«.M I M Ashland ’ublisbed k AHMA A O ÜAíLÍ rìOÌNOS Tidings E stablished 1876 Every E vening Sunday ell high school, but left to return to age and its contents disappeared. All iH U r a m r a iU U M M his home in Ashland before the close parties thou flit it had gone down of the school year. He entered A sh-! stream , car and all of course. The land high school at the beginning of insurance on the machine of course the sem ester in September of last was no good because it was an act year. He was a mem ber of the High of God nor a «fo’en machine. Must be used this month on your orchards to get__ "School glee club and took an active > The car wa3 gone— seemingliy for ( the full benefit. So Professors' Cate and Reimer say? - - part in the athletic activities of the good. students both in Ashland and in San; Along came the rains last week ! ' PLENTY ON HAND Francisco, where he played- with the Ju st 4 of A merica GELATINE DESERTS ' q u arter cups sugar, three-quarters • W ith different flavor, fruits, col­ cup of lemon juice. Soak gelatine ors and combinations, a great va­ in cold water. Add sugar to boiling w ater and stir until dissolved, then riety of attractive desserts can be add gelatine and stir th a t also until made with gelatine. They are not dissolved. When partly cold, add difficult to prepare, although some lemon juice, strain and pour into of them appear quite complicated. wet molds. There are a few principles to keep O range J elly in mind when undertaking these One-half box or two tablespoons dishes, and when these are learned, gelatine, one-half cup1 cold w ater, even the most elaborate gelatine one cup boiling w ater, two cups or­ desserts will become a simple under­ ange juice and grated rind, one cup taking. Fruit-flavored jellies are sugar. Follow directions for m ak­ the most popular, and usually form ing lemon jelly. the foundation for the various com- Caram el J e lly The annual report of the Wash binations. Before preparing the des- One-half box or two tablespoons ingtonian Home, a re tre a t for per- se rt- soak the gelatine in cold wa- gelatine, one-half cup cold w ater, sons addicted io the use of alcohol ter one half hour or more to soften one cup boiling w ater, one cup su­ and drugs, located in Chicago, re -!11: then dissolve In hot w ater or the gar, one cup thin cream , one and ports it has had to close • rom lack hot mixture. Do not b ¡1 the liquid ore-half cups milk. Soak the gela­ of patronage.” During the year ■ after the gelatine has been added, tine in cold water. Take one-half 19.10 the home treated 125 patients, or the jelly will be tou?h. Two ta- cup o f sugar and stir in a saucepan 16 of whom ware drug addicts. Dur-i blespoons of granulated gelatine will over the fire until it is melted and ing the ten years from 1910 to 1919, stiffen one q u a rt of liouid, if kept tu rn s to caram el; add the boiling the average num ber of patients in a cool place. When fru it is added w ater and cook to a thick syrup. treated each year was 921. Mr. to the Jelly, use less liouid or more ' Let cool slightly, add gelatine, re­ Neal, proprietor of 65 Neal insti- gelatine. A fter the gelatine and su- m aining half cup of sugar and strain tutas for the treatm ent of inebri- gar are dissolved, strain the m ixture in<,o the milk. T urn into wet molds ates, has embarked in o her busi- through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and keep in a cool place to harden. ness, and is closing his 65 Jnstitu es bag. and then tu rn into a wet mold Serve with a custard sauce or because there Is no busine&s in th a t to set. cream. line. . In m oderate weathe* the je’ly M ocha C harlotte R u sse ______ i will be firm in from four to six O ne-fourth box or one tablespoon Jam es B. Forgan, chairm an of the hours. The larger the proportion of gelatine, one-quarter cup cold wa­ boj.rd of directors of the F irst Na gelatine to the liquid the sooner the ter, one cup sugar, one cup boiling tioual bank of Chicago, sa d within liquid will become firm , bu t too strong coffee, one cup whipped the last few weeks: “ Prohibition has J much gelatine will give an unpleas- cream, two egg yolks. Soak gela­ been responsible for a lai ;e influx aRt flavor and make the jelly tough, tine. Add sugar to boiling coffee; repaired. Tires are shoes of savings accounts that are b e in g 'It is always wise to use the quan- when dissolved, add gelatine. Beat Card o f Thankjf kept up. The money th a t formerly tity of gelatine recommended by the the egg yolk and slowly add the cof­ for your ear and need the We wish to thank o ur many ? ? ? 9 9 ? 9 9 9 9 ? ? 9 ? ? 9 9 9 ? went into the saloons is now going I m anufacturer of the product. Di­ same careful attention as fee m ixture, let chill until the mix­ friends and neighbors for th eir sym-1 rections for using are usually p rin t­ into the savings banks.” ture begins to thicken, then fold in the shoes yon wear. A re­ pathy and kindness during our r e - ! ed on the package. the whipped cream. Line a mold cent sickness and ’» bereavement in tread to a tire is like a Lemon Jelly A former San Francisco saloon­ with lady fingers and when the gela­ th e loss of our beloved son and ? -yourself for . y ? One-half box or two tablespoons halfsole to a shoe. keeper, w iiting in the San Francisco tine m ixture will hold in shape, pour brother, Donald Purves W illiams. 