and a SHLAND d im ito, without the aid 1 * * of medicine, cuTeo nine eases oat of ten of asthma. Thia la a I proven fact VOTATIVI E 3 D aily T idings alaria germ« eaantrt iurvive M three months In the rtch otone | at Ashland. ter helps. The pure domestic wa­ (International News Wire Service) No. 120 ASHLAND, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1922 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Voi. 43) FARMERS HAVE SUPPORT OF PRESIDENT »F* LITTLE HOPE FOR BETTERMENT IN Montana Cut-Otf To Be Finished Japan To Keep Troops In Siberia WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 23.— Japan officially served notice on the powers at the W’ashington confer­ ence th a t she would not withdraw her troops from Siberia at the pres­ ent time. The Japanese position was out­ lined in full in a statem ent made to the F a r East committee, detailing the conditions th a t exist in Siberia. Japan assured the conference th a t she wanted to get out of Siberia, but the conditions were such that Jap an ­ ese life and property would be en­ dangered should they do so at this time. A promise was made, how­ ever, to withdraw the troops at the "earliest possible m om ent.” . . . . . z t z . x - LEWISTON, Mont., Jan. 21.— Hope th a t the Great N orthern rail­ road will build its long proposed ex­ tension through the heart of Mon- aiTYir I ta n a ’s last prairie country lying in AM ERICAN LEGION AND IARY M EM BERS STAGE FAM ­ and tapping as well a rapidly devel-, OUS BATTLE OP CHATEAU oping oil field, is revived here and TH IER RY FR ID A Y NIGHT. n t X X d HARDING PLEADS ROME, Jan. 23.— The burial oil the pope scheduled for this a fte r­ noon has been postponed and will not occur until Tuesday or Wednes­ day. The pontiff expressed a wish in i his will th a t his body be not em -, balmed. The work of embalming was already in progress when stop­ ped by prelates in charge of the ^H A T; following the opening of AGRICULTURE MUST BE LIFTED H. FORD'S OFFER in other Montana cities with t h e ! SURVEY MADE 8HOWS persistent reports th at work will be, FO RD’S BID FOR TH E MUSCLE wHI FROM CHAOTIC DEPTHS OF G et-T ogether Social at A rm ory W ill resumed In the spring. SHOALS NITRATE PLANT IS; bequeathed all private IMMINENT DISASTER AND PUT B e R em em bered by L egion Mem- The cut-off as it is known, has al- j W ELL RECEIVED. property at Pegli to his nephew, the BACK ON THRIVING BASIS. bers a s One o f th e G reatest E n ter­ ready been extended west from th e ’ ---------- North Dakota-M ontana border to th e lB itter political B attle Is E xpected; Marquise Della Chiesa. Various per- i tain m en ts of th e Season. sonal possessions were left to his| G reater Financial Aid Must Be E x­ In D iscu ssin g th e B itum inous Field town of Richey, and the grade has Pow erful In terests H ave Already successor. All the servants were re­ tended to th e Farm er anil Trans­ H all Says, “T h e Fundam ental Last Friday evening a t the A r­ been completed eastw ard from Lew­ Begun to Propagandize and Ijohby portation F a c ilitie s Must Be E x­ membered. W eakness L ies In th e P act That mory the American Legion Auxiliary iston a distance of 36 miles to the C ongress A gainst M easure. panded to Meet Needs— Harding. T here A re Too Many M ines.” gave a very delightful dinner and town of Forest Grove. This w ork' ROME, Jan. 23.— In accordance entertainm ent to the fratern ity ot includes completion of a tunnel WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 23.— WASHINGTON, D. C„ Jan. 23.— (By International News Service) nearly a --------- mile in length which ln- „ prelim inary canvass of congress with the traditional custom, the Vat­ ex-service men and women, together ------- _ Agriculture m ust be lifted from the ican physicians removed the heart HARRISBURG, Pa.. Jan. 23.— No with- th eir relatives who are eligible sures the system the b etter grade reveai3 th a t the m ajority of both well-grounded hope exists for a gen­ to membership in either the Legion between the Twin Cities and the houses favor acceptance of Henry from the late Pope Benedict’s body. chaotic depths of im m inent disaster ___ viscera is to be placed In an and placed firm ly on a thriving ba- eral betterm ent of conditions in the or the Auxiliary. The entertainm ent coast, with th eir line already over p ord’s comprehensive offer for the The alabaster urn which will repose with gis by governmental aid if Industrial coal industry, which Is declared to was planned as a get-together m eet­ low passes and through tunnels in Muscie shoals n itrate plant, have passed through the m ost pro­ , Friends of Ford have made the other urns in the church of St. Vin­ and commercial America is to su r­ ing in the state wide membership the Rockies and Cascades. vive, was the w’arning given by cent and St. Athanasius. longed and decisive period of Inac­ The new line will swing the main survey. drive now occupying the attention of Masses for the repose of the holy President Harding, in his opennlng tivity in its history, according to tfie line train s of the G reat N orthern, the legionnaires. Even opponents of Ford secretly _______ fa th e r’s ____ soul were chanted through i address at the national agricultural report of Deputy Chief of State De­ A sum ptuous repast of roast pork, from the “ high” line as its road adm itted today th a t chances of con­ out the morning before the a lta r in conference which was called by the partm ent of Mines Frank Hall, cov­ WASHINGTON, Jan. 23.