I ASHLAND climate, without the aid * * of medicine, cures nine eases 1 out of ten of astuma. This Is a I proven fa ct A shland D aily T idings MALARIA terms cannot survive , three months In th# rich clone) at Ashland. The pure domestic wa­ (International News Wire Service) __. VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Vol. 43) - _ . L - . 1 ter helps, * ASHLAND? OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY ¿1, 1922 No. 119 POPE DIED A T FOUR O’CLOCK TODAY Power Co. To j Extend Line Big Coal Strike Warning Sounded IN CHINA OVER SHAMOKIN, Pa., Jan. J'T U. of 0. Library Has 106,649 Books BE SEITLED BY 21.— A UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eu- The California-Oregon Power com -! ! gene, Jan. 21.— During the year ¡anthracite mines beginning April 1, ! 1921 a total of 185,404 hooks were pany announces that it has entered i unless a new wage agreem ent is ex­ . issued at the charging desks of the ecuted by th a t time between the op­ into an interconnection contract to ¡University library, according to the erators and the United Mine W ork-j supply power to the Mountain States ¡annual report of M. H. Douglass, 11-i ers, was recommended by the scale Power company for a period of 3 0 L brarlan. committee at the trl-d istrict conven- _ years, which power is to be used Of this number, 47,160 books NEW S THAT WASHINGTON CON-j tion of the hard coal miners here WELL KNOWN PASTOR WILL RE- throughout the rich and fertile Wil- i SENATOR UNDERWOOD S T A T E S ; were for home use; 3989 were fori FE R E N C E FA ILED TO SETTLE ’ today. TURN TO TEXAS TO ENGAGE lam ette valley. VERSA ILLES TREATY IS CH IEF tem porary reading in the library PONTIFF’S DEATH DUE TO PNEU- SHANTUNG PROBLEM CAUSES Tbe dem ands that the scale com- IN SUPPLY WORK FOR T IM E ;' In order to supply this power, the OBSTACLE TO SOLUTION OF reading room, and 134.255 were re- MONIA AND COMPLICATIONS— MASS MEETINGS, PROTESTS. mltteC dr6W UP W6re unan im ously ACCOMPLISHED MUCH H ERE. California-Oregon company will con- VEXING EASTERN PROBLEM . ILLNESS OF ONLY FIVE DAYS serve books for study and reference. adopted by the convention. ______ _ stru ct a 115-mile high tension trans- TERM INATES FATALLY. The accessions to the library d u r­ _ . ¡mission line of 110,000 volt con- Senator Lodge o f M assachusetts, An­ ing the year amounted to 7469 vol­ China O bjects to Leaving th e F a te of | WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 21.— ! Bapt.snu.1 Service Siuiday M orning atruction w hich w il, extend frQm thg other Am erican Delegate^ E n ­ umes, bringing the total volumes in Delief Expressed Today a t Vatican Shan tu ng to Parley o f Japanese A drop of about two billion dollars I W ith Special M essage to Congi-e. p rospect plant of the anv dorses U nderw ood’s Statem en t— the library to 106,649. and C h inese D elegates — C onfi­ Both the That Benedict’s Snceessor Would gation and C losing Services in E v -| through the R ogue R iver and Vmp. in m anufactured products exported Japan and China Must Settle. den ce in C onfeernce Is Lost. accessions and the total are exclus- Cardinal Pietro Maffe, Arch­ en in g, B ringing to End 14 M onths j qua valleys into the upper W illlam- from the United States in 1921, was ive of the Fenton memorial law 11- Bishop of Pisa. of Successful Labor. shown by Secretary Hoover’s latest ette valley, where It will connect WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 21.— brary, which was a gift to the law By EDNA L. BOOKER commercial departm ent statistics, it! with the transm ission system of th e 1 The Shantung qU e^ion m ust arid school last year and which numbers ROME, Jan. 2 1 .— P ope B enedict (I. N. S. Staff Correspondent) was announced todav. , Rev. W. L. Evans of the Baptist Mountain States Power company at probably will be settled between about 9000 volumes. XV died early th is afternoon. H is SHANGHAI, China, Jan. 21.— A Eugene. j China and Japan and cannot be • church of this city has resigned the death w as due to pneum onia and storm of popular anger and b itter­ This project stands out as one of taken up by the arm s conference, heart sickn ess, com plicated w ith ! pastorate and will leave next Mon- ness has developed swiftly in China the most im portant power develop- Senator Underwood of Alabama, one krone dal catarrh and influenza. due to the publication of messages he* vein t ? ’-1 " h C bl,s^ ’ Texas’ " h e re , m ents of recent times, as it will ¡of the American delegates, declared I The pontiff w as ill only five from the W ashington conference, he will be In the Sunday supply w o rk ; cl08e the gap ,onges[ (n In the senate yesterday, during the days, having contracted an appar­ statin g th a t Shantung’s fate will not tem porarily. This will give time to terconnooted discussion of the controversy. power transm ission ently slig h t attack o f grippe last