< % À ft&GUI fBfUBS AMttJLftP BAttt where I gave him some d ata I had Cliff Payne makes filing cabinets. R eturn H om e— and he then took the train back to Mr. and Mrs. L, F. Ferguson, who 118-tf Portland, as he is a very busy man. were called to Klam ath Falls a few He met none of our city officials, E stablished 1876 One cent the w-icd each time. and has not to this day seen any of P ublished Every E vening Except Visit Y r e k a - days ago on account of the death of the council. Furtherm ore, they did Sunday Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Campbell, of Mr. Ferguson’s brother, Charles J. PHYSICIAN 8. MALE HELP not know he was in the city. T H E A B M « V n PRINTING CO. Sixth street, left today for Y reka, Ferguson, have returned home. I have gone into detail about this MEN WANTED— At W aite’s Barber DR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice O FFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY trip of Mr. Henny’s because I have Calif.’, where they will spend a few shop opposite depot. H air cuts, lim ited to eye, ear, nose and PA PER Dew Drop Inn— for lunches. long wanted to make clear the facts. days w ith Hill P a rk e r of th a t city. 35 cents; shaves, 15 cents. F irst Report on th e Proposed A ddition to throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and TELEPHO NE 39 In answ er to the apparent opinion class work guaranteed. 92-1 mo* 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ . th e A shland City W ater Supply, of some people, th a t Mr. Henny came land, Ore. 78-tf Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon H ealth Bread. Pure M alted Milk Produce P rices U by C onstructing a R eservoir, or here and purposely neglected to FO B SALK. Postotele« as .Second-class Mall Mat­ Tw ins— 10 cen ts We note by th e Medford paper SOtf DR. J. J. EMMENS— Physician and R eser voi rs, in A shland Creek W a­ meet and talk over m atters with in­ ter. » th at b u tter and eggs are on the up­ terested citizens, etc. I appropriat­ FOR SALE— Good fresh cow suit­ Surgeon. Practice limited to ter Shed; by F . H. W alker, City ed all of Mr. Henny’s tim e while he grade again, eggs having gained five W alkers R eport on W ater— eye, ear, nose ana throat. Glasse* able for family. Milks 3*6 gallons E ngineer. was in Ashland; there was no u lter­ supplied. Oculist and aurlst for i P layground - In another column today in p rin t­ cents during the last two days of the per day. Phone 257-J or call at ior motive in this, and if anyone S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. 1177 Iowa St. 119-2* week. Fresh eggs could still be ed the full report of Engineer W al­ IE RICA As requested by the city council, criticizes because he did not meet Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567 ker on the w ater situation. It will bought in Ashland Saturday evening in response to a petition signed by the gentlem an, he will have to lay FOR SALE— Man’s bicycle, good be interesting to citizens to read it at the prices th a t prevailed during num erous citizens, asking for a re­ it on me, not our city dads. condition, $5.00. Address P. O. DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Special at­ tention to m others and children. I have a report from Mr. Henny In port as outlined above, I herewith Box 61. 119-2* the week. carefully. It is the official pro­ Internal seoTetlone and endocrine which he states th a t “an entirely subm it my deductions relative to the nouncement of the council on the glands. Res. and office, Ì08 Pio­ safe dam can be built a t the site se- FOR SALE— H atching eggs, from ,same up to the present time. Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash- Tancred strain W hite Leghorns ' neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ m atter. Since 1912 I have been studying letced.” He recom m ends the dig­ 92tf the question of reservoirs in our wa­ ging of more and deeper test pits; selected stock, $1.25 per 15, $6.50 fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m ; 2 to I land Lumber Co., phone 20. per 100. Also a limited num ber; p. m. also num erous other things to be te r shed. There are many places » Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash- of baby chicks. Mrs. Headlev, 494 where small am ounts of w ater can done before any definite action is Moved to Payne B uilding— 92tf Holly St. Phone 285-R. 118eod*,DR. SHAW— Eye, ear, nose, throat land Lum ber Co., phone 20. be stored, too small to justify the taken. Mr. Heuny’s report Is on file Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bush and construction of a dam. There are and I will be pleased to furnish It to specialist; glasses fitted Office FOR SALE— F ranklin sewing m a­ at residence. Pioneer Ave., m orn­ daughter Mildred have moved into anyone for reading, who may desire but two or th ree places where it R eturns to Central P o i n t - chine. Phone H. L. Moore, 187-J. ing and by appointment. Phone 28. Miss Marian Hamrick left yester­ the apartm ent in the Payne building would be practical to store more to do so. 117-6 I shall now as briefly as I can, than 25,000,000 gallons of water. TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. day for her ranch home, “ Oak Rest” recently occupied by K enneth Sulli­ This am ount of w ater would irri- touch upon the “ benefits to be de­ FOR SALE— Good sound Newtown was for- . LOCAL AND PERSONAL at Central Point, after spending ten van and mother. Mr. Bush . t . „ , 'gate, if properly applied, not more rived therefrom ,” as is requested in and Winesap apples, not culls, 50c FOR prompt and careful service, merly assistant m anager of the r ort_ ^han 50 acres of land; the cost of the petition. auto trucks or horse drays, call days with the Morehouse family, and box. Half mile west cannery. 0. T o V isit D aughter— land branch of the Ford Motor com­ said storage being at the rate of W hat benefit could be derived W hittle Transfer Co. Phone 11?. A. Manning, Talent, Or. 114tf other friends here. from the storage of 100,000,000 gal­ Mrs. L. M. Case, m other of Mrs. Office, 89 Oak street sea r Hotel Mr. Bush and family are so from $1000 to $1500 per acre. pany. lons of w ater in the proposed reser­ Ashland. 56tf There are no locations for reser­ Fred W agner, left Sunday for Los . , our ... pure milk and pleased with Ashland FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. Have you tried 1 . . th . a t . they . will voirs on Ashland creek, where we voir? Angeles where she will visit her endeavor to make th eir home here can store 25,000,000 gallons of wa- If this w ater were to be used for FO R SA LE— 10 a cres a ll farm la n a , F. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS If* not you are missing daughter for a few weeks. She ac­ cream? FER — Good team and m otor­ if Mr. B ush can get p ro p erly located. te r for less than from $50,000 to domestic _______ purposes only, and say at 1 *4 mile town, $1000, $500 down. Cottage cheese, T illa­ trucks. Good service at a reason­ companied Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard something. $75.000; which, in my judgm ent, isj the rate of 120 gallons per capita O. A. Manning, Talent, Or. 114tfi able price. Phone 83. Leeds, who are called here on ac­ mook, Wisconsin cream brick, Lim- Buy a Victrola and enjoy music too high a cost for the benefit to be per day, th e actual cost would ount to about $1.80 per month TRY R. D. SANFORD, 399 Beach* count of the death of Mrs. W. H. burger, pimento and kraft. They say during the new year 1922. PLUMBING Rose derived at this time, either for dom­ am for a family of five people. As a St., for all classes of Real Estate, estic or Irrigation purposes. If ours is the best because Its always Leeds, and were returning home. 115-6 used with great care, say at the rate m atter of fact, our domestic use, Bros. , forenoons. 103-lmo* PHONE your next job of plumbing ! fresh. D etrick’s Groceteria. “ We including lawns and gardens, prob­ of 120 gallons per capital, instead to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building. 1 sell for less.” 118-tf of 300 or 400 as a t present. It would ably is three times as much as fig­ ATTENTION — Have acreage on Creamery butter, elegant quality, In M edford S a t u r d a y - Phone 138. ured above, which would mean a which we could take town prop­ ■ ...... ...... ......J L J J -IM J i m ade here In Oregou. Two pound George Dunn of G ranite street cost a family of five persons about cost of $5.40 per m onth. The 100,- erty, part payment. Also some R eturns to School— $6 a month to pay for m aintenance WAN! ED. cubes, 70c. Why pay more? Det- 000,000 gallons would supply a city large acreage tracts, Eugene, Jack Brady left yesterday m orn­ spent part of the day* in Medford and interest on the investment. rlc k ’s Groceteria. “ We sell for less.” K lam ath county, Roseburg, Cali­ WANTED— Fancy laundry work. The ONE best reservoir site on the of 5000 with w ater at the rate of ing for Corvallis, to resume his Saturday. 176 Mechanic. 117-5* fornia, for Ashland real estate.