Z ASÄLAWB DAlLf 9B9BTQS PAGA TWO Ashland Tidings Established 1876 Every Evening Except Sunday TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. — _________- Published O F F IC IA L C IT Y A N D CO U N TY PAPER TELEPHONE 39 Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ ter. __________________ rgUMMEttPLAVSttOUHO“ of / merica ' 'ORE WASHINGTON fi, „BRITISH COLUI1 IIGMT. COOL DAY5 IA RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. A B A N D O N IN G R A IL R O A D S Last year, it has been stated on authority, more miles of railroad were abandoned than built. It is but recently that the policy of permit- ing the tearing up of railroads which do not pay the cost of operation has been adopted, and since the prece­ dent has been established, pthers now operating are destined to disap­ pear also. Permission has been sought from the interstate commerce commission to Junk 125 miles of road In Indi­ ana. If the prayer is granted, 25 or 30 more or less populous com­ munities will be left without rail­ road service. This will work some hardships on many persons, per­ haps, but even railroad owners can­ not be compelled to continue inde­ finitely the expediture of money in excess of receipts. While the vil­ lages may have grown up mainly through the presence of the railroad that does not constitute an obliga­ tion to keep the road running at a loss. The Investors in the railroad lose their money and if others suf­ fer because it is abandoned they are no worse off than the owners of the railroad. It is the weak lines which are be­ ing scrapped. In the enthusiasm for railroad construction years ago, many lines were built which had small fields from which to draw revenue and were so located as not to attract additional business. They may have served a useful purpose at one time, but changed conditions and increased expenses of operations have been their undoing. However, not every village finds a railroad in­ dispensable now. With the advent of solid roads with good grades, the motor truck in large measure takes the place of the steam road for local shipping. A farm 10 miles from a railroad, provided there is a hard­ surfaced highway connecting the two, is for practical purposes nearer shipping facilities than in the old days with two miles of mud sepa­ rating the farm from the railroad. Thus the abandonment of local lines is not the calamity to residents adjacent that would have been the case a few years ago. Other means of transportation have come into use. The abandonment of railroad mileage may mean bankruptcy for the road, but those who have hither­ to used the road may have a more modern substitute, so that there may be little collateral loss from the step. Reatha Watson Ada Borden, circuit court •Della Lewis, circuti court witness ............................. 3.00 witness . . 13.60 Asbury Beall, petit juror . . . 18.50 Harry Lewis, circuit court W. D. Bebee, petit juror . . . 26.20 witness . . . 13.60 S. J. Blakeley, petit Juror. . 12.00 Frank Lewis, circuit court witness . . . . E. J. Brown, petit Ju ro r... 16.00 13.60 John Ludwig, circuit court B. F. Chamberlain, circuit court witness ................... 11.00 witness . . . . 9.60 Nellie Coy, circuit court wit­ Jas. L. Linn, circuit court ness ................................... 13.60 witness . . . . 7.60 Chas. Cingcaid, circuit court Phillip Lowd, circuit court witness ............................. 9.20 witness . . . . 25.00 Sam Coy, circuit court witv Mason Lofland, petit juror. . 45.50 By DONALD M. SPENCER ................................. 5.40 Geo. N. Lewis, grand jury The winter lyceum course present­ players so far turned out are Slack, W. ness C. Clements, circuit court bailiff . . . . 33.00 ed by Ashland post, American Le­ Pace, Millard Grubb, Milton Fraley, witness ............................. 7.60 *Ed Miller, petit juror 22.30 gion, has given its last number. The Gerald Wenner, Ed Hughs, Hubert H. E. Conger, petit jurqr. . 15.60 'Carl Murphy, petit Ju ro r... 44.50 DeWillo Concert company have more Bentley, A. B. McKenzie and Com­ C. M. Chapman, petit juror. 14.40 J. H. McGee, petit juror . . . . 25.80 Carnahan, circuit John Matney, petit juror. . . 28.70 than kept up the very high standard mander Dunn. Grubb and Bentley Carrie court witness ................... 5.00 John M. Mast, petit juror. . 52.40 set by our earlier numbers. Their are also regulars on the Elks team, J. M. Casey, circuit court wit­ L. A. Murphy, petit juror. . . 36.60 entertainment last night at the Pres­ which is made almost entirely ot ness ................................... 9.60 Frank Miller, petit ju r o r ... 42.50 L. H. Compton, circuit court byterian church, was distinctly out ex-service men. W. P. Morgan, circuit court expense ............................. 95.26 witness ....................... of the ordinary, and will not be soon 13.60 R. V. Close, grand jury wit­ Joe Mayham, circuit court forgotten by those who had the priv­ The initial application for your ness ................................... 