K lt’M AüHLAfití DAILt minutie Ashland News in Paragraphs Local and Personal DOMESTIC -----------------------Side Lights — ■ ■ » Umbrellas covered. Siskiyou Chapter No. 21 R. A. M. Flxlt Shop. All-Star Basketball Game— The bilks’ basketball team of Ash­ M asonic Hal], A shland. land will play the American Legion team of Medford a t the Armory, N otice of M eeting. W ednesday evening a t 7:30. As a Special convocation, Tuesday ev­ prelim inary the local American Le­ ening, January 24. Mark M aster de­ gion team will play a picked town gree, six candidates. team. Price, 35 cents straig h t. 120-2 V. V. MILLS, H. P. W. H. DAY, Secy. We are selling pure leaf lard for Swee: cream for sale. Rose Bros. less than some folks charge for com­ 115-6 pound. Bring your pail to D etrick’s Groceteria. “ We sell for less.” 118-tf Som ething New— The Elks have organized a bas­ Our gold fish have arrived. Get ketball team and are ready for bus­ tham a t ELHART’S. *120-1 iness. They are off to a good start and will play their first game Wed­ Pool Hall Burglarized— nesday evening a t 7:30 a t the Ar­ The Bond and Atkins pool hall mory, their opponents being an on the Plaza was entered some time American Legion all-star team from last night and th e register rifled. Medford. There will be a prelim i­ Cash to the am ount of about $8 was nary game between the local Legion taken, but a few rolls of pennies team and a picke dteam of the high were left. No cigars or other m er­ school alum ni. The Elks’ team is chandise was taken. Night P a tro l­ composed of Millard Grubb, Hubert man W ertz discovered the glass Bentley, Ralph H arris, Clyde Young broken out of the rear door about 3 and Eddie Hughes, all of whom have o’clock this m orning and im m ediate­ had considerable experience iq the ly notified Mr. Bond, who lives In game. A fast game is expected. Ad­ Talent. No trace of the guilty party mission, 35 cents. 120-2 had been found a t tim e of going to press today. Closing Service— Rev. W. L. Evans, who resigned For the best in quality, hams, the pastorate of the local Baptist bacon, cottage hams and lard, see church several days ago, delivered Detricfc’s Groceteria. The quality his farewell address to a large con­ is absolutely the best and our prices gregation Sunday evening. Music are lower than the rest. A trial will was furnished by the Dr. Woods convince. We sell for less. 118-tf family orchestra, and Dr. Mattie B. Shaw delighted the audience by giv­ F o r rent, nicely located residence ing the reading, “ Absalom.” Rev. fronting on P ark street, roomy and Evans leaves today for Corpus well furnished, th ree bedrooms, Christi, Texas. modern conveniences. E. T. Staples. 119-2 Use m otor ether during cold wea­ Six room completely furaished house, including piano, on paved street, first class inside finish, mod­ ern appointm ents, central location. Reduced today from $2500 to $2100, really w orth $2500. F irst come, first served. E. T. Staples. 119-2 Off from Work— Paul Mars was unable to be at work this morning. Paul is having a hard tim e getting back to good health since the attack of Influenza some m onths ago. In our line for *22, th e re ’s a suit for you— at P aulserud’s. 120tl Visiting Relativi Mrs. J. B. H arrel Jr., of Duns­ m uir, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. H arrell Sr., a t th eir home on Iowa street. See P au lseru d ’s suits (l}or 1922. 120tf Most housewives pro­ Gold Fish Have Arrived A BOWL calumet POW DER h a s solved the question because in all these thirty years it has ■never failed to produce whole­ some and appetizing foods at an ■economical c o s t It is as pure and sure as any baking powder lever made. The club house continues to grow represents the very latest and as fast as money is raised to pay for » m o s t approved bathroom equipment and piping, faucets m aterial and work. Do not make A regular feature department edited by th a t work easily and don’t leak 1 the m istake of thinking th at your or drip, traps that don’t clog Mrs. Belle D eG raf contribution is not needed. Since up. white finished basins and cold w eather forced us to close the Domestic Science Director California Prune & Apricot Grovers Inc. tubs th a f ’you can keep clean salvage tent, one of our steady without effort. I t’s a pleasure sources of income is shut off for a 1 to have our equipment in your time. You will make use of the new ; hom e.. Custard Rice Pudding Add one-half the sugar and salt. . club house, and if you do your share f One-third cup rice, one cup milk, Beat eggs, add rem aining sugar and ,Q help,ng tQ build R you wm h a y e , j Cook until one cup w ater, one-half teaspoon add to hot m ixture. g reater pride in its success. Send ... ... 4 .thick, add stiffly beaten egg whites your check to Mrs. Mary W ilshire, salt, one tablespoon butter, twoi , “ and pile in a serving dish, 87 G ranite street, th a t the building eggs, one-half cup scalded milk, one , A pricot Cobbler may be finished before next sum ­ teaspoon vanilla or grated rind and One egg, well beaten, tw o-thirds mer. juice of lemon. cup sugar, one cup sifted flour, one Gifts of money so far are as fol- W ash rice well, put a cup of milk teaspoon baking powder, one-fourth j low s. Mias Lena Nelgon George and a cup of w ater in a saucepan cup milk, one-half teaspoon vanilla, j G~eorge K iiz, L e t u s show y o u th e sh o p e q u ip m e n t a n d to o ls w e do two - * tablespoons butter, o n e jE McGee, Mrs. C lara B o r a h ^ M ^ and bring to th e boiling point. Add — ’ ’ --------- melted ------------ rice very slowly and cook until soft, cup apricots, (cooked). Add s u g a r, Mary Wn shire, Dan Baron, each $5; y o u r w o rk w ith . W e h a v e one o f th e m o st co m p lete adding more liq u id if necessary, to beaten egg gradually, beating a n d b e s t e q u ip p e d sh o p s in A sh la n d Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. A. M. Purvis, Mrs. W hen cooked, add b u tte r and set well; add flour sifted with baking C. H. Pierce, Mrs. W. H. Hodkinson. aside to cool. Beat eggs, add the; powder, alternately with m ilk; beat W. A. Shell, each $10; Miss A n n a; additional half cup scalded milk, well, add flavoring and melted but- Kopp and F. E. W atson, each $50; su , g ar and flavoring; combine with . ter. P u t apricots in a buttered bak- Mrs. E. D. Briggs and Miss Grace rice; pour into a buttered baking ing dish, pour over b atter and b a k e ; cham berlain. each $100; and two dish and bake slowly until firm. In * a m oderate oven. Serve w ith , frlenda ' gave ¡f500 each. Erlc W erenJ Pour a little melted b u tte r over the juice from apricots or a pudding $ 1 . Charles Browp> Mrs. Char- top, sprinkle thickly with powdered sauce. \ .les Hansen gave $30 from the sale sugar and retu rn to oven to glaze. M olded R ice w ith F ru it ' of candy a t the w inter fair; Cham- F o r chocolate rice pudding, melt Two cups cooked rice, one cup j,Gr of Commerce, $25; and Mrs.! two squares of unsweetened choco­ scalded milk, two eggs, o n e-h alf■ Hammond, $34 from the entertain-! late and add to the m ixture, om it­ cup sugar, one teaspoon v a n ila .,ment at the p ariSh house January ting the flavoring. Bet eggs, add sugar and add to h o tij^ A L L O D D L O T S O F W O M E N ’S S H O E S Tapioca Cream milk. Cook over hot w ater until Percentages on sales: H. G. E nd­ G O IN G A T 98c A P A IR O n elth ird cup pearl tapioca, one creamy, stirrin g constantly; add ers, $100; J. C. Knapp, $10, and S izes 2 1-2 to 6 A A , A, B, a n d C cup cold w ater, two cups scalded cooked rice, mix well and tu rn into Robert Middleton, $1.60 W e h a v e so ld a lo t to d a te , b u t th e re a re milk, two eggs, saparated, one-half a buttered mold (ring mold pre-i Percentage on “ Square Deal” sub- cup sugar, one-fourth teaspoon salt, ferred ). Cool, then tu rn on to a 18Cript ions, $70. • som e g o o d b u y s le ft one teaspoon vanilla. serving plate. Fill^center with any j Percentage on Dr. Shaw’s read- Soak tapioca in cold w ater one cooked, drained fruit, and place a ¡ngs $45 hour. Add to scalded milk and cook border of fru it around bottom of Salvage te n t receipts from Octo­ in a double boiler until transparent. mold ber 6 to date, $208.08. Human calendar receipts thus far, Vacant Again— A ll-Star B ask etb all Game— 21 N. C e n tra l $80. The store room a t 89 N orth Main The E lks’ basketball team of Ash­ We have also had gifts of m ater­ ood hoes M EDFORD street is again vacant, the Japanese ial, Mr. Morgan gave us sand; P er­ land will play the American Legion A rt store having taken out the last HURRY! ozzi, 500 brick; Mr. Butler, stones; HURRY! HURRY! of th eir goods the la tte r p art of last team of Medford a t the Armory, and rocks for the foundation; Mr. W ednesday evening a t 7:30. As a week. Simpson, nails a t cost; Mr. Provost, SIM PSO N ’S Shop Equipment s automotive shop 100 Main St. Phone 44 You Can't Afford to Miss This Sale G prelim inary the local American L e -■ a heating coil for the fireplace, and E. T. Staples advertised a place glon team will play a picked town have promised an Arcola furnace at for sale Saturday and is closing up team. Price, 35 cents straight. 