»♦ «H r »n ti AMHLAAÖ D A h jf TIBIA tíg -H S basket. The evening was spent In sewing and playing games, and was j completed with a fine lunch iyre- pared by the hostess and her m oth­ Local and Personal er. Those present were: G ertrude ■ ■ Side Lights -—— Biede, Helene Biede, Calla Sigofl, i R uth Osmun, Pearl W ilshire, Emma Masonic Progjjim for Week- Our price, $55.00, Columbia and Murphy, K athryn Umphlette, Geor- $8.00 worth of records— 18 selec­ i gia Coffee, Alleen W alker, and Leta tions with this machine. Easy term s. ' W alker. Rose Bros. 115-6 Tuesday night: Meeting of the Have you tried our new special Eastern Star. Phonographs cleaned. Fixit Shop. Rosebud ice cream — it’s delicious. Wednesday night— Meeting of the Rose Bros. 115-6? Comraandery. Shooting M atch H eld— Asiùand News in Paragraphs & Thursday night: Meeting of Sis­ A shooting match was held Sun kiyou chapter: over a dozen peti­ day afternoon near Phoenix, and tions presented. was attended by quite a crowd. A. E. Friday night: A. F. & A. M. meets Powell of Ashland was high man for work. with the rifle, whileO tis Helman “ - 1— was able to hold his own with the Mrs. Leeda Funeral Thursday— shotgun. Prizes in the way of mer- The funeral of Mrs. W. H. Leeds chandise, such as sugar, flour, syrup will take place from the Methodist and honey were given. Among those Episcopal church Thursday after- who attended from Ashland were noon at 2 o’clock, conducted by R ev .! A. E. Powell, Otis Helman, Benton C. A. Edwards. Bowers, George Parm an, Bob Mid- --------------------------- I dleton and Mr. Hake. Cement bungalow, modern and most attractive in every re sp ec t.! Buy a Victrola and enjoy music Also garage. Reasonable terms, during the new year 1922. Rose Ashland Realty Company, opposite Bros. 115-6 city hall. 113-tf : H otel A slihm d G uests— SCOVELL PROGRAM TONIGHT The following splendid program will be given by Ben Scovell, famous actor-soldier, a t 8 o’clock sharp this evening at the M ethodist Episcopal church. The admission will be 25 cents. 1. (a) Ducat scene from “ The Mer­ chant of Venice”— Shakespeare. (b) “ The Football Match”— Scovell (c) “ C asey a t th e B a t”— T h a y e r. 2. Musical num ber— selected. Fred C. Holmes, after having been opportuned by many to stand as a candidate for legislative honors, has decided definitely not to become a candidate. He says th a t he has neither the tim e nor inclination to make the race at this time, although he feels full appreciation of the kindly offers of support he has been receiving from many citizens. Sweet cream for sale. MANN’S The Best Goods for the Price — No Matter W hat the Price Rose Bros. 115-6 A Saving the People of Jackson County Thousands of Their Hard Earned Dollars TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY EXCHANGES FORTY ACRES % mile from town and S. P. R. R., lies fine, some has been in cultivation, A-x soil. Price $1000, will take gGoO au*>- mobile and pay cash differ? ■* e. Address Box 42, care of Tidings. 115-5* Basket Ball at Central Point— | The Business Girls club was the The Junior high basket ball team Suest of Mis3 Aileen W alker at her will play the Central Point grades borne on E ast Main street last even- a t C entral Point Saturday evening, j in&- The occasion was a towel January 21. ' shower given by the m embers to Mrs. E rnest E. Umphlette, nee Miss Revival meeting, Nazarene church K athryn Miller, which gifts were each evening a t 7:30. 115-1, augm ented by a beautiful cut glass tried, “T hat flou r is flou r,” anil som e­ tim es so, But th a t’s n o t the case w ith this Cherro. CHERRO FLOUR A H ard W heat F lo u r o f Fam ous Blend— G uaranteed January Circle Bargains MANN’S OUR JANUARY CLEARANCE SALES EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EXCEPT CONTRACT GOODS SENSATIONAL SALE OF DRESS GOODS 40 in. Crepe meteor suitable for dress­ es and blouses, $3.50 val- iw a ties. For this big sale, yd. ft/ CHERRO CHIMES B usiness G irls Club M eets— STARRING FR A Y knowledge. When Grigsby was stabbed, two MEDFORD BRIDGE young women, one of whom is the CONFUSES COPS wife of Garcia, summoned Deputy Sheriff “Forncrook and Officers Cave (Continued from Page 1) and Laggett, who placed García, his caused Grigsby to lose a large brother Albert, Grigsby, Bryce Nich­ am ount of blood. His conditions is ols and one other man who Is in* volved in the quarrel, under arrest. not considered serious. It is understood th a t Grigsby was carrying a banjo belonging to Garcia The Nat skating rink, will be and th at he had taken th at in stru ­ closed Monday, W ednesday and F ri­ Building expeditures for 1921 In ment from G arcia’s rooms at 510 day afternoons, but will be open ev­ Roseburg totaled $126,380. East Main street w ithout the la tte r’s ery evening.. ... 115-5 AT TH E METHODIST CHURCH W ill Not Be a C andidate— W atch Rose 'Bros, windows for Among the guests a t the Hotel home-made candies of quality. 115-6 Ashland are the following: Newton ---------- ¡Coon, San Francisco: C. F. H arrison, M i«isterial Association Meets— Eugene; Ray L. Autrim , Aloha, Or.; At a meeting of the local M inis-!E. L. W heeler, Kansas City, Mo.; terial association held in the lib ra ry ; Mr. and Mrs. Moe, Hood River, Or.; last Monday, Rev. W. L. Evans ten- D. H. Blaklock, George M. Robinson, FOR SALE— Grain hay. Mile and half north of T a le n t on Bear dered his resignation as president. Robert McKee, P ortland; and Frank creek. Ben French. 115-4* Mr. Evans is leaving for C orpus, C arter and family of W eatherford, Christus, Texas. Rev. Hiram Smith, Texas. LOST— A lady’s small elk tooth charm between Shook apartm ents, of the B rethren church, was elected ______ _ and post office. R eturn to Jo r­ to fill the unexplred term . After Sewing machines repaired. Fixit dan Electric Co. Receive reward.! the business session Elizabeth Schof- Shop. FOR RENT— Store building. In ­ fen delivered an address to the mem- ' quire 343 East Main. 115-3 bers of the association, which was * »Bfornians A ¡siting highly appreciated.— C. F. Koehler, Mr’ and Mrs’ Bonny and 8<>n > of, secretary. ¡Montague, Calif., are spending the ______ ¡week with C. A. R adcliff,144 Fourth Our 28c bacon is a winner. Try ' streeL Mr’ Bonny came over on a I’ve heard it said , and w on’t be it out, not a special, a regular. W hite COmbined business and Pleasure trip. denied. House Groceteria. 108-2 Of d ifferen t flours you som etim e _______ 3. (a) Downfall of Wolsey from “Henry V III”— Shakespeare. (b) “ Honeymooning”— Lewis. 4. Musical num ber— selected. 5. (a) “ The Coward”— Service. (b) “M other’s a t the Club”— Scovell (c) “ The Young Man W aited”— Cooke. This is one Mr. Scovell's best pro­ grams. Don’t miss it. Come early if you want a good seat. 36 inch TAFFETA evening shades $3.00 values now yard $2.19 . 28 in. All Wool Cliallie, new patterns, sold at $1.25. This Big -■ A A Sale, yard ........................ t b la v if 42 in. All Wool Serges and Poplins in the new shades, sold up to A < A A $3.00. This Sale, y a r d ... 28 in. All Wool Flannel for M en’s S h irts ami Middies, regu- lar price $1.25, this sale, yd. O il 0*7 C 42 inch Wool Plaids, all new patterns, regular price $1.25— AO Now, yard ............................. 5/OC 56 in. Serges and Coatings in good colors, all wool, splendid material. Sold up to $5.00. This 4»i AO Sale, yard ........................ M e J / 0 32 inch TUB SILKS for Men’s Shirts $2.50 values This sale, vard $1.69 $15.00 HATS—$5.00 Half Price Sale of Coats, Suits, Every W om an’s W inter Blouse Dresses and Skirts Bathrobe, Kimona, Housedress They are going fast—buy Tomorrow Saturday we will place on sale 25 New W inter Hats, former prices up to $15.00. This sale, each and Sweater, going at 20 per cent off regular price $ 5 .0 0 GREAT SALE OF BEDDING AT HALF PRICE SALE OF WOOL AND SENSATIONAL REDUCTIONS COTTON BATTS 64x76 Cotton Blankets, heavy weight, slightly imperfect cheap at $2.00. This Big Sale— Homestead Wool Batts, 3 pound size, opens up to 72 x90, enough for comforter. $4.98 value— J A now, each ........................................................... *r^ .4 *7 Each •;.......................... $1.50 zt»4 Large Size Bed Spreads, good quality, sold at $2.50. This sale, e a c h ............................... 72x90 Seamed Sheets, good grade, sold at $1.50. This Big Sale, each .............................. f * a 72x90 two pound Wool Batts, sold all season zt>-| a at $3.25. This Sale, each ............................... Jp J • A A M 72x90 Wool Finish Batts, 3 pound size, $3.25 value. Now, each ........................................... 25 per cent off on all Comforters 20 per cent off on Wool Blankets 72x90 Wool Finish Batts, 2 pound size, sold at $2.25. Now, each ....................................... 20 per cent off on Feather Pillows Half Wool, Plaid Blankets, 66x80, sold at zh $6.50. This sale, p a i r ..................................... a a a a 72x90 Wool and Colton Batts, 3 pound size, $3.00 values. Now, each ............................... j z* «DI . 0 0 4» 1 Q «b 1 • 1«) 4»* BARGAINS IN CORSET DEPARTMENT SAVE MONEY ON DOMESTICS NOTE THESE BIG SPECIAL DISCOUNTS 20 per cent off on All Gossard and 27 inch heavy W hite Outing Flan­ nel, sold at 19c. This big < f * sale only, y a r d .................. 1