19.40 witness ..................... ilege of hearing them. Yes, we lost state loan or bonus must be filed be­ L. Colver, petit juror . . . . . 21.60 R. R. Minter, circuit court 10.00 money on our course, but who does­ fore May 25, but if you want the Geo. B. Dean, petit ju r o r ... 9.60 witness ..................... 12.40 H. A. McClain, circuit court n’t lose money on a lyceum course in loan, you don’t have to take it for ------ Daugherty, circuit court witness ............................. 7.00 witness ..................... 7.00 Ashland. However, we do not feel the next 30 years if you don’t want ------ Dentpn, circuit court A. H. Miller, petit juror 4.00 at all discouraged, because we kept to. The cash must be taken the witness ..................... 9.40 Wm. McClain, circuit court our agreement with the people by first year, but the loan Is indefinite. E. Dahack, circuit court wit­ witness ..................... 44.00 ness ................................... 9.60 Roy Marchom, circuit court giving them more for the money in­ Better see Grubb or Spencer about witness ..................... 5.00' vested than they have ever ■been yours now and talk it over with Zera Dahack, circuit court witness ............................. 7.00 J. W. Mitchell, petit ju ro r.. 10.00 them. able to get in Ashland. H. D. Drew,, circuit court wit­ W. A. Moffatt, petit juror. . 16.00 Now, then, we have hgreed to do “Ex-service men squander their ness ................................... 44.80 ;E. E. Morrison, petit juror. . 23.40 It again, next winter, and we have bonuses.’’ Some headliner that. G. W. Dow, circuit court wit­ Henry Mankins, petit juror. 23.40 ness ................................... 7.00 Rev. Millard, circuit cftiirt signed up what we believe to be bet­ Here’s a few samples of squander­ W. Dow, grand jury witness ................................ 3.00 ‘ ter material than that which was ing: Chick Farlow has his house Geo. witness ............................. 3.00 Chas. Nunan, petit juror. . .. 33.20 presented this year. Our price was already built. Steve Erickson and Jud Edsali, circuit court wit­ M. J. Norris, petit j u r o r .... 50.40 the same, but, believe us, we won’t Carl Loveland have entered into ness .....................i ............ 13.60 John Nichols, circuit court Edwards, circuit lose out this time. contracts for the construction of Frankie witness ............................. 17.20 j court witness ................... 22.00 Mrs. Pearl Nichols, circuit We appreciate the co-operation theirs. Three brand new homes for Enri Emerson, circuit court court witness ................... 9.60 given us by the public In general, Ashland—gained by the Oregon witness . ........................... 11.40 Carl Norris, circuit court and we intend to show you all that state bonus loan. Nearly 90 per Herman Estill, circuit court witness ............................. 14.20 witness ............................. 9.60 Mrs. Gus Nichols, circuit we are backing only the very best cent of Ashland’s applications call A. S. Furry, petit juror. . . . 19.80 court witness ................... obtainable entertainment for you. for loanB, for similar purposes. 7.60 Geo. E. Fox, petit j u r o r . . . . 49.00 W. R. Nyswarner, circuit We have set our standard, now we’ll Jack Florey, circuit court court witness ................... 6.60 keep It up there. Tentative plans are under way by witness ............................. 13.60 Eva Nichols, circuit court the American Legion toward secur­ Ethel Florey, circuit court witness ..................... 13.60 witness ............................. 13.60 John S. Orth, circuit court Dr. W. J. Crandall, who was in ing both the Oregon Agricultural witness ..................... 5.00 the aviation service during the College girls glee club and the Uni­ E. J. Fouts, circuit court wit­ ness ................................... 3.00 F. L. Orr, circuit court wit- world war, but has now taken up versity of Oregon boys glee club for R. L. Ferns, petit j u r o r .... 30.00 ness ........................... 9.601 the practice of making sick folks appearances in Ashland during the Geo. Adams, circuit court Pete Ooard, circuit court witness ............................. 5.00 well and happy, has a most kindly spring vacation. Both of these tal­ witness ..................... 7.00 J. H. French, petit ju r o r ... 17.80 Summer A. Parker, petit juror 27.80 feeling toward his old comrades who ented organizations have schedules James R. Gregg, circuit court Guy Pruitt, petit juror . . . . 13.50 are temporarily out of luck and out covering this territory, and we want witness ............................. 5.00 Dr. E. B. Pickel, circuit of jobs. He says that he will give them to give us the privilege of an John Goodman, circuit court court witness ................... 3.00 witness ............................. 