»oit H i f i t A ph ÌLAA ¡i O A K i *! ¿M b Ashland News in Paragraphs I Local and Personal - — -------- — — Side Lights * *■ Masonic Program for Week— ■ ■■■ ■« T rading In Town— Mrs. Paul W althers of Steinman and Mrs. U. S. Raglan, of Siskiyou, was in town the early p art of the Thursday night: Meeting of Sis­ week trading with our m erchants. kiyou chapter; over a dozen peti­ tions presented. Goes to P o r t l a n d - Friday night: A. F. & A. M. meets Rev. P. K. Hammond of the local for work. Episcopal •h u rc h , goes to Portland next week as a representative to the annual Episcopal diocesan conven­ Umbrellas covered. Fi It Shop. tion in th a t city. B ig Feed at Arm ory— Do not forget the dinner to be given the American Legion boys and all ex-service men at t h 3 Armory, F iiday evening a t 6:30 o'clock. The invitation includes wives, m others sisters and daughters. We expect a good socr 1 time as well as lots of good eats. Foundation Fund— bodies were prepared for shipment pje sauce an(j Jemon pie and the ¡killed while serving as Legion na- home. other good things on the mend do tional commander. Senator W atson, democrat, Geor­ not half tell the story. Guests may ----- gia, whose charges concerning illeg­ be toasted, though only the pork WASHINGTON, D. C.— Because al executions led to th e investiga­ will be roasted. The committee hints he had not his commitment papers, tion, attacked / h e burial o f bnen. th a t though unable to secure Mile, i W allis D. Willis, a disabled sdldier, hanged for unm entionable crimes, pifi, t ^e dancer for the occasion, a , was tu rn ed away from government alongside of soldiers who fell in b a t-. real p renck cBef may preside over hospitals to wander in the streets of tie. Asking a witness if w hi.e men t he kitchen. It is said th a t Victoi W ashington until overcome by ex- and negroes were buried in the same Millg> who j B 80me u ttl6 chef him . posure. Roused by W illis' tre a t­ part of the cemetery, he was told self> ig to fry tne to ast. Why not ment, the American Legion is start- th a t they were— th a t all were sol­ I pass up other engagements for th at I ing a vigdrous investigation of red diers. night? Friday evening, January 20, tape evils. Taking up the charges of ex-serv- 6;30 0-clock> at the ArmoTy. ice men th a t bodies shipped here — Jennie L. Hogue, Publicity WASHINGTON, D. C.— Money re­ from France were handled in helter- chairm an ceived by the United States fro m 1 skelter fashion, officers and men at-, foreign countries in payment of tached to the graves resigstration i INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 17. debts would go to ex-soldiers under service th . a t there x. was no , i The most im portant m eeting of t h e 1 a bill introduced in the house. This » . declared , foundation for such assertions and* insisted th a t not one body was s e n t!American ^ egiou ever held between m easure supplem ents the American home until identification had been national conventions will be called Legion’s adjusted compensation bill. Hunting and Angling L ic e n s e s can be obtained at the Elkhorn Gun Store New Shipments of Fishing Tackle arriving All the Standard Brands R. P. Neil, 123 Factory street, Otselic Leaders Lyee Salmon Eggs in this city January 20 and 21, to has been appointed head of the positively established. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. — To lay Kingfisher Hcoks John Sebastin, a sailor of Jack- arran g e for a census of every ex- Reels Woodrow Wilson Foundation fund, proper emphasis on the five optional; sonville, Fla., told how, when in a service man and woman in the coun­ for Ashland. Cuttyhunk Tips Ferrule Cement provisions of th e pending adjusted prison a t Gievres, he saw the bodies try. The plan th a t National Com- Reel Seats , Guides Sinkers of two negroes lying face down o n ' m ander Hanford MacNider will pre- compensation, the American Legion A ssessm ents L evied -— Saline Lines Ketchenr Salmon Eggs Special benefit assessm ents have the ground and was informed by the sent to delegates calls for personal will present its case before every chamber of commerce in the coun­ been levied against property owners guards th a t two negroes had been interview s by Legion canvassers of try. The hue and cry raised against Don't forget Legion and Auxiliary on Meade street, who will be bene- lynched. He was unable, however, all veterans. R. (BOB MIDDLETON, Prop. the “cash bonus” clause in the bill banquet at the Armory Friday even­ fitted by the con tern platted ftewer to say w hether the bodies were those C. R. Forbes, director of the U nit­ ing, January 20, 6:30. Eligibles in- improvements. Five lo|ts are in­ ed States V eterans’ bureau will has befogged the issue, Hanford Mc- 810 Oak Street viced. 