, tax refund . . . . 1.75 12 ......................................... 368.75 plies .................................... 15.83 Mr. Klum, garage rent for You cannot replace a borrowed hour, Arthur A. Finch, tax refund 13.00 2.00 Billings Car & Auto Wks., ex­ John A. Perl, burial of in­ for that particular hour will never county n u r s e ....................... Gold Ray Realty Co., tax re­ pense dist. No. 12 . . . . . . 56.00 digent .................................. 30.20 Medford come to you again. Service Station, fund ....................................... 14.45 St. Vincent’s hospital, care of The amount of money a man can county nurse’s expense . . 81.80 | f . s . Carter, supplies dist. make is limited only by his energy and Floyd S. Green, tax refund 12.75 No. 12 .................................. 38.64 Indigents .............................. 68.60 Electric Shop, county nurse’s acquisitive ability, which is otherwise W. F. Issacs, tax refund . . . .50 supplies ................................ 12.25 j Gold Hill Hdwe. Co., supplies known as his financial genius. Wm. C. Miles, tax refund . . 7.00 Total >597.71 dist. No. 12 ....................... 294.73) The amount of time he has, has a Walter E. Morris, tax refund 41.50 >189.001 C. W. Hutchison, labor dist. Total Care of Poor at Poor Farm definite limit. The billionaire has no R. S. Murray, tax refund . . 38.54 No. 12 ................................ 13.00 more of it than the longshoreman— Surveyor’s Office T. A. Remde, tax refund . . . 6.60 Dr. W. W. P. Holt, county J. W. Johnson, labor dist. No. usually not nearly so much. physician’s salary ........... > 76.00 Mary Bebb, surveyor’s steno­ Phoebe Vaughn, tax refund . 7.00 When you put off today’s Job till 12 ___ , ............................... 58.00 grapher .................. . • • • I • • 40.00 Mrs. Irene Wells, sup’t co. tomorrow you are borrowing time from J. W. Vincent, tax refund . . 10.00 A. N. Johnson, labor dist. No. farm salary ....................... 125.00 C. Frank Rhodes, surveyor’s yourself, which is a very dangerous Willamette Valley Stock & 12 ......................................... 6O.OO1 office expense ..................... 12.00 Land Co., tax refund . . . . 23.25 Ed Binns, meat for county practice. Medford Lumber Co., expense 9.05 farm ..................................... Today’s job has got to be done some­ R. C. Washburn, tax refund 47.00 dist. No. 12 ....................... 112.611 ‘ Total >52.00 F. F. Beeson, county farm time. You can do it better In the time Roy Smith, labor dist. No. 12 60.00 | Sealer of Weights and Measures in which it was Intended to be done supplies ................................ 19.85 Total >2417.55 L. M. Sweet, labor dist. No. than in the time that belongs to to­ F. A. Bond, sealer of weights Albert Crane, nursing at Widow’s Pensions A 9.75 12 morrow’s job. and measures, salary ..> 16.52 county farm ....................... 10.00 The time borrower Is always behind­ Mr?. J. H. Byerly, widow’s H. H. Tresham, labor dist. Water Master pension ................................ I 25.00 Cal-Ore Power Co., lights for hand. His work accumulates until 13.00] No. 12 ......... county hospital ................ 18.91 Fred N. Cummings, water Effie Marie Baer, widow’s much of it must be left undone. master’s s a la r y ................> 125.00 pension ................................ 25.00 Mr. Cad Ellis, county farm His affairs become Involved for Total >1543.33 j Fred N. Cummings, water 3.00 expense ................................ lack of time to attend to them. For Susie Coy, widow’s pension 15.00 Road Dist No. 13 master’s expense .............. *82.20 Dr. B. R. Elliott, county farm that borrowed time is gone. There is Rebecca A. Clary, widow's H. L. Gregory, payroll dist. 1.00 no power on earth that can restore expense ................................ pension ................................ 15.00 Total >157.20 No. 13 .................................. >23.79j It to you. Clifford Garvin, labor at Lucy May Davis, widow’s To take for idleness the time thai Medford Lumber Co., expense County Attorney county farm ....................... 3.90 pension ..................................... 10.00 ought to be devoted to work is borrow­ dist. No. 13 ....................... 6.48 Rawles Moore, district at­ Hutchison & Lumsden, county ing either from tomorrow’s work or Nettle Green, widow’s pen­ torney office expense .--.