A IRLAND climat®, without the aid of medicine, cures nine cases out of ten of asthma. This is a proven fa ct A shland D aily T idings ( I n te r n a tio n a l N ew a W ire R om ine) - .M X. ▼ MALARIA germs cannot mrvlve, * * three months in the rich oroat a t’ Ashland. The pure domestic wa ter helps. VOLUME 3 (Successor to the Semi-Weekly Tidings, Vol. 43) Xo. I l l PREMIER BRIAND OF FRANCE RESIGNS Big Department Store Planned By Golden Rule Chain T L Decline in Eastern Market Effects Ore. Highway Bonds Pear Marketing Expert Talks At Medford Friday C. H. W hitlock and a Mr. Evans ! PORTLAND,. Or., Jan. 12.— The “Pear M arketing” is the su b ject1 have leased two of the large sto re' highest bid yesterday on $1,000.000 of an address to be delivered in the' rooms in the Elks' temple and will highway bonds was $1033.90 per Medford public library on Friday open a large departm ent store be­ thousand, offered by Ralph W. ________ _ _ afternoon, at 2:30 o’clock by Frank tween March 1 and 15. The store Schneelocli. Two members of the jT. Sweet, m anager of the California will be one of the Golden Rule chain The annual meeting of the stock- commission decided to read all the A retrospective view of building Pear Growers association and a rec- and will carry a complete line of holders of the F irst National Bank bids over the telephone to Chair FO UR MILLION DOL­ i general m erchandise and shoes for | Of Ashland, was held in the bank man Booth, who is ill in Eugene, he- activities for the year just passed, I ognized authority on the subject, LA R S OF BRITISH GOVERN- I both men and women, reveals a growth of 50 per cent over Sweet is bringing with him a m ass' rooms at 10 o’clock, Jan u ary i o , f° ie m akinS ttte award. MENT BONDS TO the year 1920. Reductions in the of charts and maps which, condens- PR EM IER ANNOUNCES RESIGNA- PROVIDE The new Ashland m anager, Mr. > ( The commission was t(dd that prices of building m aterial, hard-led, develop some startlin g informa- TION 1 \ CHAM BER OF DEPU­ SO LD IER BONUS. Evans, has been employed as leading 1 :*“ -- there had been a drop in the east- TIES DURING VIOLENT SCENE j salesman in the Golden Rule store a t ! The cashier subm itted an in te re st-' ern bond m arket, and another fac- ware and labor have been among tion of vital importance to pear pro- AND SHOUTED PROTESTS. the chief factors in this increase., ducers here, on the subject of mar- A M arked Im provem ent in Econom ic Medford for the past two years. |I„ 8 report .bow ing the activities ot tor was th a t the forthcoming J lO .- 'i™ Mw residences have been com-i I betlng. Mr ,Ykh ' i n C.k and F in an cial C onditions F oreseen ,'°r i ‘ he b“ nk dUI'“' S lhe .«m e »»»■»<>» bond Issue which the state 1 p,eted „ ,arge num ber ,]onl<.3 He will also give figures showing; Most ,S erious Crisis in European I f th e P lans of A dm inistration New York on a two months b u v in e !* .• . ■ , soldier bonus commission Is to o tter; bave bMn renlodeled until they have o n u u ia in n „ „ j r. ; ltems ot which should be of interest the California tonnage by variety in! Politic« Since World War; Leaves L eaders M aterialize. expedition and will purchase a com- next week, had affected Oregon I the outward Fr»‘u< h G overnm ent and D elega­ appearance of new the past decade, the new plantings plete new stock for the A sh lan d ;10 the pe° ple ° f Ashland generally, bonds. tion at Cannes W ithout Head. structures. coming or to come into bearing, and I H was shown th at the volume of WASHINGTON, Jan. 12.— Four store. Among the new residences noted the estim ated tonnage of the next million dollars worth of British gov­ The Ashland departm ent store will business transacted by the bank for PARIS, Jan. 12.— Prem ier Briand are those of William Briggs, W. J. few years. ernm ent bonds, underw ritten by the I be made one of the large chain |th e year was the largest in its his- resigned as head of the French gov- A special invitation to hear him ' Moore, W. C. Mitchell, Elbert J. United States government, will pro­ stores operated by the Golden R uleitory. During the year they paid to Farlow, Z. T. Moody, Mrs. Delia Ack- has been extended to every fruit Iernm ent as the resuR of the public vide fof soldier bonus, if present syndicate and will s ta rt with the depositors, as interest on accounts, criticism over his policy In the su­ lin, Rose Brothers, Bed Delsman and grower in the Rogue river valley. plans of the adm inistration leaders advantage of large quantity p u r-, $18,189.86. They paid as taxes to Putnam Brothers. The A. M. Bea- A rrangem ents for his entertaln- preme council meeting at Cannes. a re carried out. It is proposed that chasing, the City, state and to the United The prem ier announced his resig- ver annex and the G. S. Butler me- ment are in the hands of a com- billion dollars worth of British gov­ States, $5,974.27. The deposits d u r­ G rants P ass Man T akes B usiness A gent' nation ,n tbe Chamber of Deputies morial building have been completed m ittee headed by County ernm ent securities, guaranteed by Over— C onsideration $ 1 0 ,5 0 0 ing the year did not reach the high during a violent uproar. The cabi­ within the last 12 months. A con- Cate, Colonel Gordon Voorhies and th e United States government, will m ark of the previous year but the n e t’s resignation went with that of A deal was closed yesterdav, by crete creamery building on B street, Howard A. Hill.