I 4ught together at a conference table of the world’s great powers in thé irefore TH E LITERARY DIGEST has prepared a complete presentation r Industries, their Ideals, and their Relations with the Rest of the World. * DEDICATED TO AND ERECTED IN HONOR OF THE CITIZENS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OUR FRIENDS ACROSS THE SEA MAT THERE BE ETERNAL PEACE BETWEEN THE TWO PEOPLES Americans Now May Know A HOARY HISTORY Story of China shantung Coantless ages back, lost In the mists o f antiquity, thou­ sands o f y e a n before the Christian Era, the Chinese people began,—no one knows how . Did they spring from the soil, or m igrate from ancient Turkey, or Syria, or did they actually descend from Noah, after the Flood? Their m any centuries o f known history is full o f w on­ derful happenings. An outline o f it is given in this special number o f T H E D IG E ST . l ne story oi China for the past hundred years has been largely the story of her spoliation by the white races.” T o all w ho are accustomed to think o f Japan’s “extension o f influence” as the chiefest of China’s troubles, the article describing “ Europe’s Encroachments on China’s Sovereignty” will bring an astounding revelation. U N B IN D IN G m e craoie of Chinese Q vm zafion; the Holy Land o f the Chinese People; the birthplace o f the silk industry an Eden o f agriculture ; an Aladdin’s Cave o f precious m etals and stones; the heart that controls the internal commerce, and communications o fth e entire Chinese Empire; one of the’ richest and m ost densely popoiated provinces o f the earth; self-governed for five thousand y e a r e -T h e r e are m any reasons *‘ W k y T hey S tru g g le -for S h a n tu n g ,” and the article under that title is fan o f surprizing information, illustrated w ith a specially-drawn m an rTODawy not live persons in every ten thousand Am eri­ cans could name even three o f the famous “tw enty-one demands” imposed upon China by Japan. Yet these demands have t ie most vital relationship to any settlement o f the great ‘ Problem o f the Far E a s t ” T h ey have been vari­ ously interpreted by the powers concerned. One o f the most importaht articles in this w eek’s D IG E S T reveals “T he Secret o f the Twenty-O ne AMERICA: FRIEND and PROTECTOR D uring all the troublesome years o f European and Japa­ nese encroachments and demands on China, only one great power in the world has stood b y her as her pro­ tector, and is her protector to-day, and that power is Am erica. A splendid article teOs w h a t A m erica hm done and is doing to m afotam "th e Open D o o r" and to CHINA’S RELIGIONS, CUSTOMS. ART T o know China it is . to know her religions. A d ear explanation o f the part which Buddhism, T ao­ ism, Confucianism, Ancestor W orship, and Christianity play in Chinese life is contained in a special article on foe subject “ Men and M anners in China“ jg another color fill article, fall o f interesting incidents. T he “Pecu­ liar (^lalitfos of Chinese A r t” are mstructivelv described. THE WOMEN A long with the crippling of Chinese wom en’s feet « id foe custom o f killing or selling girl-babies, has gray a subordination o f the whole sex. B at w om en in Own* being unbound, physically, mentally, morally, rad socially. A most instructive article telis how the traraformatico fe being w rou gh t SCIENCE IN CHINA W hile the people in Europe were going about dressed fn tl te skins o f wild animals and using pieces o f stone tied to sticks for tools and weapons, the Chinese were a highly developed and sldlful nation. T hey were the inventors o f gunpowder, the mariner’s compass, the art o f p r i n t i ng »ha mailing of porcelain, and the manufacture o f silk. Read about their casting o f metals, their electrical indxstriea, their medicine, their curious treatment o f fractures, and m any other marvels and oddities. A LANGUAGE OF PICTURES Chinese written characters are full o f expressive sy m ­ bolism and piquant commentaries on social and foduo- trial life. There is a picture character for “ m a n ” rad another for “ field.” Both put together mean “ farmer." Combine the character which means “w ord” with “*»*ra“ and w e have a man and his word, or “honesty.” The symbols for “w om an” and “so n ” together mean “good." T w o of the symbols for “ wom an,” together, m ean “quar­ rel.” Three o f them together stand for “gossip." An interesting article reproduces and explains m any o f these story characters o f the Chinese language. Exclusive Map, in Colors, of the Divided Republic caoal’ M æ5 k<»hon o f its iron and coal fields and other mines. Stffl m ap show s just w tsjre the zones o f commercial influence of the various European in China are located. T hese m aps are o f infinite value in making plain the real situ- China. T he flag oCtfae/Chinese Republic is reproduced in correct colors on the cover BUY IT TO-DAY JANUARY 21ST ISSUE ONLY 10 CENTS f 'Ti» a X Mark of ’ Distinction to For a S in g le Olmo fU N K JT V A G N A L L S COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary) NEW YORK t