AOM H H ’ ASHLAND DAR/Ï TIDOVGS Cliff Payne makes filing cabinets. Injured Foot— Brown, chairm an of the com m ittee,' A. L. Lamb, the contractor and announced. 118-tf TODAY TOMORROW builder, was on the streets today The reorganization plan proposes Stopping in Town— with a badly swollen foot as the re­ the consolidation of the arm y and Local and .Personal C. J. Mast, now residing in Port­ sult of a heavy tim ber falling on it. navy departm ents into one depart­ U m » land, is in town stopping at the Ho­ Mr. Lamb considers him self fo rtu ­ ment of ne.tioTml defense headed by — Side L ights— ■■■■■■■■'"■■ »■ tel Ashland. nate in being able to be out and one secretary, with two under sec­ Masonic Program fqp Week— around. Separate eoats and pants at prloes retaries, one for the navy, the other that ean’g be beat, at Paulserud's. W ill M ove Saturday— for the army. Mr. and Mrs. J. C.' Knapp, who W eather S ligh tly W arm er— H O tf The plan also provides for the opened the groceteria on North W eather Observer Louis Dodge re­ merging of the labor departm ent In­ Friday night: A. F. & A. M. meets Fifteen acre ranch near town, for Main street now operated by R. E. ports the lowest tem perature re­ to a new departm ent on public wel­ for work. rent. E. T. Staples. l l l t f Detrick, will move their household corded last night was 11 above zero. fare. Public health service" would goods to G rants Pass Saturday. Mr. Predictions are for continued cold be a new bureau under this new de­ K lam ath V isitor— 7. T hat cough or cold in the head Knapp left for G rants Pass immedi­ weather. partm ent. The public health bure. u V. O. Barnthouse, of K lam ath can be ended easily by Hyomel. No ately after having disposed of the would have charge of all distil! >d Falls, is here visiting his father, stomach dosing. Breathe it through i groceteria here to take charge of a Iu Town A gain— liquors aud wines, now controlled by j John L. Barnthouse at his home, 107 ; the nose and mouth. Money back if like store there which he had pur- Vincent McKay is in town again the internal revenue bureau. Second street. Mr. B arnthouse is in it fails. McNair Bros. ; chased, while Mrs. Knapp rem ained after ha"ing spent several m onths id The enforcem ent of the prohibi­ Another superb achievement by the greatest the employ of the South ,n Pacific i here aw aiting the end of the school railroad work along the Columbia tion law will be turned over to the exponent oT dramatic characters of the West at the Falls. semester. river and in the vicinity of Portland. new bureau of investigation in the Two F ire A larm s Y esterday— ever identified with the screen. departm ent of justice, in which will The city fire departm ent made two The Nat skating rink will be . runs yesterday, the first being to Creamery butter, elegant quality, E xam in ation s G iven— be merged all the government sec­ The Best Picture William S. Hart closed Monday, W ednesday and F ri­ the home of S. F. Thornton. 192 Me­ made here in Oregon. Two pou, d Fifteen students of the New Ttes- ret service agents scattered through Has Ever Made day afternoons, but will be open ev­ chanic street, where the flue was <;ubes, 70c. Why pay more? Det­ anient and seven students of the Old the various sections. ery evening. 115-5 i burning out. No damage was done. rick’s Groceteria. “We sell for less.” Testam ent were given examinations SEE IT—JUDGE FOR YOURSELF 118-tf EL VERANO, Calif., Jan. 20.— at the local high school today. Prof. The other call was to the depot, Umbrellas covered. Flxlt Shop. Briscoe stated th at those passing Mrs. A. Chileni and her m other, Mrs. ■ where the steam from the round- Coming Jan. 31—Feb. 1-2— E lection o f O fficers— these tests would be allowed a half Enrico Castagnasso, gave birth to ) house made it appear the building Road K ept Open— The annual business m eeting of credit tow ard graduation. daughters sim ultaneously today.) A telephone message received from was on fire. “ THE 4 HORSEMEN’ the Congregational church for the L ittle Miss Chileni, having preceded 1 Weed, Calif., states th a t the road is We make our own candies, Ice election of officers for the ensuing DE VALERA STILL ACTIVE Miss Castagnasso into the world by open, and th a t some tourists are year, will be held tomorrow evening cream and tamales. Enders Con­ a few seconds, will enjoy the dis­ passing through every day. IN SOUTHERN IRELAND, fectionery. 62tf a t 6:30 o’clock at the church. SAYS LONDON DISPATCH tinction of being older than her aunt. ’ W atch Rose 'Bros, windows for V isitin g H e r e - F arew ell D inner— home-made candies of quality. 115-6 LONDON, Jan. 20.