ÄSttLAff» DÁÍLt ÍW IflGÍ PÁGtí TWO Shoals, the publicity he has already received through it would be mòre Established 1876 than worth it. Published Every Evening Except It does not “just happen” that Sunday Henry Ford sells ae maoy .automo­ THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. biles as sevoral hundred oth® auto­ OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY mobile makers combined. He is PAPER able to sell 100,000 cars a month Yacht Carnegie Covers 65,000 TELEPHONE 39 when other automobile factories are Miles in Research Work. Entered at the Ashland, Oregon, closed or running 25 per cent of Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ capacity, because he is the best-ad­ ter. vertised man in the world. Shonld we say the newspapers that gave him ¿)UMMERpLAY6R0UND> this advertising for which they re* of A merica ; ceived no pay, are gullible? For the latest news about Ford, Makes Magnetic Survey of the Earth for Carnegie Institution of Wash­ see our news columns. sir- * ington—Fills in Observations on Areas That Had Not Been Sufficient­ ly Covered Before and Determines Changes in Magnetic Conditions ’ OREGON* —Encircles Globe. WASHINGTON A Ashland =-si>- Tidings SURVEY VOYAGE COMES TO END LEFT WASHINGTON IN 1919 ■MM and a half will not be paid until af-' Mining activity is increasing, log­ ging camps are opening, wool clips ter the ninth hour. The railroads were also author­ are moving, railroads are placing ized to employ men on “split tricks.” equipment orders, building contin­ Thus, in small towns, workers can ues to increase while prices of com- j be employed intermittently during modit’e* ard w?rres are slowly b u t1 any eight or twelve hours instead of surely returning to normal levels. With indications for ta xreductions, working eight consecutive hours. The three members of the board 1922 promises better things for in­ representing the carriers, dissented dustries. because it was not decided to pay Ashland— 1921 building activity overtime after ten hours instead of nine. Union officials refused com­ shows growth of 50 per cent over ment pending study of the decision. 1920. In normal times it was estimated Tax reduction convention called at he ruling will save the roads $50,- Portland March 20. 000,000 a year. ' Carnegie Heroes „BRITISH < The yacht Carnegie, making a mag­ 38 Hemenway Street, Boston, Mass. netic survey of the earth for the Carne­ *-'• I I Bronze medal — Miss England, gie Institution of Washington, arrived aged 14, schoolgirl, saved Charlotte completing a 65,000-iulle voyage in NEWSPAPERS MADE FORD M. Rose, aged 35, from drowning, which it filled in observations on areas RICHEST MAN ‘ Bryant Park, Me., August 24, 1918. that had not been sufficiently covered Miss Rose became frightened while before and determining changes in Newspaper advertising made Hen­ swimming in deep water in Bryant’s magnetic conditions. The yacht is in command of Captain J. P. Ault, mas­ ry Ford—who was almost penniless Pond 60 feet from the bank, lost ter of the vessel and director of the 20 years ago—the richest man in self-control and sank. Miss England, scientific work. the world today. who was on a wharf ten feet from Homeward bound the Carnegie made Ford made the minimum pay of Miss Rose, took hold of her arm its third passage of the Panama his workers $5 a day when other and started to swim with her. Miss Canal. She first made the trip in ; s- industries were paying $2. It did­ Rose flung her arm around Miss April, 1915, and, again, in May, 1918. n’t cost Ford a dollar, because the England’s neck, and Miss England The magnetic survey on which she is higher wages attracted the best la­ was submerged once or twice. An­ engaged was begun in 1904 by the the Carnegie went into ser­ bor in the country, and the output other girl, who swam to Miss Rose Galilee; 3$ vice In 1909. The present voyage of of his factories was trebled. But the I to aid her, was grasped and sub­ the Carnegie began in October, 1919, space the newspapers gave him was, merged by Miss Rose; and Miss Eng­ In Washington. Taking observations worth millions. land swam with both girls about 20 at intervals the vessel proceeded Ford spent a million dollars send­ feet to wadable water. across the Atlantic to Dakar, thence to Buenos Aires, St. Helena, Cape ing a “peace ship” to Europe when Town, across the Indian ocean to peace appeared farthest off. Some EX-AMATEUR BOXING Colombo, thence to Fremantle and Lyt- people said he was “crazy,” but thei CHAMPION IS KILLED tleton, and the Society Islands. San space that newspapers gave thej BOSTON, Mass., Jan. 25.—Am­ Francisco, Honolulu, Samoa, Raro­ stunt was worth ten times what it i r brose J. Melanson, former national tonga and Balboa. cost. Made Valuable Observations. Ford bought a little couiitry j amateur boxing champion at 135 In addition to the magnetic survey weekly, started an anti-Jew crusade pounds, whose skull was fractured foi* practical purposes the staff of the and got everybody talking about the Monday night in a professional bout Carnegie makes observations which are Dearborn Independent — especially with Joseph S. Hilaire of Somers­ of abstract value. One ts the measure­ the Jews. If he lost a million dol­ worth, N. H., died iu a hospital here ment of the amount of electricity in ■ i lars in the venture, the advertise­ without regaining consciousness. St. the air, another the amount of radium • ■ .iiST-' - ment was worth many times that Hilaire was detained by the police in the air and in the sea water. The whole stndy, however, is in the field -:S5; V ■ jy pending investigation. Melanson amount. of terrestrial magnetism and the chief Ford makes an offer to the gov­ was felled In the fourth round of a object of the surveys Is to determine ernment tor the Muscle Shoals pro­ scheduled eight-round preliminary as closely as possible the nature of The DeWillo Concert company will appear at the Presbyterian church ject, and the newspapers of the bout. Regaining his feet, he was magnetism and how its effects and '.omorrow night, Thursday, Jan. 26th. Under the auspices of Ashland country give him thousands