7.00 Wm. Perry, circuit court wit­ free medical service to any ex-serv­ appearance before an Ashland audi­ E. C. Gardner, petit ju r o r .. . 34.40 ness '................................... ice man who is in need of such, and ence. 9.60 , W. Gregory, petit juror. . 27.70 Dora Price, circuit court wit­ If the plans mature properly, both W. who is out of work and cannot pay Geo. Gilman, petit ju r o r ... 30.20 ................................... 3.00 i for it. clubs will be here during the latter Jas. Geppert, petit ju r o r ... 39.40 J. ness F. Pipgrass, petit ju ro r.. 4.00 W. H. Gore, petit ju r o r .. . . 20.00 Harry E. Peltz, circuit court I We appreciate the doctor’s kind part of March. Nuf sed. John Greb, petit ju ro r........ 18.00 witness ............................. 41.80 offer, but hope none of us will ever We just learned that our comrade, N. J. Garrett, petit juror. . . 27.90 ' Arthur Perry, circuit court have to take advantage of It. H.’ P. Holmes, petit ju ro r.. . 25.80 witness ............................. 3.00 Frank Homes, answered sick call the C. W. Horton, petit ju r o r ... 17.70 L. A. Rose, petit juror . . . . 11.00 The Legion team of basketball first of the week and is now enjoy­ P. W. Hammil, petit juror. . 40.40 John L. Robertson, circuit shooters, are a bunch of winners. ing (?) a pleasant sojourn at the Ed Helms, petit juror . . . . 15.00 court witness ................... 10.00 Not all WENNERS, although Gerald sanitarium. We hope that Frank M. F. Hanley, petit ju r o r ... 27.50 Mrs. F. Read, circuit court witness ............................. 11.60 Wenner is a dandy runner up. They didn’t get lonesome for some of the C. L. Hockersmlth, petit juror 14.00 Cecelia Holmes, circuit court F. E. Redden, circuit court have played several games this sea­ good old O. D. pills and put a game witness ......................... 13.60 6.00 witness ............................. son and don’t seem to be inclined to on the medical officer to get out of Chas. Hanscam, circuit court 4.00 Luke Ryan, petit juror . . . . witness ............................. 13.60 F. E. Raymond, circuit court lose any of them. The team is under a hike. Frank can see callers and witness ............................. 24.40 the management of Vice Commander comrades Friday, and of course, he Earl Hanscam, circuit court witness .........i .................. 13.60 , Fred Rapp, petit juror . . . . 32.20 Lynn Slack and Hank Pace. The will be glad to have them come. Ray Hamish, circuit court i G. O. Roberts, circuit court witness ............................. • 9.60 5.00 witness ............................. Marshall Hooper, circuit court ¡A. A. Schuchard, petit juror. 14.00 witness ..................... 43.80 , E. B. Shaw, petit juror. . .. 12.40 SWISS FAVOR AMERICANS Lydia Howell, circuit court I n . B. Stoddard, petit juror. . 27.40 witness ............................. 3.00 ! J. H. Stanley, petit ju ro r. . . 34.80 T k a t » w tt w r U M , akin to aa In Idaala and Institutions, left hos- F. L. Holdridge, petit juror. . 34.40 Dr. Chas. T. Sweeney, circuit pttabla and frtonMy ammartsa In tha minds of the many wounded J. C. Herring, petit ju r o r ... 17.40 5.00 court witness ................... American MMtora, wfca aaavatascad thara during the w ar, wa cannot W. H. Johnson, circuit court Roy Stanley, circuit court witness ............................. 130.80 9.60 witness . . . From aM raparto, «to beauty a f «to Nttto Rspublle mads a lasting R. H. Jones, petit j u r o r . . . . 30.00 Murel Smith, circuit court Im grsaslsn. This la aapaelally tru e of Ito w intertim e of matchless Dollie Jacks, circuit court 9.60 witness . . . beauty and unaguallad opportanltlas fa r aport. Then the entire Swiss witness ........................... “ 17.20 John Smith, cricuit court nation and heats a f w arm ly clethed and welcome visitors give them« W. L. Jones, circuit court 7.60 witness . . . selves wholeheartedly to play. witness ............................. 3.00 Dave Smith, circuit court F. D. Kahler, circuit court Under «to attmulus af skating. sM -Ing. curling and tobogannlng,- 7.60 I witness ............................. witness ............................. 140.00 aid « m m . hearts and bedles grew yeung again, while youth, w ith n e * Chas. Klingle, petit juror. . 