— Sena­ apple sauce, mashed potatoes, brown through the northern part of Mon­ gress eventually accepting the offer ering 1921 coal mining operations in to r Stanfield of Oregon has intro­ gravy, and lemon pie, with copious tana is known, to the new route. were good, but stated th a t it would the papal death chamber, in the Vati­ president to effect the adoption of can chapels, in the great cathedral a definite federal policy for encour­ Pennsylvania. duced the following bill in congress: d rafts of most excellent coffee was cutting the mileage between the be subject to one of the hardest pol­ of St. Peter, and in all the Catholic aging the farm ers of the country. “The year of 1921 will probably Twin Cities and the coast, and also itical battles in recent years. “ Be it enacted by the senate and served amid much m errim ent. The government m ust do every- stand as a record for a long tim e to house of representatives of the Some excellent a fte r dinner putting this city and Great Falls on Already preparations are being churches throughout Rome. A clash occurred between thei thing possible to am eliorate the crit- come of drastic curtailm ent in de­ United States of America in congress speeches were made the toast mas the main artery of travel. made to force prom pt action when crowds and the police in front of St. J leal condition of agriculture, and m and and exceptional difficulties in assembled: ter, Victor Mills. Commander Dunn Secretary of W ar Weeks sends the • P e te r’s during the morning. In t h e f t s action must be immediate, Hard- wage adjustm ents,” says Mr. Hall. and Mrs. P. K. Hammond, for the The regular W. C. T. U. meeting Ford offer to congress, which prob­ "T hat the secretary of agriculture “ There is also an u tte r absence o f 1 be hereby authorized to construct Legion and the Auxiliary, followed ’ will be W ednesday afternoon at 2r30 ably will be the la tte r part of this panic which ensued a num ber of per- ing warned. G reater financial aid sons were injured. The vast assem-1 m ust be extended to the farm er, and any well-grounded hope for a gen­ 1 and m aintain such improvements by Captain W. M. Briggs, sp eak in g 1, at the library. In order to accomo- week. eral betterm ent of conditions in the I within and near the Oregon Caves on the trials of a peace time army, ‘ date all who wish to attend Sunday A powerful agricultural bloc is lin­ blage which increased in numbers transportation facilities, both rail n ear future. The extraordinary de­ in the Siskiyou national forest, Ore- and D. M. Spencer on “ How to GetI school convention on Tuesday, the ing up behind the m easure and the hourly, attem pted to break through and water, m ust be expanded to m ands anas upon the m e trade tra a e during a u n n g the as are neces3ary for the ¿om- By.” Mrs. Burdic and Mrs. F. J. I regular day of meeting. It will be sentim ent is said by supporters to be the police cordon and enter the meet the farm ing needs. Every prac­ tical proposal for the w atering of w ar have left both the operator and fQrt an(] convenience of th e visitlng Shinn contended th a t actions sp e a k , necessary to attend to considerable strong enough in the house so th at church. V arid lands, and for reclaim ing cut­ the m iner up in the air, and it is be­ public, including th e ^purchase bf louder than words and after p a rta k ­ business. All members are requested a special rule to give a privilege over forest areas, should be given yond hum an ken to know when they m aterials and equipm ent for lig h t­ ing of th eir most excellent supper, to attend. statu te to the bill embodyng the of­ full encouragement. will get back to a practical, sensible ing the caves and providing a shelter one is constrained to believe they fer could be obtained. “ All th is,” said the president, state of m ind.” But the opponents of the bill will for visitors; and for the aforesaid are right. Henry Pace m aintained “should be a part of a recognized Low Production Record do everything in th eir power to de­ purposes the sum of $30,000 is here- his innocence in a workm anlike perm anent policy. Not otherwise During the past year coal produc­ I by appropriated out of any moneys m anner. lay its final acceptance. Powerful will It be possible to keep the na­ tion in Pennsylvania reached a new I fti the treasury not otherw ise appro­ The m eeting