> 50.00 farm supplies . . . .............. 85.53 sion ....................................... 15.00 tonight’s recreation. The recreation Total >30.27 J Ella M. Cross, district attor­ Home Tel. & Tel. Co., county Is as important as the work. You Ina Huson, widow’s pension 50.00 Road Dist. No. 14 * ney’s stenographer ........... 17.50 .20 farm expense ..................... have no right to borrow the time that Alice P. Howell, widow’s pen­ Edmund Peile, payroll dist. Postel Tel. Cable Co., dis­ should be given it. sion ................................. 25.00 Haskin’s Drug Store, county No. 14 ................................> 49.25] trict attorney’s telegrams. 2.57 .80 Apportion your time carefully. If Mary R. Higgins, widow’s farm expense ..................... W. W. Willits, payment on Sara C. Norwood, district at­ you are the average sort of a person pension ........................• • • • 15.00 Dr. W. W.' P. Holt, county contract No. 14 .................. 400.00 j you consume about three times as torney’s stenographer . . . 3.00 physician’s expense ......... 17.50 Dolly Love, widow’s pension 25.00 much of it as you need for a given D. W. Pence, payment on con­ Mrs. Edna Myers, labor at Anna Prescott, widow’s pen­ amount of work. tract No. 14 .................... 600.00] Total >73.07 county farm ....................... 40.00 sion ....................................... 17.50 Use it intensively, and get all the ________ Prohibition Enforcement Medford Furniture & Hdw., work into it that can be packed there. Rosa A. Peffly, widow’s pen­ Total >1049.25] county farm supplies . . . . 6.55 S. B. Sandefer, prohibition Use every hour effectively, either in sion ....................................... 25.00 General Roads enforcement .......................>554.77 Paul’s Electric Store, county work or play But never borrow any • Retha M. Richardson, widow’s Jack Thrasher, payroll, gen­ Standard Oil Co., expense pro­ of it ahead. Never put a mortgage farm supplies .................... 2.25 pension ................................ 32.50 eral roads . . . ' .................. > 443.25, hibition enforcement . . . . 23.09 on the hours of tomorrow or of next Elizabeth Sevey, widow’s pen­ Pacific Tel Co., telephone for Mrs. W. J. Burbidge, general week. county farm ....................... 2.65 A. B. Gates, prohibition en­ sion ......... •............................. 17.50 And, being careful not to borrow any road expense ....................... 5.00; forcement ......... ...................... 348.00 Orrin Wakefield, county farm of your own time, be just as careful Sarah A. Summers, widow’s W. J. Burbidge, labor general 1.75 expense ......................... .. ■ • pension ........................... .... 22.50 not to borrow any time that belongs roads .................................. 110.40 , Total, >925.86 Mrs. Irene Wells, supt. co. to others, by dropping into offices for Lydia Sanders, widow’s pen­ W. J. Burbidge, general road Fair Fund 8.00 farm traveling expense . . idle chats, or interrupting them when sion ....................................... 17.50 expense ................................ 4.39 P. L. Boyden, fair grounds A. Penwell, county farm ex­ they are at work. Rose R. Singler, widow’s pen­ expense ........................... I 64.101 Wesley Coffeen, labor general Tima is the one thing in the world pense .................................... 29.50 sion ....................................... 32.60 Fair Grounds Ass’n., fair roads ..................................... 27.60 with a fixed limit. That which la Addle Webb Shanks, widow’s borrowed Is lost, and none of us have grounds su p p lie s................ 16.10 Chanslor & Lyon, general Total >459.44 pension ......................... .. 10.00 so much that we can lose It without Ashland Winter Fair, for road supplies ...................... 4.66 Court House Expense Amy R. Thorn, widow’s pen­ A disastrous consequences. Ashland Winter fair . . . 300.001 Cal-Ore. Power Co., general sion ................................ .. 26.00 Onie Bienvenue, work on (Copyright) __ ,__ & Carnegie Heroes ( NOTICE The Square Peal Grocery Will Go On A Cash Basis Commencing Februar; A Slock Reducing Sale Will Be Held Dur­ ing the Month of February and Com­ mencing the First of March We Will Run Our Own Delivery By Which You May Get Your Orders Any Time Of Day You Wish, Thereby Gain* ing The Snappiest Service, And Prices In Ashland Watch Our Sale Ads