î Monday, íantury Ad, idáfi AHttLAÄD DAILY TtÜÍÑÜ« U g LOCAL AND PERSONAL Sñskíyou Chapter No. 21 R. A. M. Sells Property— Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hahdrlcks have sold th eir property at 438 A street to 'Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, recent ar- rivals from Donamuir. S C IE N C E DOMESTIC M asonic H ail, Ashland. Mrs. L. A. Shaw whose home la in Spokane, W ash., arrived hare from San Francisco Friday evening to spend a few days w ith her sister," Mrs. J. H. Suggs. Mrs. Shaw will be here until Sunday when she will leave with Mrs. Suggs for the east where Mrs. Suggs wll buy her sum m er and fall line of goods. Visits Husband— Mrs. Henry Provost has gone lb A regular feature department edited by N otice of M eeting. Weed, Calif., to visit her husband, Special convocation, Tuesday even­ who is w orking for th e Weed Lum­ Mrs. Belle D eG raf H otel A shland G uests— ing, Jan. 31. Past M aster degree ber company. Domestic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Growers Inc. on a bunch of candidates. All com­ Among the Hotel Ashland guests panies Invited. Meet 7:30 sharp. R eports Som e Snow — are the following: Mrs. J. C. Wicks,* V. V. MILLS, H. P. Mr. Vernon Hooper came In from MisS Coza Huddlestone, Colfax W. H. DAY, Sec’y. from cooling and hastens the pro- W ash.; Robert McKee, aJck Howard,j his ranch on Dead Indian Saturday H ELPFU L SUGGESTIONS ON cess of rising. and reported considerable snow on Hank Pace, E. V. Vaclon, R. B. Dur­ MAKING BREAD Change of T im e— Always make small loaves to In­ ant, H. H irschberger, Mr. and Mrs. The Southern Pacific will have the m ountains, it being from one to The b ak er’s product has so im- bread being baked through; in John Wall, B. D. W estfall, H. P. a slight change of time, effective two feet deep according to location. proved in the last few years th a t sure large lQaveg the heat may faU tQ McGuire, I. Levy, C. W. Fullerton, F ebruary 12. The Shasta trains, home-made bread is fast becoming a penetrate to the center of the loaf. S. J. Grimes, Portland; S. A. Dan- both north and south, will leave the V isitin g R elatives— If bread rises much after being ford, C. H. Hoeg, Eugene; H .S ta m - term inals at the same time, but will Mr. Virgil Hawley Is again in lost art. There was a tim e when ev- clip one hour off of the running town a fte r several months absence j ery housewire eith er made good put in th e oven, the heat is not per, Allan H. Banks, San Francisco; time. Train 13 will be some 45 visiting his fath er V. V. Hawley, bread or aspired to do so. Is there great enough, bu t if It begins t o , a . C. Clagren, Lethbridge, Alta.; m inutes later than at present, and east of town and his b rother Delbert anyone who does not enjoy and ap­ brown in less than 15 m inutes the Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wilson, Sacra- 14 will be some 30 m inutes earlier. Hawley and family of this city. preciate a slice of good home-made heat Is too great. During the first mento, Calif.; F. A. Jones, R. S. ten m inutes the loaves are in the Kimball and J. N. Bard, American The exact time at Ashland has not bread? So, why not once in a while oven, they should merely rise and Lake, Wash. yet been announced. A tten d s I n s t i t u t e - tre a t the family to the home-made Miss May Hedrick was among the loaf? And surely we will never ou t­ perhaps begin to show a little brown Sewing machines repaired, Fixit teachers th a t attended the teachers’ grow a taste for home-made P ark er in spots; in second period of ten Tourist is From North and S o u t h - m inutes they should become a deli­ in stitu te a t Talent Saturday. Shop. House rolls. Mr. B. B. D urant came over the cate brown all over the surface and In all «my teaching experience no New Offices tor Tourist B ureau— cease to rise; In the third period, m ountains Monday afternoon on his V isitor from Salem — woman was so