— 118-tf east fork of the creek would allow 360 gallons per day per capita, for studies at the O. A. C„ after spend­ Yockey, R ealtors, phone 146. nearly two months, or twice tiiat the storage of 25,000,000 gallons, at FO B RENT. ing the week-end with his parents T elephones Out o f C om m ission— a cost of from $75,000 to $100,000. num ber of people for one month. R eturns To Stanford— The underground telephone cable On the west fork of the creek there Viewed from the point of domestic CAR WASHING on Allison street. Barclay Leeds left Sunday for Stan­ at the corner of E ast Main and F irst are two sites below Long’s Cabin. service only, w ater from a reservoir FIR ST CLASS CAR WASHING and FOR RENT— 3 comfortable rooms, furnished, for light housekeeping. ford University where he is atten d ­ One is about one mile down the of th a t size and at th a t cost, could polishing, $2.50. Llthia Garage.! H ealth B read. P u r e M alted Milk streets was out of commission Sat­ Close in. Phone 353-L. 119-4 be considered as fairly reasonable Phone 114. 1 1 3 tf1 ing school. 89tf urday, w ater having got into the ca­ creek, where an ideal dam site ex­ and justifiable, if it were the only Twin»— 10 cents FOR RENT— Two dandy front rooms ■ ■ ■ 'X. ble container and froze, thereby ists. but poor storage above in the source, as appears to be our case. narrow canyon. facing the Plaza. Suitable for of­ Pure Malted Milk ; Em broidery Club M eets— bursting the container and shorting INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. If this w ater were to be used .for It would take a 60 feet height of fice rooms or apartm ent. Inquire •Otf . The Friday afternoon smbroidery all the wires. Practically all of the dam to store 14,000,000 gallons at irrigation, either on present acreage (E ffe c tiv e January 1, 1922) of Emil Pell. ___________116-5 D ally (E xcep t Sunday) 'clu b met last week with Mrs. O. W. business section between Ploneet this place. A nother site is about a or additional acreage. It should, If LV. ASHLAND FOR RENT— 2 and 3 room fu rn ­ properly applied, take care of 200 LV. MEDFORD T o E n ter Law F in n — Long on East Main street. The time and Second street was w ithout tele­ q u arter of a mile below Long’s Cabin r ___ 7:00 a. m. 7:00 a. m. ished apartm ents, adults only, where a 60 foot dam would store i acres of land during the irrigation A lbert LeedB who was called here was spent in the usual m anner with phone service for a tim e Saturday, 8:00 a. m. close in. Inquire 166 Hargadine about 25,000,000 gallons of w ater, season. At a reservoir cost of $100,- 8:00 a. m. on account of his m others death will all the various kinds of needle work, but workmen made aerial connection backing It up to the present camp 000, this would mean a flat cost of 9:00 a. in. 9.00 a. in. — jihone 122. -109tf rem ain here for a few weeks. He after which dainty refreshm ents during the day, thereby restoring grounds at the Cabin. 10:00 a. m. A careful $500 per aore for the w ater, and a 10:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. will retu rn to San Francisco the first were served. Those present beside service. The telephone company has search for the past ten years has m aintenance cost of $40 per acre per 11:00 a. m. few rooms with steam* heat, hot 12:00 noon 12:06 noo a year to cover in terest and operation, convinced me th at the reservoir of next month where he will enter the hostess were: Mesdames Guv sent to Eugene for a cable splicer, sites and coW running w ater and uaw 1:00 in. 1:00 in. P- P. mentioned are the best to be until the dam was paid for. This a law firm there, having just finish­ Jacobs, Frank Foltz, J. C. Poor, and it is expected th at he will a r­ of batb. One person, $6.00 per 2:00 m. 2:00 in. P- P- found on the w ater shed with one rate Is four times as much as the week; two persona, $8.00 per ed the law course at Stanford when Mark Smith, Frank Nelson.Earl rive here and put the cable In com­ 3:00 m. 3:00 in. P- P. Medford or Talent acreages are pay­ exception. weeM Hotel Ashland. 88tt 4:00 P- m. called home. On the west fork, away up toward ing for their water, and Is evidently 4:00 P- m. Hosier, 11. D. Love, Roy Hale, Frank mission again within the next few 5:00 m. 5:00 ns. p- P- Guisinger, O. H. Hedberg, H. C. Em days. In the m eantim e the aerial Its head, lying between Mount Ash­ prohibitive. 6:00 P- Bi. C. B. L A M K I N In his report on our w ater supply, 6:00 P- m. land and Mount W agner at an eleva­ Have you tried our new special ery, N. Z. Stew art, C. A. Cotter, and connection will furnish service. 