— Considerable Paul Keene, form erly of Ashland, There will be a farewell dinner Eggs found iri the trunk of a large unrest still prevails in southern Ire­ but now living in K lam ath Falls, given in honor of Rev. W alter L. elm while being cut into planks are See the prices on left-over suits land, according to the Dublin cor­ has been visiting in town the past Evans and wife at the Baptist estim ated to h a \e been laying there at Paulserud’s. HOtf few days. Mr. Keene is in the em­ church Saturday, January 21, at respondent to the London Times, about a century. ploy of the government. 6:30 o’clock iu the evening. All who intim ates th at the followers of Children H ave th e “F lu ”— TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY members of th e church and congre­ Eamonn De V alera may be engaged The four children of Mr. and Mrs. in stim ulating disturbances. We are selling pure leaf lard for gation are urged to be present. FOR RALE— Jp-se” cow, 20 hens, 5 W. F. Groves, of Morton street, are “ A spirit of extrem e republican­ stands of bees and hives. Inquire confined to their beds with infuenza. less than some folks charge for com­ ism ,” the correspondent declares, W. O. M artin, R. F. D. 118-2* We offer your Sunday dinner Im ­ pound. Bring your pail to D etrick’s still flames in the south, where large perial valley lettuce, the finest ever, WATKINS PRODUCTS— 137— Can’t I Sweat cream for sale. Rose Bros. Groceteria. “ We sell for less.” Yams from Louisiana. Cauliflour, bodies of armed men refuse to ac­ get away from home, wife sick. If 1 118-tf 115-6 you want anything send your or-j cabbage, turnips, carrots, parsnips, cept the treaty betwene Ireland and der by mail and I will have it d e -) wonderful celery, oranges, bananas, Great B ritain.” First class stock ranch, all stocked. Ice on S treet— livered. C. M. Miles, salesman,! There has been a crime wave W ater on N orth Main street in grape fru it and lemons. Also some 611 Beach St. 118-1* B. T. Staples. llltf Yes, We Have It front of the residence of O. H. John­ very fine, delicious apples. 118-tf sweep over Dublin and outlying dis­ tricts, following the removal of the FOR SALE— H atching eggs, from J We are rapidly bringing this de­ son and the Methodist church has Ladles* Aid Meeting— Tancred strain W hite Leghorns, troops, which requires THIS IS A HOT COAL partm ent to a state of excellence English The Ladies’ Aid society of the frozen from one side of the street selected stock, $-1.25 per 15, $,6.50, strong m easures from the govern­ only surpassed in the large cities. per 100. Also a lim ited num ber Methodist Episcopal church h e ld 1 to the other to the thickness of two The epople of Ashland are showing ment. Although the whole country of baby chicks. Mrs. Headley, 49 4 to four inches. This makes a very their regular monthly 'm eeting at will support the provisional govern­ Holly St. Phone 285-R. 118eod* the home of Mrs. H. J. Von Fossen dangerous place and means should th eir appreciation of our efforts by m ent in restoring order, the next th eir liberal patronage. D etrick’s on North Main street Wednesday af­ be found to correct it a t once. Groceteria. We deliver the goods. few weeks of readjustm ent will be ternoon. The meeting was attended CARLOAD SHIPMENT OF a difficult time In the island. 118-tf For the best in quality, hams, by about 30 ladies who greatly en­ We will also make a special price on joyed the readings of Mrs. G. W. bacon, cottage hams and lard, see DUBLIN, Jan. 20.— Unemployed G uests a t Colum bia H otel— The quality Gregg and the music as furnished by D etrick’s Groceteria. FORTY TIERS HARDWOOD The following guests are register­ men seized a m eeting hall here last Mesdames J. C. Knapp and W. M. is absolutely the best and our prices from E astern m ills Just in. Con­ night, formed a volunteer arm y of Denton. Light refreshm ents were are lower than the rest. A tria l will ed at the Columbia hotel: W. H. four companies, raised the red flag siderable drop in prices on sam e. which we wish to move convince. We sell for less. 118-tf Scholer, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Hoskins, served. GOOD CEDAR POSTS C. C. Dole, W. E. Griffis, W. R. Ulep, and refused to evacuate, despite or­ ders from the provisional govern­ New prices on Implements and re­ J. R. Nash, P ortland: Lindon B ur­ pairs.. New aud used sewing ment. About 120 took part in the roughs, L. R. Andrew, Roseburg; machines for sals er to re n t......... dem onstration. F. P. Keen, N orthfork, Calif.; Mr. “ IN THE HEART OF TOWN” and Mrs. A. A. Brown, D. P. Brown, Peil's Corner BERKELEY, CALIF., FOLKS Yakima, Wash, and V. G. Dollar- hide, city. PUT ON SKATES, SAY ON S. P. RAILROAD MEN Have you tried our pure milk and cream ? If not you are missing Old Man W inter is playing pranks something. Cottage cheese, Tilla­ all along th e coast, at some places mook, Wisconsin cream brick, Lim­ leaving a coat of white crystals over burger, pimento and kraft. They say the ground, and even iu sunny Cali­ ours is the best because its always fornia, the mecca of sunshine loving fresh. D etrick’s G roceteria. “ We tourists, skating has taken the place sell for less.” 118-tf of sunbaths. So say railroad men from San Francisco, Berkeley and Miss Pauline Plum m er, of 153 other northern California points. East Main, entertained the follow­ E astern Oregon and W ashington, ing school friends at dinner yester­ northern Idaho and western Mon­ day: M argaret McCoy, Evelyn Hul- tana were shivering with the m er­ lett, Edith Robison, and G ertrude cury at the lowest point since 1909, Brown. according to officials of the Spo­ kane w eather bureau. E n tertain s K in g’s D au ghters— In Los Angeles and southern Cali­ Miss Mabel T ro tt entertained the fornia cities, heavy rains have del­ TEA THAT WOMEN LIKE King’s D aughters at a candy pull uged the country for th e past two last evening. There were twelve weeks. Old residents there assert girls present. The evening was th a t they have never seen so much is the kind you will get a t our spent with games and music. rain in th eir experience in that store. Its delicate arom a and section. Monday special, Hawaiian hay. most pleasant flavor, rem ind­ 45c pound. Every person visiting PLAN» MANY CHANGES ing you of the soft a ir of the 'o u r store Monday, Jan. 23, will be IN ORGANIZATION OF orient, appeal to the particu­ | given one sample package Adams’ GOVERNMENT BUREAUS lar home woman. And her Chiclets, original candy coated gum, guests will like it too. WASHINGTON. D. C., Jan. 20.— Ashland Candy Land, Beaver Block Plans for the reorganization of the 118-2 governm ent departm ents and bu­ reaus were completed today by a R em odeling U nder W ay— congressional committee The property belonging to Jam es special E. Fuller and occupied by H. T. E l­ charged with the task, W alter P. more, a t the corner of Laurel and 153 EAST M AIN ST. P HONE 5 9 North Main streets, is undergoing Q UALITY G RO CERY extensive remodeling. Huber High has the contract for the carpenter CENERAL DELIVERY S Y S T E M SERVICE this store will offer the Public a Real Chance to buy their needs in the Grocery work. 4 News io Paragraphs William S. Hart____ A In. "WHITE OAK” V IÄ T IÄ T G King Coal You Will Like It Fencing Carson-Fowler Lbr. Co. One Hali Off STOCK UCING SALE Wineland & Shepherd Hairdressing Parlors Room 1, Citizens Bank Building The Largest Stock of Quality Groceries Beginning M o n . , J a n . 2 3 — Ending J a n . 28 PLUM M ER'S New Shipment ot R epairing G a r a g e - Tires and Shoes —Customers often ask, “ Does it pay to have tires repaired ? ’ ’ —I t pays to have shoes repaired. Tires are shoes for your ear and need the same careful attention as the shoes you wear. A re­ tread to a tire is like a halfsole to a shoe. KRIGGEL BROTHERS 'GUARANTEED V U IC A N IZ I NC TIRES ACCESSORIES TEL.125 ASHLAND.ORECON 91 OAK ST. W orkmen have been at work this week repairing the storage room of, the Class A garage. It appears th a t j the building had spread slightly and was cracking the walls. It w as' thought best to repair It before a n y ' serious damage took place. Saturday, Jan u ary 21-^ the P res­ byterian Ladles Aid society will hold a sale of home-made bread, rolls, . pies and cakes. Sale at Plum m er’s 'store, beginning a t 11 a. m. 118-1 , R eturns from B u siness Trip— J. C. Kaegi, proprietor of the W hite House groceteria, returned j home yesterday from Portland w-here he attended to business during the j fore part of the week. Mr. Kaegi I stopped over and visited his daugh­ t e r at Salem and also took a trip ! to Dallas and spent a few hours with his brother, who owns one of the largest prune orchards In Polk county. SPRATTS DOG CAKES Made according to the high pre-war standard —Dogs of all kinds like them, and they are the very best of food for them. line. Don’t forget the date. We offer you an extra 5 per cent on all purchases of $1.00 or more on every article in the house except Sugar. All prices remain as heretofore. Free Delivery on all goods to all parts of the city. All kinds of Egg Producers and Mill Feeds, Wheat, Corn and Scratch Food included. 2V> lb. packages.............60c 5 lb. packages.............. $1.00 25 lb. bags...................$4.35 THE PLACE—-388 EAST MAIN. House Groceteria