9 some new and " ? Examiner, within the last few gelatine, one-half cup cold w ater, — Mr. and Mrs. W. E. W illiams! ? Beautiful Wall Paper ? months, says: ‘ As one who former- two cups boiling w ater, one and one- into the mold. and daughters Norma and Lydia. ly was in the liquor business— and t I t 'ZvoH't b e a b a d blow ? in fact I was In it until the very last ? ---- SEE ME TODAY----- ? — I would like to say th a t in my FORD, W H E R E H AB YOU B E E N ? ? Swenson & McRae Co. 9 opinion prohibition is one of the 9 E ast Main Street 9 greatest steps in civilization. While R esurrected A fter Six Y ears in Mud 1 never voted dry, If my single vote TE L.125 A S H L A N D .O R E C O N 91 O A K ST. Bunk, S till Show s S ig n s o f L ife would change the country from a SAN DIEGO, Calif., Jan. 19.— dry one to a wet one, th a t vote This is one for Henry Ford to b e ; would never be cast.” This letter proud of. was signed, “ Alfred Clegg, 1566 Un­ to 300,000 southern C alifornia peo­ Perhaps, w ithout getting into '4 By CHARLES E. HUGHES ion street, San Francisco, Calif.” ple are said to depend in some way trouble one can see the funny side: (I. N. S. Staff C orrespondent) in whole or in p a rt on the motion of this story and claim it as the la t­ WASHINGTON COMMENT LOS ANGELES, Jan. 20.— W hen picture industry for th eir liveli­ est addition to the long list of Ford R qscoo ( ‘ F a tty ” ) Arbuckle was a r­ hood." jokes. This of course w asn’t so! W hether it be right to do evil th a t rested and tried recently a t San Mr. Pelletier, who, before he be­ much of a joke to all parties con­ good may come has been a point came identified w ith the Morals E f­ cerned. in dispute since the first man said, Francisco on a m anslaughter charge Back in 1914, October 14, to be ficiency association, an organization “ Let’s argue about som ething.” That growing out of the death of V irginia m aintained by prom inent, public- exact, one T. T. Baines, of Mission evil may result from doing good is Rappe, following a gay hotel party spirited citizens of Los Angeles, was valley, purchased a Ford car, a to u r­ not so well understood, but it some­ given by the rotund comedian, the supervisor of the United States hy­ ing model, from the Ford Motor times happens. A dmitting, for the allegation was made th a t the Los gienic board, has made an exhaustive company. H arry T urner made the sake of argum ent, th a t all gambling Angeles film colony had been the study of the Hollywood social con­ sale and the proud owner drove the is an evil, and th a t betting, w hether scene of many orgies far worse than machine home. A fter (driving the ditions. upon a card game, horse race, base­ A rbuckle’s entertainm ent. “ Some tim e ago,” said P elletier in car 9000 miles and during tha: tim e; From some of the most infUten- ball contest, or the weathe , is gam­ spending $1.80 for repairs the floods an interview, “ I discovered th a t bling, it emphatically does not fol­ tial pulpits of the “ City of the An­ th ere was a pronuonced traffic in came. low th a t any means for preventing gels” were hurled demands th a t Floods in th e land of sunshine a re ' drugs in th e Hollywood colony. I gambling is necessarily a good Hollywood, th a t section of the city few and far between, but then one learned th a t th ere was a trafficker which contains m ost of the large means. came along. Mr. Baines and his son who visited Los Angeles every two A fly is a pest. It can be killed motion picture studios in southern m onths, through Los Angeles h a r­ were driving the car home from San w ith a "Blow of a hatchet. If fly is California, "clea/i house” quickly bor, and who brought large q u an ti­ Diego, but were unable to get across • on m an’s head and hatchet crushes and make a good job of it. the San Diego river, the mud b e in g ; And now, with four m onths hav­ ties of heroin and cocaine, much of fly and Incidentally destroys man, which was destined to be sold in Ihe hub deep. They left the machine in act of destruction is hardly to be ing elapsed since th e pastors shout­ ‘movie’ colony. I broke up this ring a nearby garage, owned by a neigh- j commended as good because fly is ed thqir w arnings to audiences of by obtaining 112 bottles of cocaine bor, and crossed the river by t h e ; millions of persons who read them exterm inated! and heroin from this man, myself, to cable. This was on January 16, 1 9 1 6 .| To prevent gambling by suppress­ in all sections of the country, the It rained all the next day and t h e ! be used as evidence. ing all news of gambling, or contests question naturally arises: W as Hol- “ I also discovered th a t liquor des­ w ater continued to rise. The cable upon which wagers could be made, i lywood really bad, and if so, has it tined for the Hollywood colony was washed away. On Jan u ary 18, with may or may not accomplish the re ­ ¡“cleaned up?” being smuggled into southern Cali- the rain still coming down, the gar- As an answ er th e International sult expected by the fram ers of the Sterling bill, now before congress. News Service records observations fornia through the activities of two But it is certain that the bill, should from four sources and from men lesser officers of the United States it pass, would seriously interfere who stand high in th e ir respective :navy’ As ln the ca8e of the drug w ith the liberty of the press, guar­ fields of endeavor. In epitomized ¡ rln g ’ prom pt action by th e au th o rl* ties put an end to the rum running • anteed in the constitution, and the form these findings are: 1. John H. Pelletier, executive by th e naval officers. main bulw ark free America has “ Inform ation has come to my of­ this store will offer the Public a Real Chance to buy their needs in the Grocery against oppression and autocracy. secretary of the Morals Efficiency fice of orgies held In th e Hollywood Let us kill our flies, by all means association of Los Angeles: “ Eighty! line. Don’t forget the date. Two Quart — but not by destroying the life­ per cent of the residents of the H oi-!colon>' ,rom tlm e “ > “ rae- U n,or- th e ‘‘