PACtf fWO DAitl TtDtSOi 3S33B W V J--.. g I : <• 'i W ■ ■ ' c— ..G r W < / - kSKLar-«*«'»' ■ O ** unusul Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday AT THE BIG CLOSING SALE You can t afford to pass up these items for in many Cases the items are priced at less than one half the regular price. MEN’S SHIRTS Men’s collar band and soft collar Shirts in Percales and Madras, all light colors. Good assortment of patterns suit­ able for dress or every day wear. Your choice of our entire line. CLOSE OUT SALE PRICE............. REMEMBER An assortment of 50 Bungalow Aprons and Dresses, well- made and good looking. Percale, Madras and Gingham. Our entire line— CLOSE-OUT SALE P R IC E ........................................ There is a Closing Out Sale Price on every article in the house. This is a genuine Clos­ ing Out Sale and it’s only going to last a very short while longer and you better buy now and not regret later. LADIE’S PETTICOATS This is your one and only chance BUNGALO APRONS Thirty-five Ladies’ Petticoats in Plain Black, also Fancy Patterns, in Heatherbloom, Sateen and similar cloths. Values up to $3.50— CLOSE OUT SALE PRICE ...................................... 9oC FLEECED UNION SUITS Ladies Fleece Lined Union Suits, fine spring needle quality. Either high or low neck styles— no CLOSE OUT SALE PRICE ....... ............................... 9oC MUSLIN UNDERWEAR One assortment of Ladies’ Muslin Underwear, consisting of Gowns, Petticoats and Envelope Chemises, all made of good quality muslin and long cloth— CLOSE OUT SALE PRICE ...................................... J/OC TOWLING Six and a half yards good quality Bleached Toweling, heavy weight and good finish. A splendid cloth for general use. Regular 25 cent quality— A A CLOSE-OUT SALE PRICE—6 1-2 yards f o r ............. 9oC OUTING FLANNEL Three hundred yards of wool finish French Twilled 27 inch Outing Flannel. Best quality on the market, 25c value a q CLOSE-OUT PRICE—6 yards f o r ............................. i/OC CURTAIN SCRIM Three hundred yards of Curtain Scrim, white, ivory, ecru, 36 inch width in fancy open worked and colored border designs. Regular 35c quality— AO CLOSE OUT SALE PRICE—6 yards for.................. 9oC KAISER’S GLOVES Ladies’ Outing Gowns, in plain white and colors. Our regu­ lar “ Peerless” quality. Every garment cut full and roomy. Your choice— _ CLOSE-OUT SALE PRICE ...................................... Kayser’s best quality All-Silk Gloves in 16 button length. Colors, Black and White, all sizes. Regular $2 value— nn CLOSE OUT SALE PRICE ...................................... l/OC CHILDREN’S HOSE Ladies’ Gauze Lisle Union Suits, bodice top, cuff knee. Flesh and white colors— oo CLOSE-OUT SALE PRICE ...................................... 9oC OUR SPECIAL OFFER Of 5 yards of best quality, soft finish, bleach­ ed muslin for 59c with every two dollar purchase STILL CONTINUES C L O S IN G Boys’ and Girls’ Cadet quality Stockings, in light and heavy weight numbers. Fast black, double knee, insuring extra wear. Our regular 50c seller— AO CLOSE-OUT SALE PRICE—3 pairs f o r ............... jOC ALL LINEN TOWLING Heavy Brown All Linen Toweling or Scarfing, 18 inch width and very closely woven soft finish. A 35c quality— CLOSE-OUT SALE PRICE—4 1-2 yards for........... TURKISH TOWELS Ten dozen good quality, double thread, heavy weight, fair sized Turkish Bath Towels, sold regularly for 35c each nn CLOSE OUT SALE PRICE—4 for ......................... JjOC OUT