B H Ml SHLAND climate, without the aid ' a sh medicine, cures nine eases out of ten of asthma. This Is proven fa ct VOL 3 A shland D aily T idings (International News Wire Service) ASHLAND, (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Vol. 43) ÖBEGÖST m ÖXDAY, germs cannot lorrive M alaria three months In the rich Clone at Ashland. i ter helps. JANÜAKY " 30,” 1922 The pure domestic wa- No. 126 THEATRE COLLAPSES; 108 KILLED, 150 HURT Apple Stocks Cleaning Up Ashland Colony Holds Reunion ^ Portland, Jan. 30.— Very few ap­ ples rem ain to be shipped in Oregon and W ashington, while stocks held in storage have been greatly reduced with many districts absolutely bare. RomaÄ s ure TRAPPED UNDER There was a reunion of the Ash­ Rome, Jan. 30.— A deadlock be­ land colony in the Bay City and its tween the factions led by Cardinal suburbs recently, in this particular Merry del Val, and Cardinal Gas- instance Berkeley having been se­ parri which continues among the Ro- ——— ——— I man Catholic cardinals, may result lected for th e gathering in which a Less than 5000 cars rem ained in The Elks club room was entered score of teachers and others en-i W alter Morris, star ¡pitcher for ! in the election of a comparatively ob- storage in W ashington at the first some time Saturday night between gaged in various pursuits joined in the San Pedro Merchants, has scure cardinal to succeed the late — ¿4 LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL SHOWS I singing the praises of the old Sou- of the mouth, according to the fed- t he hours of 1 and 9 a. m„ and the SEARCH OF R U N S A FTER 8fl I th em Oregon surroundings. The signed a contract to play major Pope Benedict. EFFECT OF INTENSIVE TRAIN- eral report of the bureau of mar- cash register and safe in the of- Friends of Cardinal Merry del Vali baseball with the Chicago Cubs, of chaplain of this social esquedrille HOURS o p UNREMITTING TOIL ING BY EXTRAORDINARY kets. The bulk of the 1921 crop in fjCe rifled of their cash contents was none other than our friend, the National League. Jack Doyle, claim th a t he is sure of twenty votes, COMPLETED AT SUNRISE GOOD TEAMWORK. Oregon and W ashington has b e e n . Tire cash register contained between , Rev. H. A. Carnehan, form er pastor veteran scout for the Cubs, watched On the other hand, G asparri, papal I THIS MORNING. cleaned up, with some fru it iu stor- fifty-five and sixty dollars when M r.jof the Ashland Presbyterian church, secretary of state, who favors the Morris in action against the Long W h ile Several F | i l a Wen-, Oom _ .. j Iriow engaged in “Y” activities among age in the east. policy of reconciliation between the Cornelius ,the night clerk locked up ... , „ __ . m itted , Roth T eam s are Corn- soldiers and sailors with headquar- Beach Elks at San Pedro recently Vatican and the Italian state, claims Many of th e Injured Cannot Live. During tne month of December about 1:15 a. m„ besides a few E lk s ¡ters at the Em barcadero San P ran . and was so pleased with him th a t Som e H ave Arm s and Legs Torn m en dable for th e Clean Game 992 carloads of apples were shipped 29 votes. As 56 cardinals are ex­ emblems. All the cash was taken cisco, a work which is conducted he signed him up immediately after Off, Others Chests Crushed or P layed . pected to attend the conclave, this out of the state, 2956 from W ash­ from the register except the pennies semi-officially under the auspices of the game, ordering him to report leaves seven whose votes are uncer­ Terrible Head Injuries. ington and 287 from Idaho. both government and Y. M. C. A. and all of the emblems. A num ber for spring training a t Avalon on tain. It requires a tw o-thirds ma­ Apples rem aining in storage in Some 500 basketball enthusiasts jority to elect. of checks th a t were in the cash reg­ W ashington are held at Yakima and February 18. were present a t the high school W ashington, D. C., Jan. 30.— 108 The conclave will be opened Feb­ W enatchee. Growers in the Spo­ ister were left untouched. “Morris is one of the finest young persons were killed and over i 50 in­ gymnasium Saturday evening to w it­ kane valley, th e W alla W alla dis­ prospects I have ever looked a t,” ruary 2. All the doors of the V ati­ jured when the entire roof of the The burglar (was compelled to ness the game between Eugene high trict and the Hood River valley have said Doyle, a fte r the contract had can will be bolted and the palalce Knickerbocker break the cash register open and motion picture school and the local high school shipped practically all of their fruit. did so with the aid of tools belong­ been signed. “ I have been con­ will be shut off frpm the outside theatre at Eighteenth street north­ Locally there is a very liberal im­ ing to the office which he found quintet. A prelim inary game was nected with m ajor baseball for six­ world. west and Columbia road collapsed teen years, and never saw a more played between the girls' team of provement in the apple demand and near a t hand. All the tools and under the weight of snow Saturday prices here range fractionally high­ two butcher knives from the k it­ promising player in semi-pro- night. the high school and the alum ni girls Los Angeles, Jan. 30.