I b H H AMHJLAMU DAILÏ TIDING« t< C. T. U. woman for many years and black Tartarians. 20’c, 234 boxes; have taken into consideration all lo- advanced to growers' account Dan was local secretary of Ashland un­ R oyal A nnes, 10’s, 135 boxes; R oyal cal freight and express shipments Wuille Co., 4433 boxes at 25c per box, $1 1 0 8 .2 5 ; to ta l, $34,075.78. il A nnes, 20’s, 778 boxes; R oyal Aftnes ad d ed to o u r c a r lo: sh ip m e n ts. ion when she died. L iab ilities She was also an active member of 3 0 ’s, 40 boxes; O x h e a rts, 2 0 ’s, 24 Statem ent o f R esources and L iabili­ Improved in H e a lth - Due bank. $9000.00. tie s of th e A shland Fruit and Pro­ the W. R. C., as well as several boxes: B ings. 10’s, 594 boxes; B ings, Grandma Sandora, mother of W. N et w o rth J a n . 1, 1922, $25,- duce A ssociation, Decem ber 81. We are qp-town agenta for Pure G. Sanders, la reported to be much church organizations and was willing 30's, 27 boxes; L a m b e rts , 10's. 27 5 1921. 075.78, Malted Milk Twin Loavea-»-T0 cents. Improved in health atfer her recent beyond what she was physically able boxes; L a m b e rts , 2 0 ’s, 343 boxes; N et w o rth J a n . 1, 1921, $21,- R e so u rce s Detrick’s Groceteria. 106tf illness. L a m b e rts, 3 0 ’s, 18 boxes; B lack R e ­ to do to keep in all departments. 302.92. M erch an d ise, stock on h an d , p re s-, She was an exceedingly big heart­ p u b lic a n s, 2 0 ’s, 21 boxes: to ta l, 3246 G ain fo r y e a r 1921, $3772.86. e n t v alu e, $7 8 9 6 .1 0 ; office su p p lies,! Grand Jury In February— ed woman and loved folks to the ex­ boxes. Dew Drop Inn— tor lunches. Total Sales for Years $ 1 6 6 .2 0 ; office f u r n itu r e and fix-1 The next session of the grand Peaches tent that she was always wanting to jury will be called the third Monday Had to come to it. Regular city help the other fellow. A lex an d ers a n d W h e ele rs, 378 tu re s , $ 4 5 0.20; w a re h o u se equip- 1915, $ 1 4 ,7 6 0 .0 9 ; 15 c a rs. 1916, $45,028.10; 51 cars. in February. When the jury com­ delivery. Detrick’s Groceteria. 105tf COLLAPSE OF COALITION WILL She will be missed by the host of boxes; H ales E a rly , 495 boxes; in ent $ 1 3 1 7 .1 0 ; un ex p ired ln su r- 1917, $76,367.63; 81 cars. ance. $ 1 9 6 .0 0 ; w a re h o u se b u ild in g pletes the work of the February NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THE friends who knew and loved her. C ra w fo rd s E a rly , 1791 boxes; C ra w ­ 1918, $ 5 8 ,0 6 5 .8 0 ; 37 c a rs. term, a new grand Jury will be Visits Sick— DOWNFALL OF EMPIRE’S AS­ fo rd s L a te, 631 boxes; E lb e rta s a n d re a l e s ta te , $ 1 6 .5 0 0 .0 0 ; book! 1919, $ 1 5 0 ,0 6 9 .4 5 ; 90 c a rs. drawn. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yeo, Mrs. Wil­ TUTE WELSH PREMIER, LLOYD TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS 3220 boxes; S alw avs an d K ru m els, a c c o u n ts, good, $ 4 9 7 2 .5 4 ; less 10 1920, $ 1 6 2 ,3 6 3 .4 1 ; 89 c a rs. p e r cen t, $497.24, $ 4 4 7 5 .3 0 ; cash on liam Yoe and Mrs. Maggie Culbert­ GEORGE. IN CONTRABAND OPIUM GRAB 4638 b oxes; M uirs, 411 boxes; 1921, $ 1 3 7 ,1 9 7 .7 0 ; 109 c a rs. C lings a s so rte d , 141 boxes; m is c e l-( h a n d aDd in b a n k , $ 1 9 6 7 .6 3 ; cash Spring clothes pin, special 3 doz. son of this city were Medford visit­ SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 9.— Cus- 19c, at White House Groceteria. ors Sunday. They visited Mrs. Bert LONDON, Jan. 9.— The political tome officers today discovered 120 lan e o u s v a rie tie s, 594 boxes; to ta l 108-2 Sargent who is ill at the Sacred , future of the prime minister is the cans of smoking opium behind false 12,299 boxes. Heart hospital at Medford. A ssorted F riu ts most talked-of subject throughout vanels in the bar room of the China Automobiles insured at right rates. P lu m s a n d p ru n e s , 20 lb. boxes, 850 Great Britain. When he appeals to Mail liner Nanking. LEAVING TONIGHT Soap special: Regular 10c Fairy Yeo of course. 