PAGA TWO AS in,AMD DAILY TIDINGS I , house bill No. 4, passed a t the same suit is a person owning a truck can had not a single physical defect— a session, motor busses are requiredi change the size of liis wheel, make i single filled tooth benig a physical Established 1876 to pay a tax of $4 per year per seat, it narrow instead of broad, get a ! defect. In the afternoon she dls- Published Ex according to carrying capacity of j cheaper tax and then tear up the ! cussed the first step in child feeding. machine, allowing 20 inches of s e a t, road worse than ever. I Today is horticultural day, and space to r each passenger; th a t is to It cannot be claimed th a t this law ! not only a good program is being AND COUNTY OFFICIAL say, a fIVte passenger car would pay is license hs it expressly takes the ■ offered the orchardists, but home PA PE R $4 for each seat exclusive of the place of all other taxes and raises I conveniences are also being shown, TELEPHONE 39 driver, or $16 per year. money for a certain definite purpose. I and home building for men and Entered a t the Ashland, Oregon. Motor trucks, trailer» and semi­ If it is a license it would still be un­ (Women discussed. Forty slides on Postoffice as Second-class Mail Mat­ trailers will pay for each inch or constitutional, because it exempts home building were shown by A. E. ter. , fraction thereof of total tire width, cars from taxation contrary to the MEDFORD, Jan. 12. — Animal Brandt of O* A. C. constitution of Oregon. a t the ra te of 50 cents per inch. Friday is M arketing day. The fore­ husbandry day at the Farm ers' Week »P layground ^ The above nominal taxes are in It is possible to secure a fair au- sessions of Tuesday attracted a very noon program includes wool and mo addltlon to the regular state license ■ tomobile law, and one th at will pro- j ,rge attendance. The m ain hall of hair m arketing, by a representative fee for pleasure cars or truck». vide the necessary revenue, bu tl.e he public library was crowded, and of the Oregon Wool and Mohair as­ i Under this arrangem ent a five- present law is unjust; will not pro -! m any stood out in the hailway. Yes- sociation; m arketing activities of passenger car weighing 1700 pounds'vide the revenue expected because terday, irrigation day d.ew another the Oregon State Farm bureau, by or less w’lll pay the pleat are car li- thousands of people will stop using large attendance and valuable infor­ William Schulrnerick of Portland; cense fee of $15 plus $16 per year th eir autos or keep them unused for m ation on this subject was im parted and poultry products m arketed in to cover seating capacity and not to six m onths; and does not give a com­ by the several speakers. The F arm ­ Jackson county, by Mr. Johnson of exceed $10 per year to cover the prehensive method of raising the ers’ Week sessions continue until the local farm bureau. cost of regulation by the public serv- needed revenue, and finally, it vio- Saturday. In the afternoon wheat and grain ice commission. lates every known principal of tax­ The tuberculosis dem onstration in m arketing will be discussed by a rep­ Larger cars pay in the same pro- ation ever used in this or any other dairy cows and the meat cutting resentative of th e Oregon Grain l portion. nation: to tax by weight and not by dem onstration proved big drawing Growers association, and the m ark­ Synopsis o f M otor V ehicle R egu la­ A m otor truck with a total tire 'v a lu e cards a t Tuesday’s sessions. The eting of pears, by F rank Swett of tion» E nacted by Special width of not over 14 Inches would vital im portance of the eradication San Francisco, president of the Call- ' Session pay the usual annual license fee re- MAYOR GATES O F M EDFORD of tuberculosis in livestock was firm ­ fornia Pear Growers. _ Following ,, , , is a resum e of . the .. Ore-! „ quired of any J tru and In SUGGESTS UNITED ACTION ly impressed upon the minds of 175 \ - ck — $35— v . . , , . addition will pay a tax for the pur- PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 11.— “ Re­ Jackson county people. The visible gon state laws for the regulation of „ } v m otor transportation companies en­ I pose of doing common carrier busi­ gardless of what the legislature did results of this most dreaded disease acted by the special session of the ness of 50 cents an inch of total tire at the Salem fiasco, we’re going to will no doubt be the means of secur- legislature which convened Decem­ width, or $7, plus an am ount not have a fair in Oregon in 1925,” said ing concerted action in the m atter to exceed $10 to cover regulation by C. E. Gates, mayor of Medford and of a thorough clean-up of tubercu- ber 19-24: a member of the executive commit-I losis in all dairy cows in the county, Section 1. Motor vehicles, both the commisssion. tee for the 1925 fair, in an address Prof. Fitts of O. A. C., showed in passenger and freight, transporting before th e m embers’ forum of the his best form In dealing with the persons or property for compensa­ ’21 DODGE TOURING Cham ber of Commerce a t noon the many phases of dairying. H. A. tion over any public highway in this j other day. j Lindgren of O. A. C. gave some val- •ta te are declraed to be common —Hassler shocks, two bump­ “ We of the executive committee uable inform ation in regard to hog carriers (w ith m inor exceptions). bungled and bungled badly,” said feeding experim ents th a t have been ers, motometer, new cord tires Sec. 2. Common carrier m otor ■ ---------- vehicles are prohibited from operat-l A ttorny B F Landls> Qf Medford Gates? “ W hat we should have done conducted during the past year in with extra. Couldn’t be better lng on highways except according t o lWho haa started a auU tQ t0Bt th0 was organize an educational cam- Jackson county. C. M. McAllister $275.00, balance to suit paign to show the state w hat it of the Portland Union stockyards, provisions of this act. constitutionality oi the m otor Ve­ Sec. 3. Public service commission hicle law passed by the legislature, needs. P ortland should find out the: won the hearts of his listeners by is given authority over common car­ makes the following statem ent as to things the various sections of the the good “ horse sense” advice rela- VELIE SIX TOURING Btate needs and tell those sections. tive to pork production. rier m otor vehicles as