proua of her ability It is noted in a Portland paper they should finish browning, and in way from Sacram ento to Portland of Mrs. F ran k Crowson ■ to cook as the housewife who could th at five branch offices of the Ore­ the fourth they should shrink slight- and reports the roads in very good street is enjoying a visit from h e r-m a k e good rolls. Then perhaps: „ 4, A O4 .. shape. Three machines 3eft th e gon State Tourist bureau will be es­ m other who arrived In Ashland from there are members of the family who „A tablished in cities of the state m inutes the oven heat can be de­ Hotel Ashland Monday morning Salem on Sunday morning. prefer coarse breads. These are not through which there is heavy to u r­ creased slightly, and as baking con­ south bound and report the roads to always supplied at the b ak er’s. Re­ ist travel. Ashland seems to enjoy tinues it may be lessened still the north in fair condition with very A p plegate V isitor— gardless of the very w onderful, mod­ little snow at any place. a good deal of tourist travel, and it Mrs. C hristine H arr of the Apple- ern, sanitary baking plants, every more. would make a fine place for one of W hen baking is completed, the gate country, accompanied by her i housekeeper should know how to these offices. W hy not ask for one? small son, John, arrived in town a make bread. That was clearly dem­ loaves will give forth a hollow sound M asquerade and Surprise P arty— when tapped, and will shrink from W hat provde to be a very delight- few days ago and is visiting at the onstrated during the war. Cliff Payne makes shelves. ful surprise party on Jessica P orter home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. It seems strange th a t com para­ the pan. A fter baking, remove bread a t a t her home on Palm avenue Satur- J. M. Beaver on Henry street. Mrs. tively so few housekeepers know C alled to M edford— once from the pans and allow to ¿ay evening took place when twenty Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Fraley of H arr is a form er Ashland girl and }jOW to make bread when it is the cool in fresh air, uncovered. Do ladies in m asquerade costumes put M ountain avenue were called to Med­ is gladly welcomed by her friends most used of any one type of food. not put away until perfectly cold. who will be glad to know th a t she It appears on the table three times i in their appearance. The party was ford Saturday evening on account of . , ,, . F o r all rolls, plain or fancy, use ( held e le b r a t e t h e ir t h d iiw o f everv day in the year and n . . . , . Iueiu to lo c ce*eiuaie m e h oirtnaays or th e illness of F raley ’s brother, intends to rem ain in our city until a day . . , x i j < < xi. * t e bread form ula. If a richer dough is | Jessica Porter N e r iie P e te r s a ana nd spring. certainly was truly named “ the staff , , , , . . . 1 orier, iveine i eiers Mr. Jam es L. Wilson of th a t city. of life,” if you know how to judge desired, changes may be made in t h e , Anna Robison whose birthdays come following m anner. | on the 27, 28 and 29 of January. from the b ak er’s product. Q uite IB— W ill W ork in M edford— I se milk instead of w ater for li- respectfully. A handkerchief show- The longer the b a tte r is beaten Mr. David L. M inkler who resides Edwin L. Daley who has been em­ the less kneading the dough will re- ? Uid. ; both shortening and sugar may . e r wag given each of th e ladieg in ployed a t the Eagle Meat M arket on at 240 C street and who has been I be increased by one tablespoon or whose honor the party was given, be lifted in N orth Main street has resigned his in poore health for some time is re­ quire. W hen dough can ,4 . . . i more to each cup of liquid. Also each receiving quite a num ber of the a mass on a spoon, it is ready t o : position there and has taken charge ported improving. , , the white of one egg may be added. dainty kerchiefs. The following are k n pa d 1 - of a