— Mail Tribune. find ready sale If offered for gen- ' average was about $12,000 morel the premier. about $12,000 m o re |wh,ch L Schmidt of G rants Pass erected for J R- Maxedon, is also eral sal®. This will lead to an early than for 1920. During the year f o u r ,became thg Qwner Qf Oyer)and. noted. 1 his event is considered the most speedy solution of the difficulties hundred sixty new accounts were Marcy garage and agency at 399 serious, crisis in E u ro rp m politics Two other dwellings w ere.co m - confronting the ^ m in istra tio n rela­ opened. The known since the war, because it not . ., «* , rep° r t i 9howed nu’ East Main street, for a consideration ! menced— tho9e °f Putnam Brothers tive to the soldier bonus and for- usual activity in all departm ents of of „ „ 500 T |,e t|.a„ 3[er inc„ |(le“ and Sherman Powell. The Civic tin- only leaves the French government e ifn debt. without a bead, but also the French e an oi e entire >eat and the five new overland cars, eight used provement -c,ub house is ready for It was pointed out th a t the value ¡.bank again assisted many of its c u s-jcarg i delegation attending the supreme ___ fixtures stock of accessories, | th e plasterers and a num ber of re­ of B ritish bonds, underw ritten by j council meeting at Cannes. tomers in finding satisfactory invest-1 an d the n epair shop. I construction jobs are still Junder th® United States, could not be over­ ments for unused funds, such in- News of Briand's resignation came Mr. Schmidt will continue to in- i way’ estim ated. If placed on sale they as a bombshell to the public, for it The spring prim ary will be held I • / •*tdd' nS a larger la te of creage ^¡g stock of accessories and th e approxim ate outlay for new would have a tendency to bring was preceded by an announcement T JL 111 their savings tires until it will be second to none construction is in the neighborhood about m arked improvement in écon­ Friday, May 19, and will be for the L that the cabinet had approved the a , departm ent. This p articu lar service jn south ern Oregon. The agency and of $70,000, while remodeling out­ of members of the legisla- omie and financial conditions both election ' prem ier’s policy at Cannes and had . , , , of the bank seems to be growing in garage will be managed by Carl A. lays, giving a conservative estim ate, ture and governor, in state offices, B here and abroad. I decided to support him throughout. . , | popularity and becoming more gen- Schmidt, son of the owner. The deal will total $7000. ,,t . . , . e The rate tentatively decided upon and one county commissioner and a The lid will not be clamped down I Deputies shouted interruptions, . . “ ¡erally appreciated from vear to vear. was handled by E. E. Phipps. The building program for the ,rv, , , . , , to r the bonus is $1.75 per day for circuit judge in the county offices, on delinquent applications for the and fist fights were narrowly avert- Qll .. . ... . I The stockholders reelected the old present year looks very good. While all other county offices holding over! n . .. . each soldier. ai_ 1922 auiom obile license plates be-1 ed during the nandonmnium ttat ____ _____ ... . i Board ot Directors, whose names are lh e present prices o t bonding m ater- tore 20. A ,o rw t,,|.! m n ^ d ¡he debnte two years more. There will be no 'a s follows: E. V. C arter, C. H. Vau- The resignation ials and builder’s hardw are h a v e ied by Secretary of State dearth .. , of candidates „ for any poSi‘ ,'pel, Geo. W. Dunn, E. D. Briggs, W. i he«.,, reduced , , * to some extent . In t h e i |policc — ---------- - — ------ - Hozer to came with spectacular suddenness 0, throughout , he stale ........... . tton, iron, present Indications. , „ McN>lr j w McCov, „ D X c ? m7 V h\ anv T , Or,",a' l" d ta ' tM d»1' » '“ i i - n d L to the cham ber were For governor there are any num- „ w )|, le r H “ ber of citizens willing to bear the ti no e oo e ot in th e . be the earliest on which the automo- ing that be would secure a vote oi Following the annual meeting of; very near future. A ttention for , h . ; w le , , g is t,;, .ion deparfm en, will he!confidence. Following «h, co » u 2 „â' burden of being the chief executive . „ x the shareholders, the directors organ-' presen year is eing < irected to the able to djg jtself ont fron) under the ! interruptions of