tutu ih .i¿ U 9 iia Ashland News in Paragraphs An agency lor the liberty car ha» JUNIOR HIGH been established a t Medford, and The Junior High basketball team anyone Interested in them may see will play the second team of the them a t the Riverside Garage. P. F. Talent high school a t half past seven Local and Personal Close is agent. 182 S. Riverside. 88tf Saturday evening a t Talent. —■------------------Side Lights------ ■■ ■ ■ ■ The parents of children who will Annual Parish Meeting—- be six years of age by March first, Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. Ash- Buys N ew M a x w e ll- The annual parish m eeting the are requested to send them to school land Lumber Co., phone 20. 92tf Friends of Dr. Burdick are in ter­ Trinity Episcopal church was held the next sem ester opening January ested in the fine new Maxwell he is last night at the Parish House. Af­ 23, as th e school is leas crowded then O lym pic Feed Man Here— driving about town, purchased ter the assembled members had p ar­ than in September. J. H. Worden, special representa­ through W alker agency. taken of a most bountiful dinner, tive and feed expert for the Portland which was prepared by the members We make our own candies, ice Flouring Mills, is here for a few H ealth Bread. P u re M alted Mlllr of the Guild and heartily enjoyed by cream and tam ales. Enders Con­ days. Mr. Worden comes here to Twins— 10 cents 8 9 tf all, the business session was called fectionery. 62tf assist the Square Deal Grocery in to order by Rev. P. K. Hammond, a publicity campaign to introduce Cleanup sale of overcoats a t Paul- reports of the various officers were Local Girl to Teach in K lauiath the OlyAipic dairy, hog and chicken seru d ’s. l o i t f read and approved. Samuel Pennis- County— feeds, as well as Olympic cereals and ton was elected Senior W arden, W. Miss Alice W alker, daughter of flour. The Olympic feed mill is one R ural T el. Company M eeting— H. Barggess, Ju n io r W arden, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Butler W alker, of East of the largest of its k in d ^ i the world At a meeting of the Belleview Agnes Hedberg, T reasurer, and Main street, left this m orning for and contains the only grain dryer on Telephone company yesterday it was Chas. L. Hanson, Clerk. F. S. FoRz, K lam ath Falls. Miss W alker will the Pacific coast. The policy of the divulged that new construction d u r­ G. H. Hedberg and F. E. W atson teach a school near there in K lam ­ P ortland Mills is, and always has ing the year am ounted to $200 in were chosen as vestrymen for the ath county. been, forem ost in the field, or not first class lines. The company owns ensuing year. The most im portant at all, this policy is made possible three lines with 25 telephone con­ part of the business hqving been dis­ Don’t forget to read display ad­ by the use of the most up to the nections. The annual cost to each' posed of, the assembled members vertisem ent In T hursday’s paper.— m inute machinery and inspectors of member last year was $8.40, a sav­ finished the pleasures of the even­ Swenson. McRae Co, 108-3 national repute. Mr. Worden not ing of $20.00 per year for each cus­ ing with cards. only represents the Portland F lour­ tomer. The officers of the company Confined to Bed— ing Mill as an expert on feed, but are F. C. Holmes, president; A. C. Overcoats a t less than cost, at Mrs. Wm. Myer, of 259 High is the owner of cattle, hogs and a Joy, secretary; C. A. Brown, N. S. P aulserud’s. lO ltf street, is confined to her bed with large flock of hens. Moore and W. B. Bebee, directors. a very severe cold. Orres, Tailors fo r men and wom­ 5 Every sufferer from stomach ’ H ealth Bread. Pure Malted Milk en. Cleaning, pressing and remod­ Soap special: Regular 10c Fairy trouble, gas, belching, sour stomach, Tw ins— 10 cents 8 9 tf eling. 