> - S ? fti& i t W üüs «’ràc«' Whlppiag cream.. 3&c pint. 1 9 B JB gO B iS ji Pttrduued W heat-- Brothers, The Ashland Milling conipaiiy has purchased 500 bushels of blue stem W restling Match— Local and [Personal wheat near Central Point and it is • The w restling m atch a t Gold Hill being hauled by trucks to the mill — ' Side Lights —? last night resulted in a victory for here. ' . FOB SALK. Ralph Hand. He lost the first fall PHYSICIANS. Fare Malted Milk,Alumni Lunch— to Reuben as a -re su lt of a toe hold, FOR &ÄLE— Morris .chair, good as We m ake our own candies, ice Tw in» 1110 89tf new, roasonabl©. ifo" So. Pionoor DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice The alum ni of the University of and won the second and third by a cream and tam ales. Enders Con­ Jnnited to eye. ear, nose and avenue. Mrs. Simons. 122-2* Oregon,( who now reside in Ashlapd, ham m er lock and chest scissors, re­ fectionery. throat. Office hours, 10 to I t and * ' 62tf Leaves for Californta— lunched together a t the high school spectively. FOR SALE— Buick touring car. Ow­ 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ R. L. Burdic Sr., of G rants Pass, Tuesday noon. The guest of honro land, Ore. 73-tf ing to leaving town will sacrifice Blasting Rocks— who was in town the first of the was P. L. Campbell, president of the at $150 cash. 63 Pine St. 122-4 Candy! Candy! Candy! W atch A blert Johnson, the orchardist on 272---------------------------------- --------------- DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and week, left Tuesday m orning for Oak­ University of Oregon. Those pres­ Rose Bros.’ windows for special the hill in the west part of town has FOR SALE— Room bundles of new u u ig w u . rrac tic e limited to land and other Bay cities. eye. ear, nose and throat. Glasses wall paper, extra fine, reasonable ent were Misses Rogers, Ruch, Rid­ prices. 121-5 been blasting some surface rocks 102 Oak St. i20tf ■°PPBed. Oculist and aurist for ings. .M arsters, Kopp, and Poley, of that have been laying about in the d . / ’ R.'.R otiices. M. i*. and H. Nice Dry Wood: also Blox. the high school faculty; Prof, and Entertains Sunday School Class— FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567 land Lamber Co., phone 20. and W inesap apples, not culls, 50c Mrs. G. A. Briscoe, John Finneran, Mrs. Olive Page entertained her SAYS MORE THAN MILLION box. H alf mile west cannery. O. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Special at­ Leroy A shcraft, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sunday school class of girls at the HINDUS DRILL FOR REVOLT; Leaves Hospital— tention to m others and children. A. Manning, Talent, Or. 114tf Dodge, and Mr. and M rs? Homer Presbyterian church last evening. No need to fear spasmodic Internal secretions and endocrine Mrs. George Wallace, of Central Billings. croup. Rub baby's chest glands. Res. and office, 108 Pio­ FOR RENT. WASHINGTON, D. C. Jan. 26 — Each of the seven members brought Point, who has been in one of the neer avenue. Telephone 28 Of­ with Vicks at bed time. All an invited guest and a delightful A force or 1,400,000 men Is now •local hospitals for a few weeks, went FOR RENT— Furnished room with I fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to « Have you tried our pure milk and pSrty from the close of school until drilling in India for revolt against night long medicated vapors p. m. or w ithout board. Special rates to the home of her brother, William cream ? If not you are missing 6 o’clock when a bounteous supper British rule. Sailendra N. Ghose, di­ arise and are inhaled. Croup to two persons. Inquire at Tid-l Moore yesterday. something. Cottage cheese, Tilla­ was served. A splendid time was rector of the American commission lngs. 122-3' DR. 8HAW— Eye, ear, nose, throat can hardly develop. It does specialist; glasses fitted Office mook, Wisconsin cream brick, Lim­ the verdict of the girls. to promote self-government In In ­ away w ith dosing and is FOR RENT— Large first floor front ' at realdenoe, Pioneer Ave., morn- H. R. Adams, plumbing, contract­ burger, pimento and kraft. They say dia, asserted in an address here. equally effective for other room, fully equipped. Gas fo r’ t y and by appointment. Phone 2 8. ing and day work. 248 Fifth St., ours is the best because its always cooking. $4 per week or $15 perl Ghose Is the representative of tho cold troubles of young or old. F o r the best m quality, hams, phone 166-J. 109tf TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. month, at 153 Granite. Phone fresh. D etrick’s Groceteria. “ We bacon, cottage hams and lard, see Gandhi faction in the threatened r e ­ 411-R.