shouted protests of Oregon, most prom inent locally . . f" Q P ‘ t _ _ J ized and proceeded to the election construct,on of cem ent structures, deluge of applica i()ns for license lhe preniiei. apparPntly logt ’hig being C. E. (P op) Gates, mayor of , ., ,, .. . , x x ,’ i of officers and the appointm ent owing o îe present piice of ce- pjates Wh[ch flooded the depa rtm ent per. “ I see there is no longer any Medford, who has been in Portland - , x, , , , °f employees. No changes were ment and the stability of such s tru c -|on the c,osing d*yg of the ok, year ! for the past week erecting poltical- m ade. confidence in me in this parliam ent, in any departm ent. The of- tures as compared with one of wood. Even with this 20 days of grace therefore I resign,” he declared. ¡ttm c« . The m ayor has not announc-; ficer8 aI1„ employee9 consls,,„ g of ; A steady building program which which is being allowed the tardy ap­ By DUKE N. PARRY ted h i. candidacy, but it ts no secret lhe rollowine; E v C ar, It was learned tonight that the ing: E. V. C arter, presi­ I will surpass th at of last year, is ex­ plicants before the law governing he has inclination th a t way. Cover-1 (I. N. S. Staff Correspondent) immediate cause of B riand’s resig- dent: C. II. Vaimel vice-nresidput• pected. TOKIO, Jan. 12.— Checking up on ¡»or Olcott is also apt to be a c o n -jj w McCoy cashier- J H the use of license plates is enforced,1 nation was a telegram received from the results of the W ashington con tender to r re-election. hundreds of m otorists will be caught' President Millerand while the pre- |a „ l s t . n t cashier; H. C. Emery, as- STRICTER ENFORCEM ENT OF ference from the angle of Japan, the For th e leglslatore. the names of sis(ant caahler. G „ W enner witliout the yellow and black plates, inier was at Cannes. The president LIQUOR LAWS IS URGED of the 1 922 season when the tim e 1 reminded Briand of France’s aspira- Japanese press and a section of the j Ben Sheldon, present represent,-1 Miaa Aiieen W alker, public fail to see th a t Japan p ro fite d ! tive; Vernon H. Vawter, of the Jack- W alter Miksch and Miss Lucile Gil­ lim it now set has exj ired. ! tlons. The prem ier considered this a SALEM, Or., Jan. 12.— A call will by th e m eeting proposed by the son County bank, and Ralph H. Cow­ more. Although several thousand appli-' rebuke. be made upon district attorneys cations have ben received since the! --------- - United States. While the Yorozu gill, farm er and engineer, are men­ throughout the state within the next first of (he year, to be added to th e' Shim bun and the Kokumin are the tioned. Mr. Sheldon will probably CANNES, Jan. 12.— The allied Things don’t turn up in this MOVIE PEO PLE INVEST .en days to place more emphasis up-1 approximately 50,000 which were in ¡prem iers announced th a t they would m ost outspoken, as is custom ary, seek the senate seat vacated by Sen­ world until somebody turns them i on the enforcem ent ot the liquor on the appointed time there are still I make no decision at the supreme a g a in st the United States, there is a ator C. M. Thomas when he announc- up.— Daniel Webster. (By International News Service) i laws, is the announcem ent of A ttor­ several thousand of the 120,000 auto-i council conference until the French disposition even on the part of the ed his candidacy for circuit judge. A man with push can get there, LOS ANGELES, Jan. 12.— A cen- ney General I. H. Van Winkle. JiJi and the Nichi Nichi, two most ! Mr. Vawter and Mr. Cowgill are mobile owners in Oregon who have! m inisterial crisis is settled and a but it takes a man of character to conservative journals, to doubt the prospective candidates for the lower Sy3 c0,npleted Gy a real estate firm stay there.— Shepherd. as yet made no move toward secur- new premier appointed. 1 4 ,3 7 5 A IR PASSENGERxS benefits that may come to Japan as ■ house. This is the initial appear- shows th a t motion picture stars, di­ 1 ing their plates for the new year. It ------------------- ------ A Cham ber of Commerce LONDON, Jan. 11.— Passengers will be to these th a t the traffic! result of the meeting. ance of Vawter in the political are- rectors and producers have invested should be an organization th a t is _ As _ an evidence _ ____ of ____________ „ __ traveling by air from London to the squad of the secretary of state ’s de­ the feeling of na, but Cowgill was a ru n n er up at $8,000,000 in homes in this city. always turning up something. one section of the public opinion o f , the last prim ary. None of the above rhese Gomes^ range in value from ¡Continent, numbered 14,375 from partm ent of the police officials HAZ KIK. Jap an may be quoted the Y orozu,1 gentlemen have made an announce- to S200-000-_______________ I January to the end of November. throughout the state will direct i which says as follows: ment of th eir political intentions. their attention when the final day I “ As th e W ashington conference isi Senator C. M. Thomas has an- of grarce has expired and orders g o ! now draw ing to its close, we begin to nounced his retirem ent from the leg forth to round up the delinquents on or about January 20. en tertain (ears in regard to the fu­ islative halls to try for the judicial DUBLIN, Jan. 12.