85tf «oap, 5c; regular 15c Fairy soap, 10 nervousneess, dizziness and bilious­ cents; Gold Dust, large package, reg­ ness, should get a box of Mi-O-Na Cliff Payne makes tabourettes. E n tertain F rien ds— stom ach tablets today and s ta rt a The Homer Barron family en ter­ ular 35c, now 25c. W hite House 108-2 treatm ent. G uaranteed by McNair Tax N ot O ff T heater T ickets— tained at th eir ranch house on Groceteria. Bros. There seems to be an erroneous Sunday with a delightful dinner, the notion th at the governm ent has re­ guests W’hich enjoyed the occasion E n tertained a t Cards— Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Briggs, on 5. Almost anything mended Fixlt pealed all taxes on th e ater tickets. were Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Briggs and G ranite street, delightfully en ter­ Shop. This is not the case. W here the ad­ Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Coffman. tained with a dinner and cards, last mission is free, or but 10 cents or Club M eeting— Friday evening, the guests were, Mr. under, there is no tax. On all tick­ Dance K ingsbury Sat. - night, Dec. The W ednesday Afternoon club of ets selling above ten cents th e tax and Mrs. T. J. Coffman, Mr. and Mrs. 14. Leedom’s orchestra. Nuff sed. th e Presbyterian church will meet is the same as it has been for some E. D. Briggs, and Mrs. F ran k Wade. 108-6 tom orrow at the home of Mrs. Otto time. W inter who will be assisted by Miss Genuine Mexrcaa chicken tam ales, The Ghost k in g of the road: New Mabel Russell and Mesdames Icen- Our overcoats m ust go! See prices Dort Motor car. See the Four-Site 20 cents. Endters Confectionery.62tf hower and Leslie. All members and in o u r windows. P au lseru d ’s. lO ltf Sales Agency, Beaver Block. 108ti R ound H ouse Man Sick— women of the congregation are in­ E arl Keene, of Iowa and Liberty vited to attend. H ealth Bread. P u r e M alted M ilk Im provem ent by Local Concern— streets, is confined to his bed with T w ins— 10 cen ts 8 9 tf The Plaza Confectionery have in­ rheum atism . Mr. Keene is locally G enuine Chicken Hot Tamales. stalled one of the newest pop corn employed by the Southern Pacific. The Fountain. R. R. P orter, Prop. H otel A shland G uests— machines on the m arket. It is known 96tf Carl A. Commen, Portland; C. C. as an all electric machine. So easy to operate, an Ideal car A. Marsh, P ortland; D. ,M. Bros- for lady. New Dort Motor car. See C olum bia H otel G uests— seau and wife, Bellingham, W ash.; We deliver the goods.— D etrick’s Four-Site Sales Agency, Beaver H. V. Smith, Portland, A. A. Baley Mrs. M. J. Hack, Portland, D. Van Groceteria. 105tf Block. 108tf and wife, Tacoma; C. P. Gray, San Gilden, San Francisco; L. H ewett, Jose, Calif.; C. A. Arm strong and Seattle; E. W. Johnson, Portland; (Joes to D unsm uir— G oes to W est Point— wife, Seattle; M. D. Bryant, O. F. A. E. Owens and wife, P ortland; Al­ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Angwin, of 93 Word h as been received here by Rickel, Roseburg; W. F. Parry. fred Whalen and wife, P ortland; E. Bush street left yesterday on train to the effect that the state of Ore­ A. W heeler, P ortland; Edwin G. Read special low sales advertise­ Curtis, P ortland; T. E. Penney, P o rt­ 53 for Dunsmuir. Mr. Angwin, who gon has been granted two additional m ent coming in T hursday’s paper, land; F. H. Call, Bellingham, W ash.: is round house foreman at this appointm ents to the United States on goods used in every household.— A. R. Frozier, Portland; E. L. God- point, will attend a m eeting of the M ilitary academy at West Point. foremen of the Shasta division of Swenson McRae Co. 108-3 don, Portland. The men wishing to enter West the Southern Pacific. Point, took a competitive jexamina- nun MB! tion at Salem on November 8 last, and as a result of this examination Ray Clary of Ashland and Harold Savage of Marshfield were selected One ceu ach time. as Oregon’s two appointees. Fay WANT KD. Bragg of Medford and Van W inkle PHYSICIANS. of Albany were selected as first and WILL CARE for one or two small second alternates. children at my home in Ashland OR. ERNEST A. WOODS— Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and It has since been decided th at Ore­ Address Mrs. M. Joseelyn, corner throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and H arrison and Pennsylvania ave. gon will be granted places for four 2 to 6. Swedenburg Bldg,, Ash­ 103-eod-* men in West Point and that the two land, Ore. 78-tf alternates will be given the two ad­ MEN WANTED— At W aite’s Barber J« J. EMMENS— Physician and shop opposite depot. H air cuts, OR- ditional places. Surgeon. Practice limited to 35 cents; shaves, 15 cents. F irst Bragg and Van W inkle will go to eye, ear, nose and throat. Olaater class work guaranteed. 92-lmo* supplied. Oculist and aurlst for Vancouver barracks In March to take S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. FOR SALE. the entrance exaimnations. Bldg., Medford, Ore. Phone 567 FOR SALE— Oakland Six, best of condition, new cord tires, must be DR. MATTIE B. SHAW— Special at- tention to m others and children. sold th is week. See car at Park Internal secretions and endocrine 8a rage. ___________ 10 7-31 ♦ glands. Res. and office, iOM Pio­ B A R B E R FOR SALE— China closet and buf- neer avenue. Telephone 28. Of­ . fet combined. Price $35.00. 662 fice hours, 11 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 C hildren’s W ork A p. m. B s t- 107-4« B U S IN E S S A N 1 O F E S S IO N A L W. A. SHELL Specialty FOR SALE— Fifteen dairy stock DR. SHAW— Physician and Surgeon cows, mostly f r e s h 'th e last two — Eye, ear, nose and th ro at spec­ Safety blades resharpened months. Price reasonable and ialist; glasses fitted. Office, 402 like new. Single bit, 30c good terms. J. W. Bailey, Talent. Medford Bldg., Medford, 10:30 a. 25 c doz. Dobule bit, 60c doz. m. to 6 p. m. Residence, P io ­ 104-6« neer Ave., Ashland, m orning and FOR SALE— Wood, 16 inch body evenings. Phone 28. fir, 16 inch pine, m anzanita and C. B. L A K E I N TRANS1TR AND EXPRESS. oak mixed. Phone 426-J, or call 1219 g. Main St. J. M. Burns. 91tf FOR prompt and careful service, BARGAINS IN REAL FOR SALE— REAL ESTATE. j auto trucks or horse drays, call ESTATE W hittle Transfer Co. Phone 11?. FOR SALE— An acre in 10 year old Office, 89 Oak street near Hotel English W alnuts, facing Straw ­ Ashland. 56t( berry ju st off G ranite St., wonder­ City and Ranch Properties ful location, being opposite the T. L. POWELL— GENERAL TRANS H ouses to R ent park and mineral w ater fountain. FER — Good team and motor­ Only $1500 if taken a t once. W. trucks. Good service at a reason- M. Barber, 153 Granite. 109-1 able price. Phone 83 CITIZEN’S BANK BUILDING FOR SALE OR RENT— 166 feet EXPERT CAR WASHING and pollsh- frontage on Gibson Ave., Talent, 2 _j£g- ^Ufala Garage, phone 114. room house, chicken houses, etc., fine well, all fenced, new. Owner FOR RENT. has to leave. Apply to E. Monson. Talent. 108-6 FOR RENT— 2 and 3 room furn ished apartm ents, adults only TRY R. D. SANFORD, 399 Beach close in. Inquire 166 Hargadim — Many accidents suddenly turn St., for all classes of Real Estate, — phone 122. *109t the fire that propels automobiles forenoons. 103-lmo* and trucks into a raging force FOR RENT— 6 room house, cement th at destroys them. The building ATTENTION — Have acreage on basement, garage, wood shed. in which your autom obile is kept which we could take town prop­ • Phone 9-F-4. 108-2 erty, p art payment. Also 'some is always liable to burn, and your large acreage tracts, Eugene, FOR RENT— Furnished large sleep­ car with it. Can you stand the K lam ath county, Roseburg, Cali­ loss of $2000, $1500, $1000, or ing room with use of kitchen fornia, for Ashland real estate.— even $500, w ithoi* feeling the Phone 340-J. 108tl toss? Yockey, R ealtors, phone 146. 101-nn FOR RENT— 54 room unfurnished The only safe way is to protect house, close in on H argadine St.: your car from loss by fire with a also furnished sleeping rooms. See good insurance policy. You can FOR SALE— 400 acre stock ranch, Orres at Tailor Shop. 108-2 Dead Indian, 200 acres meadow, also buy protection from loss by balance good pine and fir tim ber, theft, collision, and your liability Saw’mill on place equipped with TO RENT— To respectable people, a for damage to an o th er’s property few rooms with steam heat, hot band saws also planer, good little or for injury to other persons. plant. and cold running w ater and use — If your car is worth having, it of bath. One person, $6.00 per Ranch is equipped with all ma­ is worth Insuring. Do it today. week; two pereons, $8.00 per chinery to run, also will put in It's b etter to play safe than be week. Hotel Ashland. 88tf some good horses and a few cottle. forever sorry. Good buildings. DRESSMAKING 160 acre place 4 miles north east of Ashland, 30 acres cultivated, bal­ DRESSMAKING— Mrs. E. F. Gattis, ance pasture. For price and term s 6 3 Gresham street. 106-6« on this property see H. L. Moore, R EAL ESTATE A INSURANCE 364 Vista St., phone 187-J. E stablished 1888 PLUMBING 107eod3* P hon e 2 1 Î 41 E . Main St. PRONE your next job of plumbing EXPERT CAR REPAIRING a t rea­ to Jerry O'Neal, Beaver Building. sonable prices. L ithia Garage. Phono 138. Burned to Junk Billings Agency SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce to the public that we have taken on exclusively OLYMPIC PRODUCTS Consisting of a full line of Chicken, Dairy and Hog Feeds The wonderful results secured by all Olympic Feeds is the proof positive of highest quality ingredients and unvarying uniformity m mixing. The aforementioned statement is the first demand made by all scientific and commercial feeders. Olympic Dried Buttermilk Mash * n has an uneQualled record through all PACIFIC STATES, INCLUDING OREGON WASH­ INGTON AND CALIFORNIA, and is made possible by three factors not obtainable in any other feeds, and are as follows: lst~01ympie Dried Buttermilk Mash prolongs the life oi the high pro­ ducing hen. 2nd-Increases the egg output of the hen. 3rd-Increases the weight of the egg. 1 The above mentioned factors being obtained by high digest- “ U-ity and assimilation due to the animal protein derived from M IL K and which is a recognized fact the world over. In past years it was thought that high egg production could not be obtained other than with the use of meat and fish meals, but all seekers after undisputed truth pertaining to the hen have conceded that .milk proteins are the unlisputed base of high egg production. There are many commercial feeders that have a local sup­ ply of milk necessary for the consumption of the hen, as well as many that are still holding to the egg mashes with a base of meat, fish and vehetable proteins and to meet the demand the Portland Flouring Mills have before the public Olympic .Egg Builder. This feed has for a protein base the highest grade of fish and meat meal, together with linseed oil meal, all of which must come up to the highest possible test and is supervised and inspected by Olympic representatives of na­ tional reputation. Both of the above mentioned Egg Mashes carry the maxi­ mum amount of protein for highest safe egg production, and all feeders when feeding have no fears of many troubles arising from improper, unbalanced rations, for all Olympic ingredients are of the highest value obtained in the markets of the world. SQUARE DEAL GROCERY 383 EAST MAIN STREET—ASHLAND Phone 37 TttttJSk E. W. FLACKUS — ALDEN POWELL Proprietors