i SAbH kOttí amíla ^ o oàîvï «amos : the work being done by the Tucker erties will continue to add w ork­ HOUSE IS REMODELED boys, who have proven themselves to men, it was announced. be first class workmen. W. G. Tuck- Work at the Anaconda sm elters The large brick house on the Fred er was at one time associated with was resumed with a force of 700 Homes ranch three miles and a half Cliff Payne in the carpenter busi- men. It was stated th a t eventually east of Ashland and just off th e ! ness. 1800 men will be employed there. Pacific highway is being remodeled.: ___ ______________ Increase of employment at the and when completed, will have the MINES IN BUTTE, MONT,, Great Falls sm elters is expected to appearance of an up-to-date bunga- AGAIN IN OPERATION begin at the end of the week. low, both inside and out, and will The mining properties have been hardly be recognized as fhe same BUTTE, Mont., Jan. 18.— Four closed for several months because house. The work of improving the mines or the Anaconda Copper Min- of unfavorable conditions of the house is being done by W. G. anduing company resumed operations to- metal m arkets. L. B. Tucker, who, together with ^day with full shifts of about 2000 Mrs. Homes, have also planned all men aad other properties in this dis- A child of two and one-half years changes th a t have been made i trict increased their forces. Butte | should have sufficient teeth to mas­ __Mr^_Homes is well pleased with and Superior mines and Clark prop- ticate solid food, say many doctors. FR E D HOMES’ RANCH A shland News in Paragraphs Local and LPersonal — —---------------- Side Lights — ------------------- - M asonic Program for W eek—- The new Spring and Summer line B runer Woolen company samples ' have Just arrived. Call in and see them. K. Nelson. Hotel Ashland W ednesday night— Meeting of the building. H 6-4 Commandery. Thursday night: Meeting of Sis­ Our price, $55.00, Columbia and kiyou chapter; over a dozen peti­ $8.00 worth of records— 18 selec­ tions presented. tions with this machine. Easy terms. Friday nigh:: A. F. & A. M. meets Rose Bros. » - 115-6 for work. i of A Buy a Vlctrola and enjoy music during the new year 1922. Rose Louis ’Dodge, local w eather ob­ Bros- 115-6 server, reported the lowest tem pera­ ture reached last night was 13 de­ Banquet Friday for Legion F olks__ grees above zero. This is the cold­ The American Legion and the est w eather reported here this win­ W omen’s Auxiliary are entertaining te r and colder by a few degrees than all members and eligibles of the Le­ the coldest ,day last winter. Mr. gion or Auxiliary organizations a t a Dodge says th a t cold w eather may dinner next Friday, at 6:30 o’clock. be expected tonight. The en tire evening will be taken up with program and games. It is rum ored this will be the best W atch Rose JBros. windows for entertainm ent of the season. home-made candies of quality. 115-6 C oldest W eather in Tw o Year*—— Have you tried our new special Our 28c bacon is a winner. Try Rosebud ice cream— it’s delicious. it out, not a special, a regular. W hite Rose Bros. 115-6 House Groceteria. 108-2 Get your sanitary peanut b u tter Sweet cream for sale. Rose Bros. in the right way at Dennis, Feed and 116-2 115-6 Grocery. Phone 214. “ The World Must Be Made Safe for Democracy, l a Peace Must Be Planted Upon the Tested Foundations of Political Liberty. * JT THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF THE WOODROW WILSON FOUNDATION HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT IS A FOUNDER OF THE WOODROW WILSON AWARD CREATED BY PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION IN THE YEAR 1922 IN RECOGNITION OF THE N A T IO N A L A N D T H E IN T E R N A T IO N A L SERVICES OF W O O D R O W WILSON, TWICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES This certificate is to be given to s u b s c r ib e r s to th e fund of $1000 or more to endow the Woodrow W ilson aw ards for distinguished public service. The certificate is in sepia tones and 9x12 inches In size. The national campaign for this am