m arket in Medford for Stanley Dough is kneaded to mix the in- W ith these changes it may be found the ladies that were pregent and the Aged R esident Seriou sly 111— Brothers. use a l t ’e I" ore f o ur" i costum es they wore: R uth Gusinger, Mr. L. L. Angle who makes his gredients thoroughly, to make the nec^ s*ry (This column will be deioted to gypsy queen; Mary Johnson, lu rk is h home with his son, Ora Angle o n ! gluten elastic, and to work in the E n terta in s Dean R o lfe — bread recipes this w eek.) lady; Ida Jennings, Foxy grandpa; Mr. and Mrs. Homer E lh art de­ south Pioneer street and who has air. It is sufficiently kneaded when j Nellie Peters, a gentlem an of leis­ lightfully entertained a t dinner Sun­ been bed fast for some seven weeks, it can be left on th e board for a ure; Alice T urner, a school girl; Bes­ M eeting W ell A ttended— m inute or more w ithout sticking. day in honor of Miss Mary A. Rolfe, was taken worse Sunday night. sie Smith, little Lord Fauntleroy; In cool w eather, the bowl contain­ The meetings conducted by Mrs. dean of women a t Oregon Agricul­ V isiting S ister— Florence Brookmiller, the vam p?; ing the dough may be set in a pan Josephine Champie a t the C hristian j tu ra l college. Those present were, of warm water. To keep the dough church are quite well attended and Bonnis Moss, Hop-Along-Soon; Ab­ th e Misses Mary A. Rolfe, Dorthea R edecorating B uilding— bie Hood, Sammy boy; Jennie Clapp, The interior of the Ames building from cooling, mix and knead it Abraham s, Geraldine Ruch, Marie music of a good quality is being fu r­ Lizzie Jane; M. E. Mead, th e critic; Ridings, Loeta Rogers, Mrs. Louise at Talent is being redecorated with quickly. M. N. Wood, a school girl; Mary Qiuck handling prevents the dough nished. paint furnished by a local m erchant. Hammond and daughter Edith. Erickson, one of the bunch; H. A. Brush, chaperone; Anna Robison, ! Sis Hopkins; Emma Prose, m ilitary lady; Anna Moss, Colonial lady; Mil­ TUESDAY STARTS TOMORROW dred Moss, Colonial m aiden; Alda WEDNESDAY Moss, Chop Suey; Jessica Porter, i the whole cheese and Vioma Wood, THLRSDAS T H E T H F A T F R RFAIITlFIIL I a basket ball girl. The party was ' properly ended by refreshm ents be- 1 ing served. S h o w S ta r ts Evening prices— 3 DAYS 3 Y/ PeëplëY où’ll N ever Forget Floor 85c, Balcony 55c, Children 25c M atin ee 1:30 E v e n in g s 8:00 Birthday Party— Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Peters Jr., entertained Saturday at dinner in honor of the second birthday of th eir little daughter Melicent at the home of Mrs. P eters’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Dunn and little daughter Helen, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Peters, Sr. Incidently Mrs. Peters Sr., also celebrated another b irth ­ day, thereby m aking a double cele­ bration. A woman deputy United States m arshal has ju st made her first a r­ rest, and probably will be still cry­ ing over it by the time she makes her second one. SOME SNAPS IN USED CARS I Ford Coupe, ’21................................... ........$550.00 1 Buick B u g ..................................... ...................... 75.00 A dandy Ford .................................................... . 225.00 One 1918 Chalmers Touring, excellent condition, at a bargain. And several others including a Dort, a Reo Touring and two Ford Touring cars. SERVICE GARAGE A. C. CROSSMAN Phone 606 22 S. Fir St. OPEN ALL NIGHT A Spotlight Is required by law if your car has no dimmers. It is a convenience at any time. We have them priced from $3.50 to $10.00 AUTOMOTIVE SHOP 1OO M ain St. • P h o n e 44 N o rth w e st’s G re a te st O p eratic E v e n t PUBLIC AUDITORIUM PORTLAND, OREGON W<*d., Thurs., Fri. and Kat. MARCH 2 2 - 2 3 - 2 4 - 2 5 Chicago Grand Opera Company MOST STUPENDOUS ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD 311 PEOPLE, 45 ARTISTS, CHORUS, BALLET ORCHESTRA OF 7