— A general tu re of Japan, nay in regard to the robes, and there promises to be some strike on all the railroads in Ireland NEWKIRK, Okla.. Jan. 12.— Offi- was called today. Twenty-three perm anent peace of the world. Our excitement in the race. The position fears are all the more intense be- embraces the districts of Jackson cers in search of a booze car, shot| thousand men are affected. It was cause of the abstract ra th e r th a n ,and Josephine counties. The present; into an automobile which failed to declared th at the strike had no pol- stop at their command, in sta n tly ! itical significance. The men have concrete results of the W ashington incumbent. Judge F. M. Calkins, re-1 conference. cently announced th at he will retire, killing one woman and fatally been threatening to strike for the wounding ano’fier, according to a last fortnight. despite the earnest appeals of his A m erica’s G reat Navy report from Kay. 1 friends in both counties to make the “ F o r instance, if America had not ---------- i SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12.— built her big navy with Japan as the race for re-election. He has made AUSTIN, Tex.. Jan. 12.— M artial Scant progress was made at the objective, there would never have an enviable record on the bench. law was declared in Mexia, new morning session of the second Ar- Polltical gossip links the name of been any need of concerning our­ Texas oil field center, by G overnor’ buckle trial in securing a jury Io try A ttorney Gus Newbury for the place, selves about lim itations of arma- ;Neff. Disorders grew out of raids the m anslaughter case. From the meots. The proposals made in the A ttorney H. E. Norton, from G rants made hv Texas rangers. It Is al- live examined only two jurors were conference have been made to suit j Pas». is also mentioned, and it is leged th a t gambling halls were run- seated tem porarily, bringing the America. The vessels proposed to expected an Ashland lawyer will ning wide open 24 hours a day and number in the box to nine, retain or to scrap are altogether throw hls har ln the ring, liquor was being sold openly. m eaningless from the Japanese point! The election of one county com- ¡THIS TEXAN ROPES of view. For instance, the Mutsu is! (Continued on Page 4) DEER IN FLIGHT a battleship already built. Yet Amer-i ica insisted th at she be scrapped (By International News Service) (although it has been reported that SAN ANGELO, Tex., Jan. 12.— she may be retained). This is be­ Deer hunters who “acclaim ” it’s cause she is of the latest type of battleship, and one which can cope by a rifle shot have a new trick to with any three battleships of the learn from Bascomb Cox, a proini- M aryland type, so we are told. Be­ According to a statem ent made by nent young Crockett county ranch- LONDON, Jan. 12.— King George ing thus despotic, America will not Stanley G. Jew ett, chief of the pre- man. even admit a slight am endm ent pro­ issued a royal proclam ation today, datory division of the biological sur-j Cox goes deer hunting on horse- posed by Japan. Can Japan rest as- ®ran tin s am nesty to all Irish polit­ vey. considerable headway was made back and ‘ropes” his game from th e aured as she prepares to put the ical prisoners. during the past year in exterm inat­ saddle. On a recent hunting trip This is the second grant of am ­ proposals into practice? Some years ing sheep-eatrng animals. Eight hun­ near Ozona, Cox lassoed a big buck nesty since the Irish peace treatv afterwards America, for her own dred atnl thirty-five coyotes were while on horseback, roped and tied convienience, may begin to expand' was signed. The H ist one covered killed and 149 hears and wolves. In ¡the pawing buck to a fence and then, per navy. It is plain th a t recogni­ only minor offenses and released ¡addition to this number, some 5 0 0 1 with the aid of his father, branded tion of America’s proposals will be about 5000 Sinn Feiners from jail i predatory anim als are thought to the antlered monarch, using a pock- The num ber released today totaled have been poisoned by government et knife for a branding Iron, The (OcpyrlMlti) (QM&inued on Page Four) exactly 1000. trappers. deer was then released. INCREASE IN 1921 THE PAST YEAR Overland Garage Changes Hands L POT T I LICENSE PLAIES BY JANUARY 20 BEGINS (0 BOIL I. Tokio Press Doubts Benefits Of Conference [ H a z K ik J a n u a ry T h a w -X King George Grants Amnesty To Sinn Feiners Predatory Animals Decreased By 108^ Durino th^ Y psf8olue feat to -ring down a big buck