- 122-1 sell for lea's.” 118-tf D etrick’s Groceteria. FOR prom pt ana carefnl service, Despite the wholesale arrests Bon Ton Cafe Sold— The quality volt. auto trucks or horse drays, call FOR RENT— Nicely furnished room It Is reported th a t Bert Smith has Is absolutely the best and our prices th a t are being jnade throughout In ­ W hittle Transfer Co. Phone l i t at 150 F irst street. Inquire City bought the Bon Ton cafe, and h a s jA n Dfty Meeting— are lower than the rest. A trial will dia, Gandhi and his lieutenants are Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel Meat Market. 121-3 The Sunday school convention convince. We sell for less. 118-tf rapidly gaining stren g th ,” Ghose changed the nam e to the De Luxe Ashland. &6tf •>er 17 Million J a n U n d Yearly cafe. said, basing his Inform ation on sec- FOR RENT— 2 and 3 room furn­ and unanimously pasETA ET E EEE Pflhlpa frnm Tndin ished apartm ents, adults only, T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS held Tuesday a t the Presbyterian Will Give Program — FER — Good team and motor close in. Inquire 166 Hargadine Genuine Mexican chicken tamales, church was well attended and the trucks. Good service at a reason Mrs. M attie Romberg, recently — ¿hone 122. 109tf able price. Phone 83 2® cents. Bndbra Confectionery.62tí entire program was carried out on from Denver, Colo., who is a guest TO RENT— To respectable people, a schedule. A resolution was in tro ­ of Madame Tracy-Young, has con­ PLUMBING few rooms with steam heat, hot Rates to Portland— duced and unanimously passed in sented to give an evening’s program and cold running w ater and use The Southern Pacific company has dorsing the stand of the Portland of bath. One person, $5.00 per PHONE your next job of plumbing at the Presbyterian church February to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. reduced rates to Portland during the churches in regard to dancing in the weekfi two persons, $8.00 per 3. Mrs. Romberg, who has studied Phone 138. autom obile show in the Rose City. weelt- Hotel Ashland. 88tf public schools and desired th a t the in the Boston Conservatory and Rolled Oats, per sa c k ..................................... movement be made state wide. FOK SALE— REAL ESTATE. CAR WASHING graduated under Prof. Von Dolwig, Bulk Oats, per 4 lbs...................... ..................... __ We are selling pure leaf lard for in Europe, has had a wide experi­ Bulk Oats, No. 2, 6 l b s . / J ** ' Z® FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and FOR SALE OR TRADE— Interest in less than some folks charge for com­ Nice Dry Wood! also BI ox. business with splen­ ence in voice culture and is a color­ Farina, per sa c k ..................................................... .................. ’* polishing, $2.50. Lithla Garage. did established pound. Bring your pall to Detrick’s land Lum ber Co., phone 20. future, immediate returns and atu ra soprano of ra re quality. Thq Phone 114,113tf W heat H earts, per sa c k ....................................................................... unlimi ed possibilities. Real es- Groceteria. “We sell for less.” evening program will be free, arfl Steel cut Oats, per sa c k .......................................... * * _ ta;e or auto considered. Address NOTICE OF BOND ELECTION 118-tf Operated On— all who enjoy good music are in­ Pancake Flour, per sa c k ................................ ' ' .................. C “J ” care of Tidings. 121-5* vited. Mrs. Annie McNeil was operated Pancake Flour, per p k g s..................................... ............' ’ “ 8(£ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that FOR SALE— Are you looking for a Goes to Klamath— on Tuesday. She is doing as well sealed bids will be received by the Liberty Bell Cane and Maple syrup, per g allo n ................ 8 1 8 0 bargain? Here it is. 40 acres Mrs. S. T. Summers, who has been Board until Tuesday. February f<® as could be expected. Baby cabs retired. Fixit Shop. Golden Marshmallow Syrup, per g a l.................................... . . 8 1 0 0 one mile town, all level, all good spending the w inter in Ashland, has at 10 ° ’clock a. m., at the soil, $75 per acre, terms. O. A. Fancy Dried Apples, 2 lbs........... ........... gone to K lam ath Falls for a few T hiCp Of, thn Board of Directors of Riddling New Home— Manning, Talent, Ore. 120tf Visiting Relatives — . French prunes, 3 lbs............................................. days. w?thina f i 6 R oint^lrr lSation District, Milton Fraley will build a home Mrs. J. J. Palm ateer and Mr. and Bulk Macaroni, 4 lbs............. ' ’ .................. ? tbe boundaries of said dis­ TRY R. D. SANFORD, 3 99 Beach Mrs. F. G. Mitchell of Hillsboro. on the Boulevard ju st beyond the St., for all classes of Real Estate, trict in Jackson county, Oregon, for Clean bleached raisinB, per lb........................................ ’ ’ 3^ For business opportunities In Or., arrived in Ashland last even­ home of Dr. F. G. Swedenburg. forenoons. 103-1 mo* S20nPnnn nn6 ° f b° nds in the BUm of Southern Oregon, consult the Four- $-00,000.00 vo’ed July 9, 1921 of BEST OF FRESH AND CANNED MEATS AT RIGHT PRICES ing for an indefinite visit with their Eagle Point Irrigation District, of ATTEN1 ION — Have acrc-aye on Site 8ales Agency, Beaver Block, which we could take town prop­ daughter and ¡sister, Mrs. George Enjoyable E v e n in g - Jackson county, Oregon. (Said bonds phone 4. 108tf erty, part payment. Also some Reports from the dance at Me­ Spencer, on Oak street. Mrs. Palm ­ «««“J ln additi°n to the sum of large acreage tracts, Eugene, morial hall last night are to the ef­ 1700i99°n;00 ^ bK°nd8 V0ted Jan u ar.v ateer and Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Klam ath county, Rossburg, Cali­ Makes Business Visit— 1 8aid bonds are numbered spent the early part of the w inter fect th a t a very enjoyable tim e was H. A. STEARNS 61 NORTH MAIN STREET fornia, for Ashland real estate.— A. H. Tucker, district plant man­ consecutively, commencing with In Southern Calfiornla and are now had by all present. num ber one and following in num er­ ager of the telephone company, and on their way home. ical order, m ature serially, in annual WAN ! ED. Clare Corson, m anager of the G rants Basketball a t Talent__ WANTED— To hear from owner of am ounts so as to be approximately Pass, branch of the company, were Dew Drop Inn— for lunches. The Ashland American Legion good ranch for sale. State price. , princlPa i and interest, and in town W ednesday on business. full particulars. D. F. Bush, shall he payable in gold coin of the basketball team will play a town Quite III— 105-13* Minneapolis, Minn. united States; said bonds will be team of Talent there tonight. dated January 1, 1922, and hear in­ P ere Malted Milk Mrs. May Rader, a nurse at a lo­ terest at 6 per cent payable semi­ WANTED— Dressmaking. Apply 136 Twins— 10 cents SOtf cal hospital, is quite ¡11, being under 120-6 Fifth St. annually. Always hoi! Hot chocolate, hot the care of a doctor. h or fu rth er detailed inform ation, Mexican chili and hot tam ales served Scotch Collie Is Dead— apply to secretary of Eagle Point Ir­ in the husk at Rose Bros. 121-5 ! rigation District, Eagle Point, Ore­ Flossie, the lovable Scotch collie 10. Stomach distress goes In five gon. dog, belonging to Mrs. John Fuller, minutes. McNair Bros, guarantee Trip to Medford— The right Is reserved to reject any BA R BER of North Main street, will not be Mi-O-Na to relieve indigestion or an> and all bids. H. A. Stearns of the Plaza groc­ seen again on the streets of Ashland stomach trouble, or money back. EAGLE POINT IRRIGATION Children’s Work A ery made a business trip to Med­ DISTRICT. as she contracted pneumonia and ford this morning. Sliecialty By W. E. Hammel, President- died the first part of the week. Goes Home— Director. Safety blades resharpened Mrs. Eugene B artlett was able to (Ämter Lake Union— W m , Perry. Dlrector. 