be decided by the conference, but is attend to some business which de­ system in the world, extending from The conference, Senator Under­ Monday. In sp ite o f all that could to be referred to a Japanese-Chinese mands his attention and also give northern Oregon to the Mexican be done, pneum onia set in and wood said, was unable to take up parley. him a much needed rest. He will border. the Shantung question because sev­ other com plication follow ed. His Thousands of students, represent­ later enter the general denom ina­ C onstruction W ork to Begin Soon en of the conference powers were death w a s ex|>eoted 2 4 hours atives of Chinese organizations and tion work in that state. General M anager Paul B. McKee committed by the tre a ty of Ver­ sooner, hut th e strong natural vi­ m erchants have joined in a nation­ Before coming here Rev. Evans announces th a t plans are being pre- ta lity o f h is w onderful con stitu ­ wide movement of protest. W hat was general field secretary of th e ipared and th a t the construction of sailles to support Jap an ’s position. The senator’s stam enet was made tion prolong<»d his life. D uring probably is the forerunner of a new Baptists Student Missionary M ove-,this power Hne wH1 begjn immedi. In connection with introduction by th e m orning a slig h t am ount of LOS ANGELES, Jan. 21.— W ith a country-w ide uprising, the outstand- mqnt. His was special work d o n e 'ately. A num ber of ‘construction Senator W alsh, democrat, Montana, JAMES PAYNE FRANK LY ADMIT­ liquid nourishm ent w as adm in is­ minimum ehiHnnta at of the fl»zx various «xxi ... f Ing purpose of which will be to p r e - j cold ^ ‘u wave ” “ ’c bearing m in im u m temper- t e m p e r - a !imnn(/ m o n g students col- TED TO CORONER THAT HE tered after w hich he lai>sed into crews will be started in the field at of a resolution calling upon the vent any direct negotiations between atures reported officially as v ary in g ;lege3 th roughout the state. Previous once> as R is planned to complete president for inform ation regarding W AS IN CAR BEFO R E FLAM ES 1 sem i-consciousness, then uncon­ China and Japan on the Shantung between 20 and 31 degrees prevalent to this he was general evangelist un-1 the work this year. The 115-mile sciousness, then death. the Shantung question. The resolu­ BROKE OUT. question and to bring about the final throughout southern California yes der the jurisdiction of th e Baptist ^ „ 3 ^ ^ ,ine wi„ have a . tion went over. The b elief w as expressed in abrogation of Jap a n ’s notorious “ 21 terday, Colonel H. B. Hersey, direc­ state board of Texas and general ity of 25,000 horse power, Vatican circles th is afternoon that Senator Lodge of M assachusetts, F io n i S ize and Position W here Body dem ands” of 1916, are the mass to r of the United States w eather bu- field editor of the Baptist T rib u n e,— —_______________ ___________ another American delegate, en­ W as Found, It Is Surm ised to be th e successor to th e la te head of m eetings and pqrades being held in reau here, declared he believed the published at Dallas, Texas, dorsed Senator Underwood’s state­ That o f L ittle M exican W ho W as the C atholic church, w ould he practically every large city in China. cold spe11 had been “ very d isastrou s” j Rev. Evans has had charge of the! ment. Cardinal Pietro M affi, arch-bishop B eatin g His Way on Train. The new storm of indignation has to southern California s unharvested local pastorate for the past 14 of Pisa. Senator Underwood went on t o 1 citrus crops. arisen overnight. months and has done a verv success- ! A lthough the p ontiff's life had say th a t in the negotiations between L ast Friday afternoon a box car According to fru it packers, only ful work here. The last of the I W hen the news dispatches arrived Japan and China an agreem ent in a freight train a t Sisson was dis­ been ebbing for 24 hours, new s of here from America a bitter p ro te s t; about 15 Per cent of the naval or-¡church mortgages was burned short- seemed near. covered to be on fire by Brakeman his death threw the city into th e arose. The first organized meeting anS® cr°P has been harvested. I lv after Rev. Evans took charge of The Cat h ollé “ From inform ation I have,” said T. P. Franco, of this city, and the deepest, gloom . against the action of the conference O rchardists throughout the citrus the work, and in the 14 months he! - churches quickly filled, and sp e­ Mr. Underwood, “ I am hopeful that train was cut in two in order to put was held a t a great mass m eeting in belt kept smudge pots and orchards has served as pastor, the church has at a very early date a satisfactory the car beside the water tank in or­ cial prayers w ere said for flu- re­ Shanghai. Thousands of students heaters fired all night. raised approxim ately $5000 for all pose o f th e p on tiff’s soul. settlem ent will be arrived a t.” der to extinguish the flames. m erchants, and organization repre­ The cold spell was generally re-1 purposes, $2000 being for benovel- Men and w om en wept in th e This, however, did not succeed, i s sentatives marched through the garded as the most severe in thisiences and the balance for local u s e .; ‘LONF STA R ” IS IN RAD AGAIN streets, and th e sobs broke out xr but came nearly costing the tra in ­ streets carrying banners bearing th e (section since 1913. The church is free from all debt and ITiTH through chanted services in th e man his life, who was trapped in Chinese characters: “ Unconditional Points in the orange and lemon has a balance in the treasury. Perdue F ires F orm er Coach o f the churches. 