— M arking er. Eastern m arkets are firm. ran k s.” chen were found laying on the show Exhausted from 36 hours of un­ and resulted in tne score of 7 to 28 the initial step In a drastic “ clean­ “ I don’t think th ere is any case beside the register. rem itting toil, heart sick from the up” of California federal prohibition in favor of the high school. The chance of us having to farm out The safe was also opened but horrible tragedy uncovered in the forces, Robert Avery, agent in alum ni apparently have not had the Morris. He will report for spring nothing of value was taken from it. wreckage, the begrimmed soldiers charge of the southern California training at Avalon, and I expect him practice of late to put them in shape It is not known positively th a t the and marines, dropped their tools district was practically ousted from to play with the Cubs this year,” to meet the girls of the high school safe’s combination was on when the this morning a t sunrise, declaring office here, following the arrival of declared Mr. Doyle. room was locked up but it is thought who show the benefit of hard tra in ­ that all the bodies were recovered E. C. Yellowey, traveling national I | M orris’ easy style drewr a high ing. th a t it was as appearances indicate from the pile of twisted iron and prohibition commissioner. compliment from Doyle, who took a At a few m inutes before nine th a t the party had spent some time cement th a t was once the Capitol’s particulary fancy to M orris’ wrist o'clock the Ashland team put in before solvln’g the combination. finest movie palace. T ourists from A far— movement and delivery of a curve th e ir appearance and after a few How entrance was gained Is yet All the dead and injured have L. J. W hiteby and son, of H arrell, Allen, Geneva W., Applegate, E t­ to be learned as all doors and win­ ball. The boy’s high batting aver m inutes of fast practice work were W ashington, D. C., Jan. 30.— The been identified and include mem- N. Y.fc passed through here Satur­ age of .448 was also a big Item In senate began voting on the amend- bers of foreign m inistries and na- followed by the Eugene team. The ta, Applegate, Luella, A shcraft, E s­ dows were locked when the room day on th eir way to Los Angeles, team s were fairly well m atched th e r M. was unlocked Sunday morning. All stopping for lunch a t the Dew Drop his favor. He is a fast base runner Signor Noble raents proposed to the adm inistra- tion government. and specializes in beating out in­ .. , , Bailey, Charles H., Baker, Mark, doors in the building are equipped Inn. from general appearances the E u ­ ..... . , , .Tomasso Assereto, third secretary of ., T. . field grounders th a t look like easy tion s eleven billion foreign debt re- | the gene team being taller on the aver­ Ball, W. S., Baughman, Clinton, Ben­ with spring locks so th at one may Italian embassy, was removed outs. age but not hardly so heavy as the edict, May, Billings, Myrtle H., leave w ithout the aid of a key and funding bill today. from the debris with two broken Morris is not unknown in Ashland, locals. Bowers, Mildred A., Bowers, George it is presumed th a t an exit was The first one, offered by Senator legs and internal injuries, Senator Ashland made the first scoie and H., Bristow, Joseph E., Blevins, gained by way of the basem ent door | having spent several m onths here j obnson> California, providing that Smith of South Carolina was only within the last two years visiting while they continued to lead, they Francis Marion, Brown, John B.. into the alley at the rear of the I an agreem ent entered into with for­ slightly h u rt and Representative his sister and brother-in-law , MY. were -not on particularly safe Brush, Leoarnd A., Biede, G ertrude building. Smithwick of Florida was painfully V and Mrs. G. L. Corby, who reside at eign governments regarding funding cut about the chest. ground until the second half was > Briggs, A. C., Butler, Charles W. No clew as to the guilty party has 334 Almond street. Mr. Corby for th eir indebtedness to the United under way. Each team made four Cambers, May, C arter, F rank H., been found as yet. Some of the Injured .have legs the past three years has been m an­ States should be ratified by the sen­ and arm s torn off, others chests field goals during the first half and C arter, Mary R., Casebeer, Jacob, ager of the local Southern Pacific ate before becoming effective. De­ crushed or terrible head injuries Neer was able to safely negotiate Childreth, H. O., Clary, Jessie G., C hristian Endeavor a t Phoenix— telegraph office but prior to th a t feated by vote 44-36. the basket from the foul line six Clute, S. W., Cromer, George H. A very interesting m eeting was from the enormous weights of con­ Republican leaders regarded the played semi-professional 1 baseball tim es out of the eight chances while Davenhill, A rthur H., Day, Susan, held Sunday evening a t Phoenix un- i crete and steel th a t came hurling and it was from Mr. Corby whom vote on the Johnson am endm ent as down on them. M urry for Eugene made only two Day, W illiam H„ Dahuff, M artha E., der the leadership of Miss Mary baskets out of six chances, leaving Decker, May M., Dickey, Dorothy, Spencer, president of th e C rater Morris received his Initial baseball a test of strength indicating th at the No warning was given as the walls bill would pabs. the score a t the end of the first Dill, M argaret E., Dunlap, Robert Lake Union of fthe C hristian E n­ training. crashed, the roof breaking Sn ion half 10 to 14 in favor of Ashland. W., Duty, Maude, Dunn, Laura. Morris scored quite a hit for him ­ deavor. Miss Spencer explained the the heads of the audience with a self in Ashland last sum m er on The second half started with a rush Eads, H. G. Sr., Edgington, M. C., work of the C hristian Endeavor iu noise like thunder, crushing seats by the locals and they negotiated E lhart, Jessie F., Emery, H arry C., such a way as to make it both a t­ account of his ability as a dancer and occupants as it fell. It was and good looks as he closely re ­ th e basket from the field two times Erickson, Nels, Eubanks, George G., tractive and instructive. The jun- more than an hour before the res­ sembles W allace Reid of movie fame w ithin the first m inute and a h a lf' Finley, Bertha, Firestone, Jam es? ior Presbyterian society gave songs cuers, using torches to cut through and is commonly known as Wallace of play. From this time on no Fleming, Carrie A., Fraley, Charles and drills which showed to the olderj the accumulated mass of steel and doubt could longer remain ias v to W., Freem an, Rollie, Fridegar, Maud members th at the juniors can learn j Reid’s brother. ¡concrete, reached the section where 1 believe in myself; I believe in who would be the winners, the local M., Fuller, Frances E. a great many things about the my firm ; I believe in my work Jam es Thornton passed away at it was believed th at most of the team work being like a well regu­ L ess W ork, Sam e P ay Gallatin, Louis H., G arrett, Peter Bible. The interm ediate work was and Its w orth; I believe in my his home, 59 Manzanita street early dead and injured were. lated machine. In the second half C., Gillette, Clara B., Gilmore, C hai-! explained by a short play which was Norwich, Conn., Jan. 28.— Notices Sunday morning, January 29, 1922,: The greatest confusion existed firm ’s product; I believe th at To­ Eugene was only able to get three mus N., Gillette, Charles H., Gray, j w ritten particularly for this work by posted by the American Woolen at the age of 94 years and eight long after the accident. Many as day is the Day. fields b u t put to good use the six Agnes M., G rainger, Gawn M., Greer, the interm ediate suplerintendent. ; they emerged from the building Birds of a feather flock togeth­ company at th eir plants in Thames- months. fouls com m itted by the locals by Jennie. ville and Yantic today informed op­ W alter Miksch gave an interesting He was born a t Lafayette, I n - , were screaming, others fainted er; the bird who flocks by him­ m aking six baskets. Ashland made Hale, Robert E., Hanson, Blanche talk on work for the alumni. Phoe-j self in these days is a lonesome eratives th a t commencing Monday diana, May 29, 1827. He was mar- while others were bleeding. When 12 fields and four out of eight fouls T Helman, Grace A., H e rrin , F. nix has a lively bunch of young kind of critter. 'he mills will go on a 48-hour basis ried to Miss Isabelle Wallace April the rescuers entered th e bullcfing in the second half, making the final w Hibbs, W illiam M., Hill, Flora, people who promise to do instead of 55 weekly, w ithout re­ 12, 1849. Four children were born they could hear from underneath the muchI HAZ KIK. score 22 to 42 In favor of Ashland Hoag, Lucinda L., Holmes, Eliza- work for the C hristian Endeavor. , duction in wages. ’ to this union, the survivors being mass of wreckage the groans of the A feature of Eugene playing worth beth M Hosier, Grance B., Hub- Mrs. Laura B. Willey and Mrs. El-1 wounded. m entioning was the three long has- bard Dora, Irwin, George. len G arrett, both of Ashland and| The roof rested almost on the *kets made from near the center j acobs, Guy C., Jordan. Maybell, Henry Thornton of Persist, Ore. O n : floor, scarcely 1 1-2 feet separating