9 I itti! ÁfltiLAÑÜ DALL* fWifütííí M ttfe Ashland Tidings self Is as domestic and homë-lovlng in the one-sum cases will not b e 1 to the opposite side of the room to a m an as can be found in the repub­ made until the beneficiaries’ plans Eugene and took him to the rear the bed part of the celling, which B sta b lisied 1876 C. B. L A M K I N lic. All official W ashington is keen­ a b lis h e d E v e ry E v e n in g Exna p t for the use of the aw ards have been door. Bits of burning paper and rags consisted of burlap and several lay ly Interested in th e subject of homes, ____ Sunday ers of paper, fell on him, confusing approved by the commission. from the ceiling fell constantly. Liff him, and he quickly left the house. THE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. BARGAINS IN REAL n e t only because homes are the nor­ One hero 6tory will be published re-entered the bedroom for Orcelia, ESTATE _ OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY m al and happiest domicile of men (By International New* Service) by the Tidings each day under the but inhaled some smoke and ran out­ Orcelia was burned to death. E u­ an^d women, hut because th at nation PA PE R gene and Charles were slightly burn­ PITTSBURGH, Pa., Jan. IS —- At head “ Carnegie H eroes” side. He again entered and, not be­ ed. Liff was slightly burned on his is most self-reliant whose lines of the eighteenth annual m eeting of City and R anch Properties TELEPHONE 39 ing able to see through the smoke, head and hands. H ouses to Rent stren g th lead straight to the h earth ­ ! the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission E ntered at the Ashland, Oregon. DAVID C LIFF, crawled about seven feet to the bed Postoffice as Secbnd-class Mail Mat stones of a contented and home-lov­ held here this afternoon twenty-five R. D. 3, Mt. Sterling, Ohio containing Orcelia. As he reached ing people. ter. Dew Drop Inn— for lunches. CITIZEN'S BANK BUILDING acts of heroism were recognized. In Bronze medal— Liff, aged fifty- The opening of the new year four cases silver medals were aw ard­ d)UMME2pLAYGaOUND' brings a nation-wide renewal of ed; in twenty-one cases bronze med­ seven, stationary engineer, saved home-building discussion. W ith the als. Eleven of the heroes lost th eir I Charles G. and Eugene R, Davis, OFÀMERICAf spring building season only a few lives, and to th e dependents of eight aged four and three, respectively, m onths off, this is the time for fire­ of these pensions aggregating $7,320 and attem pted to save Orcelia M. side planning and visualizing the a year were granted; to the depend­ Davis, aged one, from burning, Era, new home with all of its innate ap­ ents of one of these and of three Ohio, January 8, 1919. Charles, Eu­ peal to the best instincts of men others who lost their lives the sum gene and Orcelia were in a bedroom and women. Many thousands of of $3,500 was granted to be applied of their one story house when the people have dreamed of th at beauti­ as the Commission may sanction. house took fire. Liff entered a hall T h e la w is v e r y c a re fu l in h a rm ed b y te a an d coffee, and at the rear of the house, although ful home th a t some day they intend p ro te c tin g th e rig h ts o f a p ris­ One of the heroes sustained injuries, smoke rolled out through the door y o u m a y b e h a rm ed , isn ’t it to build. But year has followed oner ch a rg ed w ith a crim e. and he was granted disablem ent ben­ way and flames licked the ceiling w ell to p u t th e b en efit o f the year and the joys of the new home efits in the sum of $500 to reim ­ d o u b t o n y o u r s id e b e fo r e and reached the bedroom door, H o w a b o u t th e L a w o f C o m ­ have never been realized burse him for his loss. In addition! which was ju st inside the hall door. d o u b t b ecom es an u n p lea san t m on S en se a n d th e m an w h o Will 1922 be a good year to build to these money grants in five cases (Correct “Tax Exem ption’’ Evil c e r ta in ty ? h as co m m itte d a n erro r o n ly ? The bedroom was alm ost filled with Experts declare th at it The Oregon State Cham ber of a home? aw ards aggregating $8,000 were ap­ dense • smoke, and the walls were Isn t th is a g o o d