A hnj L4 i *Ö OA ívjí ribiAüÄ « a te — .n.u m JAZZ PLAYED IN ANCIENTBABYLOM A saluid News in Paragraphs L Local and ^Personal ----- side Lights — Masonic Program fo r W eek— ----- -—— HIG H PR IC ES FOR FÜRS Uncommon Sense Season Very handsome, nearly new, mod­ Rage in Those Days. ern bungalow, five rooms, garage, chicken house, cement sidewalk, Monday night: Newly elected of­ close to paved street, centrally lo­ ficers will meet for practice. cated Offered till February 1. F irst Tuesday night: Meeting of the come, firs: served, $3500, terms. E astern Star. Staples Realty Agency. 114-eod3 English Archaeologist, Engaged in Wednesday night— Meeting of the S tu d y a n d E x p lo r a tio n o f A s s y ria n Commandery. Ruins for Thirty Years, Gives Some To A ttend A rea Conference Thursday night: Meeting of Sis­ Interesting F a c ts About Ancient Rev. C. A. Edwards, Homer Bil­ kiyou chapter; over a dozen peti­ People—Paints Life in Babylon and lings, John Riggs, and Dr. G. W. tions presented. Ur as Curiously Modern—People Gregg will leave tomorrow for E u­ Friday night: A. F. & A. M. meets Deeply Religious. gene to attend an area conference for work. which is being held in th a t city this Jazz and popular songs, such as week. The conference is in regard “Love is Blind’’ and “Come Into the Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash- to centenary work. They will return Garden,” existed as long ago as the 92tf land Lum ber Co., phone 20. Thursday. days of ancient Babylon, according to Professor Stephen Langdon. Profes­ B utter any kind, 80c per roll 2 L u ge Money O ilier B u sin ess — sor Langdon, head of the Assyriology lbs., W hite House Groceteria. 108-2 The post office reports th a t J. D. department of Oxford university, Eng­ Mars of the Overland shoe shop, land, came to Syracuse, N. Y., to ad­ Spring F e v e r - sent more C. O. D. packages through dress the Syracuse Archaeological While the last few days have not Society on “Music and Liturgies of been so warm, yet the bright spring­ the mail during the last h a lf of Ancient Babylonian Worship,” and like condition has brought the peo­ 1921 than any one firm and more opened up several new avenues of ple out and the inquiries made than all of the general public col­ thought anent the Biblical race by his description of its life. about the Klam ath lands we are of­ lectively. Popular songs were sung to the fering are increasing. Good In v e s tm e n t- music of the lute, the harp, the turn- Quite a num ber who forsee a land bourine and the pipe, Professor Lang­ Purchasers of the tracts from boom in the K lam ath country have don declared, and about 900 B. C. the Jacobs irrigated land can be rented made their selections and purchased Babylonians invented orchestration. Cm™ vi V. i. V „ .1 ®no of t,le newest brides among the tracts of the Jacobs land. Now is a on term s th at will pay for the land L “ „ H V been , dl "mov,e" 6tars is Pre« y Doris May The in five to seven years. P retty good, good time to get in on the ground c Rio , t s known that the an- winsome vvincnm* actress now presides over a floor. See Staples Realty Agency. you’ll say, to double your money in dents were familiar with the oc/uve “love nest” in the film colony at Holly- five years w ithout labor. For par­ 4,000 years ago. 113-eod3 wood, Calif. Doris is a Seattle, Wash., ticulars see Staples Realty Agency. Life in Babylon and in Ur of the girl. Her father was a San Francisco 114-eod-3 Chaldees, Abraham’s home town, wus newspaper man. Phonographs cleaned. Fixit Shop. made to seein curiously modern by -------- O--------- the Engfcsh speaker, who has been Medford Church Dedicated— In fa n t Undergoes Operation— The C hristian church of Medford engaged in the exploration and study Joseph Edward, the year old son T H E R IG H T T H IN G of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beebe of Tal­ held a dedication service Sunday, of Assyrian ruins for thirty years, and Is accounted one of the world’s a t the ent, underwent a serious operation January 15. The purpose of this greatest authorities on the subject. service was to finish paying off the R IG H T T IM E Friday at a local hospital. The pa­ World’« Greatest Race. tient is recovering nicely. This is debt th at has hindered th eir prog­ It Is possible, according to tlie By MARY MARSHALL DUFFEE the second operation in less than a ress for several years as well as ded­ scholar, to definitely date events icating the ehurch, building lo a which happened 4500 B. C., while rec­ month that this little fellow has had g reater usefulness in the days to ords of kings, which probably go back to endure. CANDY M ANNERS. 500 years earlier, have been unearthed. come. Professor Langdon described these F e a s t of n e c ta r ’d sw eets.—M ilton. Cliff Payne makes tabourettes. earlier people, the Sumerians, as one A FIRST USED ORCHESTRATION To A ttend Funeral a t K lam ath F a lls Chill— real Mexican flavor — It drives away th a t chilly feeling. Rose Bros. U ltf W eather Prospects for W eek— Pacific Coast States— Unsettled and probably rain. Normal tem per­ ature. N orthern Rocky Mountain and Plateau regions: F air at beginning of week, unsettled with occasional snows thereafter. Normal tem per­ ature. Cement bungalow, modern and most attractive in every respect. Also garage. Reasonable terms. Ashland R ealty Company, opposite city hall. 113-tf Baby G irl— • Born to Mr. and Mrs. Don D. W at­ son, of Baron precinct, at their apartm ent on G ranite street, a fine baby girl, Friday, January 13. The little miss has been named Ella Josephine. The R ainy Day— It can be provided for by purchas­ ing a tract of the famous, rich, irri­ gated delta land near K lam ath Falls, the fu tu re Oregon “Spokane.” Pay­ ments of from tw enty to forty dol­ lars per month certainly can be paid by many salaried people or people with incomes, w ithout inconvenienc- A F0RTUNE i n A FEW YEARS. We put the land In­ to production for the purchaser and apply the earnings annually on the deferred payments until fully paid. You can feel assured th at the crops will alm ost if not .fully take care of th e payments. Staples Realty Agency. 114-eod3 Roads Open to South— P P PranoV. v i , Ch’ wh0 has Just dr,ven through from southern California, says th at the roads are somewhat rough between Yreka and Red Bluff, but th a t they are passable and not dangerous. Dance. Kingsbury Springs. Satur­ day night, December 21. Leedom’s orchestra. Nuff sed. 114-6 M A S O N IC M E E T IN G S T H IS W E E K Offers Wonderful Op­ By JOHN BLAKE portunities to the Trapper. K E E P B R A K E S IN O RDER United States Becomes the Greatest Fur Producing Country in the World—Stocks Worked Off • and Market Now Bar«. Popular Songs Were Also the Bungalow for Sale— New China for HUIah Temple— Hillah Temple has purchased through Loomis and Nelson of F ourth and B streets, one gross sets of elegant china for use in their ban­ quet hall. The china is specially made by the Onandago Pottery com­ pany, of Syracuse, N. Y., and deco­ rated with the Shriners insignia, and the words “H illah Temple, Ashland, Oregon.” This purchase entails an expenditure of about $800. MÜÍ G. W. Benedict and Mrs. W. A. Cooper left Monday m orning foi K lam ath Falls to attend the funeral of Mrs. Clarence Benedict, who died Monday m orning a t 5 o’clock. Mrs. Benedict has been ill for some time. The Boom Is On— The prospects of railroad building in the K lam ath country in the near future is causing land buyers to cen­ ter tow ards K lam ath Falls, and re­ calls the rush during the years 1909 and 1910. People who invested then made money with th eir eyes shut, and It is certain th a t those who buy the Jacobs reclaim ed land, level, rich deep soil, free of any kind of obstruc­ tion and protected by governm ent Ir­ rigation right with plenty of w ater, fully paid up for all time, will cer­ tainly more than double th e ir money within the next three years. For particulars see Staples Realty Agen­ cy. 114-eod3 T THE approach to every danger­ ous turn of a state road is a sign which read s: “GO SLOW I” The automobilist who has good sense and good brakes heeds the warning. He gets around the turn without anything happening to 1dm. The speed maniac, or the man whose brakes are out of order, keeps right on. And we usually read of one or both in the accident columns of the newspapers, sooner or later. The road we all must take is pretty well marked with warnings, although it takes experience to read some of them. If we have the brake