7:00 P- m. Mr. Henny makes the following 7:00 P- m. tion of possibly 6000 feet is what I Rosebud ice cream — it’s delicious. M. Dyrand. 8:30 P. m. have always designated as the “old statem ents which I think apply in 8:30 p. in. Sat. oaly BARGAINS IN REAL 9:30 P. us Rose Bros. 115-6 H. R. Adams, plumbing, contract­ lake bed.” In 1912, Judge W atson, our discussion of “ benefits to be de­ 9:30 p. m. ESTATE B Q 10:30 in. Sat. ouly 10:20 p- P. Genuine Chicken Hot Tamales. ing and day work. 248 Fifth St., Mr. Gowdy, Mr. B utterfield and my­ rived.” Sunday Schedule He says In one place: “ No m ea­ looked over the entire w ater­ Ladies’ Art Club Meeting— The Fountain. R. R P o rter, Prop. phone 166-J. 109tf self, City and Ranch Proper!lea Leave Medford for Ashland and sures of relief are likely to be per­ shed, and concluded th a t this old The Ladies’ A rt club meets tonight 96tf H ouses to Rent. Ashland for Medfora every hour on lake bed was the most logical and manently effective unless, first, ex­ in Pioneer hall at 7:30. The hos­ the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Buys Property— cessive waste be checked.” In an­ feasible location for a reservoir. I CITDfiKN’S BANK BUILDING tesses will be Mesdames F. J. Ahl­ Hard T im es P arty— Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lamb have reported on It to the city council at other place he states: “ The con­ then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. Ashland waiting room— Bust Side struction of a reservoir on W est fork ström and C. Bangham. The employes of the Standard Oil purchased the tra c t of ground on th a t time. should be deferred until the neces­ Pharmacy. This reservoir site is in the south­ the corner of Iowa and Morton ---------- j company of Ashland and Medford JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD east q u arter of the southeast q u ar­ sity for it is more filly dem onstrat­ B u n galow for Sale— i branches held a hard times party streets from Cassius W aite. Dally (Except Sunday) W . A. S H E L L TYie te r of section 18, township 40 south, ed than at present, and until there LV. MEDFORD Very handsome, nearly new, mod- j Thursday night at the American deal was closed Saturday. Mr. Lamb LV. J ’S ’NV’LB is reasonable certainty th a t the a d ­ range 1 east. 7 :40 a. b a r b e r e rn bungalow, five rooms, g a ra g e,, Leglon h an in Medord. About forty has contracted to build a cement A dam 60 feet high and from 700 ditional supply It would furnish will 7:20 a. m. 8:45 a. not go principally to augm enting chicken house, cemejit sidewalk, • couple were present in the raggedest bungalow on one of the lots just to 800 feet long on top, across the 9:60 a. 8:15 a. m. C hildren’s Work A close to paved street, centrally lo - 'ciothe3 they could find and those at- purchased for A rth u r Erickson, who valley, would back the w ater up present w aste." Again he says: “ If 9:20 a. m. t 11:15 a. the W est fork storage Is built, it 700 feet, over a com paratively Specialty 11:15 a. cated. Offered till February 1. F irst tending aay it was the best party is with the Standard Oil company about 10:45 a. m. level basin th a t exists a t this p ar­ would be largely or exclusively for 12:30 p. 12:00 noon come, first served, $3500, terms. *ever Mrs j w Judy won first and is going to tak e advantage of ticu lar point only. The w ater would irrigation purposes,” Safety blades resharpened 1:60 p. 1:24 p. m. A reservoir for w ater supply pur­ Staples Realty Agency. 114-eod3 pr jze aa the most disreputable ap­ the state loan to ex-service men. cover about eigl>‘ acres, and the like new. Single bit, 30c 3:20 p. storage would be about 100,000,000 poses would be of comparatively lit­ 2:45 p. m. pearing lady while W. R. Speck, the 4:30 p. doz. Dobule bit, 60c doe. 3:45 p. ra. tle benefit to our electric plant, be­ N ew Sem ester— 5:30 p. 5:00 p. m. new special agent at Medford was Use m otor eth er in your gasoline gallons. cause the w ater would be used at a The cost of the dam is a ra th e r l u j . jix a r ^ 5:55 p. The new sem ester of Ashland beyond a doubt the raggedest vaga in cold w eather. It helps. At EL- difficult thing to arrive at at this tim e when we least require it for 9:30 p. 7:00 p. m. schools began today without any j bond present. Andy Anderson and HART’S. 119-2 time, as th ere are so many features power purposes. 