ount began January 16. The work is be­ ing directed by Cleveland H. Dodge, chairm an of the executive commit­ tee, F ranklin D. Roosevelt, chairm an of the national committee; and Hamilton Holt, executive director. National headquarters are at 150 Nassau street, New York City. H otel A shland G uests— The following are recent arrivals A ged R esident Galled— at Hotel Ashland: W. F. Sergeant, ! Calvin Nance, 77 Fifth street, died Waldo S. Miller, B. D. W estfield, B. Tuesday morning”? aged 83 years, 5 E. Rythe, Portland; R. F. Farrell, months and 24 days. Death was Frank S. Knight, San Francisco; Mr. i caused by dilation of the heart. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Furry, Phoenix, and ! Nance had been In very poor health for the past six months and his William O. Woods, city. death was not altogether unexpect­ I wrestled around the room, but he . The Nat skating rink will be ed. He was a native of Tennessee, ' was bigger than I was and lie fin- closed Monday, Wednesday and F ri­ but has resided here for some time, j ally shoved me awtdy against the day afternoons, but will be open ev­ having retired from the farm sev wall. 1 reached my rifle ju st as he ery evening. 115-5 eral years ago. The funeral was reloaded. I didn’t have time to aim held this afternoon a t 2 o’clock from it. our guns struck together as we Had to come to it. R egular city the Presbyterian church. The burial pointed them at. each other and mine delivery. D etrick’s Groceteria. 105tf will be in Mountain View cemetery. went off and he fell across the bed.” H. C. Stock in charge. Young says th a t he kept his rifle Soap special: R egular 10c Fairy trained on Freyer who had stag- soap, 5c; regular 15c Fairy soap, 10 Typew riters cleaned. Flxit Shop. - _ i gered to his feet and was leaning cents; Gold Dust, large package, reg­ ■ against the wall fbr support, and u lar 35c, now 25c. W hite House HARDING PROMISES ROSEBURG, Or. Jau. 18.— The slowly backed out of the small cabin Groceteria. 108-2 SUPPORT TO CANAL, rem ote cabin home of W allace F re y -!ro°ni. He and Hughes then went to er was the scene of a tragedy Sun- ‘the home oi a neighbor and sum ­ V isitors from M edford— CHICAGO TO THE SEA moned a deputy sheriff and a t 3 Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hubber, of WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 18.— day night, when F rey er’s nephew, o ’clock the next morning started out Medford, were business visitors in Negotiations of a treaty between the Douglas Tapp, aged 34 years, alleged for Roseburg to surrender. They Ashland today. United States and G reat Britain m oonshiner and fugitive from ju s ­ were m et at Oakland by Sheriff looking toward improvement of the tice, was killed in a drunken brawl Starm er who brought Young on to All the best grades of flour at St. Lawrence river between Mont with C. M. Young, a neighboring Roseburg. D etrick’s— Crown, Olympic, Sper­ real and Lake Ontario, so as to pro­ farm er. Young, who surrendered Tapp has had a bad reputation In ries. Buy from us and save money. vide a deep waterway from the Great immediately following the killing, is Douglas county. Iu July 1920 he We deliver. 109tf Lakes to the A tlantic ocean may be in the county jail a t Roseburg. was arrested for assault and bat­ expected to be undertaken, soon, it Sheriff Starm er and Coroner R itter tery on his uncle in the cabin he F irst class stock ranch, all stocked. was said today at the W hite House left Monday for the scene of the was killed in and only recently was E. T. Staples. llltf The arrangem ent of such a treaty shooting, which is several miles arrested for operating a still, but is recommended in the report of the from Kellogg. Seriously 111— was released from justice court In International joint commission tra n s­ According to Young’s story, which order th a t the government might H. T. Esbensen Is seriously 111 at his home on Meade street. One m itted yesterday by the president to he told freely, he shot Tapp in sell take the case. He escaped before congress. Conclusion