120-2 cost when we can have it installed, the sale today. E. D. W illis is the Mr. Beaver gave a $1000 Insurance purchaser of the residence on B policy for the year. Mr. Pellett street from Mr. Gammon. It pays AMERICAN LEGION gave the apples exhibited at the win- to advertise. It te r fair. The Ashland Tidings fcas (Continued from Page 1) given $100 worth of advertising. g ¡j j g g g The gifts to the salvage tent haveijg criticize too severely th eir prodig­ been generous and we thank e v ery ; g ious handling of th eir newspaper individual giver. The stores have J g wings. Two machines developed en­ contributed many new goods and in gine trouble and were forced to land 1 (hat way have made much of our one a t Bar-le-Duc and the other money for us. Mr. Ferguson sent ELMER W. KILLCRECE a few kilom eters farth er north. ; pile a fter pn e of underclothing, chil- 152 Homestead Street, Swissvale, In the m eantim e, a group o f!d re n ’s garm ents, caps and sweaters, drafted Ynen were forced to consume Mr. McGee gave coats and shirts, P ittsb u rg h , Pa. Bronze medal— Killcrece, aged 33, large spoons full of questionable Mr. Isaac gave many pairs of rub- ! = mince pie by certain energetic mem; bers and corsets. Mr. Simpson gave gas engine repairm an, attem pted to bers of th e canteen service. six sets of kitchen helpers. All these save Ivan Podrebarac from suffoca­ The b attle now raged In fury, things were sold before the sab age tion, Swissvale, Pa., June 5, 1917. while the am m unition train boys tent closed for the winter. Mrs. H endricks has promised us i Killcrece, carrying a rope, descend­ carrying nicely balanced peanuts on her grandm other’s brass andirons! ed the ladder to the bottom of the knifeblades to the front line. The for the club house fire place. pit, lifted Podrebarac and tied t h e ' toil"worn soldiers in the front line The following men have given rope around him. He was then ov­ consumed the m unitions and retu rn free labor on the building and oth­ ercome and fell on to pof Podre- ed the shells in tru e and efficient ers have promised their work later style. baras. Killcrece was removed from on: A. L. Lamb, S. Sicgram, A. J. In the cold, foggy dawn of a No­ the pit two m inutes later and was Fleener, A. H. Hayes, F. Ramsey, A. ~ n .. revived. (See case of Ivan Podre­ vember morning, four lone com -. nanioo 3 1 McCoy, Randall, George Ogg, Mr barac. panies of engineers crept forw ard : „ * TJ. V ’ TT , . . , , | McCune, Thomas Kenney, F. H over the ddsolate fields bordering' ’ _ « ,, T „ . the Meuse and with vast piles of i _ ’ . _ „ Hen Fasts Many Days. lum ber proceeded to c o n s tr u c t^ * " 01s“ ; '„ A Danville Centre, Kan.—Herman Ro*’e rts ' « ; S' B ut’ Thleler, farmer near here, tilled his bridges across the wide reaches ot ,BadB*r ’ barn mow with hay September 21, cov­ the river, represented by a cold gray ler, J. W. Jarvis, D. Gulley, Mr. ering over a barrel containing hog m ark on the floor. Scarcely had the W hittenbach. powders. The other day when he dug If you have any surplus energy, down to the barrel to get some of the first balks been laid when with a do get busy and work it off giving powders he found a hen sitting on swish and roar the enemy batteries some sort of entertainm ent th a t will some eggs In the barrel. She was near­ hid away on the frowning hills add to the civic building fund. ly gone from her long last and con­ north of th e river, opened fire on W hen the new building is com­ finement. A little food and water soon the bridges and the great shells pleted, it should be the Ashland brought her back to normal strength burst all about, scattering huge tim ­ and life. bers like toothpicks, plunging vast women’s club house, open to every woman in Ashland and used by ev­ gobs of the builders into the sullen Big Deer Runs Through Town. w ater below. Time a fte r time, the ery woman’s club in the city; and Scranton, Pa.