7:20 p. Sat. only 8:00 p. m. Summing it up I will say th a t the not yet positively known or devel­ unusual happenings and every thing Albert Moore prepared a suppet 10:30 p. Sat. only 9:60 p. m. benefits to th e city at large would oped. Is going along in fine shape. which was served at low twelve after Y oung Couple M arried— Sunday Only justify the construction of a reser­ At the time we voted for bonds C. F. Carlson of Salem and Miss LV. MEDFORD th e dancing had been discontinued. for w ater development, I was asked voir for domestic use only, when the LV. J’S’NV’LB 8:50 a. m. —Many accidents suddenly turn m. 8:00 a. Audrie Morris of th e Neil Creek vi­ w hat such a dam would cost and, shortage fop such use is more real ■ O ur price, $55.00, Columbia and 9:50 a. m. the fire that propels automobiles 9:80 a no. 00 w orth of records— 18 selec­ Genuine Mexican chicken tam ales, cinity were m arried at Jacksonville under protest, and as yet without th an it is a t present. 11:16 a. m. and trucks Into a raging force m. 10:45 a. For the city to construct a reser­ tions w ith thia machine. Easy terms. 20 cents. Enders Confectionery.62tf Wednesday afternoon by the county the necessary data to arrive at a voir at this tim e for w hat appears 12:15 p. m. 12:46 p. in. th at destroys them. The building judge. Mrs. Carlson is the daughter logical approxim ate cost, I gave the to be largely irrigation necessities 1:80 p. m. 1:50 p. m. In which your automobile is kept Rose Bros. . 115-6 figure as $100,000. Since then all 3:20 p. ns. is always liable to burn, and your of Charles Morris, a prosperous costs have gone up. and I have been of the individual owners, is asking 2:50 p. in. V ining to L ecture— 4:30 p. m. Ì car with it. Can you ataud the m. 3:45 p. Basket Ball at Central Point— Prof. Irving E. Vining has been rancher in the Neil Creek neighbor­ told by experts th a t my figures far too much of the city a t large, 5:30 p. m 5:00 p. in. loss of $2000, $1500, $1000, or and far too little of th e irrigator. The basket ball team of Junior engaged by the Presbyterian church hood. Mr. Carlson’s home is in Sa­ would probably prove too low by 9:30 p. m 7:00 p. m. even $500, withotf: feeling the The tax payers or domestic w ater $25,000. Should conditions become high school journey to Central Point of Medford to deliver a lecture in the lem and he has been employed by M EDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE loss? users at large would have to pay more as they were five years ago, I Saturday evening and gave the C e n - I)ear future, probably Friday even- the state In the highway departm ent, believe my “ snap” estim ate of at least four-fifths of the cost of D aily (E xcept Sunday) —The only safe way is to protect LV. ROSEBURG your car from loss by fire with a tra l Point team a cleaning in the ¡ng February 3, and ha9 agreed to being an expert alo n g -th at line. It $100,000 m ight suffice, however, at such an improvement, as there are LV. M EDFORD 1:00 p. m. good Insurance policy. You can shape of a 36 to 12 score, A god talk on “ Types and tendencies of is understood th a t Mr. Carlson will present I am inclined to now place over 1000 domestic users who do 11:00 a. m. Travel by stage; shortest route by also buy protection from loss by not use acreage Irrigation, and less crowd was in attendance. character.” The quartet of the move to Roseburg at once and will the cost figure at $125,000. 20 miles; one of Oregon’s most theft, collision, and your liability As to what has been done so far than 250 who do. church will give several num bers be with the Ford Motor company toward arriving at the feasibility or In 1920 the domestic w ater users scenic trips; we save you time and for damage to another’s property F o r business opportunities In during the evening. or for injury to other persons. there. such a stru ctu re In this particalar paid nearly eight tim es as much for | money, F a r e — M edford-R oseburg. * 4 .0 0 ; —If your car Is worth having, it Southern Oregon, consult th e Four- location, I will say th a t I have taken w ater used, as the irrigated acreage G rants-Paaa-Roseburg, $3.00. is worth Insuring. Do It today. paid, although the am ount used in Site Sales Agency, Beaver Block, H ealth Bread. P ure M alted Milk the precaution first, to have a num ­ MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS WOMEN’S R E L IE F CORPS I t’s better to play safe than he each case was about the same. ber of test pits dug across the val­ phone 4. 108tf Tw ins— 10 cen ts SOtf D aily and Sunday forever sorry. These Tacts clearly prove that, ELECT NEW OFFICERS ley a t the dam site. On account of LV. G’T’S PASS the Inaccessibility of the location I were a reservoir b u ilt at this time, LV. MEDFORD 10:00 a. m. 11:00 a. m. was compelled to satisfy myself with it would furnish w ater largely for 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. The regular meeting of the Worn such pits as could be put down with irrigation of acreage, at a cost of 4:45 p. m. p. m. en’s Relief Corps m et Saturday af shovel and bar to a depth of from $500 per acre, and the domestic us­ 4:30 G rants Pass waiting room— Tht REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE ers would be paying $400 of this ternoon at I. O. O. F. hall. The new five to eight or nine feet. Bonbonniere, phone 160. E stablished 1SS3 ccst, the owners of the acreage $100 A fter these pits were dug, I suc­ Office and waiting room— No. 5 Phone 211 officers for the ensuing year were 41 B. Main St. No city can afford to develop and ceeded In getting our state geologist, nstalled last meeting, and were as Mr. H. M. Parks, and his assistant, m aintain a pure domestic supply.of 8. Front St.. Nash HoiSl building. Ü-Sü “ ! follows: President, Mrs. Nellie Pow­ Mr. Ira W illiams, to come to Ash­ w ater, and furnish any more than excess supply the ers; senior vice, Mrs. Anna Moss; land and make the climb to the dam the from time to tim e for Irrigation of juinor vice, Mrs. Dora Payne; chap­ site. They went over the ground acreage. Acreage cannot begin to surrounding tertftory thorough­ lain, Mrs. Melinda Jam es; secretary, and to pay the actual cost of wa- ly, examined the test pits, and some afford Mrs. Ruth Guisinger; treasu rer. Mrs. time later Mr. P arks made me a full t r thus furnished, and must ever Bonnie Moss; conductor, Mrs. Bessie report of his findings, which were be content to take what excess w ater there is, at a charge much less than Smith; assistant conductor, Mrs. Ida to the effect th a t the geologic con­ the actual cost, or else It must en­ “ I know o f no greater independence than this Jennings; guard, Mrs. Lulu Howard; ditions at this point were to be con­ deavor to find and develop cheaper sidered favorable fo r. a reservoir w ater specifically for its own use. assistant guard, Mrs. Elizabeth Rob­ site I later took Mr. F. C. Dillard, thing of having a little lump sum of money (Signed) F. H. c ity WALKER. ertson; patriotic instructor, Mrs. engineer for the Talent Irrigation (Signea) Englnfler. Alice Jilson; press correspondent, district, over th e ground. Mr. Dil­ put away, be it ever so small—a sum that is Mrs. Jennie Brady; first color bear­ lard pronounced the local condition BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES er, Mrs. Anna Robinson; second col­ as I favorable. then procured the approval or kept in reserve and only in extreme circum­ or bearer, Mrs. Alice T urner; third ♦be city council to engage the serv­ color bearer, Mrs. Jennie Mathes; ices of some em inent hydraulic en­ four site sales stances drawn upon.” | fourth color bearer, Mrs. Mary W il­ gineer, to come and make an exami­ AGENCY nation from his point of view as to An account in our savings department is a son; musician, Mrs. Freda Peters. (G rants Pass, Medford, Ash­ the feasibility of a reservoir at th at A fter the regular business session location, the style of a dam, etc. land, K lam ath Falls.) first move toward attaining this “ greater in­ Beaver Block, Ashland a magnificent dinner set of dishes No p articu lar engineer was speci­ — Brokers in— were presented by the corps to th eir fied. and the city council did not dependence.” know whom I had in mind to en- Business Opportunities, retiring president, Mrs. Lulu How­ Business Leases, ard, as a token of th eir esteepi for I finally induced Mr. D. C. Hen- B u sin ess P artnership. her efficien t services duirng the nv of Portland to come to Ashland. ▲11 transactions strictly past year. Mrs. Dora Payne made I met him at the hotel in the even­ confidential. the presentation speech in behalf of ing, and early the next morning we No charge for listings journeyed up Mount Ashland to the the order, and was most ably re­ reservoir site. We spent all day RESULTS PRODUCED sponded to by the recipient, the gift there, reaching my office shortly BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES fore train time In the afternoon, being a complete surprise. Ashland Reservoir Sites Discussed By City Engineer Tidings B U S IN E S S A N D P R O F E S S IO N A L tt Burned to Junk Billings Agency True Independence - The Citizens Bank 8 Ashland, Oregon