107-tf boxes; a p ric o ts a n d n e c ta rin e s , 2 0 ’s, the country for a new lease of power Wong Wai, bar boy, was arrested, soap, 5c; regular 15c Fairy soap, 10 within the next few months, will he pending investigation. The officers 106 boxes; g ra p e s, m isc e llan e o u s v a­ cents; Gold Dust, large package, reg­ L. J. Orris C hanges Location— be able to retain his position? said the confiscated property wa!s rie tie s , 350 c ra te s ; T okay g rap e s. L. J. Orris, the tailor, the man ular 35c, now 25c. White House 565 c ra te s ; c ra b a p p le s, 2 0 ’s, 162 The coalition government is quick­ worth $12,000. 108-2 who has helped to clothe Ashland Groceteria. boxes. T o ta l, 2033 boxes. ly breaking up. It is hated by liber­ for the past ten years, has moved Pears Don’t forget to read display ad­ als and tories, while labor will have ASHLAND FRUIT-PRODUCE from his location on East Main S u g a r a n d S eckel, 2540 lb s.; B art- nothing to do with It. It Is so un­ HOLDS ANNUAL MEET street, to room 1 in the Beaver block vertisement in Thursday’s paper.— popular that no candidate at an elec­ le tts , 159,467 lb s.; De A n jo u s, 51,-: (Continued rrom Page 1) 108-3 annex. Mr. Orris is one of our most Swenson, McRae Co. 625 lb s.; Bose a n d Com ice, 34,895 — Tn- tion dare brand himself as a coal­ progressive tailors and a great be­ bate. The question of the reduction lbs.; W in te r N ellis, 28,840 lb s.; itionist. liever in Ashland, came here from Dinner and T heater P arty— Neither the Irish settlement nor of commissions was left entirely to H ow ells, 25,760 lb s.; F a ll B u tters, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jordan, of 678 Humbolt, Iowa, in 1907, and has the results of the Washington con­ the discretion of the board of direc­ 4585 lb s.; a s so rte d v a rie tie s, 6945 tors. been in the tailoring business since Boulevard, delightfully entertained lbs. T o ta l, 314,657 lbs. ference have increased the standing You will like her b etter than 1912. Today he is inaugurating a a party of friends with a dinner and The newly elected directors are Apples of the government in the slightest smiling face contest with five, two- theater party on Sunday evening. S. A. Peters Sr., T. S. Wiley and F. STARTS ever in this picture 20 lb. boxes, 258; 50 lb. boxes degree. fifty and one dollar as first, second Covers were laid for eleven. The L. Nutter; the holdovers are Sam A. 9 4 8 ; boxes to pack, 4 1 ,5 2 0 ; to ta l, TODAY Therefore, the premier, without a and third prizes, these prizes to go guests of the evening were, Mr. and Evans and W. G. Sander. 4 2 ,7 2 6 ; less boxes on flo o r J a n . 1, party or organization of his own, to the children bringing him the Mrs. J. S. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. W. a 1922, 2470— 40,256. finds himself apparently tied to a most smiling faces, cut from maga­ F. Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Edward B u sin ess S tatem ent for Season of V e g e ta b le s mass of unpopularity which must zines and newspapers with part of Corling and daughter, and Mr. and 1921, A shland Fruit, and Produce T o m a to e s, 2 0 ’s, 3055 boxes; bell break into its component parts— the advertisement attached. Association. Mrs. Alfred Beck. p e p p e rs, 5300 lb s.; sack ed v e g e ta ­ thus ceasing to exist— and be, either B erries b les ( a s s o r te d ) , 60,500 lbs.; b u n ch ed singly or as a whole, snowed under NOTICE Fresh eggs, 40c at White House Gooseberries, 1320 lbs., 100 boxes; v e g e ta b le s ( a s s o r te d ) , 7480 