p la c e to use practically all buildinf building Commerce on January 3 passed will be. r For o r Prac“ caily all T h e re ’s c h a rm w ith o u t harm propriated for educational purposes.! th e b en efit o f th e d o u b t, to o ? strong resolutions in Portland, O re-' niaterials are down to aa near pre payments to be made as needed and burning. Stooping under the smoke in P o s tu m — a p u re ce rea l b e v ­ Liff ran four feet to Charles, took erage, rich in fla v o r, fu lly s a t­ gon, condemning the practice of is­ w ar levels as they are likely to go approved, and in nine cases aw ards T a k e y o u r o w n ca se: I f y o u him to the re a r door and pushed him under the new conditions confront­ isfy in g ; th e fa v o r ite ta b le d r in k suing tax-exempt securities. d o n ’t k n o w fo r sure w h e th e r te a aggregating $9,000 were made fori outside. He returned to the bedroem ing the world. This is especially o f th o u san d s. The resolutions point out th a t our other w orthy purposes. Paym ents stooped lower as he ran sixteen feet or coffee is h a rm in g y o u , y o u d o tru e of lum ber which is being pro federal policy of taxation has been k n o w th a t m a n y a re h arm ed b y S u p p o se y o u t r y g iv in g y o u r ­ radically changed from an indirect duced a t alm ost pre-war cost and is th e d ru g e le m en t in te a a n d being sold by retailers generally at se lf th is b en efit to d a y , a n d keep to a direct tax by a graduated scale co ffee, a n d t h a t h e a d a c h e s , figures as low as the present hlfeh u p th e te s t fo r te n d a y s ; then of taxation upon incomes. nervousn ess, or h ig h blo o d p res­ ju d g e th e re su lts. S ee if yo u cost of handling and transportation As a result of these high income sure a re sy m p to m s w h ich o ften d o n ’ t fe e l b e t t e r a n d w o r k will permit. In the very n atu re of taxes, increasing volumes of capital te ll th a t th e d ru g , caffein e, is b e tter. Y o u c a n g e t P o stu m are being Invested in non-taxable things lum ber is expected to advance g iv in g th e n e rv o u s sy ste m to o w h erever go od food a n d d r in k securities ot federal, state and minor ! ° ' ““ »“ PPlr m u c h jo lt. a re sold o r served . subdivisions j ‘ 1 tim ber- The man who builds This diversion of capital from I » ' “ » » “ » r >>» « « o n a W r »»re P r o b a b ly y o u k n o w , to o , th a t P o stu m com es in tw o iorm s: Instant productive enterprise to exempted t ' r“° ‘ Pr° ’ som e p eo p le c a n ’t d r in k a cu p P o stu m (in tins) m ade instantly in the I© postum securities is an u nfair and serious °Cted h“ ‘” ïe a ‘me" ‘ o f te a o r coffee a t b ed -tim e, cup by th e addition of boiling water. But suppose some items of con- P ostum Cereal (in packages of larger a n d sleep w ell th a t n ig h t. ssr*** handicap to business which cannot bulk, for those who p.elei to make the _ . , for money against such i struction do become compete . 7 7 r cheaDer e a p e r . T m h e « drink while th e m eal is being prepuied) W h ere m a n y h a v e been 0(K}g man who lives in his own home can m ade by boiling for 20 m inutes. investm ent of large incomes in > 7 X 7 ™ tax-exempt securities relieves the ! ? UPtVnn n r , ? te“ P° rary re' holders from taxes they would other-1 h ? ma 6na and after tb at W ise h e nhUeeH tn he may be reasonably sure th a t his wise be obliged to pay, and. thereby home cannot be duplicated for le ss ! imposes on those who cannot bene­ M ade b y P o stu m C ereal C o m p an y, Inc., B a ttle C reek, M ich. We will furnish free your 1922 licenses on used cars than it cost him. Build now, is the j fit by such exemption, an unfair advice of those who know building! burden of taxation. The Oregon State Chamber of , t ”“ a'reaiiy there M purchased from us during January Commerce, in it, resolution, c o n - | l j “ “ . “n V J ’ " ? 2“ ° ' cludse by recommending th a t n e ce s-|dle . th P” ¡ , " . , 2 7 * ’ mld' Our cars are in fine condition, ready to run anywhere; Bary corrective legislation be pro- 7 T 86aS° n “ “ ’ p advance in the general cost of ma- vided to remove this present in­ anytime, and are priced right terials will set in th a t will repre­ equitable burden of taxation and to sent substantial profit to those who m ake all income, from w hatever Large Assortment take advantage of the building con­ « source, and in w hatever form, hear f ditions of early spring. its ju st proportion of the cost of governm ent and remove the dis­ BERLIN, Jan. 18.