tu « Ashland 'ih l is b e d AättLAND DA tí.T tffcbìXài Tidings E s t a b lis h e d 1 8 7 6 E v e ry E v e n in g Sudday E xcept TH E ASHLAND PRINTING CO. Jackson County Sunday School Institute Convenes In Ashland January MARCH 27 IS SET FOR RETRIAL OF ARTHUR BURCH RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Seeley, Famous In This Specialty, Called to Medford This is the Time of Year for Cooked Breakfast Foods — LOS ANGELES, Jan. 17.— Upon stipulation of th e attorneys in the OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY Rolled Oats, per sa c k .......................................................................... case, th e court set March 27 as the PA PER Bulk Oats, per 4 lb s........................................................................ TELEPHONE 39 j date for th e retrial of A rthur Burch, ...................... ....................... : • • • 2 5 c F. H. Seeley, of Chicago and Phil Bulk Oats, No. 2. 6 lbs.........................................’ ’ ............... * ; / here today. Burch is charged with .................................................... ‘2 5c Entered at the Ashland. Oregon adelphia, the noted truss expert, will Farina, per sa c k .......................‘...................................................... the m urder of J . Belton Kennedy. Ashland, Tuesday, January 24, at 1 0 :55 Special days in the Sunday ............... . . .................................. .. «Oc Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat personally be a t Holland hotel, and W heat H earts, per sac k ..................................... ter. Presbyterian church. ............................................... C IT IZ EN ’S BANK BUILDING lineman, attem pted to save Mariano 5» es Zandri, aged 24, lineman, from being Think T his Over fa ’ally burned, New Haven, Conn., If some of the money spent for March 2, 1919. Zandro was w ork­ cigarettes to fasten th e expensive ing on a metal-tipped ladder 28 feet habit on doughboys who hadn’t been above the ground when the ladder, sm okers of coffin-nails before the which leaned against cables carrying war, had been saved to be used for electric current, touched an adjacent the actual benefit of the boys after Must be used this month on your orchards to get iron pole, causing an arc of great the war, both the boys and the rest the full benefit. So Professors Cate and Reimer say. Intensity. He was held to the lad­ of us would be far b etter off today. der and cables by a safety belt and — Farm Life. ’ PLENTY ON HAND EFFECTIVE AT ONCE IN MEDFORD was alm ost enveloped in smoke and flames. Helfrick ascended the lad­ ------Also------ The F in est T ribute der to Zandri, whose clothing was When you pay over $1000 for a car, you are entitled to a Died— Mrs. Blank— Yesterday, at burning; and, while cables were her home, among her children, with STUDEBAKER SIX burning and arcs were flashing, he her husband a t her side. This is the unfastened Zandri’s belt. Helfrick third time her name has been in the descended a short distance on the papers. The other two times were Light Six Touring ....................................... $1275 ladder, with Zandri holding to him, a t her birth and at her m arriage.__ and Zandri then grasped a pole Farm Life. Light Six R o a d s te r....................................... $1275 wnrannmiBniiBnniniiinniiniiiniiinniHilWRiiiiiJi: standing near by and slid to the I Light Six Coupe ........................................... $1615 ground. Helfrick was slightly Light Six Sedan ........................... '.............. $1995 burned. Zandri died the following day from his burns. PLAZA MARKET True Independence The Citizens Bank S tu d e b a l 1er Has Drop] Jed Carnegie Heroes A n o th e r StudebaK e Y ear Nitrate of Soda NEW PRICES Agricultural Sulphur I MORE MEN THAN WOMEN HAVE APPEN DICITIS Medical reports show men are more subject to appendicitis, al­ though many sudden cases occur among women. It can be guarded against by preventing intestinal In­ fection. The Intestinal antlseiptic, Adler-I-ka, acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing all foul, de­ caying m atter which mignt cause in­ fection. It brings out m atter you never thought was in your system and which may have been poisoning you for months. Adler-i-ka is EX­ CELLENT for gas on the stomach. T. K. Bolton, Druggist. 5 CARLOAD SHIPM ENT OP Fencing from E astern m ills ju st in. Con- slderable drop in prices on sam e. GOOD CEDAR POSTS New prices on implements and re­ pairs. . New a_»d used sewing machines for sale or to re n t......... Peil's Corner Ashland Fruit Association Special Special Special Special Special 10 Days Sale at Cost 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 twii-in-oue machine, n ew ............ $65.00 Bungalow W hite Rotary, new Bungalow W hite Rotary, used $40.00 six-drawer W hite Rotary, used’ 7 ------.$35.00 six-drawer New Hom© R otary . . . $35.00 Long Shuttle Singer, u s e d ___ . . , . 7 7 7 ...................................... ¡525 on Long Shuttle Singer, u s e d .......... . ’ ’ 7 7 7 . 7 7 . $20^00 Wheeler and Wilson Cabinet, used ....................$20.00 All Models Fully Equipped, with Cord Tires, Transmission Lock and Quality HIT THE TRAIL FOR H ittso n ’s The above are cash prices. We can arrange term s to suit you. Your credit is good.” Come in and g e t them. All drop heads. Phone 57 10 South F ir St. MEDFORD, OREGON Phone 215-R $1745 $1745 $1695 .$2495 $2695 Big Six Touring .......................................... $2095 Big Six Coupe .............................................. $2895 Big Six Sedan .............................................. $3095 .............. ................... .................... $15.00 1 "6 6 ” Singer Portable E lectric” i 7 . " i j^ O O 1 Singer Rotary, new but s o i l e d ------- .... .. .....................$60.00 Singer Sewing Machine Co. Six Touring ..................................... Six Four Passenger R oadster........ Six Two Passenger R o a d s te r........ Six Coupe ....................................... Six Sedan ........................................ V • MEDFORD, ORE. Tlio only crooked th in g that ever pulled anyth in g straigh t is a corkscrew .—G. E. M. / THIS IS A STUDEBAKER YEAR