10 5 -51 h u Health Bread. Pore Malted Milk go to her home W ednesday from a like new. Single bit, 10c The ( rater Lake Union officers go cents 36 tf local hospital, where she has been to Phoenix Sunday night to hold a , doz. Dobule bit, 60c dot. INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. (Eifective January 1, 1»22) confined for some time. rally. Ashland Presbyterian Juniors W. C. T. U. Meets— Daily (Except Sunday) aie to go also to give a dem onstra­ LV. MEDFORD The W. C. T. U. held their regu­ Show Case Broken— LV’. ASHLAND CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF •7 :0 0 a. m. tion rifle drill. C rater Lake Union / 7:00 a. m. la r m eeting in one of the club rooms The Plaza confectionery had a has a splendid 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. “ •■ ’pieuuiu president in Miss of the library W ednesday afternoon 9:00 a. m. 9:00 a. m. ° ne th<’ir M n d r Mary Spence|- » " I doing a lot of and was presided over by Mrs. E tta cases last evening, by a custom er 10:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. W ill Go On A Cash B a sis C om m encing effective work in Southern Oregon. 11:00 a. m. Rowland, county superintendent. accidently striking the glass with 11:00 a. m. from Eastern ndlla just in. Con­ V 1 12:00 noon Mrs. John Dill gave a short talk his elbow. 12:00 noon siderable drop in prices on same. 1:00 p, m. Health Bread. 1:00 p. m. Pure Malted Milk In regard to various m atters of in­ 2:00 p. m. 2:00 p. m. Twins— io cents GOOD CEDAR POSTS 89tf terest th a t occurred while she was 3:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m. N«w prices on Implements and re­ Back to old prices! Rose Bros. 4:00 p. m recently visiting In Oklahoma. 4:00 p. m. pairs. . New & jd used sewing _______ w111 have a special sale* Thursday, New Bank Empdoye— 5:00 p. m. » 5:00 p. m. machines for sale or to rent......... mi#« Friday and Saturday on high grade 6:00 p. m. Miss Agnes Hedburg has resigned 6:00 p. m. Cliff Payne make« tiling cabinets. chocolate Proamo ♦ K 7:00 p. m. j cnocolate creams a t the prew ar price her position at the State Bank 7:00 p. m. of 118-tf i0f 40 centa the pOlln(j 8:30 p. m. Sat. only 8:30 p. m. Ashland and her place has been tak 9:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. en by Miss Bernice Flackus. 16:30 p. m. Sat. o n l y _ --------------------- 1 2 ----------- __L__U Moves to North Main— Christian Endeavor Week__ 10:30 p. m. Sunday Schedule BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Mr. and Mrs. C. E. McCollister The week beginning January 29 Improving— Leave Medford for Ashland and and family have moved into a prop- will be Christian Endeavor week Ashland for Medfora every hour on Mrs. C. B. Lamkin who was taken erty on North Main street near the around the world, the society being A S tock R ed u cin g S a le W ill Be Held P ar- the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; FOUR-SITE SALES then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. Billings home. 41 years old p ebriiary 2. The Ash- out to G ranite City hospital Monday AGENCY for better treatm ent of her arm, Ashland waiting room— East Side land Christian Endeavorers are plan- broken last week, is reported to be (G rants Pass, Medford, Ash­ Pharmacy. See P au lseru d ’s suits to r 1922. ning to observe the week in various Ing th e Month of F ebruary an d Com- land, K lam ath Falls.) JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD feeling better. Beaver Block, Ashland . 12Otf ; helpful and social ways. Daily (Except Sunday) ’ LV. J’S’NV’LE LV. MEDFORD — Brokers in— Each Citizen a G uardian of the Law Turntable Nears Completion— BiiKiness Opportunities, 7:40 a. m. Basket Ball Saturday __ m en cin g th e First of M arch W e 7:20 a. m. Business Leaaea, Roy A. Haynes, federal prohibi­ The huge turntable in the South­ 8:45 a. m. The local high school basketball 8:15 a. m. Business Partnership. 