Huti TWO ASfftÁíffl ftÀîLT fiüîiîôà phone receiver is removed, we com- and federal authorities. Government kimos are the only inhabitants ex -: NELSON’S FLAGSHIP. ship will go back to her moorings plain about slow service. and state engineers recently made (a- cept for the few white men a t in-1 TO DRY DOCK again. Established 1876 As Is often the case, we fail to survey for the purpose of calling for frequent posts of the Hudson Bay ____ __ fubUithed Every E vening Except The Victory, which was launched appreciate advantages close a t horile. j bids. company. • Sunday at Chatham Dockyard in 1756, has B A R B ER . Dr. Cameron estim ates th a t three N7 3 * ^ T U Elihu Root is offering a reward of ice than governm ent monoply which affiliated growers the last week eron. A special study on the teeth ifli ¿ - w •» ■ i : t . ' $1000 for inform ation leading to the is unaffected one way or the other 4148 boxes of apples, bringing the will he made by Dr. S. G. Ritchie, a rre st of the culprits who robbed his by inconvenience or expense of cus­ total receipts for the season to 1,- of Halifax. 288,939. The association to date wine cellar. At prevailing rates, the tomers. has shipped 1,074.547 boxes. Easy to start from the break­ retu rn of a single case would amply TAX ON TIPS LARGEST BALLOON CAMP repay Mr. Root for the expense of fast table with zest and enthusiasm, HAWAIIAN JAPS both advertisem ent and reward. (By International News Service) but how easy is it to keep on? PLEDGE U. S. LOYALTY By International News Service) LONDON, Jan. 11.— London hair­Äl? ARCADIA, Calif., Jan. 10.— One Does ambition last, or lag, as Dr. McElveen adm itted being un­ dressers have received an official re ­ By International News Service) wisely fam iliar with some of the hundred and. fifty additional men quest to include the am ount of their the day develops? , HONOLULU, T. H., Jan. 11.— De­ tips in (heir income tax returns. women of his congregation, and th ’ to be stationed at the United midday drowsiness to make up for The afternoon “slump’’ is a fac­ church officials proclaim it a “ m anl\ es governm ent balloon school, claring “ undivided and whole-hear- I his follows a sim ilar demand upon midnight wakefulness; no bead- tor to be counted upon, in busin ss confession.” But inasmuch as they ed here, when Improvements ed allegiance to the United States of railm en. ach. s; no nervous indigestion; no had the goods on him, w hat else a .e completed which will make the America and her G overnm ent,” and or social life, camp the largest and most complete publicly renouncing “any allegiance TALENT IRRIGATION could the poor man do? increase o f blood pi'essure. Usually, there’s a reason. of any government air training sta ­ to Jap an ,” members of Honolul BONDS TO BE SOLD Think it o ver. There’s full Five state university professors tion. Forum No. 1, American Citizens of SALEM, Or., Jan. 11.— The state Nerves whipped by tea or coffee sai isf it • Postum for id i Orres Tailor Shop Dodge Brothers Ashland Realty Co. Houses to Rent Property for Sale 25 East Main St. Ashland, Oregon Will announce on February 1, 1922, a substantial reduction in the price of their cars effective from January 1, 1922. One of the Signs Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co Medford, Oregon Phone 304 REAL SERVICE The average American is used to quick action. I f central fails to say “ num ber” WtthlA five seconds a fte r the tele- The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon