■ m .M io i AtfULAMD D A ILY TIDINGS b relaxation in “ F a tty ’s” home. Wine years norm al course or the equlval-! assurance of having teachers of the and song were always there to charm ent in a state college, thereby giv- ■ highest calibre to be found in the CANCELLATION OF W A R D EBT the boys and girls. ing the pupils in these grades the grade school work. — ----------------------- ' —------- - - —---- ■ Late In 1920 “ Fatty sailed for (By International News Service) See the priées ou left-over suits . , France and was greeted there so en- COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 13.— “No Intense Suffering Seen on 2,000- at Paulserud’s. llO tf ; thusiasticaUy th at he was severely one can. live in the house with a injured. A num ber of men in a Miie Trip Through Steppes corpse, and that is w hat we are do­ P ortlan d Visitors— 1 " [crowd attem pted to carry ‘t'heir and Plains. J hero” on their shoulders, but they Mrs. J. D. Taylor and her two ing,” declared Captain Eddie Rick- -The: CANNES, France, Jan. 13 daughters, G ertrude and Laura, of enbacker, American ace of aces, ad­ The numerical and geographical ex­ reparations com m ission, did not calculate his _ avoirdupois Portland, arrived last night on train dressing members of the Kiwanis tent of the great famine cannot be interallied has decided to grant a p artial Indem- carc,ully enough’ and " P a ,ty " ,e " Discussing the to p it 15, to visit Rev. C. A. Edw ards and club here. given. There is today and has beeu nlty m oratorium to Germany. The 10 the paiem ent family. Mr. Taylor and son are ex­ “ Common Sense in Business,” Cap­ as much food available in Samara, for Early last fall came rum ors from Famous Reader and Entertainer pected to arrive tomorrow morning. tain Rickenbacker urged cancella­ those who have money, as in Baku, date of the international economic ! the east th a t he was about to be conference at Genoa has been defin- ! TUESDAY EVENING The Taylors are on their way to tion of both the allied and the Ger­ on the Caspian sea. 2,000 miles dis­ itely fixed for March 8. Under th e [ m arried’ but “ F a tty ” denied this by tant. The Russian refugees from man debt. ----- at —— Los Angeles w here they expect to . , ,, , , .. , „ saving he was still m arried to Minta • s “ The Germans, regardless of their Bolshevism In Constantinople are suf­ a g re e m e n t w o rk ed o u t bv th e repa- m ake th eir fu tu re home. bloody past, have the same right to fering from hunger and lack of clothes rations commission, Germany will be [D urfee’ tbe actress’ and bad not de almost as much as those Russians in called to pay 31 million gold m arks sire to commit bigamy; His arrest Big Chicken Dinner, Pioneer hall, live th a t we have and as long as Poltava, and they, in their turn, as brought about a reconciliation. Shakespeare — Humor — Pathos — Laughter every ten days until the new plan next Saturday noon, given by Chris­ they are on earth and are making much as those in Orenburg. Arbuckle now is “ broke.” The is effective. An Associated Press correspondent tian church, 75 cents. We are sav­ the effort to rehabilitate themselves, Admission lo Lecture * 25c money for his defense was furnished we should, as Americans, see th at completed a journey from Tiflis, Baku, ing a place for you. 111-2 it is understood, by Joseph M. they have a square chance a t it,” Astrakhan and Samara, and every­ DON’T SIP MOONSHINE Schenck, well known producer, who -—The Sunday School Or­ continued Captain Rickenbacker. where found intense misery, the most AND QUARREL WITH WIFE owns Arbuckle’s contract. He has M oved to E lizab eth Street— chestra will play special “ They are industrious and will sordid of which was seen in the dreury Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Southard, for­ declared th a t he put up the money .steppe region between Tiflis (Georgia) help greatly in rebuilding the world music. (By International News Service) m er proprietors of the Cozy Lunch, because he was a friend of the com­ and Baku (port of Azerbaijan, on the if but given a chance. HUNTINGTON, W. Va., Jan. 13. have moved to 131 Elizabeth street. edian