follows; why the law is unconstitutional: “ But do not judge southern Ore- The moving picture, entitled “The To supervise and regulate such As a m atter of simple justice the gon by th e action of a few. Let us E asier W ay,” made quite a hit and —New tires, new paint, bump­ carriers; law could not stand. To take any­ s ta rt in for a united Oregon. P o r t- ! some good wives and m others will er, motometer, cutout, over­ To fix rates, fares, charges, etc. thing according to weight 1» the land is so far advanced ahead of the no doubt be placing orders soon for hauled. To prescribe rules and regulations most unfair method of taxation th at rest of the state th a t it m ust lend a certain home conveniences, to govern operation. $275.00, balance to suit ! could have been conceived. Accord- helping hand to the outlying com-j Miss Margery Smith of O. A. C., To prescrlpe and require adequate , ing to this method an old broken up munities. The various counties have gave some very valuable and Inter- facilities; f i V F P T A N n 4 TATUDTNTfl To regulate all other m atters in car of antediluvian vintage, pay» the long been suspicious of each, o th e r ‘esting inform ation in regard to se- tax as th e brand new Pierce- and this came to a climax at Salem ! lecting food for bone and teeth W V ftttL A J J I D A l U U K I N U relationship with the public; . i same . o v e r h a u le d To supervise service and safety of ^ rr0W’ and the car th a t yoU have and now we have plenty of time to building properties and an outline I— G o o d t i r e s li-! operation- been w orrying along w ith for years work for a fair in 1925 since they j of the knowledge necessary for best r,.. ... ’ IP s yours for' To supervise and regulate ac-1 paya the 8ame as the one Just pur- have thrashed out th eir petty tro u ­ physical well-being. She asked the cense $28.00.. I chased. In addition to th a t th e law bles.” women to count th eir friends who $100.00, balance easy. counts; perm its all electrically driven ve­ To require reports, etc. But cities and towns may enact hicles to run a t a fla t ra te of $S5, and enforce reasonable regulatory regardless of th eir weight and FORD TOURING ordinances including imposing of ¡nakea the gas driven c a r. pay much An electrically —Hassler shocks. Take it for regulatory licenses not destructive larger amount». driven car can go as fast as the speed of general purpose of this act. $125.00 Under this provision the city is lim it will allow and will w ear th e given a free hand to regulate, con­ road9 the same as any other car. A nother thing, the weight of the trol and license these carriers In the When you pay over $1000.00 car is only one factor In determ in­ same m anner as before the enact­ ing the wear of the road; a light for a new car you’re entitled m ent of the above bill. Sec. 4. Prohibits operation of car driven constantly will do more to common carrier m otor vehicles w ith­ damage to the road than a large car STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX out a certificate from public service driven only occasionally. Then again, you can take a touring car, decide commission, such certificate to set Now $1390.00 Here Yes, We Have It forth term s of service and is not as­ to use it to haul articles Instead of signable; neither does it. In any people, put more weight into it, and THIS IS A HOT COAL way, give an exclusive franchise on get a cheaper tax than it carried as Have those Gabriel Snubbers a pleasure vehicle. th e highways. put on today Sec. 5. Commission has the right A nother thing, it is not a uniform to revoke perm its for cause. tax because it perm its a person to Sec. 6. Provides that the public escape the tax by non-use. Put OPEN EVENINGS service commission will require from your car in the garage for six such carriers bond for surety or lia­ months and yet get by with half the We will also make a special price on bility insurance, or other satisfac­ tax. A tax should be assessed be­ tory security to protect both per­ cause of ownership and not because FORTY TIERS HARDWOOD Hit the Trail for sons and property. of use. If th a t was legal, a la w . Sec. 8. R equires' common car­ could be passed taking all the tax oft I which we wish to move rie r m otor vehicles to pay a license vacant houses and unused lands. fee to cover the cost of regulation, There is another d iscrim in ato ry ' h u t not to exceed $10 per year per feature of the law th a t also shows MEDFORD, ORE. maehine. the unjustice and »discriminatory Sec. 9, Provides penalties foi feature of the law. A truck with a I j After we got prohibition, then “ IN THE HEART OF TOWN” violations, etc. wide wheel-base pays more than a they raised the water rent. Under a separate bill known as truck with a narrow base. The re- Ashland I. B. CATTLE TALK A Tidings Lookie Canned Goods Special P eaches in Syrup, 2}4 lb. t i n s ............................................................... 33c A pricots in Syrup, 2% lb. tin s ........................................ ................... ‘ 35c Grapes, Cherries, B lackberries, No. 2 tin s ...................................... 20c M onopole Pineapple. 2 H 's — 3 cans far .......................................... $ 1 .0 0 Sun kist Asparagus, round eans ............................................................ 25c Standard Corn, 3 cans ............................................................................. 25c M innesota Corn, 3 cans .............................................................. .. 6Oc Tom atoes, 2 1 4 , can . . . ; .......................................................................... 15c Pum pkin, 2 1 4 , can ..................................................................................... 15c French Prunes, large, 3 lbs. f o r .......................................................... 25c Clean, B leached R aisins, per lb.............................................................. 2Oc Fancy Dried Apples, 2 lbs. f o r .............................................................. 25c A few Y ellow Newtown Apples, per box ........................................... O5c M acaroni, bulk, 4 lb.s for ....................................................... .............. 25c Best R olled Oats, 4 lb s............................. *................................................ 25c Second grade R olled Oats,