— Germany has crim ination now prevailing between plate w?‘d We" ’ai'ranSed cotta«e of 7 rooms mid bath, beam ceiling, sent a plea to the United States to government securities and those of interest herself in European affairs, Sink, drain board cooliuZ / 7 “i" “nd windows’ kitchen cabinet’, private enterprises. particularly in the economic recon­ The demand is becoming insistent f r o n t .,o,l g closet- P'Ped for liot and cold water, large porch aeross th a t the iniquity of continuing to is­ struction. This is the attitu d e of sue billions of dollars of tax-exempt the German government aB revealed bonds and securities by investm ent by Chancellor W lrth in an address In which capital can escape all forms to a convention of the central (C ath­ of taxation, be corrected. Here is a olic) party. logical point to begin to reduce All clLredDt5Se ° f 30°i,feei ° n W alker Ave-> i “st sufficient slope for good draina<-e tax burdens by m aking all pay CARLOAD SH IPM BNT OF equally. * s & • = a s s s s i “ 7 , = Carnegie Heroes You are entitled to the benefit of the doubt W hy not take advantage of it? 192 Postum for H e a lth —“ T h ere’s a Reason” CO T TA G E B A R G A IN CASH Fords Overlands Maxwell Chevrolets Chalmers Oakland Studebaker WASHINGTON LETTER WASHINGTON, l>. C.— Secretary of Commerce Hoover is the home­ builder’s friend. At least he is con­ sistently advocating and actively en­ couraging the erection of more houses for the people of the United States. And President H arding him- Fencing Trades Carefully Considered New prices on implements and re­ pairs. . New aad used sewing machines for sale or te r e n t . . . . Peil's Corner A A/D 11 A C R E S O F LAND Time Payments Owner in K m i s ^ C d v T ’ T ® O‘? er outbail<,in«s- ,dp“' chicken and b erry ’ranch. loin X ^ d win « te rn s of 7 " ^ Sa'e a W t «*’ from Eastern mills Just in. Con« siderable drop in prices on same. GOOD CEDAR POSTS 77 , Busy Corner Motor Co, at 6 percent If von buy U a home and in tomorrow Main and Riverside Streets . W HEELER - A t Hotel Ashland Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week only. Medforod, Oregon r 1,l’ance Per month with interest S’r grasp ^ ' 8 ° |,port" nib to make your rent money tlme “ ake a Splendid ¡“ vestment. Yon can move ^ Jackson County Building & Loan Association MEDFORD, OREGON CONDENSED STATEMENT December 31, 1921 RESOURCES LIABILITIES P ash ...................................................$ 6,143.78 Interest accrued ___ 1 177 no Fines accrued ............. / " T T / ’ 14A0 Notes Receivable ............................. 123,500.00 W ater c e rtific a te ............................... 28.50 Furniture and fixtures .................... 35.00 Liberty bonds ................................... 250.00 Contracts ........................................... 9,525.50 Real estate ......................................... j 774. grj Equity in p ro p e rty ........................... 1,458.00 Insurance p a i d ................................... 27.00 Notes payable ................................... $ 26,000.00 Interest accrued ............................... 393 34 Examining f e e s ................................ 117.50 Paid-up s to c k ................................... 71,15(h00 Installment stock ....................... 35 051.48 Dividends reserved ......................... 113 gg Loans unfinished ............................. 661.52 Redeemable foreclosure .................. 272.45 SurPlus ............................................ Net profit for six m onths................ $143,933.92 5,880.34 4,380.61 DIRECTORS 0. C. BOGGS GEO. T. COLLINS SCOTT V. DAVIS J. J. EMMENS A. L. HILL RALPH WALDO ELDEN $143,933.92 C. M. KIDD This Association is Managed by Conservative, Well Knwon Business Men of Medford J. C. MANN A Semi-Annual Dividend of 3 1-2 per cent or more has been paid every six months since the organization of the T. W. MILES Association in 1909