doz. ! in the coming fight. Lloyd George Pre-war prices on made-to-meas­ Groceteria. Why pay more? 108-2 strawberries, 130 crates; raspber­ Eggs is far too astute to be caught in ure suit«. The recent reduction in ries, 700 crates; loganberries, 128 A v e ra g e p ric e 31 % c doz., 46,497 Read special low sales advertise­ this fashion. When the coalition crates; blackberries (all varieties), woolens made by the Bruner Wool­ doz., 1550 cases. breaks, Lloyd George will be a lead­ en Co., of Chicago, and just received ment coming in Thursday’s paper, 3047 crates; currants, 33 crates; to­ T o ta l n u m b e r c a rs f r u its a n d v e g e - • “No Woman Knows,’’ originally written as “ Fanny er without a party. Therefore he has tal, 4138 crates. makes it possible for us to sell and on goods used in every household.— ta b le s sh ip p e d , 78; to ta l n’unibei Herself’’ by Edna Ferber and read by thousands in the 108-3 decided to form a party of his own. make suits at home for $25.00 to Swenson McRae Co. Cherries c a rs fee d , sh o o k , s p ra y , e tc ., r e ­ To do this he has to find his chief American Mao-azine. $50.00. Call in and see the sam­ May Dukes and pie cherries, 73 ceived. 3 1; to ta l n u m b e r c a rs used.! adherents. First of all, he has Visitor from Washington— ples. We do cleaning, pressing, al­ crates; black Taratarians, 82 crates; 109. Frank Patterson of Medford is en­ picked those members whom he does tering and dying as It ought to be In a r r iv in g a t th e s e to ta ls w e ' not need. Of these, Austin Cham­ TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY done. K. Nelson, at Hotel Ashland joying a visit from his mother who has been in Washington with her berlain comes first. He is unpopu- Bldg. 10«-# POR RENT— 6 room house, cement ar and would permeate the new par­ daughter for some time. basement, garage, wood shed. ty with the old Toryism. Lord Cur- Phone 9-F-4. 108-2 Another bargain. 4 rooms and So easy to operate, an ideal car zon comes next. Useful in some bath, lot 37 x 132. $900.00, cash for lady. New Dort Motor car. See ways, he is a Jonah when it comes FOR RENT— Furnished large sleep­ ing room with use of kitchen. S U C C E S S O R TO C. H. VAUPEL $200 or $300. Act quick. Ashland Four-Site Sales Agency, Beaver to active politics. Balfour doesn’t Phone 340-J. 108tf Realty Company, opposite City Hall. Block. 108tf matter either way— he Is a, very old 107-tf man. Worthington Evans, secre­ FOR RENT— 5 room unfurnished house, close In on Hargadine St.; Art Club Meeting— tary of the war department, and also furnished sleeping rooms. See R etu rn from Northern V isit— The regular meeting of the Ladies’ Stanley Baldwin, secretary o f the Orres at Tailor Shop. 108-2 Mrs. Nellie Conner and daughter, Art Club will be held this evening in board of trade, Lord Lee of Far- FOR SALE OR RENT— 166 feet Mrs. Frank Hanna, of 319 East Main Pioneer Hall at 7:30. A warm wel­ cham are three fairly able medioc­ frontage on Gibson Ave., Talent, 2 street, returned Sunday from their come is extended to all members by rities. room house, chicken houses, etc., visit with relatives and friends in the hostesses, Mrs. A. C. Briggs and fine well, all fenced, new. Owner The two men whose co-operation Seattle, Tacoma and Portland. has to leave. Apply to E. Monson. Mrs. Sam McNair. stood out absolutely necessary are Talent. 