CAI.H kOI U AsHLASrö fcAÎLÎ fiD iS ö a — — Local and Personal No M atter W hat the Price—M ann’s M ann’s—The Best Goodâ for the Price MASOTIC NOTICE Stated communication of Ashland lodge No. 23, Thursday evening, Jan. 12. Im portant business. Supper will be served at 6:30 sharp. G. B. ICENHOWER. W. M. W. H. DAY, Sec’y. E n tertain s a t T e a - Mrs. George McVicar entertained at tea today in honor of Mrs. Wil­ liam Briggs and Mrs. T. J. Coffman. The E lks’ Ladies will give a dance in the E lks’ temple Wednesday lng, January 18, to all E L j au« their families. EVERY ARTICLE IN THE STORE REDUCED! Mr. McKenzie, of the Clas. - . age, Blade a business trip «. land yesterday. He will retu -_ night driving a new Stutz car. This is the Sale You Have Been W aiting tor. The Time Has Come Again W hen Every Rem aining Article of W inter Goods Musi Go Progressive Merchandising Methods Demand It-Our Policy Insists Upon It! SALE OPENS THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 AND CONTINUES THROUGH JANUARY W ill V isit in L os A nge Mr. and Mrs. Archie Million will leave this evening for a m outh’s visit w ith relatives in Los Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Nichols, who were form er Ashland people. M rs.'N ich­ ols is Mrs. Million's aunt. WE ADVISE EARLY SHOPPING, AS SOME OF THE QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED EVERY W INTER COAT AND SUIT AT HALF PRICE See the prices on left-over suits a t Paulserud’s. H O tf K lam ath Falls Visitor Leave«— Mrs. Dean of K lam ath Falls, who, for the past two weeks, has been a house guest of Mrs. Mary W ilshire. 87 G ranite street, left this morning on train 14, for Portland, to visit relatives there. A partm ent house on paved street, three apartm ents bringing in $51 per m onth, lovely location, nearly half acre of ground, a bargain price. Staples Realty Co. Jack son ville V is ito r s — Mrs. Sam McNair, Rev. P. K. Hammond, and T. H. Simpson went to Jacksonville this morning to con su it with the county court in regard to its co-operation with the Red Cross for the ensuing year, the m at­ te r being taken under advisem ent by the court and a definite answ er will be given the la tte r p a rt of the week. Separate coats and pants at prices th a t can's be beat, at P aulserud’s H O tf Mr. and Mrs. John Thonney, of W alla W alla, Wash., are registered a t Hotel Ashland en route to Oak­ land, Calif., where they will buy a car and tour California, going as far south as San Diego. A little over an acre on lower L aurel street. Good improvements, '' extra fine soil, tree irrigation. $1800.00. Staples R ealty Co. R ebecca I n s t a l l a t i o n - Hope Rebecca lodge No. 14 in­ stalled their newly elected officers last ttigkt. The installing officers were Mrs. Mabie Jordon, district deputy president, assisted by Mrs Annie Myer, grand m arshal. A dain­ tily apportioned luncheon was served to the attending members after the exercises were complete. The offi­ cers installed were: Mrs. Laurs Love, N. G.; Mrs. Nellie Dean, V. G.; Mrs. L au ra Nelson, R. S. N. G.; Mrs. Bell Songer, L. S. N. G.; Mrs. Dora Hub­ bard, R. S. V. G.; Mrs. Norma Reed­ er, L. S. V. G .; Mrs. Mabie Roberts, chaplain; Mrs. R uth Guysinger, w ar­ den; Mrs. Annie Moss, conductor; Mrs. W. E. Leer, recording secre- ta q u Mrs. Edith Phipps, financial secretary; Mrs. Elda Anderson, tre a su rer; Rowena Roberts, inside guardian, and Dorothy McPherson outside guardian. A Slight Charge for Alterations FOR SALE— Anacona cockerel, a nice bird, $1.50. C. M. Miles, 611 Beach St. 110* FOR SALE— An acre in 10 year old English W alnuts, facing Straw ­ berry ju st off G ranite St., wonder­ ful location, being opposite the park and m ineral w ater fountain. Only $1500 if taken a t once. W. M. Barber, 153 G ranite. 109-1 CHERRO CHIMES W hat w ou ld you do, if you w ant­ ed th e b est bread, W ould you u se ju st any th a t cam e t o your head? Or w ou ld you w onder and figure ou t T h e v ery bent flo u r over your rou te? CHERRO FLOUR A H ard W h eat F lo u r o f Fam ous M aad G uaranteed W inter Coats, now........................... $12.50 Women’s $35.00 W inter Suits, now ............................ $17.50 Women’s $50.00 W inter Coats, now ............................$25.00 Women’s $45.00 W inter Suits, now ............................ $22.50 W omen’s $75.00 W inter Coats, now............................$37.50 Women’s $65.00 W inter Suits, now ............................ $32.50 W omen’s $80.00 W inter Coats, now............................ $40.00 Women’s $75.00 W inter Suits, now ............................ $37.50 Women’s $85.00 W inter Coats, now............................ $42.59 Women’s $85.00 W inter Suits, now.......................... $42.50 MILLINERY CLEARANCE THIS SALE AT HALF PRICES $20.00 Dresses, $25.00 Dresses, $50.00 Dresses, $12.50 Skirts, $15.00 Skirts, $20.00 Skirts, n o w .................................. $10.00 now .................................. $12.50 now .................................. $25.00 now ..................................$ 6:25 now ..................................$ 7.50 now .................................. $10.00 REDUCED 1 54-inch Wool Coatings, good col­ ors. Cheap at $4.00. January sales price — yard ...................... $3.29 54-inch All Wool Broadcloth, all good colors. Fine quality, $4.50 values. Special— CA y a rd ............... ................. CLEAN-UP PRICES UNDERWEAR r 20 per cent Off on Women’s Petticoats tbJ.uU 56-inch All Wool Charmeuse — good colors. Cheap at $4.00 yard. January sales price- yard ......................... 36-inch All Silk Taffeta in fancy stripes and plaids. Regular price, $2.50. January sales (hi /*A price— yard . . . . . . . «¡) £ .(jJ / 36-inch Wash Satin in flesh and white. Cheap at 1.25 —this s a l e ............... 56-inch Coatings. Up to $4.00 values. This sale— yard .......................... $1.00 ....................... ZbC Women’s All Silk Hosierv, extra fine grade, $3.00 val­ ues. January (h i AQ sales price—pr. Children’s $1.50 Wool Hose. This sale — (bi A A ....................... 3)1.VV 10 per ct. Off on All Hosiery 10 PER CENT OFF ON ALL NOTIONS Women’s fine grade Kid Gloves. Up to $3.50 values. January sale price— pair Gauntlet Mocha Gloves, fine $5,00 grade, January sales price—pair ......................... 20 per cent Off on Women’s Kimonas DOMESTICS AT CLEARANCE PRICES— SAVE ON THESE ITEMS TOMORROW $1.00 p a ir 20 per cent Off on Women’s Umbrellas $1.00 JAM H A BV . SALES CLEAN UP PRICES ON HOSIERY Women’s Silk Hose, in black and colors. Up io $1.50 val­ ues. January sales- pair . . . Women’s fine Lisle Hose in black and colors, 85c values. January sales CA price—pair ............ t,v C Women’s and Children’s ex­ tra fine fast black Hose, 39c values. This sale— P a ir 20 per cent Off on Women’s W aists CHILDREN’S W INTER COATS HALF PRICE R E M E M B E R ------ EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EXCEPT CONTRACT GOODS JA N LA R y SALES 20 per cent Off on Women’s Middies All Other Hats One-Half Price WINTER DRESS GOODS AND SILKS ALL MARKED AT SW EEPING REDUCTIONS 42-inch Wool Dress Goods, $1.25 values. January Sales A n price, yard .................... 5/OC 36-inch Lining Silk, good pat­ terns. Up to $2.50 (hi a a values- Sale price.. 3) let,«/ 42-inch Tub Silk, fast colors in fancy stripes for m en’s shirts.. $2.00 values. January i /»A, sales price, y a rd ........ 3)1.01/ 36-inch colored Messaline, all. Silk. $2.00 varies A i À Q Jan. sales price, yd. Jpl.4o 36-inch Changeable Satin for Dresses. Cheap at $3.00. Ja n ­ uary sales price— yard ......................... 36-inch Black Satin, good $2.00' grade. January sales (hl ’7C* price, yard .............. tb 1 • I O' Botomy Wool Challies, new pat­ terns. Cheap at $1.25. January sales price— 4»i A A* yard .......................... 