then moved to the interests have already started to pro­ tion self-supporting and as nearly low record, with an estim ated ou t­ priated. main auditorium of the Armory, pagandize and lobby congress self-sustained as it has been In the put of 184,932,285 tons, of which where, after a few m inutes of music against the offer. past.” * 87,530,102 tons was anthracite and and conversation, a reproduction of He declared th a t conference rec­ 97,402,183 tons bitum inous coal. the war was staged by »members of ommendations cannot be considered A nthracite production is 2,105,934 the two organizations, much to the as final, adding th a t the farm er tons below the 1920 record, while edification and enjoym ent of the „„ m ust do something to aid himself. there has been a falling off of about gathering. WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 23. ; The president advocated co-opera- 70,000,000 in bitum inous produc­ In a terrific grow’ling motor truck Dr. H ubert Work, of Colorado, now ^ ve rnarketing and urged the devel- tion. Coke production was 7,000,- race carrying supplies from the base first assistant postm aster g en eral,, opment of all w ater resources for 000 tons as compared with 16,000,- to the front line at Chateau Thierry, will succeed Will Hays as postmas-1 both transportation and power. He 000 in 1920. four young truck drivers signally PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 23.— An suggested certainty of long time In th e anthracite regions 550 per­ distinguished themselves and safely, other touch of cold w eather is fore ter general, it was learned today farm loan credits as one means ef sons were killed In mining accidents piloted th eir Kiddie Cars through cast for the northw est tonight, snow from a high adm inistration source. encouraging the farm ing industry. while 290 fatalities occurred in the th e muddy shell-torn roads of in Portland and vicinity, zero wea­ At the same time Hays, for the i bitum inous regions. A nthracite min­ France. A group of battered and ther for eastern Oregon points, and first time, definitely announced he' UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu blood-stained veterans were then ers worked an average ow 263 days, tem peratures ranging from 30 to 40 would send in his resignation be­ gene, Jan. 23.— “W ho’s Who in rendered first aid by a group of Red as compared with 267 days in 1920, below in Rocky Mountain sections. tween now and March 4, effective on About the m eanest thing on while in th e soft coal regions the Am erica” for 1920-1921 contains Cross ladies, who displayed a great A m arked m oderation in tem peature the latter date. Shortly thereafter; earth is the man who tries to em­ estim ate Is 138 working days as the names and brief sketches of 133 deal more energy and enthusiasm ploy labor at the longest hour and in southern Oregon and northern he will take up his duties as head . Oregon citizens as being “ living than they did knowledge of rolling compared with 226 days In 1920. of the motion picture industry of the lowest possible wages, but the California is predicted. positions o r and tying bandages. The absence of coal orders from Americans whose fellow just as bad is he who tries Industries, Hall says, is the most achievem ents m ake th eir personali­ Everything being in readiness, OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla., Jan. 23. the country. W ork was form er national com­ to do as little as possible and get — M artial law appears Imminent disturbing factor at the present, ties of general in te re st.” The books General Pershing now’ dispatched by. The reason there is friction here. The city is in a state of ex­ m itteem an from Colorado and has a tim e, but be declares th a t the do-i give a total for the whole country four aviators with orders for the NEW YORK, Jan. 23.— Tex Rick­ cf 23.443 names. mestic demand has helped m aterially great offensive to begin. These avi­ is because there are too many of citem ent following a fire in which wide political acquaintance. He has ard, well-known promoter of sport­ Twenty-five Oregon towns are rep­ ators being am ateurs one m ust not both kinds. over the dull period with all but the a negro packing house worker and been personally handling the ap­ ing events, who was charged with HAZ KIK. pointm ent of postm asters for Hays. criminal assault on 15-year-old Alice sm all Industrial sizes of coal. Hall resented in this big biographical vol­ his wife were burned to death. Four) The sentim ent in congress is strong j Ruck last Saturday, and who is now says th a t the anthracite Industry i ume of prom inent Americans. These for his appointment. towns and the num ber of their citi­ “ stands upon a solid foundation— under $1000 bond, made the state ­ zens included are: Albany, 4; Carl­ Is well organized and intelligently ment today th a t he knew nothing of ton, 1; C entral P oint. 1; Corvallis, controlled.” the case. “ Rickard was the most 6; Dayton, 1*^ Deer Island. 