108-6 Winston Churchill and Lord Birkin- Thinking insurance, talking Insur­ Dance Kingsbury Sat. night, Dec. FOR SALE— Our breeding stock of ance, dreaming Insurance. Yeo, ol ;.4. Leedom’s orchestra. Nuff sed. head. Next to the premier they are Tancred White Leghorns; pen of the two most powerful forces in 107-tf course. sixty; thirty two year hens 108-6 British politics. Both are marked with trap nest records of 225 to out for the premiership, and Lloyd 250 eggs in pullet year; thirty Oregon creamery butter, special T ravel T hrough Snow — next season hatch with rceords of George says that he does not mind 39 cents pound. Detrick’s Groce- The Thos. McKlnnis family who which gets it after he is through 200 or over from a Tancred Royal teriä. We sell for less. cockerel mating. Price for pen, left here for Pleasant Hill just be­ with the job. Then comes Sir Rob­ (CONTRACT GOODS ALONE EXCEPTED) $90.00. E. S. Morrison, Automo­ fore the holidays, write back to ert Horne, who within a few years tive Shop. 108-3 P ortlan d V isitor— friends that they motored through has risen to be chancellor of the ex­ Mrs. J.*M. Dietrich, of Portland, In a day and traveled through snow chequer. Next came the two very THE FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY arrived yesterday on train 13 to visit — Business Brokers, Businesses all the way after leaving Grants able millionaire Jews, Sir Alfred sold, partnerships formed, dealers her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Pass arriving in Pleasant Hill about Mond and Edwin S. Montagu, and so in leases, mortgages, bonds, etc. Shriner, at 467 Scenic Drive. 45 in the evening. Consult the Four-Site Sales Agen­ on to the second raters. Together cy (Grants Pass, Medford, Ash­ Nice Dry Wood! also Blox. Aah- these represenet liberalism and tory land, Klamath F alls). Fourth The Ghost King of the road: New 92tf land Lumber Co., phone 20. ism in about equal sections. Their floor Medford Bldg., Medford, Wool Coating now $2.75! SALE OF HAND BAGS WEAR WELL BLANKETS Dort Motor car. See the Four-Site phone 900; first floor Beaver one party principle Is allegiance to 52 in. wide heavv wool coat- Block, Ashland, phone 4. Trans­ Our 28c bacon is a winner. Try Sales Agency,.' Beaver Block. 108tf Lloyd George, coupld with success actions confidential. No sale, no ' ing, new colors. It out, not a special, a regular. White at the forthcoming election. M issionary M eeting — c h a r g e . 1 0 8 t f — ------------------------------- ------------- House Groceteria. 108-2 The program will be of a gently The Woman’s Missionary society (Fine bleached muslin, now 1 --------- of the Christian church met Friday progressive nature but strongly anti- lGc yard F rom Y r e k a - afternoon at the church. Special socialistic and antl-communistic. Op­ Mr. John Morgan, a former Ash­ mus'c was rendered by Mrs. Jessie position to bolshevism will be one F ancy O uting Flannel, now land resident, but now of Yreka, Is Judkins and Mrs. Ruby Harvey. Oth­ of its chief planks. Moderate social LISTEN, LADIES! 13c yard spending a couple of days here vis­ You know , d ear lad ies, there ers on the program were Mrs. J. V. reforms will loom large. This party iting relatives and friends. is som etim es food, Wright, Mrs. Laura Rowley, M>s Lloyd George will lead unchallenged. ¡School Day Cloth, 32 inches T h at is b etter th an oth ers for F. C. Wilmot, Mrs. W. A. Cooper, It will doubtless attract an enormous your good. wide, now 32‘c yard. Will party who took fur neck piece I ’ll prom ise you som eth in g, so and Mrs. Josephine Chample. Fol­ amount of support throughout the from rack at Sanatorium by mistake lowing the meeting refreshments country, particularly among women, don’t b e denied. Comforter size ^cotton-hat please return. Reward. 