A08LA1TO D ltL t fWlAOI Creamery butter, elegant quality, Dance Kingsbury Springs, Satur­ made here In Oregon. Two pound day night, January 21. Leedom's or­ cubes, 70c. Why pay more? Det­ chestra. Nuff sed. 115-6 Have you tried our new special rick’s Groceteria. “We sell for less.” LOCAL AND PERSONAL PAGI f ttÄ O Guild, 6:80 p, m. Prayer mestiug MUD IS HARO TO ERADICATE Wednesday evening at 7:80. Begin-, nlng with next Wednesday a new B U S IN E S S AN I3 P P O FgS S /O rtZA L | Water Should Be About 50 Degrees departure will be introduced In re­ Ope cent the word each time. gard to the evening service. We Fahrenheit and a Sponge U sed- The B. Y. P. U. of the Baptist meet at 6 o’clock, gathering for a MALE HELP Soap Is Bad Except for Remov­ PHYSICIANS. church held a surprise party Wed­ H ad T on sils R em oved— “pot luck” luncheon. At 6:45 those ing Grease or Oil Spots. nesday evening at the home of Mr. GOVERNMENT positions open. Men i R. Clary, whose home is on Church School Sem ester Ends— present will gather in three sepa­ women, experience unnecessary? O R ER N EST A. WOODS— PracUot The first semester of the Ashland street, had his tonsils removed last Stennett. The evening was spent in limited to eye, ear, nose and hashing the car Is not the casual rate groups: young people, adult honesty required, good pay to games and light refreshments were Job some owners seem to Imagine. To schools ended Friday, although the Thursday. throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and start. Write T. McCafferty, St men, adult women, for the study of 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ served. The chairman of the social begin with, the car should be washed scholars had to return for their Louis- 102-6sati land, some book on the world task of Ore. 78-tf B ungalow for Sale— committee of this young people’s or­ immediately after it has been made grades Saturday afternoon at 2 the church. At 7:45 all gather to­ MEN WANTED— At Waite’s Barber' ¡1R. J j p m u e n tt . . Very handsome, nearly new, mod­ ganization is certainly up and com­ dirty. If mud Is allowed to remain on o’clock. and shop opposite depot. Hair cuts,! ern bungalow, five rooms, garage, ing, according to members. It is the varnished surface more than a gether for a prayer service. All will to 35 cents; shaves, 15 cents. First! eye, ear, nose and throat. Glasser day, it Is difficult to eradicate it. For be welcome to this gathering. chicken house, cement sidewalk, the aim of the society to have a so­ class work guaranteed. 92-lmo* For business • opportunities in supplied. Oculist and aurlst for close to paved street, centrally lo­ cial every six weeks, but parties will the washing, plain water should be S. P. R. R. Offices, M. and H Southern Oregon, consult the Four- used, neither too cold nor too hot, T rinity E piscopal Church cated. Offered till February 1. First probably be held about once a month. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 667 Site Sales Agency, Bearer Block, about 50 degrees F being the proper Vicar, the Rev. P. K. Hammond. come, first served, $3500, terms. FOR SALE—Jersey cow, 20 hens, 6 l)R. '• temperature. phone 4. 108tf Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Sun­ B. SHAW—Special at- H ealth Bread. Pure M alted Milk Staples Realty Agency. 114-eod3 stands of bees and hives. Inquire A large sponge soaked In clear day school at 9:45. Morning wor­ mothers and children Tw ins— 10 cen ts W. O. Martin, R. F. D. 118-2* SOtf E at at Nelda C a f e - water and then sopped .against the Tétions and endocrine B uys N ew M a x w e l l- surface so that the water trickles ship and sermon at 11. a. m. Stran-f FOR SALE—Franklin sewing me . and office, 108 Pio- Eleven teachers from the Junior gers and visitors cordially welcomed. B. Y. P. U. Surprise M eeting— Dr. R. L. Burdic Jr. has purchased down is best. Never turn a stream of Telephone 28. Of- high school took lunch at the Nelda chine. Phone H. L. Moore, 187-j. The Baptist Young People’s union water at high pressure on the body. tl to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 a new Maxwell car. It is equipped cafe Friday. The teachers generally 117-6 M ethodist E piscopal Church will hold a surprise meeting Sunday This will grind thick