and because he believed in Caspian sea). “ The present generation has the There revolution after revolution for — H ere’s a tip for the m akers of hi in. greatest opportunity of all time to five years has left a trail of destruc­ moonshine liquor and the drinkers We buy for cash and sell for cash. make this a decent world in which tion and ruined houses and wrecked of it. —Mr. Seovell will occupy FIRST SEMESTER This is one of the many reasons why to live, and the chance is now open railway stations which cannot be Keep on the good side of your LOCAL SCHOOLS tbe pulpit Sunday morn we sell for less. D etrick’s Groce­ for them to place the United States matched in Russia. Added to the lack wife. Don’t let your foot slip after CLOSES JAN. 20 teria. 109tf ing and afternoon. on a pedestal so high th a t any a t­ of food, Is the constant battle with indulging in a drink of th e forbid­ tem pt to bring us down will prove malaria, cholera and typhus. C ollege Clnb M eets— (Continued from Page 1) Begging is rather the exception than den stuff and pick a quarrel with futile. —Morning, 11 a. ni. Sub­ her. The College club of the Rogue the rule everywhere in the famine re- “ Statesm anship is the power to! ject a study is made of the soil and The reason is given by the a rrest ject—“ The God of Peace” i glons. River valley will meet a t the home see where God Almighty is going and j In the worst areas there is far more of Rex Bennett. The police were J plants, selection of seed, fertilizing, of Mrs. Myron Root, 304 South King then going ahead and removing the hunger swelling than was seen in Vi­ called to his house by his wife, who j attention during the growth of the street, Medford, on next Saturday —Afternoon, 3 p. ni. Sub­ siones from his path. That now is !• enna in the winter of 1918. This is preferred an assault charge against Plant, and the harvesting, the origin afternoon, at 2:30 o’clock. All who ject—“ The Sign of the our privilege.” f th e last stage of starvation, and when him. Bennett received the police- j° f farm anim als and their use. Coli­ have had two years of college work t It comes neither food nor medicine will men in his bedroom. Perched on a , siderable attention is given to fruit Cross” by W ilson B a rre ll. are eligible to membership. Miss CHICAGO HAD BIG f helP roof ju st outside his bedroom w in -|S row*n8 in regard to the best vari- Jessie Wilson is chairm an of the so­ While there Is perfect order In all DIVORCE YEAR, 1921 dow they found two gallons of moon­ eties, propagation, cultivation, dis­ A Silver Offering Will Be Taken on Sunday Afternoon cial committee. Russia, on every hand the individual shine liquor; so they gathered up eases, pruning, spraying and 'h a r­ struggle for life, for daily food, is bit­ CHARLES A. EDWARDS (By International News Service) te r and hard. No one thtnks of any­ the liq u r and Bennett, took them to vesting. This is an exceptionally Dance Kingsbury Sat. night, Dec. CHICAGO, Jan. 13.— Chicago’s as­ Minister 14. Leedom’s orchestra. Nuff sed. tounding 1921 divorce record— ap­ one else. Robbery is limited, as rob­ headquarters, where the man had to good course for the boys and should 108-6 proxim ately 8000 dvorces granted! bers are shot when caught, but trick­ face a charge of having moonshine be followed up in the higher grades -» n ery In small trading Is the rule. of our local schools th e same as liquor in his possession. during the year— does not surprise A person Invited to a meal will eat domestic science is for the girls. C alled to Weed— Gustave ( “Gus” ) W edemeir, circuit twice what good manners would per­ The eighth grade girls are given Miss M. Rutledge, a nurse making court divorce clerk, who has listened mit. He is laying in a stock of food, CALIFORNIA HAS A NEW INDUSTRY’ instruction in cooking while the boys her home with Mr. and Mrs. O. Win­ to more divorce cases than any m an building up his body, he figures, for ______ study commercial geography, with ter, of 430 Boulevard, goes to Weed, in Chicago. Judges head divorces the winter cold. Those with money (By International News Service) ¡all the other studies rem aining prac- In some places Calif.. today to tak e charge of a for three to six m onths a t a time, are hoarding food. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 13.— An tically the same as in the previous peasants refuse to sell bread at any case. but Gus— well, Gus is always on the price. They are afraid of the winter act of the legislature has created a grade. job. famine. new’ industry in California— toyon Some tw’enty pupils will finish the Orre«, Tailors for men and worn ‘‘Big year?” said Gus. “ Certainly. ranching. work in Junior high this sem ester, en. Cleaning, pressing and remod But why not? We still have red- The legislature by law forbade and be ready to enter high school, eliag. 85tf blooded people, haven’t we? We al­ picking of the red berries generally Professor Ira Wilson is the genial ways have lots of divorces, and I known as California holly. and efficient principal and is aBly : Start on Extended Trip— think it will always be so. But, af­ WORLD’S RADIUM SUPPLY To provide a supply of the r e d , assisted by the following teachers: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vaupel, 422 ALL IN ONE TEST TUBE berries highly prized for Y u letid e; Miss Beaver, te r all, there are thousands of happy English; Miss Blume, I Boulevard, and Mr. and Mrs. C. F families. The percentage of divorces decorations, ranches have been s ta rt­ history and geography; Miss Spen-' Shepherd, 658 Boulevard, left Wed is really sm all.” ed for th eir growth. cer, gram m ar and arithm etic; Miss; nesday for an extended pleasure trip. Judge Charles A. McDonald, su­ The toyon is of the rose family, Reed, a rt, penmanship and science; The schedule as outlined included perior court ju rist, said It was the 1. In case of breakdown which necessitates towing; to tow car and blooms from July to August, its Miss Morehouse, history and arith- Portland, Seattle and a trip to the same old story all year— drunken­ to garage or shop of subscriber’s choosing, free of charge except berries lasting from November «to m etic; Miss Allen, gram m ar: Miss south by water. where towing distance is g reater than fifteen miles, when a charge ness, cruelty, desertion and infi­ spring. i Abraham, domestic science; Miss of fifty cents will he made for each additional mile. delity. The largest know'll toyon tree I Carver, physical training for the We make our own candies. Ice 2. In case of road aid, such as tire changing, motor repairing, “The war, the eighteenth am end­ stands on Stanford university cam- girls; Miss M arsters, music, and cream and tamales. Enders Con­ etc., to charge for time spent actually a t work oil car, and not for ment, the depression in business all pus. It is tall as a m ature oak and [ Miss Ruh, biology in the lower travel time to and from Ashland. fectionery. 62tf helped,” he said. “ Nothing seems is estim ated to be centuries old. ■grades. The requirem ents for a R eturns to P a lo A l t o - 3. To deliver free of charge within the fifteen-mile limit all to act as a check. Same old story 'tea c h er in Junior high is a two Raymond Long, who has been at tubes, tires or accessories purchased from us or through us. told in the same old way.” PINE BEETLES home the past six weeks nursing a 4. To deliver gasoline or oil (in emergency only) within the INFEST SOUTHERN broken leg, has returned to Palo fifteen-mile limit. BRITAIN’S 1 9 2 2 ARMY OREGON FORESTS Alto, to continue his work a t the 5. In case of work done in our shop, to give subscriber’s car L E SS THAN 2 3 5 ,0 0 0 University of California. Mr. Long priority over all others. (Continued Trom Page 1) met with the accident while work­ T hey tell m e w om an’s m ind can ’t 6. To call for and deliver promptly car on which work is to be (By International News Service) be turned. ing for the California-Oregon Power tack and kill other trees. Accord­ done. LONDON, Jan. 13.