107-3t U n til you h ave fou n d it, and were served by Mrs. Delpha Bryant to Whom the old party names mean need s supplied. now, 85c. and Mrs. Luke Bonniu to all pres­ little or nothing. Cliff Payne makes tabourettes. OHERRO FLOUR On these lines the premier be­ ent. Sam ple line of W earw ellj 36 in heavy O uting Flannel, A Hard W heat F lo u r o f Fam ous lieves he can again sweep the coun­ m en d — G uaranteed G one to P en d leton — blankets, wool and cotton, (now 19c. try at the election which Is at hand. VISITS AFTER TWENTY YEARS W. F. Buchner and family, from Consequently he looks forward to wool finish and cotton, now Best quality Dress Gingham heat Inn- hand bags in sever- east of town, left Saturday for Pen another long term of untrammelled one-fourth off. now 21c yard. (al good styles to choose dleton, where they will visit their F orm er A shland School P rincipal power. — — — ... z: ; from. W arranted real leath- son for a time. V isits Old F rien ds Silk and Dress Goods utui*ai Genuine Mexican chicken tamales, h cents. Enders Confectionery.6Iti STARTS PARTY TO E CLAYTON ETHEL "Exit the Vamp” ee No Every Article Reduced oman Know s" E. R. IS A A C & CO. THE Q U A L IT Y S T O R E Every Article Reduced OUR FIRST ANNUAL EVERY A R T IC L E “ N o M a tte r W h a t Y o u B u y Y o u B u y F o r L e ss” A Good Time To Buy Domestics CHERRO CHIMES They all come back. After twenty Butter any kind, 80c per roll 2 years pent In various parts of the ♦ O B IT Ü A B I ♦ lbs.. White House Groceteria. 108-2 northwest, Robert A. Hopkins, prin­ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a cipal of the North school where the Fixlt Shop, new location, Beaver Mrs. Ella White’s funeral was block. 105-3 Junior high school now stands, re­ turned to Ashland Saturday for a conducted at the family residence on brief visit with friends for the sake Mountain avenue Sunday afternoon To Come Back— The F. D. Swingles, who are of “Auld Lang Syne.” Mr. Hopkins with Mrs. Josephine Chample and spending the winter in Santflego, is with a Portland company, monu- the W. R. C. ladies officiating. The write to Ashland friends that they facturing waterproofing preparation following notes were read: Miss Ella Clemens was born at are enjoying it there, but still think and left for his northern headquart­ ers after reviewing old times. Troy, 111., in 1864. Ashland is the best place yet and Mr. Hopkins concluded his teach­ She was married in 1890 to Ed plan to come back in the spring. ing days in city, afterward going to Rial, to this union was born 5 chil­ Health Bread. Pure Malted Milk Spokane, Wash., and later locating dren of which only one survives 80tt at Portland. Because of the birth Mrs. Minnie Henson of Ashland, Or Twine— 10 cents Mr. Rial died in 1905 and his wid­ of his son, Alfred C. Hopkins here For business opportunities in he has many pleasant memories of ow was married to Ed White of Ash land, Or., April 1919. Southern Oregon, consult the Four- Ashland. Mr. White passed away June 13 Mr. Hopkins’ father-in-law, Wil­ Site Sales Agency, Beaver Block, phone 4. 108tf liam Huse, formerly published an 1921. Mrs. Whfte following Her Ashland newspaper here known as husband into the Great Beyond Fri­ We deliver the goods.— Detrick’s Town Talk. Mr. Huse afterwards day Jan. 6, after an illness of several Groceteria. 105tf moved to Klamath Falls where he weeks. Mrs. White united with the M. E published the Record, later selling his Interests there. Gene Huse, son church when about 14 years of age, V isits from M edford— O. N. Wilson and family of Med of the one time Ashland publisher, later taking membership with the ford visited at the O. W. Fraley is owner of the Wayne Herald, Christian church and the last place home on Mountain avenue on Sun­ Wayne, Neb. a paper recognised in Mrs. White went before her illness day. Mr. Wilson Is a brother of newspaperdom as the best country was to the Christian Bible school. Mrs. White has been a faithful W. weekly in the United States. Mrs. C. W. Fraley. ICY-HOT Bottles and Lunch Kits COLD DAYS AND NIGHTS ARE NOT SO BAD WHEN THE “ ICY-HOT” IS AT HAND WITH ITS STEAM­ ING COFFEE, TEA OR COCOA. Get one now at 3b inch line