9:50 a. m. ern Pacific yards here is nearing quintet will play Eugene Saturday tion commissioner: The good citi­ 9:20 a. m. 11:15 a, m. All transactions strictly completion. zen is under obligations to assist in W ill Run Our O wn 10:45 a. m. evening at the hig^i school gymnas­ 11:15 a. m. confidential. the enforcem ent of the prohibition 12:00 noon ium. 12:30 p. m No charge for listings 1:20 p. m. law, and is, in a sense, a guardian Genuine Chicken Hot Tamalea. 1:50 p. m. RESULTS PRODUCED 2:45 p. m. 3:20 p. m of all our laws. To me, there is a Th« Fountain. R. R. Portar, Prop. In our line for ’22, th e re ’s a suit 3:45 p. m. 4:30 p. m BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • 90tt 5:00 p. m. for you— at Paulserud’s. 120tJ great, invisible governm ent back of 5 :30 p. m all the institutions of the govern­ 5:55 p m. ment. It is the spirit of America. 7:00 p. m. 9:30 p. m 8:00 p. m. Sat. only It is our American idealism. It is 7:30 p. m. ; 9:60 p .m . Sat. only 10:30 p. m. i our American m ilitant righteous­ Sunday Only ness. It is our progressive civiliza­ LV. J ’S’NV’LE LV. MEDFORD tion. There i3 som ething em inating . 8:00 a. m. 8:50 a. m. ; —Many accidents suddenly turn 9 :2 0 a m . from this invisible power to the 9:50 a. m. the fire that propel« automobiles 10:45 a. m. 11:15 a. m and trucks into a raging force hearts of all tru e Americans, an in­ 12:16 p. m. 12:45 p. m. that destroys them. The building Thrift is like a calculating machine which adds visible influence th a t reaches each B y W h ich You M ay Get Your Orders A ny 1:20 p. m. 1:50 p. m. In which your automobile is kept citizen and makes him a defender of 2:60 p. m. 3:20 p. rn. is always liable to burn, and your 3:45 p. m. all those laws which have to do with 4:30 p. m car with it. Can you stand the rapidly to your capital, subtracts from your 5:00 p. m. T im e Oi P a y You W ish , T hereby Gain­ 5:30 p. m loss of $2000, $1500, $1000 or the w elfare of o u r country and the 7:00 p. m. even $600, withoif. feeling the 9:30 p. m. i well-being of our countrymen. & - cares, and multiplies your pleasures. loss? Daily (Except Sunday) —The only safe way i8 to protect WHAT CAUSES GAS in g The S n a p p iest S erv ice, And LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG your car from loss by fire with a ON THE STOMACH? WST" A thrift account with us opens up an unsus- 11:00 a. m. i;0 0 p. m. good insurance policy. You can Travel by stage; shortest route by also buy protection from loss bv It is caused by ferm enting, sour, 20 miles; one of Oregon’s most theft, collision, and your liability P rices In A sh lan d waste m atter in the intestines. This peeted avenue of progress. scenic trips; we save you time and for damage to another’s property old, foul m atter should be thorough­ money. or for injury to other persons. ly cleaned out w ith simple buck­ Fare— Medford-Roseburg, <4.00; —If your car is worth having. It thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed Granta-Paas-Roseburg, $3.00, is, worth Insuring. Do it today. in Adler-i-ka. This acts on. BOTH MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS I t’s batter to play safe than be upper and lower bowel, removing Daily and Sunday ferever aorry. old accum ulated m atter you never LV. MEDFORD LV, G’T’S PASS thought was in your system. Adler- 11:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. i-ka relieves ANY CASE gas on the Ashland, 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. Oregon stomach. EXCELLENT for sour 4:30 p. m. 4:45 p. m,i stomach and chronic ¡confetipation. G rants Pass waiting _ room— Tht REAL ESTATE a INSURANCE Guards against appendicitis. T. K. Bonbonnlere, phone 160. Established 1883 Bolton, Druggist. Office and w aiting room— No. 5 Phone 211 41 E. Matai St. 8. Front St., Nash Hotel building. Ashland News in Paragraphs NoCroupTonight VICKS w V R apo ub This is t h e Time oi Year for Cooked Breakfast Foods PLAZA MARKET NOTICE W. A. SHELL The Square Deal Grocery Fencing F ebruar Pei/'s Corner I Burned to Junk It Adds, Substraéis, Multiplies The Citizens Bank ------------- Watch Our Sale Ads Billings Agency