t fcaaseasrs 3 W A shland D ai ! . y T iding s A SHI 8HLAND climate, without the aid | of medicine, cures nine eases out of ten of asthma. This Is a I proven fa ct VOLUME • ALARIA germs eansot survive M three months in the rieh oson« at Ashland. ter helps. The pure domestte w r (International News W ire Service) (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, VoL 43) No. 125 ASHLA^m. OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 1922 NATIONAL CAPITAL IN GRIP OF BLIZZARD Globe Trotter Visits Ashland Mrs. Romberg Gives Recital Next Friday VETERANS GET J STATE TAX Local Elks Defeat Medford Legion HAS SEVERE The basketball games Wednesday! Herman Silverman, Philadelphia Mrs. Romberg, of Denver, Colo., evening were both good, and with a! bantam w eight prizefighter, who will give a recital under the auspices little additional practice, the local started last July from th a t city on of the W ednesday club at the P res­ boys will be able to take care of any X- a round-the-world hike, in order to byterian church next Friday evening team th a t may come their way. The regain lost condition and to fulfill at 7:30. No charge will be made, first game was between the Ameri­ a wager, spent several hours In this but an offering will be taken. can Legion and the F irst company city yesterday. It is very generous of Mrs. Rom­ and resulted in a victory for the Near the sum m it of the Siskiyous berg to do this, and music lovers will INEQUALITY OF THE PRESENT | form er a SCOre of 36 to 12. The NUMEROUS INSTANCES OP EX enjoy her beautiful voice. She has NOW UP TO PEKIN AND TOKIO; Thursday during a blinding snow TWENTY-FOUR HOUR STORM DE­ second game was between the local ASSESSMENT SYSTEM ALLOWS GOVERNMENTS TO APPROVE storm Silverman declared th a t he SERVICE MEN DEVELOPING been abroad two years, studying and MORALIZES TRAFFIC, BLOCK­ VAST AMOUNT OF WEALTH E lks’ team and an all-star American ACTION OF THEIR DELEGATES walked over a 50-feet enbankm ent, LATENT TALENT; MANY NOW singing in concert among profes­ ADES STREETS AND CAUSES Legion team from Medford. The fell to the bottom and landed un­ TO ESCAPE TAXATION. sional people and the nobility. Ap­ AT WASHINGTON PARLEY. EARN A LIVELIHOOD. Elks took the visiting team into SEVERAL AUTO ACCIDENTS. scratched. Upon reaching the high­ pearing in many of the old castles camp with the score of 38 to 17. way again an automobile party Aq Incomo Tax Cjm AbsOrb at and cathedrals of the continent, she Bauchman of the Medford team, suf­ G overnm ent A id Bureau Is M aking had varied experiences. The Stock­ Cliinese Are to Accept a 15 Y ear. bound for P ortland picked him up Part of the State Load and Will fered a badly sprained ankle and Many Senators Snow Round, Unable R apid Strides, A chievin g R em ark­ holm, Sweden, papers gave great Loan from Jap an to Buy the Shan- and brought him to this city where to Reach Capitol Today, Prevent­ Recapture 50 Per Cent of Oregon was compelled to quit the game. ab le R e su lts in R eh ab ilitation of praise of her voice when she sang ing Action on Eleven Billion Dol­ tung R ailroad W ith Option of; he refreshed and warmed himself Values, Says Commission. The lineup was as follows: D isabled V eterans. and decided th a t he was uninjured. I lar Debt Funding Bill. to a great audience there for the Taking It Up Sooner. A shland— Grubb, center; Hughe9 Silverman has traveled 7000 m iles,.' benefit of the poor children of E u­ PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 27.— The and Bentley, forw ards; H arris and (International News Service) covered 21 states, and has secured rope. In England and Scotland, WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 28.— WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 28.— th e autographs of a l i t h e mayors of °< lhe «“ Young, guards; A shcraft and P a t­ WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 28.— people continually asked for negro The national capital is struggling Medford — W il­ The United States V eterans’ bureau melodies, in the singing of which she The Shantung controversy is now cities and governors of states he has I investigating committee, which end­ ton, substitutes. ed today, developed five im portant liamson, center; W atson and H ar­ through one of the severest snow- is m aking rapid strides and achiev­ excels. A fter the Pueblo, Colo., settled so far as the Chinese and visited. , storm s in 20 years. The snow has ing some rem arkable results in the flood, Mrs. Romberg appeared in a Japanese delegations here are con­ He makes expenses while enroute features of the tax problem in the rington, forwards; Sherwood and been falling steadily since 5 o clock s ta te : Bauchman, guards, with Phipps as rehabilitation of disabled ex-service benefit concert for the flood suf­ yesterday afternoon, demoralizing cerned. it was announced by Dr. C. by selling postcards, staging a box­ I 1. Millions of dollars w orth of substitute. men, according to reports received ferers. ing bout now and then and whistl- traffic, blockading the streets and T. Wang, one of the senior Chinese log at entertainm ents. It Is under- property tn the state is escaping ta i- The Elks' team is negotiating with by D irector Forbes. The W ednesday club has a reputa­ delegates. resulting In several automobile ac­ an all-star team from Eugene for a Many form er service men, unable tion for giving worth while affairs, An agreem ent has been reached) stood th a t he Is an accomplished atl0n- 2. The present property tax sys- game in the near future, and hope cidents. to pursue th eir pre-w ar occupations and this recital promises to be a joy whistler. The blizzard enveloping W ashing­ with the Japanese on lines suggest­ Silverman left for Portland y e s - 'tem 18 inadequate to get a chance to play the Medford because of disabilities, are having to old and young. A full program ton and other Atlantic coast cities ed by the British