ABBLÁtf) B Ä fti íUnátíft MHS Plu« MTeiiHri LOCAL AND PERSONAL V isitin g F rien d » —* Clayton MacLean was down from Cove Ranch over Sunday visiting Paul and Fred Koehler. He reports six inches of snow in the hills and pretty good skating on the ponds. Health Bread, Pure Malted Milk Twin»— 10 cents 89tf C lub to M eet— The Ladles’ Elk club will meet Thursday afternoon in th eir club roomB. The hostesses will be Mrs. F. G. Swedenburg and Mrs. George N. K ram er. We are selling pure leaf lard for less than some folks charge for com­ pound. Bring your pail to D etrick’s Groceteria. “ We sell for less.” 118-tf E n tertain ed at Dinner— Ash- Gives P arty — 92tf Mrs. T. J. Cbffman entertained at a bridge and tea party at her borne on Pioneer street Monday afternoon. D inner G uest— G. W. Benedict and daughter ^%re The Invited guests were Mesdames dinner guests a t th e John Cochran R. L. Burdio, Jr., John Shortrldge, O. A. Paul9erlud, Carl Loveland, home on Lincoln street Sunday. Homor Barron, W.M. Briggs and the Have you tried our pure milk and Misses Isabelle Barron and A lberta cream? If not you are missing Ward, the latter being from New something. Cottage cheese, Tilla­ York City. mook, Wisconsin cream brick, Lim­ Dew Drop Inn— for lunches. burger, pimento and kraft. They say ours is the best because its always fresh. D etrick’s Groceteria. “ We C lass Party— The Loyal W orkers class of the sell for less.” 118-tf C hristian Bible school had a very enjoyable party a t the home of Living at K lam ath F a l l s - Mrs. Andy Payne, who formerly F rank Guisinger on the Boulevard lived in the city on the Boulevard, Friday night. Games and refresh­ is now m aking her home in Klam ath ments were features of the evening program. Alma Short and Eli Davis Falls. were awrded prizes in some of the stu n t games. About 30 young peo­ Nice Dry Wood! also Bios. Ash­ ple were present to enjoy them ­ land Lum ber Co., phone 20. 92tf selves. Mrs. J. V. W right 1 b the teacher of this lively bunch of young Birthday Dinner— folks. Mr. and Mrs. E verett Smith en­ Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. land Lumber Co., phone 20. Mrs. Fred Brookmiller, of Morton street, entertained a t dinner Sunday evening Mrs. Emma McKibben and tertained at dinner Sunday in honor H ealth B read. P a r e M alted Milk of the seventy-fourth ^jinthdfcy of Mrs. George Robison. Tw ins— 10 cen ts 8 0 tf Mrs. W. B. Smith. The following 9. McNair Bros, guarantee Mi-O- guests were present: Mr. and Mrs. V’lsiting in Eugene— Na stomach tablets to promptly re­ W. B. Smith, Mrs. J. R. Wick and Mr. and Mrs. Will Rice, of Lin­ lieve dinner distress and Indigestion Mark Quentin Smith. coln street, were Eugene visitors last o r money back. H ealth Bread. Pure M alted Milk week. The Rices were visiting Mr. E n terta in s Class T w in»— 10 cen ts 8 9 tf Rice’s mother, who has been quite ill for some time. Miss M argaret McCoy entertained I the teachers tra in in g class of the Leaves for South — In our line for *22, th e re ’s a suit Mrs. Frances W halley, who makes Presbyterian church a t her home on for you— at P aulserud’s. 120tl T errace stre et Saturday evening her home with Mrs. J. V. W ing on The class, together with several in­ Allison street, left last evening