of such a defense after the alleged moonshiner the federal officers could a rrest him daughter from Seattle Is here, and convention would be the first step crazed with drink, tried to kill him, and has since been hiding in the another living In Los Angeles Is on tow ard m aking possible the long actually firing once preceding the woods. her way here, as is a son living in discussed lakes-to-ocean watekwak. fight. Wisconsin. Young, who is 49 years of age, has President H arding, it was also said According to Young's statem ent, been a resident of the Elkton coun­ See the prices on left-over suits at the W hite House, is much in te r­ which was made under oath at the try for the last three years. His at Paulserud’s. HOtf ested in the project and Intends to direction of District A ttorney Neu-1 wiie and two children are visiting lend his influence tow ard early dip­ ner, he went with his brother-in-law , relatives at La Crescentra, Calif. He lomatic efforts. Fifteen acre ranch near town, for Roy Hughes, to the home of W allace bears a good reputation in that rent. E. T. Staples. llltf Freyer late Saturday night, Intend­ neighborhood. COLD WAVE HITS PORTLAND; ing to hunt over Sunday. Tapp fled On th e S treets— ZERO WEATHER IN EAST ORE. from Yoncalla recently upon learn-1 M EDFORD FARM ER E. P. Hughes, who lives in Talent, PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 18.— This mg that the federal au thorities were! TRICKED TW ICE BY wras on our streets this forenoon. vicinity is experiencing th e coldest seeking for him, after wrecking a WILD WOMEN w eather It has had for two years. still, which Is said to have been con­ We m ake our own candles, Ice The minimum record reached here ducted there, and had been in hiding (Continued from Page 1) cream and tam ales. Enders Con­ was at 7 o’clock this morning, when near his uncle’s home. Young says' fectionery. ' 62tf the m ercury touched 16 above, a th at he came to F reyer’s cabin at m itted her to go with the money. drop of five degrees in two hours. The restau ran t m anagem ent call­ about 11 o’clock Saturday night and We buy for cash and sell for cash. Cities east of the Cascades are remained with them all night. ed the police and hand Anderson ar- Thig is one of the many reasons why even colder. Spokane ¡¡reportted a o —„ 6„ CD aiIU Sunday ______ morning Hughes and rested on a charge of disorderly con- we sell for less. D etrick’s Groce­ minimum of eight below; Boise, Ida Young went hunting together and duct’ In P°lice court he gave the teria. 109tf ho, four below; W alla W alla, two Tapp took the dogs and went in an-I name of Eric Peterson, but Deputy below; Baker, Or., two below. Seat other direction. Unable to hunt b e - iD lstrict Attorney Mowry recognized Separate coats and pants at prices tie had a low m ark of 18 above. cause of the fog, Young and his ^ iin as Medford swain who had th a t can’s be beat, at P aulserud’s. The w eather man predicts this brother-in-law returned and Tapp complained of the loss of a bride-to H O tf cold snap will last a few days. In fact, Anderson came in about noon carrying a deer. he and $680. wanted the county prosecutor to In the afternoon they went out represent him aB his attorney in po­ again, and Tapp killed another deer, lice court. coming in with it about dusk. In view of Anderson's recent un­ A fter the evening meal Tapp, it is asserted, pulled out a gallon jug fortunate and costly experiences of moonshine from a hidden cache witli women. Judge Rossman per­ in the cabin and invited the mem­ mitted him to go on his way with a bers of the party to drink. Young $5 fine. He still had $21 left. states th a t he and Hughes did not TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY By Rupert Hughes --- like the liquor and had only two drinks which they diluted with hot FOR SALE—Acre lot, house and Don’t Cheat barn, family fruit. A bargain if w ater and sugar. F reyer and Tapp —Never before has the screen taken at once. Ford truck or team Yourself drank heavily, however, Young considered. 