particles of sand with disc wheels and a Clark tire eat at the cafeteria at the school, evening. The leader promises a fine and other grit into the varnish to the Corner North Main and Laurel sts. FOR SALE— One heating stove, one DR. b.. —Eye, ear, nose, throat ? but the domestic science class, who carrier and changer, which makes meeting with many surprises, and detriment of the finish. The idea is laundry stove with drum, one ker-i specialist; glasses fitted. Office Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Dr. this nifty car still niftier. prepare the lunch under the direc­ to float the mud or dirt off the sur­ G. W. Gregg, superintendent. Morn­ osene stove, one kitchen table. 195 at residence, Pioneer Ave., morn- invites the public to join with them. face. tions of Miss Abraham, have been Skidmore, corner Mechanic. 116*2 ing and by appointment. Phone 28. ing services at 11 a. m„ subject, “A Cliff Payne makes filing cabinets. Soap Is Injurious. taking examinations this week, and TRANSFER AND EXPRESS. PROMINENT MEN AT BANQUET 118-tf Soap should never be used on the Symposium.” Epworth league at FOR SALE—Good sound Newtown the cafeteria is therefore closed. It and Winesap apples, not culls, 50c 6:15, I. C. Wilson, president. Eve­ body except for removing grease or will be opened again next Wednes­ box. Half mile west cannery. O. FOR prompt and careful service, oil spots. A small piece of soft cloth, ning service at 7:30, subject, “The Here from Watkins— U niversity P resid en t to Speak at auto trucks or horse drays, call day. A. Manning, Talent, Or. 114tf well covered with castile soap suds Feast of Belshazzar.” A treatise on Whittle Transfer Co. Phone l l ) C. o f C. D oing Tuesday Bert Harr and Irving Lewis, of serves very well to remove grease Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel the modern dance. A cordial invi­ FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. An invitation has been extended from the panels. The hood should Monday special, Hawaiian hay. Watkins post office in the Applegate Ashland. 56t( tation iq extended to the public to 45c pound. Every person visiting country were in town yesterday on to the presidents of the various never be washed while it Is hot, as worship with us. CharleB A. Ed­ FOj" POWm-D-GENBRAL TRANS chambers of commerce of southern this will result In discoloration. In 33 acre modern ranch home in our store Monday, Jan. 23, will be business. f KR — Good team and motor Oregon to attend the banquet to be cleaning the radiator send a stream wards, minister. heart of valley, on pavement. Also given one sample package Adams* trucks. service at a reason acreage. Priced low. J. Simer- able price Good Genuine Mexican chicken tamales, given by the local chamber of com­ of water from the rear Instead of the Phonf 83 Chiclets, original candy coated gum, ville, Central Point, Or. 116-4* F ree M ethodist Church front, to keep moisture out of the Ashland Candy Land, Beaver Block. 20 cents. Enders Confectionery.62tf merce Tuesday evening, January 24. mechanism. Rev. E. E. Shelhammer of At­ PLUMBING It is expected that each town in FOR SALE— 10 acres all farm lana, 118-2 lanta, Ga., will preach here Wednes­ In drying the body a clean chamois Carrier Routes Clianged— Jackson county will be represented 1 %mile town, $1000, $500 down. PHONE your next job of plumbing The city mail carriers have all and that the various county officials skin should be used, rubbing being day night, January 25. He is editor O. A. Manning. Talent, Or. 114tr to Jerry O’Neal, Beaver Building D . A . R. M eets— done in straight lines. If spots of tar of a religious paper and is an able Phone 188.________ been shifted from their old routes, will be present. The principal speak­ or road oil are found on the body, It Is Mount Ashland chapter of the TRY R. D. 3ANFORD, 399 Beach speaker. Don’t miss hearing him. and the mail in the residence sec­ er of the evening will be Mr. P. L. best to treat them with salt butter or Daughters of the American Revolu­ CAR WASHING for a11 classes of Real Estate,' forenoons. tion met with Mrs. Emil Piel at her tions is being delivered slightly lat­ Campbell, president of the Univer­ kerosene. The hutter softens the de­ Regular services Sunday. Sunday 103-lmo* FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and posit so that It may be wiped off school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at ATTENTION —- Have acreage home on Granite street Friday af­ er in the day owing to the change. sity of Oregon. on I polishing, $2.50. Lithla Garage. 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Prayer The banquet will be served by the easily. Kerosene should be applied ternoon. Mrs. Gordon MacCracken which we could take town prop Phone 114. UStf The new Spring and Summer line domestic science teacher and stu­ locally and wiped off within a minute. meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. •rty, part payment. Also some ------------- was in charge. Various reports were WAN ! ED. C. E. To keep pace with the Improved ap­ All are cordially invited. large acreage tracts, Eugene? ________ read and committees appointed. of Bruner Woolen company samples dents of the high school. It is not Klamath county. Roseburg, Call-: w a n t e d pearance of the body it is necessary ! Glazier, D. E. Fancy laundry work. Mrs. Schuerman read a paper on have just arrived. Call in and see limited to members of the Chamber fornia, for Ashland real estate.— to give some attention to the top and 176 Mechanic. 117-5* “Early characters of the Oregon them. K. Nelson, Hotel Ashland of Commerce, any citizen desiring to the upholstery. A weekly brushing Yockey. Realtors, phone 146. M X . 1 I,U “MOONSHINE” bvUding. 116-4 country,” and Mrs. Adams read a do so may attend. There will be a of- the top inside and out will aid ma­ FOR RENT. paper on the “Survey of books by good musical program during the terially in its life. Fabric tops should auto car co . There’s moonshine on the ocean; T ourists S till P assin g— FOR RENT—Two dandy front rooms Oregon writers.” entire evening. never be cleaned with gasoline, kero­ (d ir e c tiv e January 1, 1 022) there is m’oonshine on the sea; facing the Plaza. Suitable for of­ The local service stations report S S L ? ” * sene or other oils, as they tend to de­ fice rooms or apartment. Inquire LV. MEDFORD There’s moonshine in the valley, stroy the rubber in the top. Castile Have you tried our pure milk and there is a surprisingly large number WALLOWA, OR., HIGH LV. ASHLAND of Emil Pell. 116-5 7:00 a. m. where the sunshine used to be; 7:00 a. m. ! cream? If not you are missing of tourists passing through town, for SCHOOL RAZED BY FIRE soap and water applied with a stiff 8:00 a. m. 8:00 a. m. FOR RENT— 2 and 3 room furn­ brush is the best cleansing medium Tnere’s moonshine in the forest, and 9:00 a. m. something. Cottage cheese, Tills this weather and time of year. 9:00 a. m. for the top. ished apartments, adults only, moonshine on the plain, 10:00 a. m. mook, Wisconsin cream brick, Lim- WALLOWA, Or., Jan. 21.The Wal­ 10:00 a. m. close ih. Inquire 166 Hargadlne Clean With Cloths. And most of folks in general have 11:00 a. m. burger, pimento and kraft. They say 11:00 a. m. Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash- lowa high school, a three story brick — jihone 122. 109tf 12:00 noon moonshine on the brain. After the dust has been removed, 12:00 noon ours is the best because its always land Lumber Co., phone 20. 92tf building, burned to the ground Wed­ leather upholstery may be cleaned On old Prohibition’s conscience 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m~? TO KENT—To respectable people, a fresh. Detrick’s Groceteria. “We 2:00 p. m. nesday night. It was considered one with a cloth soaked in a weak solu­ 2:00 p. m. *ew rooms with steam heat, hot there’s a heavy mountain dew, sell for less.” 118-tf S h elvin g B ein g Placed—— of the best equipped high schools in tion of ammonia and water. Castile And the home is smellin’ funny 8:00 p. m. 3:00 p. m and oold running water and use 4:00 p. m. 4:00 p. m. of bath. One person, 85.00 per Shelving is being placed In the the state, containing full equipment soap and water are also used on leath­ 6:00 p. m. where the deacon makes his brew. New Sign— 5:00 p. m. week; two persone, $8.00 per room in the Elks’ building recently for manual training, domestic sci­ er, but gasoline should not be em­ 6:00 p. m. 88tf 6:00 p. m. week. Hotel Ashland? The army goods store is having rented by the Golden Rule depart­ ence, commercial and agricultural ployed, because it tends to cause The cider mill is goin’ and the cid­ 7:00 p. m. 7:00 p. m. er’s gettin’ fine, a new sign placed on their win­ ment store. EXCHANGES courses, besides the seventh and cracking. The leather should be treat­ And the good old seedless raisin is 8:30 p. m. Sat. only 8:30 p. m. ______ ______ ________________ ed occasionally by giving it a light 9:30 p. m. dows, which may be seen for quite eighth grades and regular high coating of linseed oil thinned with 9:30 p. m. poRTY ACRES % mile from tpwn ’a “rasin" lots of wine. 10:80 p. m. Sat. only 10:30 p. m.j and s p a distance down the street. R R lle9 flne Bome Health Bread. Pare Malted Milk school courses. The cause of the vinegar. This solution should be ap­ The moonshine courts are busy and Sunday Schedule has been in cultivation. A-. soil. Twins— 10 cents SOtf fire is unknown. plied with a cloth and be allowed to Leave Medford for Ashland and It takes a lot of kale Price $1000, will take good au<- Daw Drop Inn— tor lunches. The thermometer stood at 24 de­ remain for a few hours. Ashland for Medford every hour on mobile pay cash differei.ee. To buy the mash to feed them who R ancher in Tow the hour from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m .;| Address and grees below zero at the time of the The present-day owner using mod­ Box 42, care of Tidings. are in the moonshine jail. then 6:30 p. m. and 9:30 p. m. Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash- Mr. Cooper, who lives on the H. L. fire. Although water was available ern methods may keep his car look­ 115-5* Ashland waiting room—East Side' land Lumbar Co., phons 20. 92tf Moore ranch in the Dead Indian the entire building was enveloped In ing new all the time, nor will he There’s moonshine quite official— Pharmacy. and Scotch that’s contraband— country, was in town today. flames before the fire was discover­ have to spend more than a few min­ But what we hate the most to find JACKSONVILLE-MEDFORD utes a day to accomplish this end. M akes C hange in Studio— W . A. SH E LL Genuine Chicken Hot Tamales. ed. The gymnasium and grade build­ Daily (Except Sunday) For Instance there are now on the is moonshine second hand. LV. J ’S’NV’LH The Darling studio has changed The Fountain. R. R. Porter, Prop. ings located on the same grounds, LV. MEDFORD market a number of liquid and wax It seems that all the country is in a B A R B E R 7:40 a. m. the show case and counter in order » e tt were not damaged. Total insurance polishes which will give admirable 7:20 a. m. 8:45 a. m. moonshine rage, to save time and trouble.' Under is $34,000, which probably will results if they are used as directed. There’s moonshine in the pulpit and 8:15 a. m. C hildren’s W ork A 9:50 a. m. the present arrangement shelves can K indergarten to C ontinue— 9:20 a. m. cover about two-thirds of the loss. 11:15 a. m. In the use of wax polishes the first Specialty there’s moonshine on the stage, be placed to the rear of the counter, 10:45 a. m. Mrs. Sophia E. Willard, who has 11:15 a. m. itep is to clean the body of the car noon where they .have been long needed. been operating a kindergarten at ORIGIN OF “LIMOUSINE” 12:30 p. m Safety blades resharpened :horoughly. The polish Is applied to Moonshine in the mansion, the bung­ 12:00 1:20 p. m. alow and shack, 1:50 p. m. ;he surface with a piece of cheese her home on South Pioneer street, like new. Single bit, 30c AND “SEDAN” TERMS 2:45 p. m. 3:20 p. m Buy a Victrola and enjoy music has added some new material in her eloth; and then another clean cloth And the sheriff’s dogs are howling 3:46 p. m. dos. Dobule bit, 60c doz. 4:30 p. m during the new year 1922. Rose school room in the form of a sand out along a moonshine track. It is hard to realize that the name Is used to distribute the wax evenly 6:00 p. m. 5:30 p. m. Bros. 115-6 table and manual training tpara- “limousine” comes from the head­ »11 over the surface. Car owners com­ I have a moonshine neighbor who 5:55 p. m. monly make the mistake of thinking 7:00 p. m. keeps filled up to the brim. 9:30 p. m covering of a French peasant woman phernalia. The new semester will :hat the more wux applied the better. Who seems to think that moonshine 8:00 p. m. Sat. only Trouble at High School— 7:30 p. m. yet this is the absoiu e case. start Monday and preparations have 9:60 p. m. Sat. only 10:30 p. m The cold weather froze more than been made to give the boys instruc­ is only made for him; It appears that the limousine was Sunday Only water pipes Thursday night, for the tions in amateur carpenter work, the head covering of the women-folk But th at’s unjust and selfish you LV. J ’S’NV’LE LV. MEDFORD storage batteries at the high school and the girls will receive a few in­ of the region about Limoges, France, surely must agree, 8:00 a. m. idents suddenly turu 8:60 a. m. .at propels automobiles refused to work Friday morning un­ structions in regard to sewing. 9:50 a. m. L When there’s so much of moonshine 9:20 am . which was the capital of the old 10:45 a. m. ds into a raging force 11:15 a. m. and til an electrician was called and and none for you and me. province of Limousine. The peasant 12:15 p. m. that destroys them. The building 12:45 p. m. worked with them for quite a time. Sing a song of moonshine, a pocket 1:20 p. m. 1 :50 p. m. in which your automobile is kept Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk women here wear a sort of coif, or Church o f th e N azarene full of rye— 2:50 p. m. 3:20 p. m. is always liable to burn, and your Corner of Fourth and C streets. SOtf hood, with .a cape attached. This H. R. Adams, plumbing, contract­ Twins— 10 cents 4:30 p. m. car with it. Can you stand the became known as a limousine, be­ Services for Sunday, January 22: The country’s floating in it, but' the 3:46 p. m. 5:00 p. m. ing and day work. 248 Fifth St., Cc'iim bia H otel G uests— 6:3 0 p. m loss of $2000, $1500, $1000, or constitution’s dry. cause the women of Limoges wore it. Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., Thornton 7:00 p. m. 9:30 p. m. even $500, without feeling the phone 166-J. 109tf —An Unknown Poet. loss? The following guests are register­ Later the women themselves were S. Wiley, superintendent. Preaching —The only safe way is to protect called Limousines, and when the Daily (Except Sunday) ed at the Columbia hotel: M. D. Bry­ service at 11 a. m. Junior Young your car from loss by fire with a LV. MEDFORD LV. ROSEBURG French brought out a sort of cam­ 0. B. L A M K I N ant, Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis People’s meeting, 3 p. m. Young I n v e s tig a te Our Id ea l good insurance policy. You can 11:00 a. m. 1:00 p. m. ► Johansen .Astoria, Or.; Mr. and Mrs. paign wagon for their armies, much People’s meeting, 6:30 p. m. Preach­ also buy protection from loss by Travel by stage; shortest route by W. Flanigan, Miss f>l. Flanigan, like our prairie schooner, this was ing service, 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic BARGAINS IN REAL 20 miles; one of Oregon’s most theft, collision, and your liability named a limousine, because, like ESTATE Mrs. W. W. Ely and daughters, Rob­ scenic trips; we save you time and for damage to another’s property services morning and evening. We or for injury to other persons. money. the women of Limousine, it was cov­ ert Warner, F. Hampton, Mr. and will continue* our revival services —If your car is worth having, it Fare—Medford-Roseburg, $4.00; Mrs. R. Sears, E. R. Francis, J. S. ered with a hood. When the French through the coming week. Services City and R anch Properties is worth insuring. Do it today. Gronts-Pass-Roseburg, $8.00. Hot- W ater Heating System for H ouses to R ent Wertz, H. A. Smith, M. A. Williams. began to build automobiles covered every night at 7:30, except Satur­ It’s better to play safe than be MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS forever sorry. or Large Houses Portland; W. E. Kurtz, Roseburg; with a hood, they were quickly day. You are cordially invited to at­ Daily and Sunday LV. MEDFORD named “limousines," after the peas­ LV. G’T’S PASS tend these services. J. E. McShane, Our Now I line o f Heating Stoves J. H. Getiwell, Dunsmuir; Mr. and CITIZEN’S BANK BUILDING 11:00 a. m. 10:00 a. m. ant woman’s coif. Other names in Mrs. D. D. Erickson, Ed Orr and pastor. Are Now In 1:00 p. m. 1:00 p. m. the vocabulary of an automobile Miss Evelyn Orr. 4:30 p. m. 4:45 p. m. have equally interesting