3 ) l . V l f 20 per cent Off on Women’s Sweaters $5.00 Children’s Sailor Hats, all sizes and colors. Cleanup Sale price—Each ............................. A Slight Charge for Alterations 20 per cent Off on Women’s House Dresses Women’s Trimmed Hats, all this season’s styles. Values up to $15.00. January Clearance Sale Each ............................................................... EVERY ARTICLE TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE— Overland Four touring car, good as new. Robison’s G ar­ age. 110-5* W omen’s $25.00 EVERY WINTER DRESS AND SKIRT GOING IN Women’s Women’s Women’s Women’s Women’s Women’s JA M JA R $1.98 (tin n n JbtJ.iJO 42 and 45 inch Wearwell Pillow ( ’uses. Cheap at 45c * A A This sale, each ........ t5t/C 45-inch Damask Lunch Cloths, $1.75 values. Sale price—e a c h .............. Hack Towels, large size, a good 35c quality. This sale- each ............................. Unbleached Muslin, 36-inch, 20c values, now— yard ............................. $1.39 Sheets—81x90, fine grade, $2.75 values. January sales price—each . . Bleached Muslin, 36 inch. Cheap at 25c. This sale — 1 A y a r d ............................. £ < /£ Cotton ( ’bailie—36-inch, new pat­ terns. Cheap at 25c. i This sale—yard . . . . £ / £ Dress Ginghams—27-inch, new patterns, cheap at 25c i Q This sale—yard . . . . £ c/£ 36-inch Percales, fast colors, good patterns. Cheap at 20c yard. January sales price- yard ....................... Outing Flannel, 27-inch, heavy weight, good styles, 20c values. This sale, yard Devonshire Cloth, 32-inch, good patterns, ( ’heap at 39c. .January sale price— yard ............................. . Bed Spreads, large size, cheap at $2.00. This sale — (hi each .............. ........ J p l.V V 36-inch Silkoline in a fine line of patterns for comforters. Fast colors, 30c values —• Special, yard ............ BUY NOW! 10 Per Cent Off on ALL KID AND FABRIC GLOVES Dr. Slumberland Sleeping Garments for Children. Up to $1.75 values. January clearance sale AO price—each ............................... ...................... tfO £ W omen’s Outing Flannel Gowns. Good quality, $1.50 values. This sale— each ........................................................... $1.19 $1.50 Women’s $2.00 Corsets. Jan uary sales price, p a ir...9 8 c Women’s Union Suits,: 75c Women’s Outing Flannel Gowns. Up to Women’s $3.00 Corsets, Jan values. January sale price— $3.50 values. January sales price—each.. uary clearance sale, pr $1.48 suit, 69c , Women’s $3.50 Corsets. J a n ­ Women’s Outing Flannel Gowns. Up to (hi i n Heavy Cotton Blankets, 70x80 size, $4.50 uary clearance sale, pr. $1.98 Women’s Union Suits, $1.25 $1.75 values. This sale—each .................. values. January sales price—pair .......... • Women’s $5.00 Corsets, Ja n ­ Women’s $2.00 Gowns, now—each .......................$1.79 values. January sales price, uary clearance sale, pr. $2.48 suit ........................ . 98c 20 per cent Off on Fancy Silk Underwear Wool Finish Blankets, 70x80. Regular $6.00 (hr i a Women’s Braissieres, all 10 per cent Off on K ayser’s Silk Underwear values. January sales price—p a i r ............ «b Women’s Union Suits. Up to sizes, 50c values. January 20 per cent Off on Parisian Ivory 20 per cent Off on All Wool Blankets $2.00 values. January sales clearance sales, pair ...3 9 c 10 per cent Discount on price, suit ....................$1.48 ¿20 p o r cent off on Dress 10 per cent off on Brassieres Hand Bags Children’s Vests and Pants, Trimmings ,, kt m t < /t ++ c Per ceut on In fan t’s O. N. T. Luster Cotton, 8c Wear 75c values. Sale p ric e .. .48c »10 p er ct. off on all Ribbons Women’s Knitted B loom ers'F nfant" \ ? " ting F la'm2 < ^ ‘ values. This sale, spool. .5c The Store for Everybody Knitting Yarn. Regular j 20 pel’ cent discount on up to $L2j' $2.00 vahies ................$1.69 monas- Xalnes up Entrances on East Main and North Central Muslin Underwear price 30c. This sale ....1 9 c Ja n u a r] ' Rales price, ea. 48c MEDFORD, OREGON 10 per cent Discount on All* 10 per cent Discount on All Mail Orders Promptly Filled, Postage Prepaid—Agents for Pictorial Review P a t t e r n s _____________ Corsets Underwear 25 per cent Off on All Bed Comforters Half Wool Blankets, 66x80 size in fancy plaids. Reg­ ular price, $6.50. January sales price— pair ................................................................. Mann’s Department Store %