of the floor. June 25, 1863, he was again m a r-. the lower-most debris. All the de- Jordan, John O., Joy, Beulah. The lineup was as follows: rled, this time to Miss Elizabeth bris was covered with snow which Kinney, A. E., K aiser, Emily A., A shland— Ramsay, center; tHeeh1 Koehler, Grace, Knopp, Grace, Lane, Patterson to which union were born • had weighed so heavily upon the and G uthrie, forwards; Young and Minnie V., Lamkin, Herman R., six children, the survivors being S. | roof. Standing up through the Beeson, guards; W elsenberger sub­ Lindsay, W illiam, Lennox, James, F. Thornton and J. Edward T horn-, wreckage, stark and ragged, were stitu tin g a short time in the last Leslie, Mae N., Long, Matthew N„ ton of Ashland, Mrs. H attie Hayes ¡the pillars th a t had supported the half. Eugene— Cole, center; Mur­ Loomis, Wm. F., Lowe, Jewell D. of Portland and O. A. Thornton of balconies and the roof. ry and Smith, forw ards; Stein and Gresham, Oregon. i Beyond the lines first established McCracken, J. R., McKimmey, Taylor, guards; Trethw ay, Taylor Chess L., McNair, W. H., McWil­ Jam es Thornton was one of t h e 'by the police and later taken over and Cole, substitutes two of whom liams, Anna, M atterns, Frederick, oldest if not the oldest pioneer of by soldiers and marines, thousands were used in the last half. Southern Oregon. He first came to gathered. Marcy, Minnie G., Merrill, Frank R., the Rouge river valley in 1850, re­ A crowd of w atchers included Mills, J. W., Mills, M arguerite, Mil­ turning east by the way of the Is- men and women known throughout lion, Mattie, Moreland, Sarah, thm us of Panam a and again re- the country— senators, representa- Moody, Eugene, Moore, Isaac C., turned to the coast in 1852, having tives, ambassadors, m inisters and Murrey, Peter. crossed the plains twice by ox team, society leaders. Many of these be- Neil, R. P„ Nims. C. W„ Ninlnger, He first settled where Talent is now I hind the lines had friends whom Amos C., N utter, F rank L. located, engaging in ^farming and they believed had been in the Off, Minnie, Owens, Camilla E. gardening. L ater he moved to Ash- theatre when the crash came and P ortland, Jan. 30.— The Pacifie Pace, Doris, Patton, Myrtle, Pat- land where he owned and operated they appealed to those m aintaining northw est is in the grip of another terson, Dexter E., Payne, E. C., the old toll road over the Siskiyou the lines either to let them through spell of real w inter. The m inim um ■ Peachey, Lee O., Peil, Alice A., Pen- mountains. Disposing of this about or give them some idea of how many here was only 32 this morning but niston, F ran k H., Perozzi, Louise A., the year 1875, he engaged In the were dead or Injured. a heavy east wind made it seem Perrine, C. J., Provost, Lillian A. woolen mills business, the first In Four separate Investigations will much colder. The w eather bureau Reaser, J. M., Reichert, Henry R., the state. R etiring from the m anu­ be held to determ ine the cause of predicts cold w eather for the entire Rose, Delia M. facturing business, he engaged in one of the worst theater disasters week, rain and snow in W ashington Sanford, C urtis J., Sackett, Edith the fruit growing industry which in history Saturday night. It is and Oregon, rain in California, and A., Shell, W illiam A., Shoudy, Addie.l was his last active work from which generally conceded th a t the great zero w eather through the Rocky Silver, Jessie M., Simpson, Nellie G., he retired about 20 years ago, since accum ulation of snow on the roof m ountain and plateau regions. Smith, Hiram, Songer, Mollie, Spen-; which time he has lived quietly at is largely responsible for tear- Los Angeles, Jan. 30.— Lashed by cer, W innifred G.. Stock, Marie, his home in Ashland. His remains ing it away from the walls of the snow and rain, southern California Swedenburg, Olive E., Thatcher, J. will be laid to rest in the family lot theater. experience one of the most violent H., Thornton, Marion E., Trask. in the Ashland cemetery. Investigations will be conducted storm s in years, la st night and to­ Lettie M. Funeral services will be held by commissioners of the D istrict of day. Van Wegen, Lulu J., Vaupel, Ma­ Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Columbia, federal grand jury, cor­ The snowfall is general through­ rie, W agner, Robt. A., W agner, John January 31, 1922 at the Methodist oner, and state committee, under out California according to reports. M., W ehrll, Irene, Wilcox, Samuel church. Friends and acquaintances resolution offered by Senator Clap­ San Francisco reported the heaviest S., W inter, Bertha E., W inter, Otto, are Invited. per today. snowfall In recent years last night. Yeo, Olive G. 1GHT 1922 JURY LIST FOR A S M FUNDING BILL H a z K ik Aged Pioneer Passes Away □ More Cold Says Weather Man H is N e w M o u n t