—A full-grown antlered also enjoyed by individuals who deer bolted through some miles of determ ined engineers rushed back to wish to entertain there, and appre- was a sorry collec- Scranton streets the other day. leav­ their task, but it *v„x „ , xv d a t e d . , by everyone who wishes to , . _ . ing a trail of shattered windows and tion of bridges th a t welcomed the; see Ashland the best home town in scattered provisions. The animal caine signing of the armistice. southern Oregon. from no one knows where, whither he Mrs. Perry A shcraft then sang a GRACE H. CHAMBERLAIN. • nnarentlv returned. particularly pleasing number, and Mr. and Mrs. Billy Briggs favored Are You Going? with an enjoyable duet. There are very few jobs more im­ CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF A num ber of choice cakes were portant for a man, woman or a com­ disposed of at a sufficient retu rn to munity than th at of im parting ideas about pay the expenses of the ladies. L . “ tln s tO y o u Ilsi The rem ainder ot the evening was and old. Are you a Sunday school spent in dancing. from Eastern mills just in. Con- w orker? As such, are you doing the This event will be long rem em ­ aideiable drop In prices on same. best work possible? Fill up your GOOD CEDAR POSTS bered by the Legion boys, and they religious reservoir, learn new m eth­ hope such affairs will become the New prices on implements and re­ ods, get renewed inspiration by rule during the coming year. We feel pairs. . New aad used sewing spending all day Tuesday, January machines for sale or to re n t......... — xv c J v i sure th a t the LegiQ» and the Auxil- 24. a t th e Sunday school in stitu te at lary soon take a lead in social Peil's Corner the Presbyterian church. There will atfairs, and also In civic affairs. in be three speakers of state wide Ashland. prominence. Carnegie Heroes S ” DBBnWWnfllDMaHHHHM» Nitrate of Soda M ust be used th is m onth on your orchards to g et th e fu ll benefit. So P rofessors Cate and Reim er say. P L E N T Y ON H A N D ------ A lso------- Agricultural Sulphur Ashland Fruit Association wiraiiiimiwmi!!KirairwiniM ATTENTION EX-SERVICE MEN The undersigned is in a position to furnish the lot and build a house of any type desired, financing the en­ tire proposition. - Anyone interest­ ed confer with A. L. LAMB w ith I TW O GOLD F IS H and a 50c B o x o f T ab lets W H IL E T H E Y L A S T Fencing a ll for TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY is more economical other brands selling far because its quality is the lone* from spoiled h e kinpe FOR SALE— Are you looking for a bargain? Here it is. 40 acres one mile town, all level, all good soil, $75 per acre, terms. O. A. { Manning, Talent, Ore. 120tf a lu m e t once*—t h a t ’s to prove to you thaC it’s by t e s t ” LOST— A kid glove at the depot Sunday afternoon. Finder retu rn to Tidings or phone 498-R. 120-1* j FOR SALE— Room bundles of new ! wall paper, extra fine, reasonable.1 102 Oak St. 120tf! — HARDW ARE j claim that the haking I powder q u e s tio n was s o lv e d fo r th e m the moment they used the first spoonful of C alum et A fter »that no doubt remained—no hop­ i n g —no searching for a perfect Heavener— no wondering if bak­ ings would “turn out all right.” B A K IN G PLUMBING S C IE N C E WANTED— Dressmaking. Apply 135 F ifth St. 120-6 Ashland Realty Co. Houses to Rent Property for Sale 25 East Main St. Ashland, Oregon Phone 181 W e a r e c l o s i n g o u t o u r R o c k S p r i n g s C o a l a t $ 1 6 .5 0 p e r t o n , d e liv e r e d . N o w is t h e t im e to b u y , w h ile y o u c a n s a v e m o n e y . Ashland Lumber Co. Phone 20 ■r x ifflnBUMuiiiiiniininiiiiiii ther. It makes the car crank eas­ ier. Get it a t ELHART’S. 119-2 Taken to H o s p ita l- F ran k Homes, son of Charles We mane our own candies, Ice Homes, who resides east of town, cream and tamales. Enders Con­ was taken to a local hospital Friday fectionery. 62tf and operated on for appendicitis. Latest reports from the hospital are to the effect th a t he is doing nicely. A ll-Star Basket ball G am e— The E lks’ basketball team of Ash­ The Ashland R ealty company has land will play the American Legion team of Medford a t the Armory, several people who w ant to rent W ednesday evening a t 7:30. As a ranches; also a num ber who desire prelim inary the local American Le­ small homes in the city on easy pay- 120-2 gion team will play a picked town ments. team. Price, 35 cents straight. 120-2 Our gold fish nave arrived. You’ll W atch Rose 'Bros, windows for have to hurry. ELHART’S. 120-1 home-made candies of quality. 115-6 Makes Trip to Portland— Motor ether puts the KICK Into Dr. G. O. Jarvis made a hurried the gasoline. At ELHART’S. 119-2 trip to P ortland on business a few days ago. He is in town again to ­ day. BIKINO POWDER QUESTION SOLVED OCR BATHROOM