anteced­ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES REAL ESTATE A INSURANCE Grants Pass waiting room The F irst C ongregational Church ents. E stab lish ed 1883 Bonbonniere, phone 160. Our price. $55.00, Columbia and Boulevard and Main street. Sun­ Phone 211 41 E . Main St. Office and waiting room—No. Sedan is named after the village day school, 9:45 a. m., with classes $8.00 worth of records— 18 selec­ FOUR-SITE SALES S. Front St.. Nash Hotel building. tions with this machine. Easy terms. in northeast France of the same for all grades and ages; bring your AGENCY Rose Bros. 115-6 name, where occurred the debacle Bible. Morning service, 11 a. m.; (Grants Pass, Medford, Ash­ of Napoleon III in 1870. The fac­ subject, “True Almsgiving.” Junior land, Klamath Falls.) We invite you to look Lodge R ent R aised— tories in this town were famous for Christian Endeavor, 3:30 p. m. Beaver Block, Ashland Ashland lodge. A. F. & A. M., the chairs which they turned out. Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Ev­ over our stock of -j—B rokers in— No, 23, voted to raise the rent on The chairs ojf those days were the ening service, 7:30 p. m.; subject, B u sin ess O pportunities, the various other organizations ancestors or the modern taxicab. “Divine Education.” This is the B u sin ess L eases, Business Partnership. meeting in Masonic hal’. with the Chairs were necessary, because in people’s church, and you are cor­ A ll tran saction s strictly exception of the Order of Eastern the ancient parts of London and dially invited to all these services. “ I know of no greater independence than this confidential. Star, and it was said by a member f*aris> the streets were narrow and W. Judson Oldfield, minister. No charge for listings thing of having a little lump sum of money that they were afraid to bother the the twistings and turnings many. A RESULTS PRODUCED ladies. However, the ladies came horse and carriage simply could not F ir st Church o f d i d s t . Scien tist put away, be it ever so small—a sum that is get through. through with $75 for the year. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Pioneer Avenue South Instead of a taxi, you called a Sunday services at 11 o’clock, sub­ = kept in reserve and only in extreme circum­ Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk chair, which, with its helpers, soon ject of lesson, “Truth.” Sunday Twins— 10 cents SOtf came along and you were quickly school at 10 o’clock. Wednesday stances drawn upon.” and other Decorative CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF whisked away to wherever you evening meetings at 8 o’clock. Read­ Material. Lunch a t S. S. C onference — wanted to go. The chairs built at ing room open daily from 2 until An account in our savings department is a There will be a pot luck lunch at Sedan were so luxurious and com­ We willingly give prices noon next Tuesday at the Sunday 5 p., m. except Sundays and holi­ first move toward attaining this “ greater in­ fortable that they became the favor­ days. and figure amounts from Eastern mill» Just In. Con­ School conference in the Presbyter­ ites of royalty, and soon the name siderable drop in prices on same. needed. dependence. ’ ’ ian church. Each one who wants to “sedan” was used to denote all high- P resbyterian Church stay for the lunch will please bring class chairs. When a new type of GOOD CEDAR POSTS Sermon Jfor 'the morning, “TKe one contribution—a pie, sandwiches, closed car was developed and a fit­ New prices on Implements and re­ Demands of Christ upon His Follow­ pairs. . New aad used sewing a.salad or a cake. The entertaining ting name was desired for It, “se­ church will furnish hot coffee. This dan” was chosen as a name denoting ers.” Subject for the evening, machines for sale er to rent.. . . . T EE PAINT MAN A sh lan d , is the hour for good fellowship, and the highest type of closed car lux­ “Peter." Sunday school, 9:45 a. m. O regon Junior Christian Endeavor, 4 p. m. PeJ/'s Corner let’s all plan to stay who can. ury. Young People’s meeting, 6:30 p. m. Rdaebud ice cream—-it’s delicious. Resé Bros." 115*6 118-tf Surprise Party— 1 to Junk At the Churches Arcola. Billings Agency Provost Bros. True Independence Paints Wall Paper Sanitas Fencing Dickerson & Son The Citizens Bank