117-1 volved, four being assessed $71.11 of the men put to death by a soldier come as the personal representative Nider, national commander, charges. mob. Appointm ent of Senator McCum- W atch Rose 'Bros, windows for and the other one $35.56. One of The committee went into hanging of President H arding, and Federal ' ber, au th o r of the bill, as chairm an home-made candies of quality. 115-6 the lots is owned by a party living methods as part of its general inves­ Judge K. M. Landis of Chicago, will of the finance committee of the sen- ! in Los Angeles. tigation. Disagreeing with w itness­ be one of the speakers. All state ate, is expected to speed up congres­ R enew ed Subscription— es who preceded him, Richard C. co m m an d ers,'ad ju tan ts and national sional action on the measure. C. F. Bates, of Manteco, Calif., R evenue C ollector to Come— Sullivan of Somerville, Mass., an as­ executive officials will be present. has sent in his renewal to the Tid­ George Hewett, federal deputy in­ sistan t em balm er with the graves R epresentatives of the w ar and — LAST.TIME TONIGHT — ings for the ensuing year. Mr. come tax collector, will be in Ash­ registration service, declared he saw navy departm ents will also attend, ST. PAUL, Minn.— The 43.262 Bates will be remembered by his land in an advisory capacity F eb ru ­ two bodies taken up with rope and The national executive committee of good deeds to unfortunate buddies many Ashland friends as having op­ ary 11 to 16 inclusive. Mr. Hewett black cap intact. j the American Legion Auxiliary, an perform ed by American Legion posts erated the transfer business now will be at the city hall and will “ Was there any evidence th at t h e ! organization of women relatives of of Minnesota in 1921, cost $75,000. owned by Mr. W hittle. Mr. Bates gladly give any inform ation desired. heart and brain were removed from Legion members, will meet concur- The list does not include 21,000 cases wherein hospital treatm en t,' writes th at he has about 500 hens He states th a t these taxes m ust be the bodies of the men hanged?” ■ rently. and is getting from 20 to 25 dozen paid early in March. asked Senator W atson. The census will be known as a back pay, vocational training, and with notable cast eggs a day, three fourths of which I did not notice,” answered the service and compensation campaign compensation were secured for dis are going to the hatchery and bring PARTY GIVEN FOR and is modelled a fte r the “ Iowa abled men. witness. “ THE OLD NEST” Your ten cents more on the dozen than ! plan” successfully used in th a t state SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS draws aside the curtain from WASHINGTON, D. C.— Ex-sol- m arket quotation prices. He ex­ Last ¡when Mr. MacNider was commander AMERICAN LEGION the soul of the x American fam­ pects to have 1000 small chickens there. A fter approval by the con- diers who have lost th eir discharge Round the year with the young Chance by’the middle of February. He fu r­ women's class of the Presbyterian (Continued from Page 1) ily. It is so real, so genuine, vention, the census will be under- papers will be able to obtain dupli- th er states th a t they have a garden church was the entertainm ent fu rn ­ ' taken at once. The country will b e !cates from the secretary of war un­ that many will be moved to GO nicely started and are using head ished by the hostesses, Mesdames day of poltical bickering, unrest and i divided into districts, with a Legion der a bill introduced into congress tears, through which the sun­ reconstruction, let it be said that! TONIGHT lettuce, beets and carrots. D is-, a t the request of the American Le- Leslie and Icenhower at the home 'h e ir buddies did not give up the commi teem an to supervise. shine of laughter will break. tricts will be small enou-gh so t h a t ! gd°n -______________________________ of the latter, Tuesday evening. Res­ See the prices on left-over suits olutions were made to s ta rt the New spirit, but “carried on,” th at they 1 thorough canvassing can be assured. | at Paulserud’s. H O tf Year; the cherry tree was cut down gave th eir all for a clearer vision of; ! Legion