3 trying to get the water on. Finally R eturn of Shantung,” "Cancellation growing districts with the exception: There has been organized under W ashington S tate E leven r-H+t p the car was pulled ’out and Franco of 21 Dem ands,” “ Direct Negotia--f of Riverside, reported tem peratures j Rev. Evans’ supervision a fine class tlons Doomed,” “ Present Claims to below 28 degrees, which is said to of the Ju n io r Baptist Young People’s LAFAYETTE, Ind„ Jan. 21.— rescued with severely burned hands Conference,” “ Pray W ashington be the danger point for citrus crops. union, and the work of the young; William ( “ Lone S tar” ) Dietz will and face. people has more than doubled. The! Conference Upholds R ignteousness.” Meanwhile the fire was exting­ not be retained as football coach at Indignation M eeting Sunday school has doubled in both -1 -s Perdue university, acting President uished and it was found th a t the Twenty - five thousand Chinese attendance and efficiency, it Is re­ Marshall announced, following In- car contained a body, evidently that Nowadays there is too much gathered at the m ilitary drill ground of a small man, who was burned to ported. There have been 35 addi­ stress put on the num ber of hours vestigation of charges that Dietz of­ w here a great open-air indignation tions to the church, 18 by baptism! fered financial inducem ents to sev- an indistinguishable mass. Evidences of employment and not enough on m eeting was held. The direct re s u lt! were also present th a t seemed to in and the balance by letter. The work the sum of service rendered. La­ eral high school athletes of the Pa­ of the m eeting was the issuance of! dicate that foul play had put the in every departm ent is in fine con-j bor and capital will get along cific coast to play football at P u r­ a fervid m anifesto asserting th at the dition and ready to go forward w ith­ man away and fired the car to cover due. bet:er when the laborer is willing Chinese nation is amazed and the out delay under a new pastor. The statem ent said Dietz adm ittedI up the cr,nie- Suspect9 were taken confidence of the people in the good i There will be a baptism al service' to give a fair day’s service— in part the charges by Professor Les- I into custody’ but nothing definite w hether the time lim it be six The first annual banquet of the faith of the powers meeting to ef-I ' at the church Sunday morning, and ¡lie J. Ayers, of the University of j was ascertained until the coroner’s feet disarm am ent has been ’ shat- i a special message to the church will hours or twelve— for a fair day’s W ashington, th a t Richard Hanley, j inquest whicb took place last S atur’ Jackson County Medical society took wage. Labor m ust prove a prof­ tered. place Wednesday evening a t the , be given by Rev. Evans. The closing Dietz’s representative, had ap- day at Sisson- itable companion for capital 01 Following the meeting cable­ Coroner J. E. T urner and Court 1 Hotel Medford, a t Medford. Dr. A. E. SAN FRANCISCO. Ja„. 21 .- T h e i T u ’ ..“ ' " ? « , ' " ‘" 1 m " ‘ " i” - no pay check can be forthcoming. proached high school boys in Seat- gram s were dispatched to Peking, to Dr. Mattie B. Shaw will give a splen- (R eporter R. F. McMurray of Siskl ( Rockey, of Portland, an honorary rle, Everett, Sedro, Wooley and Pen HAZ KIK. ¡you county were in attendance at th e ! member the society and one of leaders of the W ashington confer­ foundation is being laid for the im -idid reading on “Absalom.” dleton with a financial offer. ence, to the Chinese delegates at peaehment of the testimony of Z ey1 | inquisition, which placed the death the men who inspired its organiza- W ashington, and to the leading Prevost. the state witness who tin last May, read a paper on “ Pain, as accidental. Chinese cham bers of commerce and proved unwilling in her testimony at i During the time intervening be- the danger in disregarding it and in other organizations tween the finding of the body and relieving it w ithout diagnosis." Dr. , , __the second trial of Roscoe Arbuckle China. Copies of the manifesto werç the inquest a young fellow named ( Rockey, one of the foremost sur- for m anslaughter, now under way sent to all foreign consulates. Jam es Payne appeared with a badly goons on the coast, and his wife, Among the cablegrams sent were: here. sprained foot, and on being ques- are visiting in Medford for a few 1. Ato Alfred Sze and colleagues D istrict A ttorney Brady called! tioned frankly adm itted th at he was days. ask in g them to insist on uncondi-1 W alter Treffts, one of his official in the car before the fire and later Afte* dinner a short program and tional restoration of S h an tu n g ( stenographers, to the witness stand. gave his testimony before the coro- a Eew speeches were given by dif- Tights and cancellation of the 21 de- It was his intention to deny th at his n er’s jury. ferent members of the society. Dr. mands, and w arning them that any office attem pted to force Miss Pre- This was in substance th a t he E A- '7ood and family, of this city, ■direct parley would be doomed a n d ,v o st to change her testimony as she with six others, entered the open who cemprise a family orchestra in th e settlem ent of these issues by the intim ated on the stand. A fter bit- box car at Dunsmuir and th a t soon ihomse’.ves, rendered the opening conference was a vital factor. (te r argum ent between the attorneys, he went to sleep. He was awakened and closing num bers of the program, by smoke, and some of the party sue- Mrs. J. C. Hayes rendered a vocal 2. To Hughes and Balfour inform- j the court ruled out the testimony of ing them that organized demonstra- Treffts, holding it not the proper! ceeded in getting a door open, w hen!80’0, and Carlton Janes entertained X. tions throughout China demand that m anner to attem pt an impeachment the body of the Interior seemingly wRb a violin solo. Mrs. Dr. Shaw klh© conference should settle the of tesitmony. burst into flames, the floor of the Ashland delivered a reading, and B hantung question. car being covered with planer sh av -1 num erous speeches were made by A motion by the prosecution that 3. To the Chinese Students' alli­ it be allowed to impeach the testi- ings, according to the witness. members. Dr. J. J. Emmens acted The doors open on both sides of as t° astma8ter. About forty people ance and Chinese citizens commend- mony of Miss Prevost on the ground (the car, it was a m atter of get away were present. Including the doctors ing their dem onstration and assur- th a t It was “ surprising” and showed 1ng them of the nation’s support. ¡and th a t quickly, which the witness wives- This comprises »almost the her to be a “ hostile witness,” was 4. To the American people solicit­ denied by the court yesterday. The did. but in alighting from the car, euGre membership. ing th e ir support and notifying them ruling prevented the prosecution he sprained his ankle, as stated, 'th a t the Chinese people want direct from presenting certain positive evi­ j As to the identity of the man W HISKEY VALUED AT $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 STOLEN FROM settlem ent of the issues affecting dence offered by Miss Prevost at the burned, he says he had no idea. From BALTIM ORE W A R EH O l’SE th e w orld’s peace by the conference, last trial, which she did not remem­ the size and position where the body as opposed to direct parley between ber in her testim ony yesterday. ¡was said to have been found, it BALTIMORE, Mr., Jan. 21.— The C hinese and Japanese delegations. j might have been a little Mexican, theft of 60 barrels of whiskey, val­ ( who was seen to lie down there be­ NEW YORK, Jan. 2 1 — Tex Rick- JOHN KENDRICK BANGS, ued at $100,000, from a warehouse fore the car started. Payne fu rth er, NOTED HUMORIST, DEAD ard, one of the most widely known I in says th a t he never saw any of th e ’, . the , heart of the city, where it fight prom oters In the world, was company before and did not at that had been St° red by prohibition • « ’ a rre sted last night on a serious time know where any of them were. tb ° rItleS fo,,owin* seizure' became ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Jan. 21. c h arg made by Alice Ruck, aged 15. — John Kendrick Bangs, noted a u ­ The witness was later taken to Yre- kn2 ? n today’ T he incident complained of was thor and hum orist, died this morn- ka. inhere he is now being treated The back do" rs of ,bp "’a rehouse alleged to have occurred in the Ing. He has been critically ill for for the sprained ankle ! Were battered down durlnB the night a p artm en t m aintained by a friend of! the past ten days following an oper- Nothing appearing at the- Inquest *nd appareptly heavy trupks bad ___ __________________________ i beep used in removing the huge the promoter. latlon for Intestinal trouble. (OonrrUliO (Continued on Page Four) „ 'h>ul- j complete suspension of work in all REV. W. E. EVANS AFTER NOON SOUTHERN CALIF. STILL MYSTERY H a z IÇ ik ATTEND MEDICAL T h e E n d o f a P e r fe c t D a y H ê H’IŒE- c - î