. _ __ A S h h lR fl ir» dB&ö> iMMMHMA ~ í' - -NE-- ?hHh < í nii IM K w ÉSHS Mb ÁIMLÁAií oÀìufc ïiàiN ôà I «; l" 1 i M W —f W — MM j— OREGONIANS MAKJÊfi RÈCORD Est.-hlkhPd 187 Published Every Evening Except J. J. H andshaker Finds Oregon Sunday ui!inin!iniiiiituii'i!nflnBinBiiiiniiiniiKKiin!ii3in!ini!iimiifliBniii!ninRi!iimmi:tmmn«iianiH! ü'iniiniiiiwmüiimwuiuin. T h is H a n g in g R a c k O ffe rs v a n ta g e s in th e R e p a ir W h ic h S pace Is L im ite d . M any A d­ S hop in veuient for placing a tire or tube and in locating the desired tire or tube when culled for. The rack Is suspended by means of flanges from the ceiling and elbows and cross couplings are used to screw the several sections of gaspipe togeth­ er. This rack is hung about six feet above the floor and consequently does not interfere overhead. It will hold a large number of tires and is practical­ ly Indestructible.—Popular Science Monthly. Is e c o n o m ic a l in c o s t a n d u se Albany— Local theater installs big pipe organ. Makes the sweetest and m ost w h o l e ­ som e fo o d s We invite you to look over our stock of Paints Wall Paper * Sanitas Is the largest selling brand in the world- it never fails and other Decorative Material. We willingly give prices and figure amounts needed. Dickerson & Son C ,n C a lu m e t co ntain s full Io oz. S o m e bakingf p o w d e rs f ° ,n e *n o z . c a n s in s te a d of •G oz. c a n s . B e s u re y o u