— The British I d on ’t b eliev e it, I’ve baked and company at Copco. ing to present plans most of the army totals for next year will run churned. treatm en t of the infested tim ber below 235,000 men, according to a W hen ono> they find they’ are Ferguson’s Closing Out Sale is will be carried on during April and m istaken, statem ent by the w ar office. draw ing people in large num bers T hey’ll do th eir best, w hat's un­ May, 1922. The éltim ates for th e cu rren t fi-| dertaken. from miles away. ' 111-1 nancial year gave th e num ber of f The beetle against which the fight! Moves to Sacramento— AKTIII B IL M ACKENZIE, M anager is to be directed is known as the British troops to be on the estab­ I’hone 39 CHERRO FLOUR Located at ('lass A G arage, Ashland Hotel Bldg. Charles R. Day, Southern Pacific Miss Sylvia Harkavy ol New York western pine beetle, which entomolo­ lishm ent of the arm y, exclusive of A H ard W heat F lou r o f Fam ous passenger brakem an, has moved to India, as 201,127, but the present 1 is holding in her right one gramme gists describe as an insect about one- Blend— G uaranteed Sacramento. He will take a run strength is some 10,000 below th a t of radium, or $120,000 worth. In her eighth inch in length and which a t­ out of th a t city. figure, and the colonial and native left hand Is a test tube denoting the tacks only the yellow pine of Ore­ entire world’s supply of radium, just gon. W ashington and California, Fifteen acre ranch near town, for Indian troops, which were shown in .five ounces and valued at $16,000,000. M ontana and Idaho. The rapidity rent. E. T. Staples. l l l t f the estim ates a t 84,200, have been REMEMBER REMEMBER with w'hich it breeds occasionally reduced by about one-half. CARROT LOCKED UP gives rise to th eir occurrence in Every R eturns to SaeranieiWo— Every S U C C E S S O R TO C . H. VAUPEL Grew In a Padlock and Was Found enormous and destructive num bers, j J. P. McGregor and granddaughter So When Digging Time Came. causing heavy annual loss of m e r-! Article Reduced Article Reduced Mrs. Violet Wilson have returned to When a tiny carrot seed began to chantable tim ber Sacramento after an extended visit sprout In the garden of Roger W. with Mrs^ O. W. Long of this city. Pierce of Somerville, Mass., last spring, HOME OF MR, AND MRS. Mrs. Long is a daughter of Mr. Mc­ PAULRERUD SCENE OF By DOUGLAS MALLOCH it wondered and wondered at the cold Gregor. and rusty sides of its bedfellow. ENJOYABLE PARTY When the carrot gTew old enough to The Ashland Realty company has LIVE LIKE A RO8E. understand what the grownup vegeta­ (Continued from Page 1) a num ber of people who want to buy bles were talking about, he found that HE year is coming to a close; his bedfellow was a rusty padlock. i W alker, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ericson, homes on easy term s. 113-2 The days are falling one by “Locks keep folks from taking | Mr. and Mrs. Elber Farlow’, Mr. and one things that don’t belong to them. Mrs. H ubert Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Chili— real Mexican flavor — it Like petals of a dying rose, Grandfather Beet told him. N. H. H arrison, Robert W agner, Mr. drives away th a t chilly feeling. Rose ()" !)&%(*&#!"" !"" """ !$)""" ""! A bloom that still In beauty goes Well, if thats^ th® ease, H l get J a n d . Mrs. Carl McCune, Jam es Bow­ Bros. l l l t f When all her garden days are done. locked up, so that no one will steal ers, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Loveland. Mr. me from the ground,’’ replied the TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY And what Is life? It Is a year. young carrot. The result was that It and Mrs. Ralph H arris, Mr. and Mrs. However many years it span— CAR WASHING kept right on growing, and went right W illiam Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Ben­ FIRST CLASS CAR WASHING and In childhood’s springtime to appear, (CONTRACT GOODS ALONE EXCEPTED) through the hasp. And when Pierce ton Bowers, Mr. and Mrs. Gene H ast­ To live the summer of a man, polishing. $2.50. L lthla Garage. dug his carrots he found one securely ings, Mr. and Mrs. Patton, Miss Isa­ Phone 114. 