14.70 (To be continuel Monday) asst, pursues Its tempestuous w ay. it Na wander than, th a t tha American's esteem fa r t i e little Republic gam up aa Ito thermometers ga dawn. B ut tha liking la apparently m utual, fa r Switzerland has gone far sut a f bar w ay to «aver Americans above ail her hosts of visitors. Aa aa evidence a f thia aka as longer requires a Sw im visé an your pass, port. Put acoapto yeur American passport as sufficient a t her frontier. And tk a American p aeapart la tk a only kind Switzerland accepts w ltk . eut a vtad. Hawley, whose fondness for “hik­ ing” is well known, is enthusiastic over her recent taste of oat door life after many years of indoor work, and she has decided not to re-open an office in Ashland, but to become Instead a “visiting” chiropractic physician, treating her patients in their own homes. A visiting physician should prove a boon to many busy Ashland house­ wives, who find it difficult to spare from their work the time necessary to dress and go to an office several times a week for .'treatments. Dr. Hawley’s past work is so favorably known in Ashland that it needs no comment, other than to say that, in veiw of it, a great future is predict­ ed for her in her new field of en­ deavor. it For the finest in ham and bacon, see Detrlck. The kind that makes you come back for more. Detrick’s —the Pioneer Groceteria. 124 “You are too beautiful to live in a large city*’— thus in January, 1914, did a Judge from his bench make the amazing beauty of Reatha Watson a stigma. He banished her to her homo at El Centro, Calif. She was then six- toon. Eight years ago she thought her beauty was a hindrance. Today it is the “movie” star's fortune. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS The following is a schedule of ex­ penditures of Jacksou county, Ore­ gon, together with a list of the claimants and articles of service for which the claim is made, and which were passed upon by the County Court of Jackson county during the month of December, 1921. The following bills were allowed DR. MAI D HAWLEY as follows with the exceptions RETURNS TO PRACTICE shown: County Court, and Commfatttnmefia A A. Gardner, county judge’s Dr. Maud Ingersoll Hawley has re­ G. salary ............................... >166.66 turned to Ashlknd after a sojourn Victor Bursell, county com­ -of some months at Rogue Elk hotel missioner’s salary and ex­ pense ............................... 66.60 on the Crater Lake highway, and is the home of her father, V. V. James Owens, county com­ missioner’s salary and ex­ Jiawley* on Walker avenue. Dr. pense ............................... 116.00 H. E. Cross, commissioner’s expense ............................. 25.00 Nash Taxi, county judge’s ex­ pense ............................... 10.00 Postal Tel. Cable Co., county Judge’s telegrams ........... 1.54 Western Union Tel. Co., county judge’s telegrams. .66 Home Tel. & Tel. So., coun­ ty judge’s telep h o n e ___ 7.50 Medford Printing Co., print­ ing for county judge . . . 23.75 G. A. Gardner, county judge’s traveling expense ........... 4.50 Total, Circuit Court —Let the Wind of Opportunity blow you forward For now is the time to figure on Decorating and Beautifying the Walls and Ceilings of Your Home (DURESGO U lhite an d T ints At Pre--War Prices Dickerson & Son PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, WALL PAPER When You Buy Coal Buy the Best ask for PEACOCK Rock Springs Nut Coal at $16.60 per ton Whittle Transfer Co. 89 Oak St. NOTICE The Square Deal Grocery Will Go On A Cash Basis Commencing Nitrate of Soda Must be used this month on your orohards to get the full benefit. So Professors Cate and Reimer say. PLENTY ON HAND F ebruary 1 ----- Also------ Agricultural Sulphur A Stock Reducing Sale Will Be Held Dur­ Ashland Fruit Association ing the Month of February and Com- K mencing the First of March We >422.21 F. Roy Davis, court report­ er’s salary ....................... >116.66 A. R. Thompson, circuit court crier .............<____ 63.00 E. Alexander, circuit court witness .............................. 9.60 C. F. Angle, circuit court witness ........................... ; 18.00 Chas. Adams, circuit court witness ............................. 3.00 Mrs. Royal Brown, circuit court witness .................. 9.60 Royal Brown, circuit court witness ............................. 9.60 Frank Brown, circuit court witness ............................. 11.60 Geo. Barker, circuit court witness ............................. 16.00 Chris Beale, circuit court witness ..................... 11.60 R. E. Boardman, circuit court witness ......................... 3.00 Arlene Boardman, circuit court witness ................... 3.00 Billie Belansefer, circuit court witness ................... 58.00 J. J. Buchter, petit ju r o r .. . 24.00 Pete Betz, petit1 juror . . . . 14.50 J. C. Brown, petit juror . . . 4.00 Wm. Brown, circuit court witness ............................. 5.00 H. C. Burgess, circuit court witness .................... 5.00 Welborn Beeson, petit juror 18.40 W. B. Biddle, petit ju r o r ... 42.50 P. C. Bigham, circuit court witness ............................. 5.00 Frank Borden, circuit court witness ............................. 3.00 Phone 117 King Coal Yes, We Have It THIS IS A HOT COAL You Will Like It We will also make a special price on Will Run Our Own Delivery By Which You May Get Your Orders Any Time Of Pay You Wish, Thereby Gain­ ing The Snappiest Service, And __ Prices In Ashland « FORTY TIERS HARDWOOD which we wish to move Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. “ IN THE HEART OF TOWN” Watch Our Sale Ads