called will power, and keep It in trim, we have nothing to fear from the dangerous places. If our Judgment Is bad and our will power likely to give way we never get I where we are going, except in a very , badly damaged condition. There is no occasion for such great hurry that the warning signs must he over run. On the road to wealth, and espe­ cially the road to pleasure, the warn­ ings are very abundant. Yet thousands and thousands of people run past them every day, with the usual disastrous results. There is little enough time In the averuge life. We must ail work rap­ idly If we are to get a good lifetime’s work accomplished in the working years that are allotted to us. But we can always slow down at the risky corner, provided we keep our will power in condition, and use the judg­ ment tliat ought to he a part of our make-up. The “too much play” turn In tlie road is more dangerous than tlie “too much work” corner, hut it Is well to slow down at both of them. Then tlie “overindulgence” and “late hour” spots call for almost a halt. Read all the signs, and observe them. It Is delightful to speed along the road and feel that we shall get where we are going in jig time. But many speeders who do not see or heed the warning, never get where they are going at all. And when they are piled up in the , hospital or the snaltarium or told by a grave-faced doctor to bid their families a last farewell, they begin to see tlie sense in stringing these signs along the road, and to wish they had kept their ! brakes in order. of the greatest races the world lias J T girl IS to a write usual asking question a young who for should take ever produced. Remains of busts and bas reliefs show them to have been the first piece of candy from a box handsome and of the highest physical brought to her by a young man caller, type. They were the first to invent And when you come to think of it, the art of writing and many other fun- there are a good many puzzling things damental inventions may be attributed involved in tlie problems connected to them. with a hox of candy. Professor Langdon gives the credit To begin with, if a man brings a for the majority of the great Biblical girl a box of candy, she usually opens stories to these earlier races. Even it while he is present. She then passes Moses had a counterpart in an older it to any other women in the loom, race, he declares, and likens the life then to the man, and then she helps of Sargon, the Assyrian ruler who herself. If he, when she passes It, (C opyright.) was found, according to legend, float­ holds it for her to take a piece, she o ing down the current of a river in a does so. If the candy comes by mail basket, to that of Moses. The He­ or messenger, she opens it, of course, brew tales of creation, the flood and und does not wait until he calls, even the fall of man are but adaptations If she knows who the candy comes of Babylonian history, the British from before opening it, and knows T each m e y o u r mood, O p a tie n t s ta r s scholar declares. i likewise that tlie donor is to call. f " lio clim b each n ig h t th e an c ie n t sky, L eaving no space, no shade, no scars, The Assyrian worship was a poly- Perhaps tlie most important thing to No tra c e of age, no fe a r to die. theism, the speaker declared, the lead-; remember in connection with the good lng deity being the virgin Mother manners connected with candy is that WAYS WITH FISH. Earth and her son, the god of the tlie person who always greedily eats fruits of earth, whose yearly death candy and never buys it is very ill FEW varieties of fish in cans may at the time of the summer drought bred. It is the week-end custom for be adapted to almost any dish one and whose resurrection in tlie spring- _ some men to bring home a box of desires. Sardines are often regard time was the basis of most of th e ir! candy. In some families there is one ed lightly as a relish or sandwich fill­ elaborate liturgies. candy-loving member who lies in wait ing ; they may however make a hearty Deeply Religious. ; for the weekly sweets and eats as I dish. Professor Langdon said he had been many pieces as she can get. She takes ! _ asked the question how a man who one every time the box is passed, and | Baked Sardine«. PhriLinn68 o ’J88 T ’” b