volunteers will work u n d e r; right and wrong, for cleaner politics, I the committeemen and will visit ev-| in February; an overhead Irish po­ for a better, bigger hum anity. Revival services at the Nazarene Tomorrow and Saturday— 1 ery house and interview every v e t-, church every night at 7:30 except tato race occurred in M arch; a sale The American Legion can do more of E aster bonnets m arked April; a for ex-service men than any other eran. TAESCRIPTION of all farm lands Saturday. BIG “ BILL” HART in “ WHITE OAK” for sale in Jackson county. A Q uestionnaires will be used to as- I spring song heralded May tim e; a organization known. Join up. Very 111— certain, first, w hat form of adjusted* directory of farm lands for sale hasty wedding trip was taken in in Oregon is being compiled as The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. June; the im m ortal Declaration of ___ -xx , . 1 compensation is preferred of the five reference book for people seeking The monument committee has just .. , . .. ,. .. . , .... F rank Clary is very ill with pneu­ Independence was read on the xv x iv offered m the pending federal bill farm s or acreage in Oregon. Send been informed th a t the E lks’ lodge; a , 1. x, < ■ v. Coming Jan. 31—Feb. 1-2— monia and is also suffering from F ourth of July; August camp life ov • , , ¡veterans have the option of cash your complete description to and the S hnners have donated most . , * the effects of a severe burn on Its enlivened with a story; September „„v„x„ x. ,i x , xv ¡pavment, paid-up insurance, voca- “ THE 4 HORSEMEN” OREGON FARM LAND substantially tow ard the fund being . , . . , . , , ’ face and hands. tional training, aid in buying a home was given over to music; a most raised for the beautiful public mon DIRECTORY or aid in settling land. Mr. Mac- weird witch swept fortunes down um ent to the heroic cq/.irades who Sweet cream for sale. Rose Bros. 4i 8 Selling Building, Portland, Or. from the sky on Hallowe’en; Arm is­ died in all our wars. The committee Nider has a plan whereby veterans 115-6 tice day was ushered in with noise, are overjoyed at the splendid results will be given the option of turning their compensation payments into a and Christm as brought a veritable of th eir labors. Motored to G rants Pass feast of tiny hot biscuits and general fund, to be adm inistered by Mr. and Mrs. C. Roberts motored creame(j chicken and other goodies. _ ¡the Legion and out of which loans to G rants Pass Sunday. They were t .... | will be made to disabled, unemployed Miss Em ery’s side won the most . Ashland , , „ v .. accompanied by E. W. W akefield points in games and were en ter­ American Legion Auxiliary, , ,, or needy comrades. He believes post, is a very much alive o rg an iza-*xv• , , x x , and family. . . ... x x, ¡this fund will total several million tained by a graceful stu n t by the -ion. A splendid staff of officers for* , „ i xv ■ v . dollars. Canvassers in the census losers. Prof. Eugeni perform ed m o o took their chairs at the last! ... , . F irst class stock ranch, all stocked. some wonderful magical tricks. Miss _ 1922 ,QQx(„ „ mv ,, x, ¡w ill a s c e rta in how m an y veterans meeting. They are: Mrs. P. K. Ham- ... . . , ... , , B. T. Staples. l l l t f Rogers’ readings and solos by Mrs. money ' to this fund. al8o mo»d j „ p r u d e n t x ; Mrs B. M. H eath • will The lend 3ubject unemployment A shcraft and Miss Allen were de­ At D octors’ Banquet— X rrtl „ , ’ ">'■ considered a t the convention Keep dry OLYMPIC BUTTERMILK EGG lightful features, and when the r recording secretary; Mrs. Verne At the physicians’ banquet at Med­ and some means devised whereby guests did depart, it was conceded Carey; Mrs. Nellie Dunn, treasurer. MASH or OLYMPIC EGG BUILDER in ford last night, Dr. M attie Shaw, the Legion can assist nationally in J th a t seldom is there crowded into The unit has set a m ark of 100 after giving K iplin’s “ Gunga Din,” self-feeding hoppers before the birds con­ one evening such a lot of real whole­ per cent membership for this year, if ! placing ex-service men in jobs. A delivered as an encore an original committee will bring in a rep o rt.o n some fun. stantly. See that the hens eat at least as hard work can accomplish it. No I production by Ashland’s talented au­ I the mem orial proposed in honor of next of kin to any ex-service man thor, H. G. Gilmore. much dry mash by weight each day as ABSORAKA COMPANY I ’he late F. W. G albraith, who was can afford to be a slacker. The war SETS U P NEW W ELL scratch grain. The mask is very largely of powder, gas and torpedoes has ■ Don’t forget Legion and Auxiliary banquet at the Armory Friday even­ the egg builder, and hens may eat 55 to 65 A 28 -star drilling machine has been won, we hope, for all time. T h e ' ing, January 20, 6:30. Eligibles in­ battle for the preservation of Amori per cent of OLYMPIC BUTTERMILK vited. 