113tf And then to feel the autumn here. locked up. bel Barron, Hugh Barron, Clarence Cornelius, Mr. and Mrs. Milton F ra ­ FOR SALE— Best quality 16 inch fir And what Is death? The final day (the kind with the thick b a rk ); ley, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pace, Miss MULE IS REPROACHFUL Of life’s short year, a day like these yellow pine, blocks or fine split— H attie Hodges, Glen Simpson, and When summer puts her garb away any length; oak or fir cordwood; Walked Back to Barn A fter Auto­ Everett Acklin. And winter winds begin to play chopping blocks and pitch kind­ mobile H it It. ling; also large 7 inch cedar posts. Their wild, tempestuous harmonies. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Devllng of Gale­ FATTY HAS HAD My wood has been stored in dry- ton. Pa., were motoring with a party building since early last summer. Live like the ro se: Tbe roses bloom FOUR MONTHS Reduced prices on all m aterials. Not for themselves but for the earth, of friends on the State road, near West OF DULL L IFE Courteous dealings, prom pt and Pink lamps that garden walls illume— Pike, and were bowling along at the careful delivery. A. G. Adams, A decoration for our mirth, pace so good a road invites, when a yard and office 240 Third St. A holy solace for the tomb. (Continued from Page 1) mule walked out of a barn directly Women’s Petticoats, made 36 in. silk poplin in several 36 in. fancy outing flannel Phone 460. 112-1 in front of the car. I to Fam ous Players-Lasky was never of fancy materials, a q good colors, now q / x now, There was no time to stop. It was FOR RENT— Five room house at Die like a rose: Its petals fall. ■ made public. This was the biggest Impossible to go round, and Devllng But it is sweetness to the end— n o w ....................... 264 Gran} St., Ashland, Ore. yard ...................... yard ...................... did the only thing remaining: He contract indulged in by Zukor up to Large garden, fruit and berries. Oh, It is something, after all, W ill repair honse and make it struck the mule amidships, as near as th at time. To be a rose beside the wall. Women’s W inter Weight Bungalow aprons in light Pongee Blouses in new pleasant for perm anent ren ter Beside the way to be a friend. B ought Old M ansion he could direct the prow of his boat, • with small family. W rite me for (Copyright.) and "everybody” skidded down the W hile “ F a tty ” was getting quickly styles for w i n t e r q a Union Suits and dark colors, .. particulars. S. C. Gunter, R.F.D. •--------O-------- pavement. The front of the car was wealthy, several years ago, he p ur­ wear, now, ya’e d J p J . o J j No. 2, G rants Pass. Ore. 113-2* now, y a r d .............. now smashed, the radiator crumpled, hood chased the m agnificient West Adams and fenders Irretrievably bent, and It street home of the Miners. CRUEL. FOUND— Eversharp pencil. Owner is estimated that $150 will be needed can have same by proving proper- YOUR FEBRUARY NUMBER OF THE DELINEATOR IS HERE A more Bohemian atm osphere was “My boy has a ’ ty and paying for this ad. Tele­ to repair the ear. phone 377-J, Mrs. Bomar, be­ wonderful ear for No one in the car was hurt. The created with “ F a tty ’s” purchase of Have Your Hemstitching and Picoting Done Here tween 2 and 4 p. m. 113-1* music.” mule arose, rolled a reproachful gaze the house, for which he is said to *■ ■ ■ ■ -------------------- ------ --------. “Perhaps. But at the driver, as much as to say, “How have paid alm ost $100,000. From FOR SALE— Davenport, sewing ma­ come?” and stalked back into the barn. th a t time until his arrest, party fol­ he doesn’t play chine, rocking chair, axm inster i rug, also some young hens. 606 with his lowed party. The motion picture col­ / Allison St. 112-3* Cliff Payue makes tabourettes. ony when bored could always find RICKENBACK ER URGES Locai auü ?cisonal Germany Granted Moratorium By Commission Don't Miss This Rare Treat BEN SCOVELL First Methodist Episcopal Church What You Get for $1.00 a Month M r. A u to m o b ile M a n :“ CHERRO CHIMES Motor Aid Service ( o. E. R. IS A A C & CO . LYRICS OF LIFE THE Q U A L IT Y S T O R E OUR F IR S T ANNUAL T A R T IC L E Buy Wool Dress Goods and Silk now. This Op= portunity Will not Come Again Soon Sample Line of Wearweli Blankets K Off Regular yoc OiJC -'(h l 1 *x An vOC « zx The Store Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated 1“ C