of col­ knocked down again with a right changes can be measured and pre­ Post No. 14, American Legion. This is the final number of the winter umns of space. If he were to lose hand blow to the jaw, hi« head strik­ dicted; In other words, to obtain a lyceum course presented by the legion. This concert is something out measure of exactness in terrestrial of the ordinary for Ashland. It features Mr. DeWillo and his Concer­ every dollar he sinks into Muscle ing the canvas. magnetism which might be comparable with knowledge of industrial electrici­ tina Grand, a musicale instrument of unusual merit and extraordinary as a concert instrument. ty or branches of chemistry. This entertainment will be a pleasing rest from the usual form of “During this latest voyage,’’ says a bulletin of the Panama Canal, telling entertainment appearing here. of the visit of the non-magnetlc yacht, PRESBYTERIAN I’HURl II “the observers on the Carnegie en­ THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 P. M. AT THE countered an interesting demonstra­ tion of the practical value of deter­ mining the magnetic declination. In Colombo they were called upon to testify In a land suit which hinged on the determination of a line run by the compass. The line was surveyed some years ago, and recently the owner of one of the tracts divided by the line bad it resurveyed, as a re­ sult of which It appeared that the line shonld have run considerably to one side of the accepted boundary. The man who had caused the new survey claimed additional territory. “The owner contested that what had happened was that the declination of the compass had changed since the Will Go On A Cash Basis Comrtienclng original line was run; that the old line was correct at the time it was made - rl and had been acceptable to both par­ ties to the contract, and accordingly should stand. Their observations « fe i - showed that It had, and the court decided that the original line should stand. “In navigating the seas, if the course is determined by compass and the declination appearing on the chart should be as much as three degrees off, which It frequently is, this could make a difference of about 80 miles a day, and in three or four days a A Stock Reducing Sale Will Be Held Dur- vessel might steer 90 or 100 miles oif » the course. It is said that if a vessel were to steer from the north Atlantic ing the Month of February and Com­ for Falmouth by the charts of a cen­ tury ago her course would bring her, Ü without the Intervention of any other mencing the First of March We means of determining the situation, to the Orkney islands in north Scot­ land.” Will Run Our Own Dr. Louis A. Bauer, director of the department of terrestrial magnetism of the Carnegie Institution, joined the Carnegie on the Isthmus and will fin­ ish the voyage to Washington. The Carnegie is a non-magnetlc vessel, constructed and equipped with vir­ tually no iron, or steel or other mag­ netic substance aboard her. She is a sailing vessel, having a small aux­ iliary engine, capable of making four knots. The engine and the stove in the galley are of brass, the anchors are bronze. In the building of the hull locust spikes were used. There By Which You May Get Your Orders Any are 23 in the crew, including six scien­ tists. EXTRA DANCE - - - ARMORY FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 27TH given by - O JEC XO - F I V E NOVELTY ORCHESTRA Direct from Honolulu Admission—$1.10. Ladies Free Dancing—9 to 12 j* Victor Records Reduced 3K3HT. COOL DAYS IA RESTFUL SLEEP EVERY NIGHT. I —The ten and twelve inch Victor double face records are a reduced to pre war prices of AND $ 1 .2 5 —Buy your Victrola now and enjoy the famous Victor records at the old price. ROSE BROS. ¡:itii;ilUWIilWUattllU!lttkMiUi:iimi!!inqinBHiMi;illliUilUI!Hil!W«UllllRIUtUil;IIIIUIk;nnTUllIlblilllHH!lHln!Hii|«;iinillttimi!HlllilillHlinili;iinii:!i;r!!iiui;!';ttr Nitrate ol Soda Must be used this month on your orchards to get the full benefit. So Professors Cate and Reimer say. PLENTY ON HAND ----- Also------ Ashland Fruit Association God’s Kingdom Imminent “Millions M old Liuing W ill Mover Die” F ebraary 1 Delivery Time Of Day You Wish, Thereby Gain­ RAILWAY WORKERS HAVE PAY SLASHED Six thousand years of human history is in the past and despite the boasts of modern civilization that we are slowly evolving to a better state, mankind has just emerged from the most diabolical war of all time. The natural consequence is a lowering of moral and physical standards the world over. In stead of the prophesied “ spiritual uplift” and prosperity, the aftermath of the war is a world wide crime wave, famine, pestilence, social and political disorder and unrest. What is the remedy? What hope is there for a better day? Are the dark clouds of trouble surrounding the world the harbingers o f a colossal universal disaster, or will Divine inter­ vention save the race? hi this thrilling and comforting lecture, the speaker will produce evidence that the Kingdom of God is already in process, of establishment and that there are millions of people who will never go into the tomb. This Kingdom is not a far-off, mysterious something which has nothing to do with practical human affairs, hut is a literal government iu the earth which will solve every problem which con­ fronts the world and satisfv the desire of every living creature. YOU ARE INVITED TO HEAR A. H. MacMILLAN of New York City Lyric Theatre Wednesday, Jan. 25 at 7:30 P. M. ing The Snappiest Service, And Prices In Ashland Watch Our Sale Ads CHICAGO, Jan. 25.—Millions of dollars have been slashed from the pay of 300,000 railroad clerks, freight handlers and station em­ ployes by the United States railroad labor board. The board announces sweeping changes in war-time working agree­ ments. No overtime will be paid the above classes of employes until after nine hours work. Eight hours re­ mains as the working day, hut time No Collection -I Agricultural Sulphur NOTICE The Square Deal Grocery £ 53 Auspices International Bible Students Association. Organized by the late Pastor Russell. Judge Rutherford, New York City Bar, Pres. Seats Free - J