117-1 been set up by the Absoraka Oil We invite you to look company, on the northeast q u arter can ideals, by education and stan d ­ EGG MASH or OLYMPIC EGG BUILD- over our stock of V isits M edford__ of section 34-15-30, where a well ing four-square for everything th a t ER. Don’t mix anything else with Olym­ Mesdames C. Roberts and Jam es will be drilled for the Oregon-Cat makes for the best interests of oui McDonough were Medford visitors Creek syndicate. The location fs country and for the honor of ouiy pic laying mashes. Feed only enough Monday. about a half mile southw est from flag, is still oil. The Auxiliary of OLYMPIC SCRATCH in deep straw litter ______ the Frantz-H om estake producer in the American Legion has a wide! field of work. Those eligible to! Had to come to it. Regular city section 26. The w ater supply will to keep the fowls active and supply the delivery. D etrick’s Groceteria. 105tf be taken from the Frantz deep test membership are m others, wives, sis­ necessary body maintenance. The amount well in section 27, by bradenheading ters and daughters of members of P ast M aster V isits— the flow between the casings so as the Legion. of scratch will vary with kind of hens, The first of many activities, in a > Past Grand Master W illiam Mil- to provide the force to put the w ater weather, season and production. Ordinar­ ler of Portland, who is prominently i through the two-inch line w ithout social way, for the year, is a dinner to be given next Friday evening at ily, 8 to 12 pounds of grain per day to 100 identified with things pertaining to the use of a pump, and other Decorative the Masonic home, was in A sh lan d . The Absorka, which had made lo- the Armory. All ex-service men, hens will he required. Feed hv judgment, Material. Tuesftay on m atters pertaining to ! cation for a new well one o ffset'east w hether in the Legion or not, are in­ not by weight or measure. Feed about the home as locally applied. | of th e Oregon-Cat Creek location, vited. Also, all ladies eligible to the We willingly give prices Auxiliary are to be welcome guests. ■ i will not drill its own well until a t one third of the daily grain ration in the and figure amounts The Nat skating rink will b e , ter the completion of the test for the It will be much appreciated if those needed. • morning, and two thirds at afternoon feed­ closed Monday, W ednesday and Fri- j Oregon-Cat Creek company. Well-In- who expect to come inform Mrs. S. day afternoons, but will be open ev- formed oil fields opinion holds to A. Peters, chairm an o f,th e commit­ ing. Watch the liens and feed according ery evening. 115-5¡the theory th a t in this location a tee, by telephone or otherwise, so to demands. Old hens and retarded juil­ ; field of considerable m agnitude will th a t enough plates may be laid. But Revival services at the Nazarene come anyway. Mrs. Peters may be lets can often he boosted along by an ad- TH E PAINT MAN church every night at 7:30 except be developed. reached by calling No. 641-Y. The owners of the Oregon-Cat Saturday. ditional moist mash feed once a day. Mix It is rum ored th a t roast pork, ap- Creek syndicate are Ashland and the straight egg mash just crumbly with TOO L A fE TO CLASSIFY southern Oregon people with offices water and feed in troughs about noon FOR SALE— 16 inch half dry fir, 2 in Ashalnd. tiers delivered, $7.50; best grade' Feed only what will hecleaned up in about dry 16 inch fir, 2 tiers delivered, Early in the sixteenth century, °,i maple, 2 , woos OLD NEST W ANTED j j LAYERS i j Paints Wall Paper Sanitas Dickerson & Son One Half OH WANTED— Fancy 176 Mechanic. WANTED— Woman work mornings. 344 E. Main. work. the body was placed quickly In a 117-5* coffin and so far as he recalled the to do house­ rope and cap were not removed. But Phone 474-L, In both cases, other witnesses de­ 117-4 clared they were removed before the laundry Y SQUARE DEAL GROCERY Wineland & Shepherd Proprietors H airdressing Parlors Room 1, Citizens Bank Building 383 East Main St. ASHLAND Phone 37