1; Eu­ T oo Many in B u sin ess surprised man in the world,” said In discussing the bitum inous field. gene, 10; Forest Grove, 2; Halfway, his attorney. The statem ent declared H all says: “The fundam ental weak­ 11; Hillsdale 1; Hood Rover, 2; Jack ­ the situation mystifying, asserting THAT OV6HT ness lies In the fact that there are sonville. 1; K lam ath Falls, 1; Mc­ th at Rickard undoubtedly had a too many people in the business and Minnville. 1; Medford. 1; North TO HOLD 'lM num ber of bitter enemies, as he was engaged in considerable litigation. too many mines in operation. The I Portland, 1; Orekon City, 1; P a rk ­ FOR AW HILE sdale, 1; Pendleton, 1; Philom ath. 1; The g irl’9 parents claimed they •check-off’ system is declared to knew nothing of the story until they have many disadvantages in the bi­ ! Portland, 73; Rock Spur. 1; Rose- • burg, 2; Salem, 16; and The Dalles, were called to court. tum inous field.” Vincent Pisarra, superintendent 1. The usual difficulties in wage ad ­ V * * • i The names of nine faculty mem­ of the children’s society, who entei- justm ents, strikes and check-off sys­ • J J tem troubles are looked for this b e r s of the University of Oregon are WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 23.— ed the complaint against Rickard, al- year, according to Hall. He looks j given. They are President P. L. Twelve ships, carrying a total o f leges th a t Alice Ruck told the fol- for no resum ption of coal business I Campbell; Dr. Jam es D. B arnett, 3,000,000 bushels of grains have lowing story: head of the departm ent of political been actually sent to Rusia for the Rickard had talked to her and a*i- until the Industries retu rn to their relief of her starving population, other girl last fall while they were old-tim e activity and believes th a t ¡science; Dr. Timothy Cloran, head H erbert Hoover, director of relief in their swimming suits at Madison then the question of transportation of the departm ent of romance lang­ work, announced today. Square Garden, and then g a\e each facilities will be unsolved for years uages; Dr. F. G. Schmidt, of the language departm ent; Dr. H. D. Eighteen other ships are now a dollar. Later, they again went to to come. Sheldon, dean of the school of edu­ loading at Atlantic and Gulf ports the pool and he gave them each an- cation; Dr. W. D. Smith, head of which will carry another 3,000,000, other dollar. The third tim e he S o m eth in g N ew — Zo o The Elks have organized a bas­ the geology departm ent; Prof. F. G. bushels as fast a sthey can be filled asked if they would have a drink of ^TTlEsHlP Young, dean of the school of sociol­ and cleared. wine and they declined. “ Well, then. k e t hall team and are ready for bus­ IftPVOïDttfi The relief commission has already eome up and see my office,” he was iness. They are off to a*good start ogy; Dr. George Rebec, director of and will play th eir first game Wed P ortland extension center and dean spent $12,000,000 of the original ap- alleged to have said. According to Mr. P Isarra’s ac­ nesday evening a t 7:30 a t the Ar­ of the graduate school: and Dr. H. propriation of $30,000,000 allowed count, the girls went to the office in mory, th eir opponents being an B. Torrey, director of medical re­ by congress. the tower of Madison Square Garden American Legion all-star team from search. where, they asserted, Rickard Im­ The next edition of “Who’s W ho” M edford. There will be a prelim i­ Birthday P arty— n ary game between the local Legion will be published next May. The last Mr. and Mrs. Milton Fraley enter­ properly conducted himself. On the night of December 18, he team and a picked team of the high edition contained 2514 names which tained at dinner Sunday in honor of was accused of taking Alice Ruck had never previously appeared in ■school alum ni. The Elks’ team is Mrs. F raley’s father, W. P. Moore, composed of Millard Grubb, H ubert the book. It will be interesting to of Monterey, Calif. Those present and Anna Hess to the apartm ent, ,fc Bentley. Ralph H arris. Clyde Young see what citizens of Oregon have were Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McNair and said to be leased by another man. a n d Eddie Hughes, all of whom have found a place among the new’ names son Jam ie; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mc­ where It was charged he attacked h ad considerable experience In the of the next edition by reason of Nair, W. £. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. the Ruck girl and Impaired the mor­ game. A fast game is expected. Ad- their accomplishments during the als of her chum. Fraley. C«wrt(>il> jn lesion, 35 cents. past two years. R E PO R T ISSU ED BY PE N N SY L­ VANIA STATE DEPARTM ENT OP M INES SHOW S BIG PALLING OP IN PRODUCTION. H az iÇik AS POSTMASTER AMERICA 1921 A y Strong A s the Weakest Link >Í5 CP MILLIONS OF 00. OF GRAIN SEN! TO