72 Garfield St. 116-* touched with such beauty and says, and Freyer especially became by dramatic force a subject which very drunk and sick.- Tapp, accord­ FOR RENT— Two dandy front rooms Missing facing the Plaza. Suitable for of­ finds an echo in the lives of ev­ ing to Young’s story, became boast­ This Show. fice rooms or apartm ent. Inquire ful of his law violations and his eryone one of us. One of the of Emil Peil. 116-5 ability a t making moonshine, claim­ most heart-gripping dramatic GO ing the liquor in front of him as be­ FOR SALE— One heating stove, one stories ever narrated. laundry stove with drum , one gas­ TONIGHT ing some of his own make. As the oline stove, one kitchen table. 195 evening wore on Young says Tapp I Skidmore, corner Mechanic. 116*2 KILLED IN QUARREL OLD N EST with notable cast including1 Mary Alden Helene Chadwick Dwight Crittenden Cullen Landis Richard Tucker Louise Lovely Mollv Malone C 0 MIN G—Friday—Saturday BILL HART in “ WHITE OAK” COMING— “ THE 4 HORSEMEN” r o « SALE OR T R A D E -B e a u tih ü and boastful and a t about 10:30 de­ 33 acre modern ranch home clared: heart of valley, on pavement. Also acreage. ‘Priced low’. J. Simer- “I ’ve been living in the woods for ville, Central Point, Or. 116-4* the last m onth: I ’m a fugitive from justice, and I ’d as soon kill anybody FOR SALE— Nice baby bed and — I ’d even kill you.” m attress, new and clean, also nice baby cart. These things m ust be “ W ith these words, he leaped to sold at sacrifice prices. Every­ his feet and shoved his rifle against thing else all sold. Thanks to the my stom ach,” Young said, as he told friends who bought bo readily. his story. Rev. W. L. Evans. 247 Oak St. 116 " I grabbed the barrel and shoved FOR SALE— F our Jersey cows. I It to one side ju st as he fired and Phone 257-J or call at 1177 Iowa i the b p 1 let grazed my side. We St. Ashland. 115-3* 1 To the People oí Ashland and Jackson County I take pleasure in announcing to the general public that I have purchased the Overland- Marcy Garage, and from this date on, the same will be managed under my personal direction. SERVICE BUILT TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS will be my aim. Because I will carry in stock a full line of Parts, Tires, Etc. My intention is to measure my service to meet YOUR requirements. I WANT YOUR BUSINESS I want to give you Quality, Price, Delivery and Service, and when you buy an OVERLAND CAR THAT’S JUST WHAT YOU GET We also have a number of used cars for sale. Come in and see our line. Let’s get acquainted —nothing like it! Schmidt Overland Garage ASHLAND, ORE. East Main St. Phone 195 j t ’J t a i "{Ih W-: 1 ■ O uting F la n n e l now 13c yd. ■ H. R. IS A A C & CO. S U C C E S S O R TO C . H . VAUPEL THE Q U A L IT Y S T O R E N ew L aces now 4c yd. JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE EVERY A R T IC L E REDUCED (CONTRACT GOODS EXCEPTED) Many Special Bargains Offered for Thursday 20% off on aff Wool Blankets WANT TO CARRY OVER A SINGLE PAIR OF WOOL BLANKETS S? )^ F p M^ F r n Tn ^ SPJ CIAL 0FFER AT THIS TIME WHEN MOST NEEDED— 20 PER CENT OFF REGULAR PRICE i i o 'm R ,'a ” Le i S’ D° W ............................ $ 1 6 ° ° $ I 8 -° ° B l a n k e , s ’ n o w ............................... « 4 . 4 0 $190° Blankets, now ...................... $15.20 $13.50 Blankets, now $10 60 GUARANTEED ALL WOOL 25% off Sample Blankets ^ y ^ T E^ i INE ° F SAMPLE BLANKETS, SLIGHTLY SOILED WOOL AND COTTON, WOOL FINISH AND COTTON BLANKETS W o m e n ’s U n d e r w e a r R e d u c e d lo r th is s a le "Athena” Wool Union Srtitsl “ Athena” Silk and Wooll “ Athena” Cotton Union - nuw ......................... $3.15: Union Snits-now ... $2.59! Suits- now ■ . . . . . .$1.98 B argain s In Wool D r e ss G oods a n d S ilk s NOW $1.59 YARD NOW $1.79 YARD NOW $2.48 YARD y-Dutchess Dress Satin in -42 inch Wool Dress Goods —40 inch Black Charnieuse, black only, good quality. in several good dark shades. an extra good quality. Have Your Hemstitching and Picoting Done Here The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated